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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Apr 11 00:24:05 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Dec 22 13:08:31 2007

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Solar System:
Satellites & Summary

Melissa A. McGrath

Space Telescope Science Institute

Broad Goals (COMPLEX, NASA strategic plan)


Determine the evolutionary processes that led to the diversity of Solar System bodies and the uniqueness of Earth Use the other objects of our Solar System as natural science laboratories

Solar System science is different because s/c exploration makes many of our targets more observationally mature. [We are doing a lot more "weather" than the rest of you...]



Ice rafting

Karkoschka 1998

Satellites science with HST: Greatest Hits



Saturn facing


Smith et al. 1996

Detection of tenuous oxygen atmospheres on Europa & Ganymede

1356/1304 ratio ~ 1-2 Þ O2 gas

Hall et al. 1994 Hall et al. 1998

GHRS spectroscopy

Galileo discovery of a magnetic field

on Ganymede Aurora on Ganymede confirmed by HST

Gurnett et al. 1996 Kivelson et al. 1996

OI] 1356A emission
STIS imaging spectroscopy Feldman et al. 2000

Detection of solid state absorbers on many icy satellites
n n n

SO2 in ice on Europa and Callisto O3 in ice on Ganymede, Rhea, Dione O2 (solid state) on Ganymede

FOS Spectroscopy Noll et al. 1995, 1996, 1997; Calvin and Spencer 1997

Saturn Ring Plane crossing

Triton stellar occultation FGS scan ­ Elliot et al. 1998

Global warming on Triton

Model-derived T and P

Pluto ­ methane ice

Charon ­ water ice

Figure courtesy M. Buie, W. Grundy Lowell Observatory

Io: The most observed satellite
Given its small size, and location deep within the gravitational well and magnetic cavity, it has a huge impact on the Jovian system...

Io & the Jovian magnetosphere

Io plasma torus

Io, 6Rj 1028 S,O/sec
Diagram courtesy John Spencer, Lowell Observatory

Relative motion of plasma & satellite: induces corotational E field Ei = -vrel x B 57km/sec x 2000nT ~500kV potential across Io drives currents of few x 106 Amps

Satellite signatures in the Jovian aurora



HST/STIS image courtesy John Clarke

Sodium Cloud
Mendillo et al.

Meaningful studies of the Io volcanoes from Earth vicinity

HST/WFPC2 - Pele Spencer et al. 1997

Plume spectroscopy

Detection of SO2, SO

FOS 0.3" aperture Pele volcano McGrath et al. 2000

atomic sulfur emission

Plume spectroscopy
Detection of S2 in the Pele plume

STIS long-slit spectroscopy of Pele plume

Specner et al. 2000

HI Lyman- images (1215.67A) of Io Dark = more SO2 gas

A "picture" of the SO2 atmosphere

1998 observations Feldman et al. 2000

ü Surface T is not axisymmetric, it's colder at poles ü Atmosphere is not global, it falls off w/ latitude ü Atmosphere is obviously variable

1999 observations McGrath et al. 2001

"Aurora" on Io

OI] 1356 emission
Roesler et al. 1999

Motion of "spots" changes with B field orientation

Upcoming missions of relevance for satellites
n n

Cassini at Saturn: 2004-2008 (nominal) Outer planets mission priorities beyond Cassini:


Pluto: earliest possible arrival 2015, KBO arrival ~2025 Europa orbiter: date unclear at this time

Satellite science w/ next UV/opt telescope(s)


Galilean satellites will continue to be primary targets ­ we are still (almost always) photon starved in the UV Enhanced capabilities will:



In future there will be a bigger focus on nitrogen (N2, NH3) in the outer solar system (Titan, Triton, Pluto, Charon atmospheres and surfaces). Cryovolcanism may be important on more distant icy satellites (and there are lots of them!). Another Saturn ring-plane crossing in 2010, then 2024

Allow detailed follow-up to Cassini w/ "Io-like" science for Titan and mid-size Saturn satellites Open up the distant solar system (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto/ Charon, etc.), which remains largely unexplored


Possible for Triton (& others?)

