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Дата изменения: Tue Jun 6 17:18:14 2006
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 04:09:30 2012

Поисковые слова: rigel
CPLUCY (V0.22) --- Sep98 stsdas.contrib --- CPLUCY (V0.22)


cplucy -- Photometric image restoration with unconstrained star positions


plucy data psf fracent niter starlist


This task is an implementation of a method developed by Leon Lucy (ST-ECF) for multi-channel photometric image restoration. It is a variant of the PLUCY method which regards the point-sources as (x,y,intensity) points rather than delta-functions.

The true image on the sky is regarded as the sum of two components. One of these is a smooth surface which models an underlying extended light distribution, perhaps from a background source or perhaps from an underlying object. The other is a list of positions and intensities which represent the point sources in the image. The positions for these objects must be known. An iterative maximization is performed of a function which is likelihood for the point sources but contains an additional entropy component for the background. This latter term constrains the background to be smooth and consequently suppresses the artifacts seen about point sources in a traditional Lucy-Richardson restoration.

The way in which the point source and background images are handled will be described first, followed by details of options.

The Point Sources:

The positions of the point sources are given in a text table which also can specify an initial estimate for the brightness of each source. The X and Y positions use the convention that the bottom left corner pixel is (1,1) and its centre is at (1.0,1.0).

The positions of the stars are determined by the user, they are not modified by the program itself. The only thing which it changes is the flux assigned to each one.

Before the iterations begin the PSF image supplied is shifted according to the offsets of all the stars and a set of "small" shifted PSFs produced. The size of these small PSFs is specified using the "psfsnx" and "psfsny" parameters.

Initially half the total flux is allocated to the background channel which is flat and the other half is distributed among the point sources which start all equal.

At each iteration the shifted versions of the PSF are multiplied by the current estimates for the fluxes of the stars and added together to create a current estimate image for the point sources.

As the iterations proceed the point source intensities converge on the maximum likelihood values and are unaffected by the entropy constraints on the background. The resultant fluxes in the point sources are written out to the output table of results.

It is possible to specify the starlist file name as null (" ") in which case the restoration will become one in which the entire image is treated as background and the result will be a standard Lucy-Richardson one with added smoothness constraint.

The primary difference between the earlier PLUCY code and CPLUCY is the representation of the point source channel. In PLUCY the points are delta functions in an image array and hence are constrained to be at the centre of pixels. In CPLUCY the points are free to be at any sub-pixel positions because they are represented as X,Y pairs rather than delta-functions in an image. This new features also avoids the need to sub-sample the data frames.

The Background:

The background starts off flat with a value and containing half the flux of the input image. It then starts to model the background found in the data as the objective function is iteratively maximised. The smoothness of this background is constrained by the behaviour of the entropy.

This code uses a "floating prior" when the entropy becomes relative to a (smooth) surface computed from the previous background estimate:

Sf = - > PS ln(PS/FP) where FP is the "floating prior". 
      ---- pixels

This "floating prior" is the result of convolving the previous background estimate with a gaussian smoothing kernel having a width (sigma) specified by the "skernel" parameter. At each iteration the previous background image is convolved with this kernel and used as the floating prior. If a large width is specified the background image is forced to be smooth over larger spatial scales.

One can consider the entropy term as a reluctance to change relative to the previous shape of the background. The relative strength of the entropy term in the objective function is controlled by the "fracent" parameter which typically takes values in the range 0.1 to 0.5.

The speed of convergence seems to depend strongly on the strength of the background when compared to the flux in the point sources. If it is very low and perhaps contains some zeroes progress will be slow. However very high backgrounds also lead to slow convergence. It is recommended that any large DC offset in the background is removed but not fully - for example if the image has a minimum value of 9500 and the background has a mean of 10000 then subtracting 9400 before processing may be wise.


In order to improve the results for HST WFPC2 images there is an option to also apply a "pixel response function" convolution kernel. This is applied when creating the individual PSFs for the point sources in the field.


