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Дата изменения: Unknown
Дата индексирования: Mon Apr 11 05:25:12 2016

Поисковые слова: virgo cluster
Phase I Proposals
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Cycle 6 Approved Programs

PI firstname PI lastname Type PEPSI ID Category PI institution PI country Title
Michael F. A'Hearn GO 6613 SS University of Maryland USA The Origin of C_2 in Comets
Michael F. A'Hearn GO 6621 SS University of Maryland USA 55P/Tempel-Tuttle and the Leonid Meteors
Ronald J. Allen AR 6400 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks
Lawrence Aller AR 6372 ISM University of California, LA USA Spectroscopic diagnostics for gaseous nebulae and symbiotic stars
Robert Antonucci GO 6505 AGN University of California, Santa Barbara USA Confirming the Quasar in Cygnus A
Robert Antonucci GO 6510 AGN University of California, Santa Barbara USA The Spatially Extended Featureless Continuum Source of Cygnus A: Multicolor Imaging in Total Flux and Polarization
Nahum Arav SNAP 6350 QAL Caltech US FOC Spectroscopy of BALQSOs
Dr. Lee Armus GO 6462 COS California Institute of Technology USA Is IRAS 15307+3252 Gravitationally Lensed ?
Thomas Ayres GO 6551 CS University of Colorado CASA USA Fishing in the Coronal Graveyard
Thomas Ayres GO 6795 CS University of Colorado CASA USA Sleuthing the Dynamo: The Final Frontier
Robert Baade GO 6522 CS Hamburger Sternwarte Germany Probing the extended envelope of the Zeta Aur type binary 32 Cyg
Sylvia M. Baggett GO 6507 SP Space Telescope Science Institute USA NGC 3664 - a case study of shock-induced propagation of star formation
Charles Bailyn GO 6805 HS Dept. of Astronomy USA A Detailed Study of the Blue Stragglers in the Core of M3
Bruce Balick GO 6502 ISM University of Washington USA Evolution and excitation of bipolar nebulae
Gilda Ballester GO 6786 SS University of Michigan USA HST observations of Io's atmosphere coordinated with GALILEO
John Bally GO 6603 BSF University of Colorado USA Probing Proto-Planetary Disks in the Orion Nebula
Raymundo Baptista GO 6796 BSF University of St Andrews Scotland Spectral Mapping of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Binaries: Bridging the CV Period Gap
Dr. Martin Barstow GO 6628 HS University of Leicester UK THE WIND AND PHOTOSPHERE OF THE UNIQUE DO WHITE DWARF RE J0503-289
Paolo Battinelli GO 6428 G&C Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma ITALIA The nature of the density cusp in the core of Ursa Minor
Dr. Stefi Baum GO 6673 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Black Holes and Gas Disks in a Complete Sample of Radio Loud UGC Ellipticals
Dr. Jill Bechtold GO 6606 QAL University of Arizona USA The Connection between the Ly-Alpha Forest at z=0.5 and Large Scale Structures in the Galaxy Distribution
Reta Beebe GO 6452 SS New Mexico State University USA Global and Temporal Coverage of Atmospheric Regions Selected for Intense Galileo Observations
Reta Beebe GO 6453 SS New Mexico State University USA Rapid Response to Anomalous Activity in Jupiter's Atmosphere
Jon Bell GO 6836 BSF NRAL Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester UK Light Curve of an Eclipsing Millisecond Pulsar Companion
Lotfi Ben Jaffel GO 6692 SS Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris France The abundance and distribution of deuterium on Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
G. Fritz Benedict GO 6764 CS McDonald Observatory-University of Texas USA Detection and Mass Determination of Low-mass Companions to Nearby M Dwarfs - Continuation
G. Fritz Benedict GO 6768 CS McDonald Observatory USA Continuation of An Astrometric Search for Planetary Companions to Proxima Centauri
David Bennett GO 6756 SP Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA Measuring Proper Motions of Galactic Microlenses
Philip Bennett AR 6387 ISM University of Colorado USA A NLTE Analysis of the UV Spectrum of HD 44179
Francesco Bertola GO 6635 G&C University of Padova Italy Unveiling the Nature of the Ultraviolet Spike at the Center of the Sa Galaxy NGC 2681
Dr. Michael Bessell GO 6425 SP Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Australia UV-Visible Observations of Hot Stars in Young Magellanic Cloud Star Clusters
Klaus Beuermann GO 6558 BSF Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen Germany The Accreting Magnetic White Dwarf in AM Her:,Heating, Chemical Composition and Mass
Klaus Beuermann GO 6643 BSF Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen Germany Supersoft sources in the LMC
Luciana Bianchi GO 6567 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Winds of massive stars in nearby galaxies: NGC6822
Giovanni F. Bignami GO 6525 HS Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR ITALY The B/UV Colors of Geminga Suggest Spectral Feature on Hot Continuum.
John Biretta GO 6775 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Secular Changes in the Jet of M87
Chris Blades GO 6723 ISM Space Telescope Science Institute USA Physical conditions near high galactic latitude molecular clouds
Matthew Bobrowsky SNAP 6364 HS CTA INCORPORATED USA Snapshot Survey of Proto-planetary Nebulae and AGB stars
Andrew Boden AR 6392 BSF Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA WFPC2 SV-PSF Characterization and Restoration in Morphological and Photometric Analyses
Erika Boehm-Vitense GO 6504 CS University of Washington U.S.A. Cepheid Masses
Erika Bohm-Vitense GO 6594 BSF University of Washington U.S.A. White dwarf companions of Barium and CH peculiar Stars
Michael Bolte AR 6373 HS University of California, Santa Cruz US Blue Straggler Stars, Stellar Collisions and the Fate of Globular Clusters
Dominik Bomans AR 6388 SP University of Illinois, Astronomy Department USA The Star Formation History of the Magellanic Clouds
Howard E. Bond GO 6751 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Is the Central Star of K 648 in M15 a Close Binary?
Kazimierz J. Borkowski SNAP 6347 ISM North Carolina State University USA A Search for Jets in Planetary Nebulae
Amanda S. Bosh GO 6595 SS Lowell Observatory USA Does Pluto Have a Haze Layer?
David V. Bowen GO 6707 QAL Royal Observatory Edinburgh United Kingdom M33: An archetypal QSO absorption line galaxy?
David V. Bowen GO 6728 G&C Royal Observatory Edinburgh United Kingdom The interstellar medium of nearby galaxies using supernovae as probes
Dr. Brian Boyle SNAP 6361 AGN Royal Greenwich Observatory UK High-resolution imaging of X-ray selected AGN
Angela Bragaglia GO 6660 SP Osservatorio Astronomico Bologna Italy White Dwarf Distance and Precision Age for Globular Clusters
Joel Bregman GO 6547 G&C University of Michigan USA Cooled Gas in X-Ray Emitting Elliptical Galaxies
Joel Bregman GO 6548 G&C University of Michigan USA The Cool Interstellar Medium in Hot Clusters of Galaxies
Jean Brodie GO 6554 SP Lick Observatory, University of California USA Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems
Michael Brown GO 6840 SS Caltech US Determining the Crustal Composition of Io through Atmospheric Spectroscopy
Robert A. Brown GO 6659 CS Space Telescope Science Institute USA A Search For Superplanets Around Weak T-Tauri Stars
Ian Browne GO 6602 COS Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories UK B2114+022: a gravitational lens system and/or an example of multiple active nuclei?
Prof. Frederick Bruhweiler AR 6384 BSF Catholic University of America USA Determining the Physical Conditions in the Gas Infall of Beta Pictoris
Valentin Bujarrabal GO 6533 ISM Centro Astronomico de Yebes SPAIN Shocks in protoplanetary nebulae
Andrew Bunker GO 6582 COS University of Oxford, Department of Astrophysics United Kingdom Are the damped Lyman-Alpha systems at z>3 really spiral galaxies?
