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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Mar 23 19:51:00 1999
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Dec 23 06:22:41 2007

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January 19 99


Volume 16, N umber 1

Highlights of this Issue:

The PLANET Project: study of unseen lenses, stars and extra-solar planets through microlensing
Kailash C. Sahu, STScI ksahu@stsci.edu
he idea of microlensing is not new. More than half a century ago, Einstein wrote a small paper in Science where he did `a little calculation' at the request of R.W. Mandal, and showed that if a star happens to pass very close to another star in the line of sight, then the background star will be lensed. However, he also dismissed the idea as only a theoretical exercise and remarked that there was `no hope of observing such a phenomenon directly' since the probability of observing is less than one in a million. Times have changed. The technologies have been put to use to beat the enormous odds. The herculean experiments designed in late 80s to look for microlensing events -- by monitoring millions of stars towards the Magellanic Clouds and the Galactic Bulge -- have borne fruit. After the first detection of a microlensing event in 1993, microlensing events have been detected at a prodigious rate by the microlensing survey programs MACHO, OGLE, EROS, and DUO, and there has been a steady and increasing interest in the study of microlensing phenomena. By now, more than 200 microlensing events have been detected towards the Galactic Bulge, and more than a dozen microlensing events have been detected towards the Magellanic Clouds.

· Hubble Heritage Project -- page 19 · Starburst99 Synthesis Models -- page 21 · The Last Days of NICMOS -- page 32


The microlensing survey programs have an `Alert' capability that has opened the possibility of carrying out independent follow-up study of the microlensing events while the events are in progress. Now, at any given time during the months when the Galactic Bulge is up in the sky, there are typically 10 or more microlensing events in progress, so it is possible to even plan and dedicate some telescope time to carry out such follow up studies of the microlensing events.

Science with microlensing monitoring programs
Traditionally, microlensing events are thought to be symmetric, nonrepeatable and achromatic -- which is true only for point source, point lens cases. While most microlensing light curves can indeed be approximated in that way, the departure from such an approximation can provide very useful information on the source and lens characteristics. The number of additional and interesting science programs that can be done by studying such finer structures in the light curve is large. For example, frequent monitoring of a caustic crossing caused by a binary lens can potentially provide information on the location of the lens. Monitoring of high-amplification events where the lens passes across the face of the source can be used as an effective high-angularcontinued page 22

Cycle 8
Who got time on HST to do what ... How the selection process works ... A new RPS2 for Cycle 8 ... A new Phase II ...



Approved Programs






Space Telescope Science Institute


ou can buy a Sony Walkman for $35. It cost more than $100 fifteen years ago, when the dollar 's worth was 50% greater. The cost of computers has come down drastically at the same time that computing power has increased exponentially. Long-distance telephone calls are much cheaper; so too are mobile phones. Many commodities have come down in price, with oil being the most remarkable. Gasoline costs less now in constant dollars than at any time since the 1920s. Across the wide spectrum of manufactured goods, services, and commodities, you pay less to get better quality today than you did only a decade ago. The business sector has enormously increased its productivity. Telescopes are cheaper to build too, and the new ones are much better than those we built even 15 years ago. They have faster focal ratios, so they are shorter and lighter. We understand the importance of thermal control to reduce dome seeing. Computers allow us to use alt-az drives, reducing the cost of mountings, while simultaneously increasing their strength. Computer-controlled mirror support systems let us use segmented (Keck) or thin-meniscus (VLT, Gemini) primary mirrors; in principle, these systems are scalable to apertures of enormous size: MAXAT (50m) and OWL (100m). We expect to build the NGST for a phase C/D cost of $500 million; a large part of the savings is that NGST will weigh 3700 kg, whereas HST weighs 11,000 kg, and cost tends to scale with weight for spacecraft. We have constructed more sophisticated instrumentation and automated systems to point, track, and record data without requiring heroics from the observers. The big telescopes have become more expensive to operate. Keck has an on-site staff of more than 60 people. A similar number of people work on instrumentation for the telescope. The VLT will need to maintain four telescopes and will require an even larger staff. The Space Telescope Science Institute has a staff of 470 people, almost all of whom work full time to maintain the data flow from the Hubble Space Telescope. There are yet more people employed by Goddard Space Flight Center and in industry to service the telescope. Only 20% of the HST budget goes to STScI operations (~40 M$/ year). Grants and fellowships are another ~28 M$/year. The rest, of order 180 M$/year, is for new instrumentation, servicing, and flight operations. Gone are the days when a professor with a couple of ambitious graduate students and a technician could build state-of-the-art equipment to explore the heavens, at least not for the biggest telescopes. There are gains, of course. The information content of a single observation is generally much higher than it used to be, in some cases by orders of magnitude, so the cost per bit of data has not risen as dramatically as operating expenses. Large CCD detectors deliver enormous amounts of high-quality data, although we should temper our enthusiasm by noting that photographic plates in the 1920s provided more raw bits of information than today's CCDs. The principle gain is high quantum efficiency needed for the faintest objects, that are naturally the most interesting. Similarly, HST delivers images with such superb resolution that it has changed the nature of what we expect. Quite a bit of modern astronomy now requires this resolution and its correspondingly high price. HST set the bar higher both in quality and cost of data. I think it is a good time to examine these costs and see if we can reduce them without sacrificing those services necessary to do great science. We provide many services at STScI, some of which we can almost certainly do more cost effectively than anyone else; calibrating the standard instrument modes, for example, and archiving the data. Others may be less expensive and just as effective if done by the users. Novel uses of the telescope or observations with rarely-used configurations may be more successful if the expertise is vested in the community. Soon there will be redundant capability on HST whose incremental support cost will be high, but whose incremental scientific value is, at the very least, debatable. Productivity gains in industry normally come at the cost of up-front capital investment for new equipment and training. When spread across millions of units, robotic welding equipment to manufacture automobiles or satellites to handle phone calls will greatly reduce costs in the long run, even if they are more expensive to implement at first. We can achieve similar productivity
continued page 3


