Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.stecf.org/goods/esomess.ps
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Sep 28 19:27:37 2001
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 19:41:31 2012

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some checking of the validity of the
users' co­ordinates was recommended
and could save wasted observations.
There was discussion about selection
of filters for VST when it replaces WFI.
Although Sloan bands are broader than
Johnson ones they are not much used
in globular cluster photometry. A few
users asked if Stromgren filters could
be provided for VST but generally the
Johnson set was preferred. If Sloan fil­
ters are used, then good standards
must be provided to allow transforma­
tion to the standard system.
At the end of the two days of the
Workshop, the conclusion was that
there are many exciting observing pro­
grammes waiting to be done with
FLAMES and that the user community
is waiting with anticipation for the data
avalanche. The Workshop was infor­
mal in the sense that no published
proceedings are foreseen. However,
many speakers contributed printed ver­
sions of their presentations and a
bound copy is available on request
from jwalsh@eso.org.
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey
What is GOODS?
In the tradition of the Hubble Deep
Fields (HDF­N and HDF­S), the Great
Observatories Origins Deep Survey
(GOODS) is designed to push the per­
formance of major modern observation­
al facilities to their sensitivity limits.
GOODS unites the deepest observa­
tions from ground­ and space­based fa­
cilities at many wavelengths, and was
selected in late 2000 as one of six
Legacy programs for the Space
Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF: the
fourth of NASA's Great Observatories
after Hubble, Chandra and Compton).
The Legacy program is meant to
``...maximise the scientific utility of
SIRTF by yielding an early and long­
lasting scientific heritage... producing
data that will enter the public domain
immediately''. Under the leadership of
the PI, Mark Dickinson at ST ScI, the
programme will map two fields with
SIRTF, one Northern one Southern, ex­
ceeding a total of 300 square arcmin.
GOODS will produce the deepest ob­
servations with the SIRTF IRAC instru­
ment at 3.6--8 microns, and at 24 mi­
crons with the MIPS instrument pend­
ing on­orbit demonstration of instru­
ment performance relative to SIRTF
Guaranteed Time observations, which
will also survey these same fields at 70
and 160 microns. The depth will be
such that ordinary L* galaxies will be
detected in their rest­frame near­in­
frared light out to a redshift of 4 or be­
yond. Luminous starburst galaxies and
AGN -- even the obscured `type 2' ob­
jects -- will be seen beyond the current
record redshift of ~ 6 if any lie in the
fields. At the longest wavelength (24
microns), the mid­IR emission from
starburst galaxies will be seen to a red­
shift ~ 2.5 (see Fig. 1).
The two fields selected are already
amongst the most intensively studied
areas of the deep `extragalactic' sky:
HDF­N (around 12.6 hr RA and +62
deg Dec) and the southern Chandra
Deep Field (CDF­S: around 3.5 hr
RA and --28 deg Dec). Both areas have
already been imaged with the Chan­
dra X­ray satellite
with an exposure
time of one million
seconds, the deep­
est X­ray observa­
tions ever. CDF­S
has been exten­
sively observed by
ESO telescopes:
fairly deep optical
and near­infrared
imaging (SUSI2,
SOFI, WFI) has
been secured as
part of the EIS
project and further
observations are
planned, while sev­
eral VLT pro­
grammes targeting
this field have been
executed (FORS
deep imaging and
multi­object spectroscopy and ISAAC
deep imaging and spectroscopy). All
these ESO data are already public or
will soon be so.
In support of the SIRTF/GOODS pro­
gramme, a wide range of other obser­
vations are being planned or have al­
ready been carried out which will, over
the next four years, provide a public
data­set covering the entire electro­
magnetic spectrum from X­ray to radio
wavelengths at unprecedented depth.
Ground­based telescopes, notably the
VLT, Gemini­S and the CTIO 4­m for
CDF­S, will be used to produce com­
plementary imaging both at optical and
near­infrared wavelengths. The princi­
pal role of the large telescopes, howev­
er, will be to provide follow­up spec­
troscopy with their new multi­object
spectrographs. Time has already been
allocated by ESO to begin a long­term
programme using ISAAC for JHKs im­
aging of CDF­S. This requires some 32
pointings in each of the three filters
(see Fig. 2). Some HST data are al­
ready available in these fields (most no­
tably the HDF­N WFPC2 and NICMOS
observations themselves), and new ob­
servations will be proposed for the new
Advanced Camera for Surveys, sched­
uled to become available on HST early
in 2002, for deep imaging in several fil­
ters to study galaxy morphology at a
depth comparable to the HDF but over
a much larger area.