Roberto Buonanno GO 6625 SP Observatory of Rome Italy The second-parameter effect and the formation history of the Milky Way Galaxy
Matthew Burleigh GO 6637 HS XRA Astronomy Group United Kingdom Determining the Morphology of the Intense Magnetic Field in the Hot DA White Dwarf RE J0317-853
Dr. Ronald Buta GO 6496 G&C University of Alabama USA Nuclear Rings: Probing the Hearts of Barred Galaxies
Daniela Calzetti GO 6524 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA WFPC2 Mapping of Dust Obscuration and Stellar Populations in Starburst Galaxies.
Patrizia A. Caraveo GO 6526 HS Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR ITALY Distance, Proper Motion and Colors of the Vela Pulsar.
Jason A. Cardelli GO 6541 ISM Villanova University USA Interstellar Cadmium: Probing Galactic Chemical Evolution
Jason A. Cardelli GO 6542 ISM Villanova University USA Interstellar Carbon Abundance in Low Density Gas
Marcella Carollo GO 6633 G&C Sterrewacht Leiden The Netherlands Cusps or cores in barred bulges?
Kenneth Carpenter GO 6722 CS Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics US Probing the Chromospheric Structure of Alpha Tau
Gerald Cecil GO 6563 AGN University of North Carolina USA The Helical Jet/ISM Interaction in NGC 4258
Gerald Cecil GO 6674 G&C University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA Fine Structure in the Nuclear Superbubble of NGC 3079
Brian Chaboyer GO 6517 SP Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Canada The Formation of the Inner Galactic Halo and Thick Disk
Phil Charles GO 6694 G&C Oxford University UK High resolution UV imaging of M33-X8, the nuclear X-ray source in M33
Jane Charlton GO 6596 G&C Pennsylvania State University USA Formation of Stellar Systems in Mergers in a Compact Group of Galaxies
You-Hua Chu GO 6698 ISM University of Illinois USA High Resolution Imaging of Bubble and Superbubbles in HII Regions
You-Hua Chu GO 6829 ISM University of Illinois USA The Luminous Giant HII Regions in M101
Robin Ciardullo GO 6731 G&C The Pennsylvania State University USA Exploring PN Production as a Probe of Elliptical Galaxy Stellar Populations
Dr. Mark Clampin AR 6393 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Polarimetric mapping of R Mon's circumstellar environment
Mark Clampin GO 6772 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Dust properties in the Beta Pictoris disk: a case for imaging polarimetry
John Clarke GO 6743 SS University of Michigan USA HST Far-UV Imaging and Spectra of Jupiter's Aurora Coordinated with GALILEO
Anita L. Cochran AR 6377 SS The University of Texas at Austin USA A Search of the HST Archive for Intermediate-Sized Comets: Linking Ground-Based and HST Observations
Ross Cohen GO 6682 AGN University of California, San Diego USA Geometry and Generalizability of the Reflected Light Model for Seyfert 2 Galaxies
Luis Colina SNAP 6358 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA UV IMAGING OF CIRCUMNUCLEAR STARBURST RINGS
Michael Combi GO 6736 SS University of Michigan USA A Comprehensive Study of the H Ly--Alpha Line Profile and Water Photochemistry in a TOO Comet
Andrew Connolly AR 6394 COS Johns Hopkins University USA Evolution of Galaxies Through Multicolor Space
Peter S. Conti GO 6580 G&C JILA US Hot Stars and Young Super Star Clusters in the Wolf-Rayet Starburst Galaxy He 2-10
John Cook AR 6398 CS Naval Research Laboratory USA Spectroscopic diagnostics for late-type stellar atmospheres
Adrienne Cool GO 6821 BSF University of California, Berkeley USA Optical Counterparts for Low-Luminosity X-ray Sources in Globular Clusters
Patrick Cote GO 6789 SP Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Canada A Search for Intermediate-Age Globular Clusters in the Nearby Giant Elliptical Galaxy NGC 5128
Stephanie Cote GO 6665 COS ESO GERMANY Galaxy Rotation Curves at Large Radius using Ly-alpha Absorption Lines
Lennox L. Cowie GO 6626 COS Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii USA Imaging of z > 1 Massive Star Forming Galaxies
MANFRED CUNTZ AR 6369 CS JOINT INSTITUTE FOR LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS USA A detailed analysis of GHRS spectra of Alpha Ori (M2 Iab) using stochastic wave radiation-hydro models
Douglas Currie GO 6830 G&C University of Maryland USA FOS Spectroscopy of NGC 1316 (Fornax A)
Dr. Gary Da Costa GO 6514 SP Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Australia The Horizontal Branches of the M31 Dwarf Spheroidal Companions And II and And III
Dr. Laura Danly GO 6749 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA A Study of the Gaseous Halo of the Andromeda Galaxy
Kris Davidson GO 6501 ISM University of Minnesota USA Probing the equatorial ejecta of Eta Carinae
Guido De Marchi GO 6697 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Blue Stragglers in the Core of NGC 6397
P. Tim de Zeeuw GO 6537 G&C Sterrewacht Leiden The Netherlands Black holes in kinematically decoupled cores: a study of IC 1459
Constantine Deliyannis GO 6599 SP Yale University USA Boron in Halo Giants : A Solution to the D+3He Crisis in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis?
Tilmann Denk GO 6803 SS Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt Germany Disk-resolved Spectrophotometry of the Dark Side of Iapetus
Ralf J. Dettmar GO 6588 G&C Astronomisches Institut der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Germany High Resolution Imaging of Ionized Gas in the Disk-Halo Interface of Spiral Galaxies
David Devine GO 6824 BSF University of Colorado USA PC Imaging of HH29: The Nearest Interstellar Shock
Arjun Dey GO 6583 AGN Kitt Peak National Observatory USA The Origin of the Alignment Effect: WFPC2 Imaging Polarimetry of High Redshift Radio Galaxies
Arjun Dey GO 6598 COS Kitt Peak National Observatory USA The Reddest Objects in the Universe
Mark Dickinson GO 6553 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Dissecting 3C 324: Anatomy of an Aligned Radio Galaxy at z = 1.206
Mark Dickinson GO 6778 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA HST Observations of a `Clusterless' Giant Arc centered on 3C 220.1
George Djorgovski AR 6381 COS California Institute of Technology USA The Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies in Clusters
Megan Donahue GO 6668 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Star Formation and Galaxy Morphologies in Distant, X-ray Luminous Clusters of Galaxies
Michael Dopita GO 6532 G&C Mt. Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Australia A Definitive Test for the Excitation Mechanism of LINERs
Prof. Michael A. Dopita GO 6407 ISM Mt. Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Australia Post Asymptotic Giant Branch Evolution in the Magellanic Clouds
Dr. Stefan Dreizler GO 6463 HS Institut fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik der Universitaet Germany The origin of the peculiar hybrid PG 1159 stars
John Drilling GO 6476 ISM Louisiana State University USA A study of circumstellar material formed in a hydrogen-deficient environment
Laurent Drissen GO 6763 SP Universite Laval Canada Deep Imagery of NGC 3603: Low-Mass Star Formation in the Closest Starburst Region
Douglas Duncan GO 6534 CS University of Chicago USA Be-deficient Halo Stars: Implications for Galactic Chemical Evolution and Cosmology
James S. Dunlop GO 6776 AGN Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh U.K. A comparative HST imaging study of radio galaxies and the hosts of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars.
Andrea K. Dupree GO 6529 CS Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA Direct Imaging of Betelgeuse
Andrea K. Dupree GO 6808 CS Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA Capella: Separating the Giants
Peter Edmonds GO 6729 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Spectra of Faint Variables in 47 Tuc: CVs or LMXBs?
