Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.stsci.edu/hst/wfc3/analysis/grism_obs/embed_subs.py
Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Tue Feb 5 16:19:52 2013

Поисковые слова: cygnus
# embed_subs.py: Can be used to embed WFC3 images taken in subarray
# readout mode into a blank full-frame image. Requires the _flt.fits
# and _spt.fits files as input for each image to be processed.
# Wildcards may be used in the input string, e.g. *flt.fits, in order
# to process many files in one run.
# A new output _flt.fits file will be created for each input file,
# with the new file having the same rootname as the old, but with the
# final character (often a "q") replaced with the letter "f". The full
# SCI, ERR, DQ structure (for UVIS exposures) and SCI, ERR, DQ, SAMP, TIME
# structure (for IR exposures) is reproduced in the output _flt file.
# The SCI and ERR values for the pixels outside the original subarray
# region will be set to zero, and the DQ values will be set to 4, in
# order to indicate that those pixels should not be used in any subsequent
# processing or analysis.
# H. Bushouse (STScI)
# Sept. 2011
import pyfits
import glob
import numpy

# Set some image dimension constants to be used later
uvis_a1_size = 4096
uvis_a2_size = 2051
serial_over = 25.0
ir_a1_size = 1014
ir_a2_size = 1014
ir_overscan = 5.0

# Get the list of input FLT images from the user
pattern = raw_input ("Enter FLT file name(s): ")
flist = glob.glob(pattern)
if len(flist) == 0:
print ("ERROR: No files found matching '%s'" % pattern)

# Loop over the list of input images
for file in flist:

# Make sure the input name conforms to normal style
if file.find('_flt') < 0:
print ("Warning: Can't properly parse '%s'; Skipping" % file)

# Extract the root name and build SPT and output file names
root = file[0:file.find('_flt')]
flt = file
spt = root + '_spt.fits'
full = root[0:len(root)-1] + 'f_flt.fits'

print (" Processing input files '%s' and '%s' ..." % (flt,spt))

# Open the input FLT and SPT files
fd1=pyfits.open(flt, 'readonly')
except IOError:
print ("ERROR: Can't open file %s" % flt)
fd2=pyfits.open(spt, 'readonly')
except IOError:
print ("ERROR: Can't open file %s" % spt)

# Get keyword values that describe image type and size
sizaxis1 = numcols
sizaxis2 = numrows

# Get crpix values that will need modifying later
crpix1 = fd1[1].header['CRPIX1']
crpix2 = fd1[1].header['CRPIX2']
if fd1[1].header.has_key('ocrpix1'):
ocrpix1 = fd1[1].header['ocrpix1']
ocrpix2 = fd1[1].header['ocrpix2']

# Skip this image if it's not a subarray
if (not subarray):
print ("Warning: File '%s' is not a subarray image; Skipping." % flt)

# Compute UVIS subarray corners
if detector == 'UVIS':
cornera1 = ycorner
cornera2 = uvis_a2_size - xcorner - sizaxis2
if xcorner >= uvis_a2_size:
cornera2 = cornera2 + uvis_a2_size
cornera1a = cornera1 + 1 - serial_over
cornera1b = cornera1a + sizaxis1 - 1
cornera2a = cornera2 + 1
cornera2b = cornera2a + sizaxis2 - 1
if cornera1a < 1:
cornera1a = 1
if cornera1b > uvis_a1_size:
cornera1b = uvis_a1_size

# Set full-chip axis sizes
fnaxis1 = uvis_a1_size
fnaxis2 = uvis_a2_size

# Compute IR subarray corners
cornera1 = ycorner - ir_overscan
cornera2 = xcorner - ir_overscan
cornera1a = cornera1 + 1
cornera1b = cornera1a + sizaxis1 - 11
cornera2a = cornera2 + 1
cornera2b = cornera2a + sizaxis2 - 11

# Set full-chip axis sizes
fnaxis1 = ir_a1_size
fnaxis2 = ir_a2_size

# Report computed subarray section
print (" Subarray image section = [%d:%d,%d:%d]" % (cornera1a,cornera1b,cornera2a,cornera2b))

# Create output full-chip file
print (" Creating output file '%s' ..." % full)

# First just copy the primary header to the output
pyfits.writeto(full, fd1[0].data, fd1[0].header)
except IOError:
print ("ERROR: Can't create/write file '%s'" % full)

# Now copy the subarray image data into full-chip data arrays;
# The regions outside the subarray will be set to zero in the
# SCI, ERR, SAMP, and TIME extensions, and to DQ=4.
sci = numpy.zeros([fnaxis2,fnaxis1],dtype=numpy.float32)
err = numpy.zeros([fnaxis2,fnaxis1],dtype=numpy.float32)
dq = numpy.zeros([fnaxis2,fnaxis1],dtype=numpy.int16) + 4
sci[cornera2a-1:cornera2b,cornera1a-1:cornera1b] = fd1[1].data
err[cornera2a-1:cornera2b,cornera1a-1:cornera1b] = fd1[2].data
dq[cornera2a-1:cornera2b,cornera1a-1:cornera1b] = fd1[3].data
if detector == 'IR':
samp = numpy.zeros([fnaxis2,fnaxis1],dtype=numpy.int16)
time = numpy.zeros([fnaxis2,fnaxis1],dtype=numpy.float32)
samp[cornera2a-1:cornera2b,cornera1a-1:cornera1b] = fd1[4].data
time[cornera2a-1:cornera2b,cornera1a-1:cornera1b] = fd1[5].data

# Reset a few WCS values to make them appropriate for a
# full-chip image
fd1[1].header['sizaxis1'] = fnaxis1
fd1[1].header['sizaxis2'] = fnaxis2
for i in range(1,4):
fd1[i].header['crpix1'] = crpix1 + cornera1a - 1
fd1[i].header['crpix2'] = crpix2 + cornera2a - 1
fd1[i].header['ltv1'] = 0.0
fd1[i].header['ltv2'] = 0.0
if fd1[i].header.has_key('onaxis1'):
fd1[i].header['onaxis1'] = fnaxis1
if fd1[i].header.has_key('onaxis2'):
fd1[i].header['onaxis2'] = fnaxis2
if fd1[i].header.has_key('ocrpix1'):
fd1[i].header['ocrpix1'] = ocrpix1 + cornera1a - 1
if fd1[i].header.has_key('ocrpix2'):
fd1[i].header['ocrpix2'] = ocrpix2 + cornera2a - 1

# Now write out the SCI, ERR, DQ extensions to the full-chip file
pyfits.append(full, sci, fd1[1].header)
pyfits.append(full, err, fd1[2].header)
pyfits.append(full, dq, fd1[3].header)
if detector == 'IR':
pyfits.append(full, samp, fd1[4].header)
pyfits.append(full, time, fd1[5].header)

# flush the output file
fd3 = pyfits.open(full,'update')

# close the input files