Because of STScI's role in the Next Generation Space Telescope, this and future issues of the Newsletter are being sent to infrared astronomers as well as to the HST community. We hope you find the Newsletter useful and encourage your responses on its content (see the back page). You may, of course, ask to not receive this publication if you wish.


January 1999

The HST Proposal Selection Process
Mike Shara, STScI shara@stsci.edu
ext month I'll step down as Head of the STScI Science Programs Selection Office (SPSO) after overseeing proposal Cycles 5, 6, and 8. The Panels and TACs I've had the privilege of working with have allocated about 10,000 HST orbits, equivalent to roughly a billion dollars (when you amortize the HST mission cost over 20 years). Their hard work, and that of the SPSO staff, is directed at selecting the very best proposals received each year. The oversubscription rate is typically four- or five to one, with 1000+ proposals each year, so it's inevitable that some very good proposals are declined each cycle. I'd like to share with you some details of how the process works, what the Panels and TAC look for in supporting the truly outstanding proposals, and


some ideas that you might find useful when you write your next HST proposal.

How the Proposal Selection Process Works
The proposal selection process has not changed drastically in recent years, though details have been different in different cycles. As an illustration I'll describe here the process as it was just applied to Cycle 8 proposals. First, we asked STScI staff scientists to help by acting as Panel Support Scientists (PSSs). One senior and one junior STScI staffer were assigned to each panel. The PSSs acted solely to provide knowledgeable help for the work of the individual TAC panels, and were not voting members. Immediately after the proposal deadline the senior PSS read each

proposal for his or her panel and sent those with potential technical problems to an Instrument Scientist for a technical review. A "swap meet" was held by SPSO and the PSSs to make sure proposals ended up in the most appropriate panel. We worked hard to ensure that all proposals in a given area ended up in the same panel and that the assigned panel had the appropriate expertise to judge those proposals. Proposals were assigned to Panelist reviewers on the basis of the proposal title and keywords, and the panelists' fields of expertise. Stringent conflictof-interest rules were in place to prevent PIs, co-Is, same-institution colleagues, former supervisors and direct competitors from judging each other's proposals. We asked TAC
continued page 4

Cheap Ops

from page 2

gains by investing in software to handle routine tasks now being done by people, and we do it all the time. The STScI staff has decreased by 14% since 1993, when it peaked. Our data rate has more than doubled, and a smaller staff provides more services for more complex instruments than in the past. We are implementing new software to automate the grant awards, handle our accounting systems, and translate scheduling information for the telescope from people-oriented language to machine code. All of these investments cost money, principally by using STScI software engineers to write and debug new code. It makes sense for some areas, but would be wasteful for others, where the number of "units," observation blocks, special instrument modes, or user inquiries is small. Our support of NGST will make possible more of these productivity gains by spreading the infrastructure costs over two projects. NASA sets our budget assuming no change in the level of support for science instruments, and no change in the number of services we provide. The agency wants to do everything it can to insure the continued great flow of data from HST. But we will do ourselves a service by becoming more efficient before we face budget cutbacks: They are inevitable. And we are looking forward to the era of the NGST with the important assumption that we can operate it for about 30% of the cost of operating Hubble. We are working now to meet this goal; it will depend on some discipline in mission design, but it should be doable. In the meantime, it is useful to ask if we can reduce the costs of running HST. If we can make gains in our HST productivity, it bodes well for the future of space astronomy. This effort will start at STScI and involve the users through community dialogue. The users committee, STUC, should play a major role in helping make the tradeoffs between essential and non-essential services. Some of the changes will be transparent to the user, resulting from internal improvements in the way we carry out tasks. Some will involve changes in the way the users work and what they expect from STScI. I do not see much waste in our current system. We scientists should demonstrate that we can increase productivity just as industry does. It may get the attention of our supporters if we who use astronomical facilities for research can increase our overall output without more input. Food for thought. Steven Beckwith Baltimore, December 22, 1998