Peter Eisenhardt GO 6834 COS Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology USA Lenses, Mirrors, and HST: IRAS FSC10214+4724 Under a Compound Microscope
Dr. Jochen Eisloeffel GO 6759 BSF Laboratoire d'Astrophysique France Imaging Arcsecond Scale Jets from Young Stars
Debra Elmegreen GO 6483 G&C Vassar College USA HST Observations of Galaxies in a Close, Nonmerging Encounter
Richard Elston GO 6812 COS Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory USA The Nature of Very Red Field Galaxies
Ian Evans AR 6379 AGN Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics USA The Nuclear Ionization Field of NGC 1068
Sandra Faber GO 6587 G&C University of California, Santa Cruz USA Black Holes and Cores of Early-Type Galaxies
Emilio Falco GO 6426 COS Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA A Search For Multiple Images of QSOs Seen Through Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers
Paul D. Feldman GO 6591 SS The Johns Hopkins University USA A Campaign to Determine the CO and \cotwo\ Abundances in Cometary Nuclei
Donald Ferguson GO 6427 BSF Ferguson Enterprises USA Direct measurement of the BE Ursae Majoris sdO primary star mass-a critical test case for common envelope evolution
Henry Ferguson SNAP 6352 SP Space Telescope Science Institute USA Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy Snapshot Survey
Henry C. Ferguson GO 6658 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA Intergalactic Stars in the Virgo Cluster
Henry C. Ferguson GO 6667 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Far-UV Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies
Gary Ferland AR 6403 AGN University of Kentucky USA Fe II Emission in AGN: the Confrontation between Theory and Observations
Francesco Ferraro GO 6607 SP Osservatorio Astronomico Italy The Origin and Nature of UV Bright stars in Globular Clusters II
Robert Fesen GO 6435 ISM Dartmouth College USA A WFPC2 Search for Surviving Binary Companions in SN Ia Remnants
Alex Filippenko AR 6371 ISM University of California, Berkeley USA An Archival Study of the Environments of Supernovae
Alex Filippenko GO 6584 ISM University of California, Berkeley USA Interaction of Supernovae with Circumstellar Material
Alex Filippenko GO 6738 G&C University of California, Berkeley USA Super Star Clusters and H II Regions in Nuclear Rings
Edward L. Fitzpatrick GO 6575 ISM Princeton University Observatory USA Observations of Interstellar Clouds in the Galactic Halo
Alan Fitzsimmons GO 6521 SS Queen's University of Belfast N. Ireland A search for outgassing from Kuiper Belt Objects
Craig Foltz GO 6592 QAL Multiple Mirror Observatory USA The Distribution and Evolution of Lyman-Alpha Forest Cloud Sizes
Duncan Forbes GO 6440 G&C Lick Observatory USA Resolving the Radio Hotspots in Nearby Starburst Galaxies
Holland Ford GO 6653 G&C Johns Hopkins University USA Kinematics of Ionized Gas in the Dusty Nuclear Disk in NGC 6251; An Excellent Candidate for a Massive Black Hole
Bernard Fort GO 6482 COS Observatoire de Paris France Weak Lensing in the Field of Luminous Quasars: Masses of Groups of Galaxies and Magnification Bias.
Robert Fosbury GO 6696 AGN Space Telecope European Coordinating Facility Germany Studying the UV emission line spectrum of high z radio galaxies. Effects of geometry and dust.
Dr. Roger Foster GO 6642 HS Naval Research Laboratory USA White Dwarf Companions to Binary Neutron Stars: Astrometric Frame Ties
Paul Francis GO 6631 COS University of Melbourne Australia Imaging a Cluster of Galaxies at Redshift 2.38
Marijn Franx GO 6745 G&C Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Netherlands "Fundamental Plane, Morphology-Density Relation, and Lensing in the z=0.58 Arc Cluster CL2053"
Otto Franz GO 6479 BSF Lowell Observatory USA Masses of Low-Luminosity Hyades Cluster Members
Richard French GO 6806 SS Wellesley College USA Saturn's Rings
Dr. Malcolm Fridlund GO 6411 BSF Astrophysics Division, European Space Agency The Netherlands Velocity field and small scale structure in the L1551 IRS5 jet
Andrew Fruchter GO 6831 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA High-Speed Photometry of the UV Counterpart to 4U 1820-30
Laura Fullton GO 6561 SP Space Telescope Science Institute USA Ages of Extreme-metallicity Inner Galaxy Globular Clusters
Flavio Fusi Pecci GO 6804 SP Osservatorio Astronomico ITALY Large Population Studies of Globular Clusters
Maria Luisa Garcia-Vargas GO 6672 G&C VILSPA, IUE Observatory. ESA Spain Unveiling the massive star content in the prototypical nuclear starburst NGC7714
Donald R. Garnett GO 6623 ISM University of Minnesota USA HST Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Peculiar LMC H II Region N44C
Karl Gebhardt GO 6779 SP University of Michigan USA Photometry for M28 and NGC 5286
Robert Gehrz GO 6492 BSF University of Minnesota USA High Resolution Imaging of the Massive Overcontact Binary RY Scuti
Doug Geisler GO 6699 SP Kitt Peak National Observatory US The Globular Cluster Systems of the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies NGC 185 and NGC 205
Doug Geisler GO 6810 SP Kitt Peak National Observatory US The Globular Cluster Systems of Distant Giant Ellipticals
Jean-Cl. Gerard GO 6648 SS Universite de Liege Belgium The link between the UV Saturnian aurora and the polar stratospheric haze
Jean-Cl. Gerard GO 6662 SS Universite de Liege Belgium Observation of short timescale variability of the Jovian UV aurora
Andrea Ghez GO 6735 CS University of California Los Angeles USA Locating Disks, Accretion Flows, and Outflows in Close Binary T Tauri Stars
Mauro Giavalisco GO 6570 COS The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington USA High-Redshift Galaxies and Their Contribution to the Ionizing Background
Mauro Giavalisco SNAP 6355 G&C The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington USA A UV Atlas of Nearby Galaxies
Dr. Douglas Gies GO 6523 BSF Georgia State University USA The Masses of the O-type Binary 15 Monocerotis
Dr. Douglas Gies GO 6714 BSF Georgia State University USA Be + HELIUM STAR BINARIES
Ronald Gilliland GO 6473 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA A Search for Supernovae at High Z in the Hubble Deep Field
Randy Gladstone AR 6391 SS Southwest Research Institute USA Archival Studies of Auroral Haze on Jupiter
Jay Goguen GO 6752 SS Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA Global Mapping of the Opposition Surge on the Galilean Satellites
Robert Goodrich GO 6618 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA A Hidden Power Source in the QSO PG 1630+377
Robert Goodrich GO 6704 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Dust in the Broad-Line Regions of Seyfert Galaxies
Robert Goodrich GO 6766 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s and the Iron Enigma in Active Galaxies
Paul Goudfrooij GO 6822 G&C European Southern Observatory Germany Ionized Gas with Broad Emission Lines in the Nuclei of Ellipticals
Dr. Paul J. Green GO 6528 QAL Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA PG 1416-129: The Only X-ray Bright BAL QSO, or the Missing Link?
