We are continuing with our deliveries of the weekly/monthly CCD darks. The last month delivered is December 1998.
Aperture Description Table (apd) updated
We have updated the offsets for the full-field apertures, which results in a significant wavelength shift if those apertures were used for slitless spectroscopy.
j1c1746no_apd.fits (use on or prior to December 8, 1997)
j1c1746mo_apd.fits (use after to December 8, 1997)
We have corrected the widths of several apertures due to an initial mispopulation; the typical correction is less than 0.01". Only the x2d/sx2 data is impacted, and the flux changes by the ratio of the old to new widths (and is typically quite small).
j1p1328ao_apd.fits (use on or prior to December 8, 1997)
j1p13289o_apd.fits (use after to December 8, 1997)
FUV-MAMA Dark (drk) corrected
An incorrect FUV-MAMA Dark file was in the system for a 3 week period in December. We have revised the file to correct for the error. All impacted PIs have been contacted, and corrected data have been placed in the Archive.
DRK - j1p13242o_drk.fits (FUV-MAMA)
Dispersion Table (dsp) updated
We have updated the dispersion coefficients for selected wavelength settings (E140H/1453, G230MB/1713, G750M/9806, G750M/9851, and G750M/10363) based on model analysis. The resultant wavelength changes are small.
j1c1746ko_dsp.fits (FUV-MAMA)
j1c1746jo_dsp.fits (CCD)
Aperture Throughput Table (apt) updated
We have updated the entry for the F28X50OIII filter to account for the red leak, and to change the F28X50LP by 0.766 of the previous values (based on in-orbit data).
APT - icb12027o_apt.fits
Updates to slit throughputs for the slits without filters (converted to an infinite aperture); done in conjunction with pht update. The 0.2X0.05ND and 0.3X0.05ND apertures also have revised transmissions, as well as the 31X0.05NDA-C and F25NDQ1-4 filters.
The F28X50OIII filter has a sharp decrease in peak throughput (a factor of 2), although the total throughput is unchanged. This is because the new transmissions (based on in-orbit data) include the star's PSF, while the previous (ground-based) measurement did not; the PSF broadens the transmission.
APT - j2b1313jo_apt.fits
Photometric Correction Table (pct) updated
We have added new (Cycle 8) supported apertures for echelle gratings.
ica1251ao_pct.fits (E230M),
ica12519o_pct.fits (E230H),
ica12518o_pct.fits (E140M),
ica12517o_pct.fits (E140H)
We have added the 50CCD for all CCD first order gratings, and also the F28X50LP for G750L/G750M, to support reduction of slitless spectroscopy.
PCT - j1p13248o_pct.fits (G750M), j1p13247o_pct.fits (G750L), j1p13246o_pct.fits (G430M), j1p13245o_pct.fits (G430L), j1p13244o_pct.fits (G230MB), j1p13243o_pct.fits (G230LB)
Cosmic Ray Rejection (crr) parameters updated
We have provided improved cosmic ray rejection parameters (see ISR 98-22 for details).
CRR - ica12303o_crr.fits
Photometric Throughput Table (pht) updated
Updates to photometric calibration for the slits without filters (converted to an infinite aperture); done in conjunction with apt update.
- j2b1313ho_pht.fits (CCD)
- j2b1313io_pht.fits (FUV-MAMA)
- j2b1313ko_pht.fits (NUV-MAMA)