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Analysis | FFFF OO OO SS | Number 3
News | FF OO OO SS | December 1994


+ Safing event
+ Erratum in CAL/FOS-130 Table 14





FOS News

Safing Event

The FOS safed due to the "overlight" limit being exceeded during a MIRROR
acquisition of a highly variable object on 30 November 1994. Three additional
observations that were scheduled between 30 November and 4 December 1994
obtained no data due to the safing. Problem reports were filed for the
additional programs and the observations will be rescheduled.

The onboard computer monitors the total number of counts detected by the FOS in
each 60-second interval. If within a single OBSET two such intervals produce
count levels above a conservatively specified safety limit, the "overlight"
limit, the FOS will safe.

The FOS was recovered from safemode on 5 December 1994 and has functioned
nominally since that time.

Erratum in CAL/FOS-130 Table 14

A typographical error existed in the specification of the currently recommended
IVS reference file for FOS/RED G270H and the C-1B (or 1.0-PAIR-LOWER) aperture
in Table 14 of recently published CAL/FOS-130, "Calibration Product Review for
the FOS".

The table listed non-existent files,

e3h1772y.r2h and .r2d,

whereas the correct entries should be

e3h14472y.r2h and .r2d

This error also occurred in the on-line and printed PostScript versions of the
report, but NOT in the ASCII-text version, of the "POST-COSTAR FOS Calibration
File and Table Reference Guide for IVS" which may be accessed via the STScI
FOS Homepage. The error has been corrected in all on-line documents.
Additionally, please note that queries to the HST archive will return the
correct filenames.



We draw your attention to these papers, based on FOS data, that will appear in
the next few months. This list includes all preprints received by the STScI
Library not yet published in the journals.
Please remember to include our Library in your preprint distribution list.

"HST/FOS spectroscopy of eta Carinae: the star itself, and ejecta within 0.3""
Davidson, K.; Ebbets, D.; Weigelt, G.; Humphreys, R.M.; Hajian, A.R.;
Walborn, N.R.; Rosa, M.; 1995 AJ in press.

"Lyman alpha emission from galaxies: the case of absorption line selected
galaxies at z ~ 0.3 - 0.4"
Deharveng, J.-M.; Buat, V.; Bergeron, J., 1995 A&A in press.

"The evolution of C/O in dwarf galaxies from HST FOS observations"
Garnett, D.R.; Skillman, E.D.; Dufour, R.J.; Peimbert, M.; Torres-Peimbert, S.;
Terlevich, R.; Terlevich, E.; Shields,G.A., 1995 ApJ in press.

"Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region
in active galactic nuclei. VIII. An intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study
of NGC 5548"
Korista, K.T.; Alloin, D.; Barr, P.; Clavel, J.; et al. 1995 ApJ in press.

"The dim accretion disk of the quiescent black hole A0620-00"
McClintock, J.E.; Horne, K.; Remillard, R.A., 1995 ApJ in press.



The Observation Log files contain a specialized set of pointing and engineering
data associated with each science exposure (including the jitter information).

Observation Log files for most science observations since October 20 1994 have
been produced by the pipeline and written to the HST archive. Starting at the
end of February 1995, these files will also be included on the data tapes sent
to observers.

A more detailed description of the Observation Log can be found in an article
by O. Lupie, B. Toth and S. Baum in the forthcoming December issue of the
STScI Newsletter.

The Observation Log header file contains, among other things,

- keywords describing the actual (not requested but executed) tracking
mode achieved at the end of the guide star acquisition process,
- the rms and maximum of the jitter (motion of the Fine Guidance Sensors
during the observation),
- the number of occurrences of loss of lock and recenterings and
- the reconstructed absolute pointing.

The header also alerts the observer to slews occurring during an observation
and reports anomalies that can compromise the integrity of the science data
(e.g., degraded guide star acquisitions, losses of lock), or result in a failed
observation (e.g., instrument or vehicle safings, failed target acquisitions).

The data portion of the log file contains pointing data and other parameters
that are traced as a function of time during an exposure including the `jitter',
i.e., the movement of the aperture as a function of time during the observation.

Additional information about the Observation Log Files and how to retrieve them
from the HST Archive can be found within the HST Archive Page under the STScI
home page (http://www.stsci.edu/top.html). Once in the archive pages, click on
Retrieving HST Data and refer to the section on Observation Log Files.


APPENDIX: FOS contacts

Any questions about the scheduling of your observations should be addressed to
your PRESTO contact. If you do not know who this person is, PRESTO's Mosaic
page (http://presto.stsci.edu/public/propinfo.html) contains that information.

Post-Observation questions should be addressed to the FOS Analysis Team, if your
program is covered by this pilot project or analysis@stsci.edu (410-338-1082).

FOS Analysis Team:
Analysis Scientist: Jeffrey Hayes - hayes@stsci.edu - 410-338-4936
Analysis Specialist: Jennifer Christensen - christen@stsci.edu - 410-338-1265
Analysis Specialist: Stephan Martin - smartin@stsci.edu - 410-338-4724


FOS Instrument Scientists:
Anne Kinney kinney@stsci.edu 410-338-4831
Anuradha Koratkar koratkar@stsci.edu 410-338-4470
Tony Keyes keyes@stsci.edu 410-338-4975


Comments, questions, requests for issues, additions or deletions to the mailing
list, etc. can be e-mailed to analysis@stsci.edu
The Space Telescope Science Institute is operated by the Association of
Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.