Michael Gregg GO 6636 SP Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory U.S.A. The Stellar Population of M32: A Dual Approach
Prof. Richard Griffiths GO 6802 COS Johns Hopkins University USA COSMOLOGY WITH THE MEDIUM DEEP SURVEY
Jonathan Grindlay GO 6742 BSF Harvard University USA Spectroscopic Study of Origin and Nature of CVs in Globular Clusters
Cecile Gry GO 6638 ISM Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale FRANCE Physics of diffuse clouds in the Local Bubble , Part I : the CMa tunnel
Puragra Guhathakurta SNAP 6354 COS "UCO/Lick Observatory USA Measuring Luminosity Evolution in z=0.3 Field Galaxies from Internal Kinematics
Edward Guinan GO 6683 BSF Villanova University USA Eclipsing Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds: Fundamental Properties and Distances
Edward F. Guinan GO 6691 CS Villanova University USA Probing the Dynamo for Stars with Shallow Convection Zones: The Young F0V Star 47 Cas
Doyle Hall GO 6757 SS The Johns Hopkins University USA Transit Observations of Io's Atmosphere
Doyle Hall GO 6758 SS The Johns Hopkins University USA Far-UV Airglow and Albedo Observations of Europa and Ganymede
Fred Hamann GO 6589 QAL University of California, San Diego USA Associated (\zaz ) Absorption Lines in QSOs
A. J. S. Hamilton GO 6434 ISM JILA USA UV Imaging of S Andromedae (SN 1885) in M31
Dr. Heidi Hammel GO 6818 SS Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA The Atmosphere of Uranus: Vertical Aerosol Structure and Horizontal Inhomogeneity
Thomas Harrison GO 6538 CS New Mexico State University USA "The Distances to Dwarf Novae, and the Calibration of the Technique of Infrared Spectroscopic Parallax"
Patrick Hartigan GO 6562 BSF Rice University USA Shock Waves and Momentum Transfer in the Young Stellar Outflow Cepheus A
Dr. Sara Heap GO 6687 HS Goddard Space Flight Center USA How Did Stars Evolve in the Early Universe? , The Role of Metallicity
Ulrich Heber SNAP 6351 BSF Astronomisches Institut der Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg Germany Resolving sdB binary systems
Timothy Heckman GO 6539 AGN Johns Hopkins University USA Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Seyfert 2 Nuclei: Testing the Starburst-AGN Connection
Coel Hellier GO 6422 BSF Keele University UK Spin-cycle variations of the UV emission lines of intermediate polars
Dr. Todd J. Henry GO 6566 CS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Calibrating the Mass-Luminosity Relation at the End of the Main Sequence
James E. Hesser GO 6512 SP Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Canada The Formation of the Galaxy: Completing the Age Profile of the Outer Halo Globular Clusters
Jeff Hester GO 6573 ISM Arizona State University USA Continuation of Temporal Monitoring of the Crab Synchrotron Nebula
Jeff Hester GO 6574 ISM Arizona State University USA Ionization Structure, Photoevaporation, and Star Formation in M17
Mohammad Heydari-Malayeri GO 6535 HS Observatoire de Paris France Tight clusters of newly born massive stars in compact \h2 regions of the Magellanic Clouds
John Hibbard GO 6669 SP University of Hawaii USA Imaging of Two Dwarf Galaxies in Tidal Tails
Luis Ho GO 6837 AGN Center for Astrophysics USA The Ultraviolet Properties of ``Dwarf'' Seyfert 1 Nuclei
Paul Hodge AR 6375 G&C University of Washington USA THE SPIRAL ARMS OF NGC 4321
Paul Hodge GO 6813 SP University of Washington USA The Oldest Star Clusters of Local Group Irregular Galaxies
Edwin Huizinga GO 6685 SP European Southern Observatory Germany Globular Cluster Systems along the Hubble Sequence
Roberta Humphreys GO 6475 HS University of Minnesota USA High Resolution Imaging of Unstable Massive Stars at the Top of the HR Diagram
Dr. Deidre Hunter GO 6406 G&C Lowell Observatory USA Intermediate Mass Stars and Unusual Stellar Mass Limits in a Starburst Galaxy
Dr. Deidre Hunter GO 6423 SP Lowell Observatory USA Structure in the Superstar Clusters in NGC 1569
John Hutchings GO 6458 AGN Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Canada IMAGING OF QSO HOST GALAXIES AT Z >2
Rodrigo Ibata GO 6701 SP Department of Astronomy Canada Photometry of the globular cluster system of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
Chris Impey GO 6652 COS University of Arizona USA Imaging the Gravitational Lens System 1422+231
Pascale JABLONKA GO 6465 SP Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon FRANCE The UV-upturn of super-metal-rich globular clusters
Pascale JABLONKA GO 6477 SP Observatoire de Paris, Section de Meudon FRANCE The Color-Magnitude Diagram of the Super-Metal-Rich Globular Cluster G198 in M31
Neal Jackson GO 6629 COS Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank England Observations of a new sample of gravitational lens candidates
George Jacoby GO 6780 ISM National Optical Astronomy Observatories USA Spectroscopy and Imaging of a New Globular Cluster Planetary Nebula
Walter Jaffe SNAP 6357 G&C Sterrewacht Leiden The Netherlands THE NUCLEAR MORPHOLOGY OF ELLIPTICAL GALAXIES
Robert Jedrzejewski GO 6711 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Confirmation of a New Small-Separation Gravitational Lens Candidate
Simon Jeffery GO 6471 HS University of St. Andrews United Kingdom A bolometric light curve for pulsating helium star LSS3184
Edward Jenkins GO 6415 ISM Princeton University Observatory USA Thermal Pressures of the Local Interstellar Medium
Stefan Jordan GO 6474 HS Institut fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik der Universitaet Kiel Germany UV-SPECTROSCOPY OF A PECULIAR HIGHLY MAGNETIC WHITE DWARF
V. M. Kaspi GO 6769 BSF IPAC/Caltech/JPL USA The Eclipsing Binary Pulsar PSR B1718-19: A Clean RS CVn System?
Joel Kastner GO 6416 CS Massachussetts Institute of Technology USA FOC Imaging of the Dusty Envelopes of Mass-Losing Supergiants
Dr. Laura Kay GO 6702 AGN Barnard College, Columbia University USA Multicolor Imaging Polarimetry of Obscured Seyfert 2 Nuclei
William Keel GO 6438 G&C University of Alabama USA DUST STRUCTURE IN BACKLIT GALAXIES
Jeffrey Kenney GO 6791 G&C Yale University US THE COLLISIONAL DEBRIS OF NGC 4438
S. O. Kepler GO 6442 HS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil First Ultraviolet Asteroseismology of a Pulsating DB White Dwarf
Valery Khersonsky AR 6401 QAL Dept. of Physics & Astronomy USA The Statistical Properties of the LyAlpha Forest in the Redshift Interval z=0 - 4
Ivan R. King GO 6797 SP University of California USA The Very-Low-Mass Star Content of the Globular Cluster NGC 6397
Robin Kingsburgh GO 6622 HS Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico UV and Optical Spectroscopy of DR 1, the WO3 Star in IC 1613 and its Surrounding Nebula, S3
Anne Kinney AR 6389 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Spectral Evolution of High Redshift Galaxies
Dr. J. Davy Kirkpatrick SNAP 6345 CS Jet Propulsion Lab/Infrared Processing and Analysis Center USA Determining the Binary Frequency for Ultra-cool, Nearby M Dwarfs
Robert Kirshner GO 6437 ISM Harvard College Observatory USA SINS: Supernova Intensive Study - Cycle 6
Henry A. Kobulnicky GO 6801 G&C University of Minnesota USA C and N Production and Pollution Mechanisms in Low-Metallicity Extragalactic HII Regions
Detlev Koester GO 6450 HS Institut fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik Germany Hydrogen and metal abundances in the cool helium-rich white dwarf Ross640
David Koo AR 6402 COS Lick Observatory USA Spatial Structures, Kinematics, and Masses of Faint Field Galaxies
Anuradha Koratkar GO 6705 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Below the Lyman Edge: UV Polarimetry of Quasars