Space Telescope Science Institute

Proposal Selection Process

Mike Shara to Leave STScI
s the accompanying article on proposal selection notes, Mike Shara will soon leave STScI to go to the American Museum of Natural History. The profiles of Institute scientists that have appeared in the Newsletter have mostly been of people recently promoted to tenure, which has meant I have missed more senior staff members. Mike has been at the Space Telescope Science Institute since its earliest days, and I wanted to make sure readers knew a little about him. Mike is one of the Institute's many Canadians (you can still hear it a little in words like "about"). Despite the long and cold winters of Montreal, where he was born and raised, he took early to observing the heavens with a small refractor. He knew he wanted to be an astronomer when he was eight years old, and pursued that goal. His parents (an accountant and bookkeeper) encouraged his interest in science, as did an uncle who was involved with pharmaceutical research for a time. Some old books of a cousin, including some 1940s astronomy textbooks, also helped fuel his interest. He got his BSc in physics from the University of Toronto in 1971, then spent an additional year there to finish a Masters degree with Maurice Clement. A desire to explore his Jewish Mike Shara background and a sense of adventure led Mike to go to graduate school at Tel Aviv University. He and his wife arrived in Israel just before the Yom Kippur war began, but stayed on to finish his degree in 1977. He worked with Giora Shaviv on hydrodynamic simulations of stellar collisions involving white dwarfs. Offshoots from this have been prominent in most of his subsequent research. For instance, the simulations showed that such collisions -- which are likely to occur in globular cluster cores -- lead to the white dwarf being coated with hydrogen after the collision event. This leads to a nova-like phenomenon after the main sequence star (the target of the collision) get destroyed. Mike returned to Montreal after his PhD to take up a National Research Council (of Canada) post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Montreal. This led to collaborations with Rene Racine and Tony Moffat that also were critical in his career. Despite his youthful observational interest, Mike's professional background was entirely in theory, but Rene (re)introduced Mike to observational astronomy. Tony got Mike involved with Wolf-Rayet stars. Mike spent 1980 to 1982 as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Arizona State University, then he came to STScI in 1982. His younger brother is also a scientist (a chemical engineer), and his wife, Honey, runs a small business supplying medical equipment. When he can, Mike gets away for scuba diving, and is well known here for his competitive squash racquet. The Institute will miss Mike, but the move to New York works well for him. The position at AMNH offers more time for research, his wife markets equipment via the web, and their two children are in New York. We wish them all well. -- The Editor

from page 3


panelists to provide preliminary grades and comments before the panels met. Panelists came to STScI for intense two-day meetings. The panels reviewed and graded proposals on the first day, with a more reflective overview the second day. This overview was aimed at achieving scientific balance and breadth, consistent with panel orbit allocations. Snap and AR proposals were judged after GO orbits were assigned. Each panel was allocated a number of HST orbits that was based mostly on proposal pressure. The total number of orbits assigned by the panels was about two-thirds of the available spacecraft orbits, with TAC assigning the rest. A significant pool of "matching incentive" orbits for larger proposals was made available to the panels this year for the first time. This helped panels with modest initial orbit allocations award time to one or more larger proposals. Further details on this will be available in the Cycle 9 Call for Proposals. The final product of each panel was a rank-ordered list of proposals. After each panel exhausted its available orbits it assembled a list of the best remaining proposals which were forwarded to the TAC for consideration. The TAC was charged with addressing the overall scientific quality and interdisciplinary balance of the Cycle 8 program. This was done by having the 20 TAC members consider and vote on the Large proposals, the scientifically risky proposals, and the best proposals not assigned time by the panels. The 16 Panel chairs and 4 TAC members-at-large were asked to be advocates for the entire field of astronomy. In their initial presentations, each panel chair 's goal was to educate the TAC on the key scientific themes in the sub-field, on the special role of HST, and on the overall quality level of proposals in the panel. For that reason, panel chairs limited their subarea advocacy to their initial presentacontinued page 5


January 1999

Proposal Selection Process

from page 4

tions. Chairs were asked to respond honestly to questions about strengths and weaknesses of proposals. The TAC then proceeded to "rounds" for proposals in various categories. A special round for the largest proposals was held, which carefully considered the recommendation from panels about these Large proposals. Rounds for all remaining competing proposals (including the "risky" class) followed. In these rounds, each panel chair presented one proposal, and the TAC then voted. Typically 4 to 6 proposals were accepted per round. At appropriate moments, TAC discussed and compared the general quality of the remaining proposals, and then proceeded to further rounds until all available time was allocated. Both TAC and the panelists have supplied STScI with detailed critiques of our procedures so that we can further improve our selection process in future cycles.