Spencer et al. 1997

Other compelling reasons to support solar system science w/ NHST

Serendipity ­ SL9 was one of the greatest events of all time w/ HST Synergy with other NASA missions (HST-Galileo; HST-Cassini; HST-Lunar Prospector; HST-Chandra; HST-MGS) It sells well in Peoria (=Capitol Hill) Planetary science is very popular, and is PR'd disproportionate to the actual amount of observing time (~5% per cycle with HST)



Why the UV?

Ground-state/resonance transitions of many atoms, ions, and molecules.
« «

H2, H, O, C, S, N, SO2, S2, N2, CO, CO2, ... Io and its plasma torus have perhaps the richest S,O emission line spectra known


Many UV absorbers important for planetary atmospheres: hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, etc.); NH3; SO2, SO, S2, ... Their solar type spectrum, combined with very low UV reflectivities combine to give very UV continuum compared to the visible, making energetic emission line processes such as aurorae and dayglow detectable.


Jovian aurora not detectable in (visible) H from Earth

Summary & Discussion lead-in

First: don't preclude planetary observations in the early stages. (E.g., level 2 requirements do not preclude moving target tracking for NGST.) Then: at minimum do the simple things that enable planetary observations. « Example: many missions (IUE, HST, HUT) have solar avoidance limit that (barely) precludes Venus. Is this technically necessary, or "historical"?



Moving target tracking « Include requirement for capability from the beginning or it probably won't happen. « It can be relatively simple and low-cost. More "modes" is not always the answer « Example: planetary slits on STIS (not being used)


FOV/spatial resolution

High resolution imaging channel large enough for Jupiter (=large enough for Saturn+rings), ~50"




FOV/spatial resolution

Large FOV (degrees) desirable for KBOs and comets. But, ~400 KBOs now known, many more expected by 2010 from g-b searches. Like HST & NGST, HST IIs niche will be the small, faint end of the distribution, which does not require large FOV. As many resolution elements as possible for small targets: Pluto (<0.09 "), Triton (<0.13 ") Fiducial: 8m @ 0.25µm = 15 (/D)s across Pluto


Pluto/Charon FOC imaging: Pluto ~7.5 pxs diameter (~3 /D), 0.92" separation

Albrect et al. 1994

Stern et al. 1997


For almost all the science we've shown today we are still photon starved in the UV. The very factors that make the UV emissions detectable also makes them hard to detect... How much more? As much as we can possibly get, both via the aperture and the detector technology improvements. For example, the UV emission N2/N spectrum of Titan has not been detected (at all) since 1980 by the Voyager UVS, and it too should have an interesting interaction with the Saturn magnetosphere



Spectral coverage
n n n n

Solar blind detectors are critical Ly is important (Þ above geocorona) UV below Ly is important Near-UV is important

Spectral resolution/Slits


R = 10,000 adequate for most problems; 30,000 would give Doppler shifts and winds on, e.g., Io Slits: long & narrow like STIS
« «

Long for throughput and spatial information Narrow for spectral resolution on large, extended targets [slit width = resolution element]


Slitless spectroscopy useful (e.g., STIS on Galilean satellites)


Europa geocoronal emission

HST/STIS imaging spectroscopy

McGrath et al. 2001

Distribution of dense-phase (sub-surface) O2 on Ganymede
FOS spectroscopy Calvin and Spencer 1997

Temporal coverage (synoptic monitoring)

Time-tag/rapid read out (~0.1s resolution) is important (e.g., occultations) Low Earth Orbit gives no CVZ for solar system targets Many problems could be addressed w/ relatively small (HST class) aperture with continuous time coverage (planetary weather/climate, aurorae, satellite -magnetosphere interactions) Smaller solar avoidance to allow Venus, comets in inner solar system (HST limit is 50o)




Upcoming missions of relevance for Solar System
n n

Cassini at Saturn: 2004-2008 (nominal) Outer planets mission priorities beyond Cassini: « Pluto: earliest possible arrival 2015 « Europa orbiter: date unclear at this Upcoming NASA & ESA « On-going Mars at most 24-month opportunities « Contour & Rosetta (comets) « Deep Impact (comet penetrator ) « Messenger & Beppo-Colombo (Mercury) « DAWN (asteroids) New Frontiers line ($600M cap) in President's 2003 budget



There is a lot of commonality with needs/interests already discussed
n n n n n n n

H2 and H emission (aurorae) Desire to get above geocorona Desire to go below Ly Imaging spectroscopy Synoptic monitorin 1 mas in the UV "weather" J