Vladimir Krasnopolsky GO 6760 SS National Research Council/Goddard Space Flight Center USA The second measurement of D/H in Mars' upper atmosphere
Gerard Kriss GO 6747 AGN Johns Hopkins University USA A Snapshot of the UV Spectrum of Mrk 335
Richard G. Kron GO 6838 COS The University of Chicago USA Dynamical Properties of Distant Field Galaxies
S. R. Kulkarni GO 6827 ISM California Institute of Technology USA THE ENIGMATIC SOFT GAMMA-RAY REPEATERS
Cindy Marie Kurt GO 6839 G&C Rice University U.S.A. WFPC2 Imagery of the Dusty H ii Region SMC N88A
Sun Kwok GO 6565 ISM Department of Physics and Astronomy Canada Imaging of Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Mark Lacy GO 6576 AGN Oxford University UK HST imaging of the two most distant radio galaxies
Philippe LAMY GO 6630 SS Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale France The nucleus of comet 22P/Kopff and its dust and gas emissions
Philippe LAMY GO 6634 SS Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale France The nucleus of comet 46P/Wirtanen
Wayne Landsman GO 6680 BSF Hughes STX USA The post mass-transfer binary S1040 in M67
Kenneth M. Lanzetta GO 6611 QAL State University of New York at Stony Brook U.S.A. A Group or Cluster of Ly-alpha-Absorbing Galaxies at z ~ 0.26
Kenneth M. Lanzetta GO 6612 QAL State University of New York at Stony Brook U.S.A. Damped Lyman-alpha Absorption Lines from Moderate-Redshift Galaxies
Kenneth M. Lanzetta GO 6619 QAL State University of New York at Stony Brook U.S.A. High-Resolution Images of QSO Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies
Andrew Layden GO 6814 G&C McMaster University Canada The Nucleus and Stellar Populations of the dEn Galaxy NGC 5206
Matthew Lehnert GO 6720 AGN Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics USA The Evolution of Radio-Loud Quasars II
Claus Leitherer GO 6408 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA NGC1569 as a Local Probe of Galaxy Evolution at High Redshift -- Part 2: Spectroscopy
Claus Leitherer AR 6368 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Ultra-High Precision Monitoring of Photospheres and Winds of Hot Stars
Daniel Lennon GO 6530 HS Universitaets-Sternwarte Muenchen Germany The wind momentum-luminosity relationship for LMC A- and B-supergiants
James Lequeux GO 6710 G&C Observatoire de Paris France Abundances in the neutral medium of the blue compact galaxy IZw 18
Harold Levison GO 6497 SS Southwest Research Institute USA An Ultra-Deep Study of Comets in the Kuiper Belt
Simon Lilly GO 6556 COS University of Toronto Canada Rest-frame ultraviolet imaging of normal galaxies at high redshifts
Dr. Jeffrey L. Linsky AR 6383 CS University of Colorado / JILA USA Systematic Analysis of Mass Loss from Evolved Stars
Dr. Jeffrey L. Linsky GO 6617 ISM JILA/University of Colorado USA The ISM Toward Nearby High-Velocity Stars: Accurate H Columns, D/H, and H Walls
Knox S. Long GO 6544 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Dwarf Novae in Quiescence
Prof. Malcolm Longair GO 6684 AGN Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University United Kingdom WFPC2 Imaging of 2 Jy radio galaxies
Alberto Lopez GO 6597 ISM Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico High-resolution imagery of the Bipolar, Rotating, Episodic Jet in the Planetary Nebula PK 112-00 1
Dr. Scott Lundgren GO 6601 HS Naval Research Laboratory USA Evolution of Binary Neutron Stars and Their White Dwarf Companions: Part 2
Peter Lundqvist GO 6718 ISM Stockholm Observatory Sweden The Missing Mass of the Crab Nebula
Dr. Donald G. Luttermoser GO 6620 CS Applied Research Corporation USA Density Diagnostics for the Dynamic Atmospheres of LPV Stars
Gordon MacAlpine GO 6765 ISM University of Michigan USA A Test For Products of Oxygen Burning in the Crab Nebula
Duccio Macchetto GO 6746 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA DYNAMICS OF THE CIRCUMNUCLEAR DISK OF M87
D. Jack MacConnell GO 6726 CS Space Telescope Science Institute U. S. PC Astrometry of the Brown Dwarf Candidate PPL 15
John MacKenty GO 6569 SP Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Physics of Nearby Blue Irregular Starbursts
John MacKenty AR 6399 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Bulge Morphology of Seyfert Galaxies
Eugene Magnier GO 6459 CS Astronomy Department, University of Illinois USA The disk and jet structure of Holoea
Matthew Malkan AR 6397 G&C University of California USA Subarcsecond Structures in Nearby Normal Galaxies -- Do They Differ From Those in Active Galaxies?
Matthew Malkan GO 6785 G&C University of California U.S.A. Ionized Gas Disks In Nearby Early Type Galaxies: A Key to Measuring Supermassive Black Holes
Dan Maoz GO 6436 AGN Tel-Aviv University Israel High-Resolution Narrow-Band Imaging of LINERs, in Search of Their Central Engines
Dr. Bruce Margon GO 6624 BSF University of Washington USA Time-Resolved Spectrophotometry of the Smallest Mass Function Binary Star
Thomas Marsh GO 6688 BSF Southampton University UK The accretion disk and white dwarf in the dwarf nova Newdn
Prof. K. O. Mason GO 6494 BSF Mullard Space Science Laboratory U.K. Changing perspectives on accretion disk winds
Derck Massa GO 6689 CS Applied Research Corporation US Determination of the Distances and Masses of 2 Galactic Cepheids
Derck Massa GO 6690 HS Applied Research Corporation US The Winds of Main Sequence B Stars in NGC 6231: Evidence for Shocks in Weak Winds.
Philip Massey GO 6417 SP National Optical Astronomy Observatories USA Star Formation in the Prototype Super Star Cluster R136
Robert Mathieu GO 6472 CS University of Wisconsin - Madison USA Dynamical Masses for the Stars in the Pre-Main- Sequence Spectroscopic Binary 045251+3016
Dr. Smita Mathur GO 6484 QAL Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA Absorbing Outflows in Quasars and AGN
Dr. Smita Mathur GO 6485 AGN Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory USA GHRS Observations of NGC5548
Christopher Mauche GO 6545 BSF Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of the Dwarf Nova Oscillations of SS Cygni
Christopher Mauche GO 6546 BSF Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA Dissecting the Wind and Disk of the Nova-like Variable V347 Puppis
James K. McCarthy GO 6651 HS California Institute of Technology U.S.A. WLR Distances from Accurate Multi-Color WFPC2 Photometry of A & B Supergiants in M31 and M33
Melissa McGrath GO 6725 SS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Io's SO2 Atmosphere: Patchy or Not?
Ian McHardy GO 6677 G&C Physics Department, University of Southampton UK The Origin of the X-Ray Background: What are the faintest X-Ray Galaxies?
Karen J. Meech GO 6447 SS Institute for Astronomy USA Distant Comet Nucleus Sizes
Prof. Margaret Meixner GO 6737 HS University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign USA Imaging Reflection Nebulosity in Three Post-AGB Objects
Gerhardt R. Meurer GO 6639 G&C The Johns Hopkins University U.S.A. Star Clusters And The Duration Of Starbursts
David M. Meyer GO 6418 ISM Northwestern University USA Small-Scale ISM Structure: The Remarkable Sightline Toward Mu Cru
David M. Meyer GO 6457 ISM Northwestern University USA The Abundance of Interstellar Nitrogen
Georges Meylan GO 6467 SP European Southern Observatory Germany Precise Astrometry in the Core of the Globular Cluster 47 Tuc: A Complete Census of High-Velocity Stars
Kenneth Mighell GO 6614 SP Columbia University USA The Star Formation History of the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Kenneth Mighell GO 6640 SP Columbia University USA A Stellar Population Survey of the Nuclear Region of M33
Roberto P. Mignani GO 6527 HS Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR ITALY Search for the Optical Counterpart of PSR1055-52.