Observations and Suggestions
At least half of all proposals that are rejected have violated one or more of the following simple rules: First, the best proposals can be understood in their entirety by a firstyear graduate student. In other words, a clear and succinct statement of the broad science background is essential. Convincing the Panel that the proposed observations will significantly advance our understanding of a class of objects or physical process is no less crucial. Narrowly-focused proposals or those proposing only modest increments of knowledge rarely succeed. Second, tell the panel why HST is essential to the success of your proposal. If it can be done from the ground, even with difficulty, your proposal will not receive time. Third, signal-to-noise calculations must be thoroughly documented. Vague descriptions force STScI technical personnel to do Exposure Time Calculations in support of panels, and they may have to guess at proposers' intentions. Significant doubt

about the technical feasibility of a proposal is usually fatal to that proposal; the onus is on the proposer! Fourth, panels look very hard at what you've done with your past allocations of HST time. Requesting more time when you haven't published observations from two or more cycles ago regularly leads to rebukes and proposal downgrading by panels. Timely publication in refereed journals is regarded by panels as a strong plus. Fifth, proposers who request exactly the number of orbits that they really need, regardless of the "Small," "Medium," or "Large" orbit boundaries, tend to do best. Panels and TAC have an uncanny sense of orbit inflation and punish it. They also recognize a truly great, exciting proposal right away and support it with little regard for orbit cost. Finally, edit your proposals carefully and have a colleague read them for clarity. Missing references, mislabelled figures, garbled sentences and proposals exceeding the page limit rapidly sour panelists trying to absorb up to 100 competing proposals.

ether with less than 100% probability of receipt before the deadline? On a personal note, it's been a genuine privilege and pleasure to do this job. The technical and scientific support I've consistently received from the SPSO staff, PRESTO division office and STScI colleagues has been outstanding. The encouragement and moral support from the Director 's Office has been equally invaluable. I'll be moving permanently to the American Museum of Natural History and Hayden Planetarium in Manhattan next summer, leaving SPSO in Meg Urry's experienced hands. Cycle 9 will bring on the Advanced Camera, a resurrected NICMOS and, I'm certain, well over 1000 strong proposals for an extraordinary telescope.

Final Thoughts
If your proposal was turned down, should you reapply? Panelists rarely serve more than once every three or four years. Because successive panels are composed of completely different members, it's probably worth resubmitting a proposal which ranked in the top half but failed to get time (but heed the referees' advice first!). On the other hand, proposals in the bottom half usually had flaws serious enough that the proposer will have to strengthen them significantly to have any realistic chance of success in the next round. Finally, consider submitting your proposal a few days ahead of the deadline. Please. The internet didn't melt down on September 11, as your proposals came flooding in, despite the fact that Ken Starr 's report was competing for bandwidth. But did you really need the adrenaline rush of watching your proposal vanish into the

HST Recent Release: Turtle In Space
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has shown us that the shrouds of gas surrounding planetary nebulae come in a variety of strange shapes, from an "hourglass" to a "butterfly" to a "stingray." With this image of NGC 6210, the Hubble telescope has added another bizarre form to the rogues' gallery of planetary nebulae: a turtle swallowing a seashell. Credits: Robert Rubin and Christopher Ortiz (NASA Ames Research Center), Patrick Harrington and Nancy Jo Lame (University of Maryland), Reginald Dufour (Rice University), and NASA





Space Telescope Science Institute

Panels TAC Chair
Steve Strom, University Of Massachusetts

Cool Stars
Douglas K. Duncan, University Of Chicago (Panel Chair) George F. Benedict, U. Of Texas-Austin, McDonald Observatory Nancy S. Brickhouse, Center For Astrophysics Alexander Brown, University Of Colorado CASA Geoffrey C. Clayton, Louisiana State University Constantine P. Deliyannis, Indiana University Iain Neil Reid, Caltech Raffaele Gratton, (ESA), Osservatorio Astronomico Di Padova



TAC At-Large Members
Joe Burns, Cornell University Ray Carlberg, University Of Toronto Francoise Combes, Observatorie De Paris-Meudon Dave Meyer, Northwestern University Jim Pringle, University Of Cambridge Institute Of Astromony

AGN Hosts And Environment
Patrick J. McCarthy, Carnegie Observatories (Panel Chair) Joanne Baker, U. Of California Berkeley Kenneth C. Chambers, U. Of Hawaii, Institute For Astronomy David De Young, KPNO/NOAO Richard W. Pogge, Ohio State University Susan M. Simkin, Michigan State University S. Adam, University Of California Catherine Boisson, (ESA), Observatorie De Paris-Meudon

Clusters, Lensing, and Cosmology
Wendy L. Freedman, Carnegie Observatories (Panel Chair) Warrick Couch, University Of New South Wales Philippe Fischer, University Of Michigan Lori M. Lubin, Caltech Hans Boehringer, (ESA), MPI FÝr Extraterrestrische Physik Edward A. Ajhar, KPNO/NOAO Ronald O. Marzke, Carnegie Observatories Brian P. Schmidt, Mount Stromlo & Siding Spring Obs. The Australian National University David N. Spergel, Princeton University Yannick Mellier, (ESA), Observatoire Midi Pyrenees

AGN Physics
P. D. Barthel, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute (Panel Chair) Gerald N. Cecil, KPNO/NOAO Martin C. Gaskell, University Of Nebraska Hagai Netzer, Tel Aviv University Christopher Reynolds, University Of Colorado, JILA Paul S. Smith, KPNO/NOAO Thomas Boller, (ESA), MPI FÝr Extraterrestrische Physik