data = "" [string]
The name of the input image. The image dimensions must be even. Any negative values found in the images will be set to zero before processing.
psf = "" [string]
The name of the point spread function image. This must be the same size as the data frame and be normalised to a total of 1.0. The PSFs must have their peaks positioned such that when they are convolved with the point source image the result is registered with the input data image. PSF registration is often the most difficult part of using this software effectively - as a rule if the PSF peak is in the centre of pixel (NX/2,NY/2) then the peaks in the estimates for the data images will be in the same pixels as the positions of the delta functions. Any negative values found in the PSFs will be set to zero and the result will be normalised to a total of 1.0.
fracent = 0.1 [float]
The fractional strength of the entropy in the expression for the objective function. A larger value forces the background to be smoother, a value of zero results in a normal Richardson-Lucy restoration likelihood maximisation with no entropy component. A typical value is 0.1, the default, but some trial and error is recommended. See also the notes for the smoothing kernel below.
niter = 50 [integer]
The number of iterations to be performed. The speed of convergence depends on many factors and no firm recommendations can be made. It is suggested that the "verbose" option is used and the rate of change of the objective function monitored. If the former is very small (1.0e-8) then the restoration has converged and the result is likely to be optimal. This can occur after only 20 iterations but is more likely to require many more. It should be noted that because the background is "regularised" by the entropy term the optimal solution is actually at convergence - there is no need for (probably arbitrary) stopping rules to define the best point at which to stop iterating.
starlist = "" [string]
The name of an text file which lists the positions and relative initial intensities of the point sources. There are three columns:

Column 1    The X coordinate of the star in pixel coordinates.
Column 2    The Y coordinate of the star in pixel coordinates.
Column 3    Initial estimate for the magnitude of the star [not used].

The coordinate system is such that (1.0,1.0) is at the centre of the first pixel in the image.

The column 3 values are not currently used by the program.

This file may contain comments following a # or ! symbol. Empty lines are ignored. The numbers may be given in free format. If this parameter is null it will be assumed that there are no point sources in the frame.

(back = "") [string]
The name for the output background only (smooth) image. This parameter is optional and if set to null no image will be created.
(starim = "") [string]
The name for the output stars-only image. This image is generated from the list of star positions and intensities using the PSF image. This parameter is optional and if set to null no image will be created.
(outtab = "") [string]
The name for the output text file to contain the photometric results. This table has six columns:

Column 1    The sequence number of the star.
Column 2    The X coordinate of the star in pixel coordinates.
Column 3    The Y coordinate of the star in pixel coordinates.
Column 4    The initial estimate for the star flux [from input list].
Column 5    The final measured flux in the star.
Column 6    The final measured magnitude of the star. 

The magnitude is calculated from: mag=magzero-2.5log10(flux). The file has a header which lists all the parameters used in the run for future reference. This parameter is optional and if set to null no file will be created.

(verbose = yes) [boolean]
Whether or not to give frequent information about the progress of the processing. If this is switched on quite a lot of diagnostics are given, when it is off none at all. It is strongly recommended that this be switched on. The meaning of the diagnostic messags is explained below in the detailed example.
(prf = no) [boolean]
Whether an additional convolution with the HST WFPC2 pixel response function is performed. This is a special addition purely for WFPC2 and should normally be set to no.
(interpol = "linear") [string]
The type of interpolant used to move the PSFs around. The options are the standard IRAF ones: nearest,linear,poly3,poly5 or spline3. If the PSF is very well sampled "linear" may be adequate but usually "poly5" or "spline3" should be used.
(psfsnx = 21) [integer]
The size, in X, of the small images used to contain the shifted PSF images which are created from the supplied image PSF before the interations start. This array should be large enough to contain the PSF without significant loss around the edge.
(psfsny = 21) [integer]
The size, in Y, of the small images used to contain the shifted PSF images which are created from the supplied image PSF before the interations start. This array should be large enough to contain the PSF without significant loss around the edge.
(psfxb = 1) [integer]
The X subsampling of the supplied PSF image relative to the data image. This option is not supported at present and should be set to 1.
(psfyb = 1) [integer]
The Y subsampling of the supplied PSF image relative to the data image. This option is not supported at present and should be set to 1.
(magzero = 25.0) [float]
The magnitude zero point. The flux in a star is: 10**(0.4*(magzero-mag)). This is used to convert the initial guesses to fluxes and at the end of processing to convert the measured fluxes back to magnitudes. .le.
(skernel = 10.0) [float]
The standard deviation of the two dimensional gaussian smoothing kernel used to create the floating prior image from the current estimate for the background. The default is suitable for cases where the background is very smooth. If this number is too small the background may be able to model the stars in which case the photometry will be inaccurate (star fluxes will be underestimated) and the background


This task is complicated and some of the concepts are probably unfamiliar. So to help ease the process of using it a detailed example is given. Let's say that you have an image called just "data" which has six stars in it. The star positions are in the file "stars":

65 65 15
100 100 14
20 30 13
50 60 16
70 20 17
80 90 18

The magnitudes are relative to a magnitude zero point of 25 given.