Bryan Miller GO 6695 SP Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Stellar Populations in the Pheonix and LGS 3 Dwarf Galaxies
Dante Minniti GO 6464 AGN Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA RESOLVING STARS AROUND THE NEAREST KNOWN SEYFERT 1 NUCLEUS
Anthony Moffat GO 6787 HS Universite de Montreal Canada Fine Structure in Ejection Nebulae Around Population I and II Wolf-Rayet Stars
Heather Morrison GO 6730 SP Case Western Reserve University USA Halos of Nearby Edge-on Spirals
Chan Na GO 6771 SS University of Colorado USA Multispectral observation of Venus atmosphere: Composition, Circulation and Variability
Ralf Napiwotzki GO 6456 HS Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg Germany The photospheric iron abundance of UV bright stars in globular clusters
David Neufeld GO 6739 ISM Johns Hopkins University USA Search for Interstellar Water in Translucent Molecular Clouds
Keith Noll GO 6715 SS Space Telescope Science Institute US Ultraviolet Spectra of Saturn's Satellites: Ion Modification of Surface Ice
Keith Noll GO 6817 SS Space Telescope Science Institute US The Ultraviolet Spectrum of Callisto
Antonella Nota GO 6693 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Circumstellar Nebulae as Fossil Records of the Mass Loss History in Luminous Blue Variables
Dr. Tim O'Brien GO 6770 ISM Liverpool John Moores University United Kingdom Resolving the nature of nova shells
Christopher O'Dea GO 6717 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA UV Spectroscopy of the Luminous Cooling Flow Nebula in A2597
Dr. Darragh O'Donoghue GO 6466 BSF University of Cape Town South Africa Fundamental properties of a DA--dM detached eclipsing binary with P_orb=3^h37^m
Stephen C. Odewahn AR 6385 G&C Arizona State University USA Neural network classification of deep WFPC2 images: Archival studies of field galaxy evolution
Goeran Oestlin GO 6708 SP Astronomiska observatoriet Sweden Multiwavelength Imaging of two Luminous Blue Compact Galaxies
Seb Oliver GO 6740 G&C Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine UK Hyper-luminous IRAS Galaxies: Star formation, AGN or Lenses?
Dr. Edward Olszewski GO 6719 SP Steward Observatory USA The Gaseous Environment of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
Dr. Deborah Padgett GO 6681 BSF Infrared Processing and Analysis Center USA Evolution of Pre-Main Sequence Circumstellar Nebulosity
Francesco Paresce GO 6572 SP European Southern Observatory Germany Searching for Low Mass Stars: the Mass Function at the H Burning Limit
Francesco Paresce GO 6732 BSF European Southern Observatory Germany FOC Observation of the Evolution of the R Aqr Jet
Sidney Parsons GO 6495 CS Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Mass of the Bright Giant HD 173764
Joseph Patterson GO 6605 BSF Columbia University USA Ultraviolet Pulsations in WZ Sagittae
Miriam Pena GO 6409 HS Instituto de Astronomia Mexico SPECTROPHOTOMETRY OF THE WR CENTRAL STAR OF THE LMC-PN N66
Geraldine Peters GO 6709 HS University of Southern California USA Heavy Element Abundances in AV 304, a B0.5 Main Sequence Star in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Ruth C. Peterson GO 6649 CS Astrophysical Advances USA Calibrating Boron Abundances with RR Lyrae
Ruth C. Peterson GO 6784 SP Astrophysical Advances USA Ultraviolet Spectral Templates from the Metal-Rich Open Cluster NGC 6791
Patrick Petitjean GO 6819 QAL Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris France FOS OBSERVATIONS OF CLOSE QSO PAIRS
Michael Pierce GO 6833 COS Indiana University USA A Cepheid Search in the Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4571
Mirek Plavec GO 6493 BSF University of California U.S.A. Accretion in the Interacting Binary UX Monocerotis
Richard Pogge AR 6380 AGN Ohio State University USA The Interaction Between Active Galactic Nuclei and their Host Galaxy Environment
Ronald Polidan GO 6750 BSF NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center USA Spectropolarimetry of Ultraviolet Continuum and Line Emissions in Binary Stars
Marc Postman GO 6581 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Morphology and Photometry of Galaxies in Optically Selected High Redshift Clusters
Renee Prange GO 6531 SS Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale France Correlated study of the outer magnetosphere with FOC, GHRS and Galileo
Charles R. Proffitt GO 6644 HS Computer Sciences Corporation USA Boron Isotope Ratios in Early B Stars from B III
Dr. Judith Provencal GO 6571 HS University of Delaware US Carbon and Convective Mixing in Hot Helium Rich White Dwarf Stars
Dr. Judith Provencal GO 6656 HS University of Delaware US Hydrogen, Interstellar Accretion, and Hot Helium Rich White Dwarfs
Dr. Elizabeth M. Puchnarewicz GO 6600 AGN Mullard Space Science Laboratory UK Investigating high-temperature big bumps in AGN
Kathy Rages GO 6509 SS Space Physics Research Institute USA Jovian Global Photometry During the Galileo Epoch
Sandhya Rao GO 6577 QAL University of Pittsburgh USA An Expanded Survey for Study of the LyAlpha Line in QSO MgII Absorption Systems
Michael Rauch GO 6410 QAL Carnegie Observatories USA Low Redshift Lyman Alpha Forest Clouds: Their Kinematics and Their Relation to Galaxies
Steve Rawlings GO 6703 AGN Astrophysics, Oxford University UK Weak radiogalaxies at z > 2: imaging a unique sample
I. Neill Reid SNAP 6344 CS California Institute of Technology USA Low-mass binaries in the Hyades - completing the survey
Prof. D. Reimers GO 6432 QAL Hamburger Sternwarte Germany Ly-alpha forest clouds at intermediate redshifts z=0.8 to 1.4 in the new double QSO HS 1216+5032
Prof. D. Reimers GO 6433 QAL Hamburger Sternwarte Germany Ne absorption lines in the spectrum of the QSO HS 1700+6416
Prof. D. Reimers GO 6449 QAL Hamburger Sternwarte Germany Spectroscopy of two further UV bright high-redshift quasars
Bo Reipurth GO 6794 BSF European Southern Observatory CHILE PROPER MOTIONS OF HERBIG-HARO JETS
Alvio Renzini GO 6820 SP ESO Germany A Very Deep Luminosity Function for the Galactic Bulge
R. Michael Rich GO 6671 SP Columbia University USA Deep V,I Photometry for 20 M31 Globular Clusters
Hans-Walter Rix GO 6807 G&C Steward Observatory USA The spatial distribution of dust extinction through spiral disks
Dr. Patrick Roche GO 6506 ISM University of Oxford United Kingdom High Resolution Imaging of Young Stellar Objects in Serpens
James Rose GO 6773 G&C Department of Physics & Astronomy USA The Butcher-Oemler Effect in Nearby Clusters of Galaxies
Simon Rosen GO 6414 BSF University of Leicester UK Doppler mapping of chromospheric and transition region UV emission lines in BW Dra.
Edward Rosenthal GO 6767 CS Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics USA A Search for Brown Dwarfs and Luminous Young Planets in the Hyades
Richard Rothschild GO 6777 HS University of California, San Diego USA A Counterpart Search for SGR 0526-66
Ted Roush GO 6762 SS San Francisco State University US Ultraviolet Spectra of Uranian Satellites
Michael Rowan-Robinson SNAP 6356 G&C Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College uk SNAPSHOT Survey of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
Robert Rubin GO 6792 ISM NASA AMES RESEARCH CENTER USA Planetary Nebulae With Supporting Infrared Data
Dr. Steven Saar GO 6676 CS Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory USA Rapid UV Variability: The Contribution of Flare Heating in the Atmospheres of Active, Evolved Stars
Dr. Roberto P. Saglia GO 6478 COS Institut fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik, Muenchen Germany The evolution of elliptical galaxies in distant clusters
Raghvendra Sahai GO 6816 ISM Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ Caltech USA The Small Scale Structure and Symmetries in Proto-Planetary and Young Planetary Nebulae
Raghvendra Sahai SNAP 6353 ISM Jet Propulsion Laboratory/ Caltech USA A SNAPshot Emission-line Imaging Survey of Very Low Excitation Planetary Nebulae
Shoko Sakai GO 6441 G&C Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA The Unknown Stellar Populations in Amorphous Galaxies: NGC 3077 and M82
SHOKO SAKAI AR 6378 CS Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA Color Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Luminosity
Allan Sandage GO 6549 COS Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington USA Calibration of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae as Standard Candles: NGC 3627 and SN 1989B
Blair Savage GO 6451 ISM University of Wisconsin-Madison USA HST and ORFEUS-II Observations of Highly Ionized Galactic Halo Gas Towards ESO 141-55
David Schade GO 6825 COS University of Toronto Canada Quantitative measures of the evolution of the cluster galaxy population
Paul Schechter GO 6555 COS MIT USA What causes the astigmatism in gravitational lenses?