Distant Galaxies
David C. Koo, University Of California, Lick Observatory (Panel Chair) Stephane Courteau, Dominion Astrophyiscal Observatory Erica Ellingson, University Of Colorado, CASA Michael A. Pahre, Center For Astrophysics David Schade, Dominion Astrophyiscal Observatory Jeffrey A. Willick, Stanford University Emanuele Giallongo, (ESA), Osservatorio Astronomico Di Roma

Binary Stars
Edward M. Sion, Villanova University (Panel Chair) Douglas R. Gies, Georgia State University Carole Haswell, University Of Sussex Coel Hellier, Keele University David W. Latham, Center For Astrophysics Ronald Webbink, University Of Illinois Hilmar W. Duerbeck, (ESA), Westpfalische Wilhelms-UniversitÄt

Field Stellar Populations
Donna Weistrop, University Of Nevada, Las Vegas (Panel Chair) Timothy C. Beers, Michigan State University Eva Grebel, University Of California Lick Observatory Kem Cook, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., U. Of California Andrew C. Layden, Bowling Green State University Michael Rich, Columbia University Bengt Edvardsson, (ESA), Uppsala Astronomical Observatory


January 1999

Panels Galaxy Populations And Interactions
Robert W. O'Connell, University Of Virginia (Panel Chair) Darren L. Depoy, Ohio State University Michael Gregg, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Carl J. Grillmair, SIRTF Science Center Inger Jorgensen, Gemini 8-M Telescopes Project Chris Mihos, Case Western Reserve Univ. Curtis Struck, Iowa State University Brigitte Rocca-Volmerange, (ESA), Institut D'astrophysique De Paris CNRS

Solar System
Paul D. Feldman, The Johns Hopkins University (Panel Chair) Jane Fox, Wright State University, SUNY At Stony Brook Richard G. French, Wellesley College Will Grundy, Lowell Observatory Erich Karkoschka, University Of Arizona Steven W. Lee, University Of Colorado, LASP Harold F. Levison, Southwest Research Institute Pierre Drossart, (ESA), Observatoire De Meudon



Stellar Ejecta Galaxy Structure And Dynamics
Debra M. Elmegreen, Vassar College (Panel Chair) Gregory D. Bothun, University Of Oregon Marcella Carollo, The Johns Hopkins University John J. Dubinski, University Of Toronto, CITA Karl Gebhardt, University Of California Lick Observatory Michael Loewenstein, NASA/GSFC, University of Maryland K. H. Kuijken, (ESA), Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Mark Whittle, Univ. Of Virginia Bo Reipurth, University Of Colorado (Panel Chair) Michael F. Bode, Liverpool John Mores University You-Hua Chu, University Of Illinois Sun Kwok, University Of Calgary John C. Raymond, Center For Astrophysics Raghvendra Sahai, Jet Propulsion Lab. Lifan Wang, University Of Texas At Austin Peter Lundqvist, (ESA), Stockholm Observatory

Stellar Populations In Clusters Hot Stars
James W. Liebert, University Of Arizona, Steward (Panel Chair) Laurent Drissen, UniversitÈ Laval Jean Dupuis, University Of California At Berkeley Andrew King, University Of Leicester Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Max Planck Institute For Astronomy Linda Smith, University College London Kim Venn, Macalester College Saeqa Dil Vrtilek, Center For Astrophysics Joachim Puls, (ESA), Universitaetssternwarte Muenchen William E. Harris, McMaster University (Panel Chair) Brian C. Chaboyer, U. Of Arizona, Steward Observatory Adrienne Cool, San Francisco State Univ. Randy L. Phelps, California State University Carlton Pryor, Rutgers University F.W.M. Verbunt, University Of Utrecht, Sterrekundig Instituut Peter Linde (ESA), Lund Observatory

Young Stars and Circumstellar Material
Michal Simon, SUNY At Stony Brook (Panel Chair)

Interstellar and Intergalactic Matter
Michael J. Barlow, (ESA), University College London (Panel Chair) Steven R. Federman, University Of Toledo Donald R. Garnett, University Of Arizona Steward Observatory Katherine Roth, University Of Hawaii Institute For Astronomy Robert H. Rubin, NASA/Ames Research Center Blair D. Savage, University Of Wisconsin Giovanno Vladilo, (ESA), Osservatorio Astronomico Di Trieste

Mary A. Barsony, University Of California, Riverside, Harvey Mudd College Adam Frank, University Of Rochester Carol Anne Grady, STIS Group, NOAO/GSFC Lynne Hillenbrand, Caltech Mark J. McCaughrean, (ESA), Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam T. P. Ray, (ESA), Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies

Quasar Absorption Lines
Chris David Impey, University Of Arizona, Steward Observatory (Panel Chair) Neal Katz, University Of Massachusetts Kirk T. Korista, Western Michigan University Howard Yee, University Of Toronto Sandra Savaglio, Space Telescope Science Institute Patrick Boisse, (ESA), Departement De Physique De Lens David Bowen, (ESA), Royal Observatory Edinburgh




Space Telescope Science Institute

Proposals by Country: Country Submitted
12 1 1 4 19 4 2 4 37 52 1 2 8 25 3 3 18 1 1 8 14 3 70 760