Then we could setup the parameters for CPLUCY as follows:

data    =                 data  Input data image
psf     =                  psf  Input Point-Spread-Function image
fracent =                  0.2  Fractional strength of entropy term
niter   =                   10  Number of iterations
starlist=                stars  File containing list of star positions
(back   =              out-bac) Smooth background output image
(starim =           out-starim) Point source output image     
(outtab =               out-ph) Output text list file
(verbose=                  yes) Display details of what is being performed?
(prf    =                   no) Apply HST/WFPC2 pixel-response function?
(interpo=                poly5) Interpolant used for small PSFs
(psfsnx =                   33) Size of small PSFs (X)
(psfsny =                   33) Size of small PSFs (Y)
(psfxb  =                    1) Subsampling of input PSF image (X)
(psfyb  =                    1) Subsampling of input PSF image (Y)
(magzero=                   25) Magnitude zero point
(skernel=                    5) Width of smoothing kernel

When this is run a typical start to the verbose output will look something like this:

+ CPLUCY Version 0.22 (Apr 98)
-Opening data file: data
-Opening PSF file: psf
-Reading star list file: stars                (    6 stars).
-Setting background in first estimate to:       53.157

# Starting iteration 1/ 10----------- --Flux distribution, Stars: 50.00% Background: 50.00%. - Sum of background image is 0.8709272919D+06 --RMS residual: 0.2046D+03 Max residual of 0.2365D+04 at ( 80, 90) --Log.Lik: 0.761617E+07 Ent: -0.444785E-08 Obj.Func: 0.761616989334E+07 Star # 1 Flux: 0.4435E+05 Input: 0.1000E+05 Star # 2 Flux: 0.6063E+05 Input: 0.2512E+05 Star # 3 Flux: 0.9449E+05 Input: 0.6310E+05 Star # 4 Flux: 0.4026E+05 Input: 3981. Star # 5 Flux: 0.4216E+05 Input: 1585. ...

# Starting iteration 2/ 10----------- --Flux distribution, Stars: 18.08% Background: 81.92%. - Sum of background image is 0.1426907723D+07 --RMS residual: 0.1030D+03 Max residual of 0.5793D+03 at ( 70, 20) --Log.Lik: 0.814180E+07 Ent: -0.333412E+04 Obj.Func: 0.814113266317E+07 --Objective function increased by 0.5249628D+06 Star # 1 Flux: 0.3104E+05 Input: 0.1000E+05 Star # 2 Flux: 0.4618E+05 Input: 0.2512E+05 Star # 3 Flux: 0.8058E+05 Input: 0.6310E+05 Star # 4 Flux: 0.2556E+05 Input: 3981. Star # 5 Flux: 0.2389E+05 Input: 1585. ...

The first few lines just show the files in use, the preprocessing of the PSF and data and the value assigned to the initial guess at the background. For each iteration the first line shows the distribution of flux between points and background. The next shows the residuals between the current estimate of the observed image (ie, the convolution of the current estimate of the truth and the PSF) and the input data. The next line shows the two parts of the objective function and their total value. Finally the estimates for the star fluxes (up to a maximum of the first five in the list) are given. If the restoration has converged the magnitude estimates should be constant to the accuracy given between iterations.


About 15s per iteration for a 512x512 frame on a SPARC Ultra 1/143MHz. The processing is dominated by FFTs and hence will scale roughly as the number of pixels.


1. The images must have dimensions which are multiples of two.

2. The use of double precision arithmetic throughout makes this task

   slower than single precision implementations on many machines.

3. There are many internal large arrays and many convolutions. As a result

   this task is greedy on both memory and CPU speed.

4. The multiple PSF option is not fully implemented.

5. World coordinate systems are completely ignored.

6. This version doesn't support acceleration.

7. The sub-sampled PSF option, which is important for critically or

   undersampled data, isn't yet fully implemented.


The original PLUCY method was devised by Leon Lucy and is described, with examples, in:

Hook, R.N., Lucy. L.B., Stockton, A. & Ridgway, S., "Two Channel Photometric Image Restoration", ST-ECF Newsletter 21, pp. 16-18, 1994.

see also:

Lucy. L.B., "Image Restorations of High Photometric Quality.", Proc. The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra, (eds. R.J. Hanisch & R.L. White), STScI, pp. 79-85, 1994.

Hook, R.N. & Lucy. L.B., "Image Restorations of High Photometric Quality. II. Examples", Proc. The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra, (eds. R.J. Hanisch & R.L. White), STScI, pp. 86-94, 1994.


R. N. Hook & S. R. Stolovy, 1998, "Some Experiments with the Restoration of NICMOS Camera 2 Images of OMC-1", in the Proceedings of the workshop "NICMOS and the VLT", Pula, Sardinia, Italy, May 26-27th, 1998, eds. Wolfram Freudling and Richard Hook

The CPLUCY implementation and this help file were written by Richard Hook.


The 'stsdas.analysis.restore' package, stsdas.contrib.plucy.