Brian Schmidt GO 6516 ISM Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories Australia SN 1991T: Reflections of Past Glory
Gary Schmidt GO 6421 BSF University of Arizona USA Resolving the Unique Magnetic/Non-Magnetic Double-Degenerate Binary LB 11146
Werner Schmutz GO 6550 BSF Institute of Astronomy Switzerland Understanding the Simplest Symbiotic System(s), II. The 1996 eclipse of RW Hydrae
James Schombert GO 6646 SP NASA Headquarters USA WFPC2 Imaging of Dwarf Spirals
Ethan J. Schreier GO 6578 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA Optical Morphology of NGC 5128: X-ray Ridges and the Geometry of the Dust Lane
Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck GO 6540 HS University of Pittsburgh USA Imaging Circumstellar Nebulae around Luminous Blue Variables in the Magellanic Clouds
Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck AR 6404 SP University of Pittsburgh USA Comparing the Stellar Populations of Isolated Dwarf Irregular Galaxies -- UGC 6456 and Beyond
Alfred Schultz GO 6470 BSF Computer Sciences Corporation USA Decoding the Inner Disk about Beta-Pictoris
Alfred B. Schultz GO 6469 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Pyramid Imaging of Circumstellar Material About Nearby Stars
Axel Schwope GO 6448 BSF Astrophysical Institute Potsdam DE Ultraviolet Mapping of the Unique Polar HU Aqr
Kenneth Seidelmann GO 6753 SS United States Naval Observatory USA Recovery of Inner Satellites of Neptune
Kenneth Sembach GO 6412 ISM Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA Ionization of C IV High Velocity Clouds in the Galactic Halo
Kenneth Sembach GO 6413 ISM Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA High Velocity Thermal Shock Instabilities in the Vela Supernova Remnant
Michael Shara GO 6460 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Where are the Dozens of Predicted Cataclysmic Variables in Globular Clusters?
Michael Shara GO 6461 ISM Space Telescope Science Institute USA High-resolution imagery of the next bright Galactic nova
Michael Shara GO 6823 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA UV and HAlpha-bright Stars in the Core of NGC 6752
Michael Shara SNAP 6365 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA A Snapshot Survey for Companions and Clusters around Wolf-Rayet Stars
Donald E. Shemansky GO 6755 SS University of Southern California USA Morphology of OH in the Saturn Magnetsophere
Patrick Shopbell GO 6826 G&C California Institute of Technology USA The Galactic Wind in M82: Structure and Excitation of the Optical Filaments
Joseph Silk AR 6405 G&C University of California, Berkeley USA Globular Cluster Formation in Galaxy Mergers: What, Where, When, Why, and How
Michal Simon GO 6486 CS State University of New York USA Orbits of Pre-Main Sequence Binaries
Theodore Simon GO 6445 CS University of Hawaii USA A Hyades Enigma: 71 Tauri
Theodore Simon GO 6446 CS University of Hawaii USA The High Chromospheres of the Late A Stars, Altair and Alpha Cephei
Evan Skillman GO 6536 G&C University of Minnesota USA I Zw 18: BUILDING A MODEL
Ian Smail GO 6488 COS The Observatories of the Carnegie Institution of Washington USA AN ULTRA-FAINT GALAXY COUNT AND REDSHIFT SURVEY USING CLUSTER LENSES
Andrew M. Smith GO 6655 ISM The Goddard Space Flight Center USA SEARCH FOR INTERSTELLAR CH_2 IN THE SPECTRUM OF HD 154368
Dr. Verne V. Smith GO 6520 CS University of Texas USA The Origins of Boron
Graeme H. Smith GO 6511 CS UCO/Lick Observatory USA A Search for Outflows and Mass Loss from Population II Red Giants
Graeme H. Smith GO 6788 SP UCO/Lick Observatory USA The Main Sequence Luminosity Functions of NGC 5466 and Palomar 5
Graeme H. Smith GO 6798 SP UCO/Lick Observatory USA The Early Evolution of Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
Paul Smith GO 6444 G&C University of Arizona USA Ultraviolet Imaging Polarimetry of the Low-Redshift BALQSO Mrk 231
Peter Smith GO 6793 SS Lunar and Planetary Laboratory USA WFPC2 Support for the Mars Pathfinder Mission
David Soderblom GO 6468 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA HD 98800, An Extraordinary K Star: Completion of the Astrometry in Cycle 6
Ulysses J. Sofia AR 6390 SS National Research Council USA Ozone Abundance in Mars Atmosphere
Ulysses J. Sofia GO 6686 ISM National Research Council USA On the Nature of Dust Mineralogy
Prof. Baruch T. Soifer GO 6443 G&C California Institute of Technology USA High Resolution Imaging of the Luminous Infrared Source IRAS 09104+4109
William Sparks GO 6713 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Geometric measurement of galaxy distances
William Sparks SNAP 6348 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA Blue Continuum Snapshots of 3CR Radio Galaxies
John Spencer GO 6774 SS Lowell Observatory USA Temporal Variability of Io's Surface and Plumes
Lawrence Sromovsky AR 6374 SS University of Wisconsin-Madison USA Archive Research on Neptune's Atmospheric Dynamics
Lawrence Sromovsky GO 6650 SS University of Wisconsin USA Atmospheric Dynamics and Cloud Structure on Neptune
Adam Stanford SNAP 6360 AGN Insitute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics USA A SNAPSHOT Survey of `Radio-Loud' IRAS Galaxies: Exploring the Genesis of Post--Starburst AGN
Karl Stapelfeldt GO 6754 BSF Jet Propulsion Laboratory USA Imaging of the HH 30 Circumstellar Disk and Jets
John Stauffer GO 6666 CS Center for Astrophysics USA The Mass Function and Binary Star Fraction of the Trapezium Cluster
Theodore Stecher GO 6716 SP NASA Goddard Space Flight Center USA The Pattern of Massive Star Formation in Nearby Irregular and Amorphous Galaxies
Charles Steidel GO 6557 QAL California Institute of Technology USA WFPC2 Imaging of Intermediate Redshift Absorption-Selected Galaxies
S. Alan Stern GO 6513 SS Southwest Research Institute, Suite 429 USA A Targeted HST Search for New Species in the Lunar Atmosphere
Massimo Stiavelli SNAP 6359 G&C Space Telescope Science Institute USA Core properties of the bulges of spiral galaxies
Dr. John Stocke GO 6593 QAL University of Colorado, Boulder USA ORIGIN AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS IN THE LOCAL Ly-alpha FOREST
John Stocke GO 6586 QAL University of Colorado, Boulder USA A Metal Absorption Line System in the Local Supercluster ?