Cycle 8 Panels Approved
1 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 14 10 0 0 1 4 0 0 8 0 0 2 1 0 28 218


AGN Host AGN Physics Binary Stars Clusters, Lensing and Cosmology Cool Stars Distant Galaxies Field Stellar Populations Galaxy Populations and Interactions Galaxy Structure and Dynamics Hot Stars ISM QAL Solar System Stellar Ejecta Stellar Populations in Clusters Young Stars



Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark France Germany Greece India Israel Italy Japan Korea Netherlands Norway South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States

Requested vs Allocated Orbits by Orbit Bin 250 Requested proposals 200 Approved proposals

Number of proposals

US PIs by State: Country
AL -------AZ -------CA -------CO -------CT -------DC -------DE -------FL --------GA -------HI --------IA --------IL ---------IN --------KY -------LA -------MA -------MD ------MI --------MN ------NC -------NE -------NH -------NJ -------NM ------NV -------NY -------OH -------OK -------OR -------PA -------SC -------TN -------TX --------VA -------VT --------WA -------WI ---------

8 56 128 45 11 9 4 2 2 8 4 17 7 4 7 49 190 16 7 3 2 4 10 7 4 31 10 2 3 34 1 1 27 10 1 17 19

2 18 33 15 2 2 0 1 1 2 0 6 1 2 1 13 61 5 5 0 0 2 1 2 0 6 4 1 1 6 0 0 6 4 1 5 9




0 1­5 6­10 11­15 16­20 21­25 26­30 31­35 36­40 41­45 46­50 51­120 Orbit size

Cycles 1­ 8 Oversubscription 1400 GO props submitted GO props approved Orbs/hrs requested Orbs/hrs approved 25000



Number of GO proposals






400 5000 200

0 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 7N Cycle 8



Number of orbits

January 1999

Summary of Cycle 8 Results
Requested Proposals
GO SNAP AR Total 880 64 109 1,053 14,005 $6,457,494 231 23 41 295 3,314 $2,232,523 26% 36% 38% 28% 24% 35% 62 9 -- 71 814 -- 27% 39% -- 27% 25% --


% Accepted

ESA Accepted

ESA % Total

Primary Orbits AR Funding



Accepted GO Proposals by SI*

% Total


% Total

4% 21% 40% 35%

86 570 1,349 1,309

3% 17% 41%** 39%

* The proposal numbers presented in the Science Instrument chart reflect multiple SI usage (either for coordinated parallels or Multi-SI Prime). ** ~ Maximum supportable value

Proposal Statistics by Panel
AGNH AGNP Proposals Received
GO SN AP AR 39 5 7 63 6 4 47 5 4 63 6 10 73 1 6 25 4 28 55 5 7 62 6 5 38 8 7 85 2 1 61 1 4 44 4 4 86 6 5 42 3 3 51 0 12 46 2 2 880 64 109
















Proposals Accepted
GO SN AP AR 11 1 3 17 2 2 16 2 2 16 2 2 15 1 3 8 2 8 9 1 2 16 1 2 13 2 3 18 1 0 17 1 3 12 0 0 22 4 2 14 2 2 15 0 6 12 1 1 231 23 41

Primary Orbits Requested
606 874 567 1401 1450 755 1104 925 630 1000 926 970 1061 489 619 628 14005

Panel Fraction of Total Accepted
5% 7% 5% 9% 13% 7% 5% 5% 6% 7% 5% 6% 8% 4% 4% 4% --

Primary Orbits Accepted
163 219 173 306 429 232 170 151 183 228 152 211 278 136 136 147 3314

Fraction of Orbits Accepted/Requested
27% 25% 31% 22% 30% 31% 15% 16% 29% 23% 16% 22% 26% 28% 22% 23% 24%

ESA PIs Accepted
6 4 6 5 3 2 2 3 4 7 4 6 8 3 4 4 71

ESA Primary Orbits Accepted
107 24 42 95 42 12 54 22 63 50 33 127 57 22 29 35 814

Fraction of ESA Orbits Accepted
66% 11% 24% 31% 10% 5% 32% 15% 34% 22% 22% 60% 21% 16% 21% 24% 25%



AGN Hosts And Environment
United States Netherlands United States Germany United States United States Netherlands United States United Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands United States United States United States United States Optical Nuclear Hotspot In NGC 1068 Alignment And Evolution Of Redshift One Radio Galaxies The Bulge Proper ties And Fueling Mechanisms Of Nearby Agns Evolution Of High-Redshift Seyfert Galaxies Comparing The Hosts Of High-z Radio-Quiet Quasars To Lyman Break Galaxies Lensed Quasar Hosts At High Redshift Mapping The Dynamics Of The Quasar 3C 48 Accretion Disks And Dust Disks In Active Elliptical Galaxies The Nature Of Radio-Optical Alignments In Faint Radio Sources The Evolution Of The Host Galaxies Of Powerful Radio Sources Morphology Of The Most Massive Galaxies In The Early Universe The Nuclei Of Warm Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies - Superstarbursts Or AGN Ultraviolet Snapshots Of 3CR Radio Source Counterpar ts At Low z The Location Of The Active Nucleus In The Radio Galaxy 3C 294 HST Observations Of Millijansky Radio Sources From The First Survey