To probe even higher energies than
Chandra, XMM­Newton is currently be­
ing used to map the fields with its large
effective collecting area and excellent
spectral capabilities. The favourable K­
correction and the superior high energy
sensitivity of the new X­ray telescopes
enables them to see most of the X­ray
background as discrete sources. The
combination of the spatial resolution of
Chandra and the sensitivity and spec­
tral response of XMM­Newton makes
an extremely powerful diagnostic tool,
even in the presence of heavy obscu­
Figure 1: A schematic SED for Type 1 and Type 2 AGN and star­
burst galaxies showing the expected sensitivity limits as a function
of redshift in a selection of GOODS bands.

stars (which trace the baryonic mass)
can be followed to high redshifts.
The combination of mid­infrared and
hard X­ray observations allows the
use of their intrinsically isotropic ra­
diation in these bands to find and
identify essentially all of both the
type 1 (unobscured) and type 2 AGN
which fall in the GOODS fields (see
Fig. 3). The GOODS database will be
used to:
. Make reliable estimates of the stel­
lar and dynamical mass of bright galax­
ies all the way to redshift ~ 5
. Measure the star­formation rates in
complete samples of galaxies selected
at all explored redshifts.
. Obtain detailed morphological infor­
mation for all such galaxies, hence
mapping the emergence of the Hubble
. Measure the relative role of stars
and black­hole­powered AGN in the
global energetics of the universe.
. Measure the contribution of indi­
vidual sources to the extragalactic
background radiation at all wave­
Europe's Role
Approximately a quarter of the SIRTF/
GOODS Co­Is are from European insti­
tutes, the largest participation in any
SIRTF Legacy program. Their specific
roles include the XMM­Newton obser­
vations, a significant involvement with
planning, proposing and processing
the HST observations and, especially,
the planning, processing and prompt
public distribution of the ESO observa­
tions. In addition to the planning and
execution of the observations and the
archiving of the data, it is clear that ma­
jor efforts will go into data processing
and scientific exploitation. All data will
be in the public domain and it is clear
that the scientific return will go to those
teams that are organised to react quick­
ly and efficiently to their availability. In
order to give young European re­
searchers the opportunity to benefit
from this uniquely large and rich data­
set, a proposal has been made to the
European Commission by 15 institu­
tions in 7 countries to set up a dedicat­
ed Research Training Network which, if
funded, could support up to 336 per­
son­months of (mostly) postdoctoral
appointments of young people over the
next four years.
Useful websites
study with FIRST­Herschel, NGST and
What are the Scientific Goals?
The essential purpose of GOODS is
to provide the most sensitive census of
the distant Universe, making it possible
to follow the mass
assembly history
of galaxies and
the nature and
distribution of their
energetic output --
from both stars
and black holes --
over a broad span
of cosmic history.
With SIRTF in the
mid­infrared, the
rest­frame near­IR
light from evolved
ration. At longer wavelengths, the fields
will be mapped with bolometer arrays
in the mm­ and sub­mm bands. Deep
radio surveys already exist and it is
very likely that these will be pushed to
even fainter limits over the next few
years. In the future, it is clear that these
fields will become prime targets for
Figure 2: CDF­S showing Chandra and SIRTF (IRAC) exposure maps (greyscale; outer ro­
tated squares and inner rectangular area respectively), the EIS SOFI field (blue) and the pro­
posed ISAAC JHKs pointings (red and green tiles). The four fields marked in yellow have al­
ready been observed with ISAAC (PI E. Giallongo) in J (~ 12 kiloseconds) and Ks (~ 30 kilo­
seconds) in ESO programmes 64.O­0643, 66.A­0572 and 68.A­0544.
Figure 3: A cartoon
illustrating the
anisotropies of
AGN in different
wavebands pro­
duced by the
obscuring torus
and the Doppler­
boosted jets.