Hervey Stockman GO 6498 BSF Space Telescope Science Institute USA Accretion Streams in Magnetic Variables: FOS Eclipse Studies of 5 ROSAT/HEAO 1 Sources
Alan Stockton GO 6490 AGN Institute for Astronomy USA Deep Imaging of Extended Optical Structure around the Quasars 4C37.43 and 3C351
Alan Stockton GO 6491 AGN Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii USA The Optical Structure and Environments of z~1 3CR Quasars
Alex Storrs GO 6559 SS Space Telescope Science Institute USA An Imaging Study of Asteroids
Nicholas Suntzeff SNAP 6362 COS Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory USA Supernova Host Galaxies
Jean Surdej GO 6811 COS Space Telescope Science Institute USA A NEW GRAVITATIONAL LENS CANDIDATE: QSO 0449--1645 A & B
Alexander S. Szalay AR 6395 COS The Johns Hopkins University US Modelling Cluster Mass Distributions from Gravitationally Lensed Arcs
Dr. Paula Szkody GO 6489 BSF University of Washington USA The Identification and Cooling of the White Dwarf in the WZ Sge-Like System AL Com
Clive Tadhunter GO 6657 AGN University of Sheffield UK Resolving the Shocks in Powerful Radio Galaxies
Dr. Laurence Taff GO 6641 CS The Johns Hopkins University USA Continued Observations for Orbit and Individual Mass Determinations for the Low-Mass Binary L722-22
Marco Tavani GO 6670 BSF Columbia University USA High-resolution imagery of jets from superluminal X-ray transients
Trinh X. Thuan GO 6678 COS University of Virginia USA Nearby young dwarf galaxies and their Lyman Alpha emission
John L. Tonry GO 6579 COS Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA The Cosmic Velocity of the Great Attractor
Susan Trammell GO 6761 ISM University of Chicago USA The Origin of Shock Emission in Proto-Planetary Nebulae
Susan Trammell SNAP 6366 ISM University of Chicago USA The Early Onset of Asymmetric Outflow During the Planetary Nebula Formation Process
David Turnshek GO 6799 QAL Dept. of Physics & Astronomy USA The BAL Region Covering Factor in a Sample of IRAS-Selected QSOs
David Turnshek GO 6815 QAL Department of Physics & Astronomy USA The Origin of the Polarization in the Gravitationally Lensed ``Cloverleaf'' BAL QSO H1413+1143
Tony Tyson GO 6503 COS AT&T Bell Laboratories USA The Enigma Lens Q2345+007: Early Assembly of Dark Matter?
Prof. David Tytler SNAP 6349 QAL University of California, San Diego USA SNAP SHOT SEARCH FOR HIGH REDSHIFT QSOS WITH FAR-UV FLUX
C. Megan Urry SNAP 6363 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute USA The Environments and Host Galaxies of BL Lac Objects
Wil van Breugel GO 6608 COS Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA DETAILED STUDIES OF TWO Z > 3.5 RADIO GALAXIES
Roeland van der Marel GO 6430 G&C Hubble Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study USA Nuclear structure & merger--starburst relation in the ultraluminous IRAS galaxy NGC 6240
M. H. van Kerkwijk GO 6744 HS California Institute of Technology USA Fundamental properties of the pulsar/white-dwarf binary PSR B1855+09
Dr. Stephane Vennes GO 6615 BSF UC Berkeley, Center for EUV Astrophysics USA Fundamental Parameters of White Dwarfs in Close Binaries with Late-Type Stars
Alfred Vidal-Madjar GO 6800 ISM Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris France Deuterium in the local interstellar medium towards hot stars
Alfred Vidal-Madjar GO 6828 HS Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris France Far UV emission spectrum and stellar wind of Sirius A
Osmi Vilhu GO 6647 CS University of Helsinki Observatory Finland A NEW TOOL FOR PROBING MAGNETIC ACTIVITY WITH CIV LINE PROFILES
Ted von Hippel GO 6424 SP University of Wisconsin USA Calibration of Stellar Evolutionary Ages and Variations in the IMF
Richard Wade GO 6661 BSF The Pennsylvania State University USA UV Spectroscopy of face-on accretion disks
Bart Wakker GO 6590 ISM University of Wisconsin USA The metallicity of high-velocity cloud complex C
Nolan R. Walborn GO 6508 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of New Compact Multiple Systems in the LMC
Alistair Walker GO 6604 SP Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory USA Photometry of the Oldest Field Populations in the Magellanic Clouds
Dr. Jeremy Walsh GO 6518 ISM Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility Germany High spatial resolution polarization mapping of the nebula around Eta Carinae
Dr. Jeremy Walsh GO 6519 ISM Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility Germany Parallel high resolution imaging of diffuse objects in the Magellanic Clouds
Frederick Walter GO 6429 HS State University of New York US Parallax, Proper Motion, and Spectral Energy Distribution of an Isolated Old Neutron Star"
Rene Walterbos AR 6382 SP New Mexico State University USA The Stellar Populations Inside Expanding HI Shells in Galaxies
Dr. S. J. Warren GO 6560 COS Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine England Mapping an optical Einstein ring
Harold Weaver GO 6663 SS Applied Research Corporation USA Systematic Investigation of C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)
Harold Weaver GO 6679 SS Applied Research Corporation USA HST Investigation of a Bright, New Comet
John K. Webb GO 6712 QAL University of New South Wales Australia The Gaseous Extent of Galaxies: How Far is Too Far?
William F. Welsh GO 6721 AGN Keele University UK Ultra--Rapid UV Continuum Variability as a Probe of AGN Physics
Klaus Werner GO 6454 HS Universitaet Potsdam Germany UV spectroscopy of a DAO white dwarf showing signatures of an extremely hot wind
Klaus Werner GO 6455 HS Universitaet Potsdam Germany Metal diffusion and radiative levitation in hot helium-rich white dwarfs
Francois Wesemael GO 6654 HS Universite de Montreal Canada Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Hot DB White Dwarfs
Richard White GO 6724 HS Space Telescope Science Institute USA The P Cygni Nebula
Richard L. White AR 6396 AGN Space Telescope Science Institute U.S.A. HST WFPC2 Observations of MilliJansky Radio Sources from the FIRST Survey
Beverley J. Wills GO 6781 AGN Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin USA SOFT X-RAYS AND THE UV SPECTRA OF A COMPLETE QSO SAMPLE
Andrew Wilson GO 6419 AGN University of Maryland USA Testing Unified Models with a Complete Sample of Seyfert Galaxies
Rogier Windhorst GO 6609 G&C Arizona State University USA The WFPC2 B-Band parallel survey: a systematic and synoptic study of galaxy formation and evolution
Rogier Windhorst GO 6610 COS Arizona State University USA WFPC2 Ly-alpha imaging of galaxy clusters at z=2.4: galaxy formation from compact sub-galactic clumps?
Donald E. Winget GO 6727 HS University of Texas USA A Unique Test of Asteroseismology: the DBV GD358
P. Frank Winkler GO 6809 HS Middlebury College USA An Optical Counterpart to the X-Ray Point Source in the Puppis A Supernova Remnant?
Dr. Janet Wood GO 6420 BSF Keele University UK Phase Resolved UV Spectroscopy of the Peculiar Binary V Sge
Guy Worthey GO 6664 SP University of Michigan USA Stellar Ages in M 32: Exposing the Conspiracy
Hui Yang AR 6386 ISM University of Illinois USA The Structuring of the ISM by Massive Stars in NGC 604
Howard Yee GO 6832 COS University of Toronto Canada Imaging of a Protogalaxy at z=2.7 Discovered by its Young Stellar Population
Eliot Young GO 6733 SS NASA Ames Research Center USA Spatially-resolved mapping of Titan's atmosphere at several interesting altitudes
Ann Zabludoff GO 6835 G&C Carnegie Observatories USA The Detailed Morphology of Post-Merger Galaxies
Dennis Zaritsky AR 6370 G&C UC Observatory/Lick Observatory USA Lopsided Galaxy Disks and the Galaxy Accretion Rate
Ben Zellner GO 6481 SS Georgia Southern University USA Vesta at Perihelion
Ben Zellner GO 6487 SS Georgia Southern University USA Spectrophotometry of Inner Satellites of Uranus
Ben Zellner GO 6552 SS Georgia Southern University USA Spectrophotometry of Inner Jovian Satellites
Steve Zepf GO 6439 COS University of California, Berkeley USA Using a Cepheid based Distance to Test the Large Peculiar Motions Inferred in the Centaurus Region
Esther Zirbel GO 6675 COS Haverford College USA The Evolution of Galaxies in Groups