About The Event
Monday, October 5-Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The goal of this workshop is to bring together the communities studying feedback in the Magellanic Clouds on both stellar and galactic scales. As the nearest gas-rich dwarf galaxies, the Magellanic Clouds offer a superb opportunity for studying the radiative, chemical, and mechanical feedback from star formation at high spatial resolution. We will discuss recent multi-wavelength observations that trace the impact of star formation in the Magellanic Clouds on the surrounding interstellar medium, and on the larger-scale evolution of the two galaxies. A broader objective is to explore the role of feedback in the Magellanic Clouds in the context of other dwarf galaxies. Topics to be addressed include:
- MC stellar feedback in mechanical, radiative, and chemical forms
- MC feedback on cluster scales
- MC feedback on galactic scales
- MC feedback from theoretical and numerical perspectives
- MC feedback in the context of other dwarf galaxies
Space permitting, workshop talks are open to astronomers from all local (Maryland & Washington DC) institutions without registering.
The registration fee is $150.00 USD, and will cover breakfast and coffee breaks. A separate fee will be charged for the workshop dinner to be held on October 6, 2015.
Important dates:
- August 31, 2015: Registration closes. Registration will close sooner if maximum capacity is reached.
- October 5, 2015: Workshop begins
Due to unexpected demand for attendance, registration is currently limited only to those who submitted abstracts. Others interested in participating should email fimc_workshop@stsci.edu to be added to the wait list.
For more information, visit: http://www.cvent.com/d/rrq4xj
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Gurtina Besla
- Martha Boyer
- Paul Crowther
- Jim Dale
- Jay Gallagher
- Eva Grebel
- Stephen Justham
- Nicolas Lehner
- Jacco van Loon
- Eve Ostriker
- Snezana Stanimirovic
- Tea Temim
- Leisa Townsley
Organizing Committee
- Bill Blair
- Alex Fullerton
- Andrew Fox (chair)
- Sherita Hanna (coordinator)
- Margaret Meixner
- Julia Roman-Duval
- Elena Sabbi (co-chair)
- Hugues Sana
- Linda Smith
- Roeland van der Marel
- Nolan Walborn