Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.stsci.edu/ftp/instrument_news/FOC/Foc_handbook/v6/handbookv6_ch09.ps
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Sep 6 00:04:30 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Dec 23 19:45:40 2007

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: eta carinae
FOC Instrument Handbook Version 6.0 89
The FOC team has developed a set of WWW pages to allow greater access to a variety of
information regarding the operations, calibrations, and documentation of the FOC. The page can
either be accessed from the STScI home page under the Instruments link, or directly using the
The introductory page contains links to Advisories, Calibration Products and Tools, Fre­
quently Asked Questions, Manuals and Reports, User Support, the main STScI page, and a direc­
tory of the instrument team members.
The Advisories section contains the latest news on the status of the FOC, including changes in
calibration information or perhaps even in the operation of the instrument. This should be the first
stop for any observer with FOC data in order to see how the data they have, or plan to acquire,
might be affected. The date this section was last updated will also be provided.
The Calibration Products and Tools section stands as one of the main repositories of informa­
tion regarding the calibration and status of the instrument. Descriptions of calibration files and
tables used during the standard `pipeline' calibration of all HST data can be found here. These
descriptions provide a history of the calibration files for each instrument and indicate which refer­
ence files are most suitable for any given HST data. In addition, calibration information useful for
post­'pipeline' reduction of HST data is also listed here. The un­smoothed flat fields for the FOC
are examples of the types of additional calibration data that is available.
Many analysis, calibration, and proposal preparation questions are addressed by topic under
the Frequently Asked Questions link. A list of subjects can be searched on topics ranging from
proposal preparation to data analysis. These lists will be updated throughout the Cycle to quickly
address some of the most commonly asked questions about the FOC.
Manuals and reports produced by the FOC team were usually only available as paper copies.
Now, though, the FOC Instrument Handbook, a set of Instrument Science Reports (ISR) and other
reports are now available in PostScript form under the Documentation link. The ISRs document
various calibration efforts by the FOC team and can be searched either through a complete list of
ISR titles or by topic keyword. At present, only the most recent reports are available in PostScript
form, but a convenient e­mail facility is provided to request paper copies from the Institute. In
addition to the Handbooks and ISRs, many other reports produced by the FOC team can be found
in this section, resulting in an on­line documented history.
We highly recommend that all HST Observers, especially first­time General Observers (GOs),
visit the Institute if possible in order to take full advantage of the advice and expertise offered by
STScI. Such a visit provides the GO with the latest information concerning HST data reduction
and analysis. The User Support section provides details on what can be done at STScI and how to
arrange a trip.
Finally, the FOC team has provided a directory of their members including areas of specializa­
tion, e­mail address, and phone numbers. An on­line e­mail form is also provided for immediately
contacting the team with questions. Observers now have access to not only a great deal of instru­
ment specific information useful for understanding their data, but also to the people responsible
for calibrating the instruments.
These pages constantly be undergoing revisions with the inclusion of more information as it
becomes available. This knowledge, although quite technical at times, can now be easily accessed

90 FOC Instrument Handbook Version 6.0
in order to help observers get the best possible science out of their HST data. For users who are
unable to take advantage of the WWW browsers, this information can also be accessed via ftp or
gopher. The structure of the WWW pages has been mimicked by the ftp directory structure and
are located in:
Users will see a large number of `.html' files in the directories. These are the documents used
by the WWW browsers to direct users to the information stored in the underlying directories. The
files referenced by each WWW page has been organized into directories as follows:
. Foc_faq: Contains files with frequently asked questions and their answers
. Foc_handbook: Contains text and PostScript versions of the FOC Instrument Handbook
. Foc_isr: Contains available PostScript versions of FOC ISRs, with an index
. Foc_notices: Contains old advisories issued by the FOC team
. Foc_tips: Contains PostScript copies of FOC TIPS presentations
. Foc_tools: Contains calibration files, with README files as indexes. Also has
directories for FOCSIM, PSFS, and flat field images.