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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jun 12 18:51:50 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 04:07:30 2012

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse, e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
The ASC Data Archive for the AXAF Ground Calibration
P. Zografou, S. Chary, K. DuPrie, A. Estes, P. Harbo and K. Pak
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138
Abstract. A data archive is near completion at the ASC to store and
provide access to AXAF data. The archive is a distributed Client/Server
system. It consists of a number of di#erent servers which handle flat
data files, relational data, replication across multiple sites and the in­
terface to the WWW. There is a 4GL client interface for each type of
data server, C++ and Java API and a number of standard clients to
archive and retrieve data. The architecture is scalable and configurable
in order to accommodate future data types and increasing data volumes.
The first release of the system became available in August 1996 and has
been successfully operated since then in support of the AXAF calibra­
tion at MSFC. This paper presents the overall archive architecture and
the design of client and server components as it was used during ground
1. Introduction
The ASC archive is projected to contain terabytes of data including ground and
on orbit raw data and data products. The archive stores the data following
requirements for data distribution across sites, secure access, flexible searches,
performance, easy administration, recovery from failures, interface to other com­
ponents of the ASC Data System and a user interface through the WWW. The
architecture is extensible in order to accommodate new data products, new func­
tions and a growing number of users.
2. Data Design
Data such as event lists and images need to be kept in files as they are received.
They also need to be correlated with engineering and other ancillary data which
arrive as a continuous time stream and to be associated with a calibration test
or an observation ID. A level of isolation between the data and users is desir­
able for security, performance and ease of administration. The following design
was chosen. Files are kept in simple directory structures. Metadata about the
files, extracted from file headers or supplied by the archiving process, is stored
in databases. This allows file searches on the basis of their contents. Con­
tinuous time data extracted from engineering files is also stored in databases
so the correct values can be easily associated with an image or an event list
with defined time boundaries. In addition to partial or entire file contents, file

392 Zografou et al.
size date
ID instrument
seq ID
name name
events in
Relational Databases
Flat Files
Unix file
observation proposal
AXAF newsletter AXAF User
Unix Directories
Figure 1. Data Design.
external characteristics such as its location in the archive, size, compression,
creation time are also stored in databases for archive internal use. In addition
to databases with contents originating in files, there are also databases which
are updated independently, such as the AXAF observing catalog and the AXAF
users database.
A simplistic example of the data design is shown on Figure 1. The archive
contains a number of proposal files submitted by users. It also contains a num­
ber of event files, products of observed data processing. A table in a database
contains the characteristics of each file. The proposal table contains a record
for each proposal which points to the associated file in the file table. The ob­
servation table contains a record for each observed target and has a pointer to
the associated proposal. An observation is also associated with files in the file
table which contain observed events. Related to the proposal is the AXAF user
who submitted it and for whom there is an entry in the AXAF user table. An
AXAF user may have a subscription to the AXAF newsletter.
3. Software Design
The data is managed by a number of di#erent servers. A Relational Database
server stores and manages the databases. It is implemented using the Sybase
SQL Server. An archive server was developed to manage the data files. The

The ASC Data Archive for the AXAF Ground Calibration 393
T1 replicate file (4GL)
retrieve, ingest (4GL)
search (SQL)
replicate table
retrieve, ingest (4GL)
replicate file (RPC)
search, store (SQL)
search, store (SQL)
replicate file (RPC)
search (SQL)
SAO Client
Science Center, Cambridge MA
Operations Center, Huntsville AL
SAO Archive
XRCF Archive
XRCF Client
Figure 2. Server Configuration for XRCF Calibration.
archive server organizes files on devices and directories. It keeps track of their
location, size, compression and other external characteristics by inserting infor­
mation in a table in the SQL Server when the file is ingested. It also has data
specific modules which parse incoming files and store in databases their contents
or information about their contents. The server supports file browse and retrieve
operations. A browse or retrieve request may specify a filename or enter values
for a number of supported keywords such as observation or test ID, instrument,
level of processing, start and stop time of contained data. Browse searches the
database and returns a list of files, their size and date. Retrieve uses the same
method to locate the files in the server's storage area and return a copy to the
client. The archive server responds to language commands and remote proce­
dure calls. Language commands are used by interactive users or processes in
order to archive or retrieve data. A custom 4GL was developed in the form of
a ``keyword = value'' template which is sent by clients and is interpreted at the
server. The remote procedure call capability is used for automated file transfer
between two remote servers.
The server infrastructure uses the Sybase Open Server libraries which sup­
port communications, multi­threading, di#erent types of events and call­backs
and communications with the SQL server. A C++ class layer was developed to
interface the libraries with the rest of the system (Zografou 1997). File transfer

394 Zografou et al.
uses the same communications protocol as the SQL server which is optimized
for data transfer and integrates with other server features such as security.
A third type of server was needed in order to automatically maintain more
than one copy of the data at two di#erent locations. The Sybase Replication
Server is used to replicate designated databases. Via triggers in the database at
the target site the local archive server is notified to connect to its mirror archive
server at the source site and transfer files. Queuing and recovery from system
or network down­time is handled entirely by the Replication Server.
Client applications use the Sybase Open Client libraries with a custom
C++ interface (Zografou 1997). The same client libraries are used for client
applications to either the SQL or the archive server.
4. Configuration for Calibration at XRCF
During ground Calibration at the X­Ray Calibration Facility at MSFC two
archive installations were operating, one at the operations site at XRCF and
a second at the ASC. Communications across sites were via a T1 line. Each
installation consisted of a SQL Server and an archive server. A set of replication
Servers were setup to replicate all databases which triggered replication of all
files. The system layout is shown on Figure 2. Data the in form of files entered
the system at XRCF, which was the primary site, and was replicated at SAO.
With some tuning to adjust to unexpectedly high data rates the system kept up
with ingestion, replication and retrievals by processing pipelines at XRCF and
users at the ASC. There were no incidents of data corruption or loss and the
overall system was very successful.
5. Conclusion
At the end of the XRCF calibration the system was adapted to support ASC
operations at the SAO and AXAF OCC sites connected with a T3 line. In
the new configuration only critical data is being replicated. All other data
is distributed according to user access. A new server component, the Sybase
JConnect Server, and a new Java/JDBC client interface have been added to
support WWW access (Chary 1997). The second release of the system, including
the WWW interface, is currently operational in support of proposal submission.
Zografou, P. 1997, Sybase Server Journal, 1st Quarter 1997, 9
Chary, S., Zografou, P. 1997, this volume