Space Telescope Science Institute

Approved Observing Programs for Cycle 8

Antonucci Best Filippenko Hasinger Heckman Impey Jaffe Kinney Lacy Lehner t Miley Sanders Sparks Stockton White

University Of California -- Santa Barbara Sterrewacht Leiden University Of California -- Berkeley Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam The Johns Hopkins University University Of Arizona Leiden Observatory Space Telescope Science Institute University Of Oxford Sterrewacht Leiden Sterrewacht Leiden University Of Hawaii Space Telescope Science Institute Institute For Astronomy Space Telescope Science Institute

AGN Physics
United States United States Chile United States United States United States United States United Kingdom United States Germany United States United Kingdom United States United States United States United Kingdom United States United States United States United States United States Deep STIS Observations Of BALQSO PG 0946+301 Absorption And Obscuration In Radio-Loud Quasars High Abundances In Luminous Quasars: A Test Case UV Imaging Of Optical Jets: A New Window On The Physics Of Jets Jets Winds And Bubbles In Hercules A? Far-UV STIS Imaging Of The M87 Jet Coordinated STIS/AXAF Spectroscopy Of UV/X-Ray Absor ption In The Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 4051 UV Spectroscopy Of M33-X8: Mini-AGN Or Black-Hole Binary? Probing The Kinematics Of The Narrow-Line Region In Seyfer t Galaxies With Slitless Spectroscopy Imaging The NLR In A Complete Sample Of z<0.5 Radio-Quiet PG Quasars Chemical Abundances And Geometr y In QSO Broad Absorption Line Regions Fe II Emission Lines As A Chronometer For High-Redshift Quasars Survey Of Extended OI 5007 å Emission In Seyfer t Galaxies UV Spectroscopic Snapshots Of FUSE AGN Targets Powering The Narrow Line Regions In Seyfert Galaxies - Are Radio Jets The Key? PDS 456: A Radio-Quiet Analogue Of 3C 273 Constraints On The Evolution Of Powerful Radio Galaxies Reverberation Mapping Of A Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Determination Of The SED For TON S180: A Direct Probe Of The Big Blue Bump Jet Acceleration Of Narrow Line Region Gas The Origin Of Blue Wings On NLR Line Profiles

Arav Baker Baldwin Baum Baum Biretta Brandt Charles Crenshaw Falcke Junkkarinen Keenan Kinney Kriss Mundell O'Brien O'Dea Peterson Turner Whittle Whittle

Institute Of Geophysics And Planetar y Physics University Of California Berkeley Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute The Pennsylvania State University Oxford University Catholic University Of America Max-Planck-Institut Fuer Radioastronomie University Of California -- San Diego Queen's University Of Belfast Space Telescope Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute University Of Maryland University Of Leicester Space Telescope Science Institute Ohio State University Goddard Space Flight Center University Of Virginia University Of Virginia

Binary Stars
United United United United United States Kingdom States Kingdom Kingdom Two Post-Common-Envelope Binaries In The Hyades Cluster Double Degenerates Among DAO White Dwarfs Anomalously Blue Giants: Possible Precursurs To Subdwarf B Stars Structure And Evolution Of The Globular Cluster Low Mass X-Ray Binary AC211 In M15 High Resolution UV Imaging Of The Binary Nucleus Of Abell 35

Bond Burleigh Chaboyer Charles Drew

Space Telescope Science Institute University Of Leicester Dartmouth College University Of Oxford Imperial College

Approved Observing Programs for Cycle 8

Gehrz Gies Haswell Hellier Karovska Kenyon Knigge Margon Naylor Robinson Schneider Shara Sion Szkody Wade

University Of Minnesota Georgia State University University Of Sussex Keele University Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser vatory Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser vatory Space Telescope Science Institute University Of Washington Keele University University Of Texas -- Austin University Of Arizona Space Telescope Science Institute Villanova University University Of Washington The Pennsylvania State University

United United United United United United United United United United United United United United United

States States Kingdom Kingdom States States States States Kingdom States States States States States States

The Complex Circumstellar Environment Of The Massive Contact Binary RY Scuti The FUV Spectrum Of SS 433 Black Hole Accretion Outbursts In Soft X-Ray Transients The Accretion Geometry In The Soft Double-Pulsing Intermediate Polar V405 Aur Binary Interaction In The Mira AB Accreting System Evolution Of The Symbiotic Nova AG Pegasi A Definitive Census Of The Cataclysmic Variable Population In 47 Tuc An Ultraviolet Census Of Counterpar ts To Highly Luminous X-Ray Sources In M31 Globular Clusters Solving The Iron Cur tain Conundrum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Of The X-Ray Transient CI Cam Duplicity And Variability In HST Guide Stars - An FGS Serendipitous Survey The Shock Cones And Underlying Stars In Interacting Wolf-Rayet Binaries Probing An Ancient Thermonuclear Runaway On A White Dwarf In A Dwarf Nova A Global Picture Of White Dwarfs In Cataclysmic Variables The UV Spectrum Of An Elliptical Accretion Disk Devoid Of Hydrogen

Clusters, Lensing And Cosmology
United States United States United Kingdom United States United Kingdom United States Netherlands United States United States France United States United States United States United States United States United States Australia United States United Kingdom United States Reconciling The SBF And SNIa Distance Scales The Distance To NGC 2841: Improving The TF Calibration And Definitively Testing MOND Galaxy Evolution In Low-Density Environments: WFPC2 Imaging Of Poor X-Ray Clusters At Z=0.2--0.3 Local Cosmology: The Nearby Flow Field And Its Structure Imaging The Host Galaxies Of High Redshift Type Ia Super novae A Sur vey Of Gravitational Lenses As Cosmological Tools III Galaxy M/L Ratios The Mor phology-Density Relation And Weak Lensing In The Z=1 Cluster Of 3C184 Bright Quasar Close Lensing Search The Gravitational Lens Candidate PKS 1445-161 A Strong Lensing Survey Of The Mass Distribution In X-Ray Luminous Clusters HST Imaging Of Moderate Redshift X-Ray Emitting Groups Of Galaxies What Is The Nature Of The Cold Medium In Cooling Flow Clusters? Cosmological Parameters From Type Ia Supernovae At High Redshift Calibration Of Nearby Type Ia Super novae As Standard Candles: The Next Step Direct Distances To M31 And M33 Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries And Cepheids Spectroscopy Of Gravitational Lens Candidates From The HST Survey Of BL Lac Objects Investigating Type Ia Super novae And An Accelerating Universe The Globular Cluster Luminosity Function As A Distance Indicator WFPC2 Obser vations Of Potential JVAS/CLASS Gravitational Lenses Searching For The Hydrogen Reionization Edge Of The Universe At 5
Ajhar Bothun Davies Davis Ellis Falco Franx Gregg Hajian Kneib Mulchaey O'Dea Perlmutter Saha Sasselov Scarpa Schmidt Whitmore Wilkinson Windhorst

National Optical Astronomy Observatories University Of Oregon University Of Durham University Of California Institute Of Astronomy Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser vatory Leiden Observatory University Of California -- Davis United States Naval Observatory Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees The Observatories Of The Carnegie Institution Of Washington Space Telescope Science Institute Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory National Optical Astronomy Observatories Harvard-Center For Astrophysics Space Telescope Science Institute Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatories Space Telescope Science Institute NRAL University Of Manchester Arizona State University

Cool Stars
United United United United United United France United States States States States States States States Origins Structure And Evolution Of Magnetic Activity In The Cool Half Of The H-R Diagram: A STIS Survey A Semi-Empirical Model Of The Structured Wind Of 32 Cygni VV Cephei: The Egress From Chromospheric Eclipse Weather Moons And Orbit Of The Brown Dwarf Gl 229B Abundances In Halo Stars And Galactic Element Formation Detection Of 11B/10B: Part II FGS Astrometr y Of The Extrasolar Planet Of Gl 876 Taking The Measure Of Planets In The Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

Ayres Bennett Bennett Burrows Cowan Duncan Forveille Gilliland

University Of Colorado University Of Colorado University Of Colorado Space Telescope Science Institute University Of Oklahoma University Of Chicago Observatoire De Grenoble Space Telescope Science Institute

January 1999



Henr y Jordan Kulkarni Reid Robinson Saar Schneider Sneden Soderblom Valenti Walter

Harvard-Smithsonian Center For Astrophysics University Of Oxford California Institute Of Technology California Institute Of Technology Catholic University Of America Smithsonian Astrophysical Obser vatory University Of Arizona University Of Texas Space Telescope Science Institute National Optical Astronomy Observatories State University Of New York

United United United United United United United United United United United

States Kingdom States States States States States States States States States

Calibrating The Mass-Luminosity Relation At The End Of The Main Sequence Is SIO Observed In The UV Spectrum Of Beta Gem? Search For Brown Dwarfs Around Nearby Stars A Search For Binary L-Dwarfs Rapid UV Spectroscopy Of Stellar Flares A Search For Acoustic Heating In The Chromospheres Of Low Activity Dwarfs Confirmation And Characterization Of Brown Dwarfs And Giant Planets From NICMOS 7226/7227 CS 22892-052: A Rosetta Star For The Age And Early History Of The Galaxy Calibrating Stellar Models With The Pleiades: Resolving The Distance Discrepancy Stellar Seismology From Space: From The Sun To The Stars The Spatial Location Of The Flaring Regions On AB Doradus

Space Telescope Science Institute

Approved Observing Programs for Cycle 8

Distant Galaxies
France United States United States United States United States United States United States Canada United States United States United States Canada United States United Kingdom United States United States United States United States Probing The Dark Side Of Galaxy Formation: HST Imaging Of The ISO Ultradeep Survey The Five Deep Fields: Lyman Break Galaxies From Multi-Color WFPC2 Images The Mor phological Evolution Of Field Galaxies At 1