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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jun 12 18:51:50 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 02:47:12 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: mars global surveyor
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse, e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
Packaging Radio/Sub­millimeter Spectral Data in FITS
Zhong Wang
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A.
Email: zwang@cfa.harvard.edu
Abstract. We report on an experiment to incorporate the multiple
extension FITS file format in building data processing software for spec­
troscopic observations in radio and millimeter­submillimeter wavelengths.
By packaging spectral header information into table extensions and the
actual spectral data into either table or image extensions, this approach
provides a convenient and e#ective way to organize large amount of spec­
troscopic data, especially for pipeline­like processing tasks. Tests con­
ducted based on a software package developed for the SWAS mission have
demonstrated this to be a viable alternative to the conventional ways of
organizing spectral data at these wavelengths.
1. Introduction: Characteristics of Submillimeter Spectral Data
Historically, spectral data were taken roughly one spectrum at a time, and most
existing data formats reflect such a methodology. The traditional ways in which
FITS can be used for spectral data are less than adequate in meeting the needs
of a new generation of instruments that produce large amount of relatively ho­
mogeneous data, which nevertheless need to be reduced individually. A set of
more e#cient, better streamlined reduction procedures are necessary, which in
turn require more careful considerations in data packaging. This is particularly
important for projects that adopt non­interactive, pipeline­style data processing
as their primary mode of operation.
The SWAS 1 (Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite) mission is essen­
tially a small orbiting radio telescope working at relatively high (about 500
GHz) frequencies (Wang 1995). It is designed to make simultaneous spectro­
scopic measurements at several sub­mm line wavelengths that are inaccessible
from the ground. The spectral data have some special characteristics:
. Integration time for each individual ``scan'' is set to be short (on the order
of a few seconds). High signal­to­noise ratios are achieved by co­adding a
large number of such scans at the data processing stage;
1 Details of the SWAS mission can be found on the internet in SAO's SWAS homepage at

126 Wang
. Because of the noise properties and frequency shifts with time (due to the
motion of the spacecraft as well as instrumental drifts), individual scans
need to be calibrated separately before co­adding;
. More than one spectral band is recorded at any given time, thus a complete
dataset consists of spectra of several di#erent wavelength ranges from in­
dependent detectors. Yet they are of the same source and are taken under
very similar observing conditions;
. Observations are broken up into individual ``segments'' each lasting typ­
ically 30--40 minutes. During each segment, many spectroscopic scans
(aside from calibration data) are simple repeats under nearly identical
conditions, and therefore share values of many header parameters with
only slight variations (drifts).
The data reduction plan for the mission calls for a highly e#cient pipeline
processing scheme in which a large amount of spectroscopic data can be sorted,
selected, calibrated and co­added based on some user­changeable criteria. All
processing operations have to be recorded and traceable, and are preferably done
with minimal human intervention.
2. Software Approach: Packaging Data in FITS
We have selected IRAF as our primary programming platform for the SWAS
pipeline software, and use FITS as the main format for our data product. How­
ever, to store individual scan data in the conventional one­ (single spectrum) or
two­dimensional (``multispec'' or echelle) format would be very ine#cient and
even confusing.
Our approach is to make use of the BINTABLE and IMAGE extensions of
FITS and store spectral header and pixel data in these two types of extensions
in a single FITS data file. The basic rules we adopted are:
. Each FITS file corresponds to a specific time interval of data taking (an
observing segment). It contains a single BINTABLE extension and (op­
tionally) several IMAGE extensions. It has a conventional header section
containing some none­time­variable, shared parameters of the spectra;
. The table extension has one row per spectral scan taken, and stores all of
the time­variable spectral header information corresponding to that scan
(i.e., time, coordinates, frequency, noise statistics, etc);
. The pixel data of the spectrograph output (the spectrum itself) can be
stored in one of two ways: they can either be individual ``array elements''
of a table row, or an image row similar to the two­dimensional arrays used
to save Echelle and multi­fiber spectra in the optical.
In case of using variable­length, vector (array) columns to store pixel data,
a table row can have more than one array element, each representing data
of a separate spectral band. The length of an array element is the number
of pixels in a spectrum of that band.

Packaging Radio/Sub­millimeter Spectral Data in FITS 127
In case of images, each image row corresponds to a row in the header
parameter table. The number of columns of the image is the same as the
number of pixels in a spectrum. There can be multiple image extensions
in each data file, with di#erent extensions representing data of di#erent
spectral bands.
The choice between using the table extension of FITS alone versus using
table plus image extensions depends on the actual application. In principle, sav­
ing everything in a single table is structurally more appealing and e#cient, but
not many existing software tools can accept variable­length vector column FITS
tables --- which means more development work for basic tools. On the other
hand, making use of 2­D images can facilitate data inspection procedures with
various tools that examine FITS images. Its shortcoming is that information
about a single spectrum is saved in two or more extensions, requiring care in
managing them.
3. Advantages and E#ciency Gains
Given the lack of a widely­accepted standard in formatting a largely homoge­
neous spectroscopic dataset, we find the packaging using FITS extensions to be
a viable alternative to the conventional ways in which spectral data are saved:
. It provides a convenient way to organize, sort, edit, monitor and visualize
the large spectral dataset (much of it is done with existing tools within
IRAF or those directly working with FITS), while preserving all the es­
sential information of each individual spectrum;
. The programming of calibration tasks to process a relatively large, nearly­
homogeneous dataset is very much simplified. In particular, the spec­
tral header parameters can be processed either independently or as table
columns. It also means that, for example, a subset of the header parame­
ters of a large number of spectra can be easily manipulated without even
accessing the actual pixel data;
. The e#ciency of data processing is clearly enhanced. Since spectral pixel
data are always processed as arrays, the fractional time taken by file I/Os
and data bu#ering is substantially reduced when, for example, those data
are accessed as part of an image.
Many of the existing software tools that deal with FITS table and image
data are readily available for use with these new data files, sometimes with minor
modifications. This can significantly save the programming e#ort and shorten
the software development cycle.
4. Comments and Future Work
Despite the considerable merits of this approach, some problems remain to be
addressed, and we are working on future enhancement of our software.

128 Wang
One of the main problems is the interface with existing software tools (such
as visualization tools from certain existing tools packages). In practice, we were
able to partly circumvent this shortcoming by writing customized interfaces,
but the solutions are not always satisfactory. It appears that if a tabular style
file format is deemed su#ciently important, a more fundamental (kernel­level)
interface for spectral data in FITS should be developed.
The approach described in this paper is an explorative step in enhancing the
use of FITS, especially in taking advantage of the multiple extension develop­
ment and the use of vector columns in FITS tables. With the rapid advancement
in database and data warehousing technology, one would ideally like to have a
more rigorous database­like framework to deal with the management of the ob­
servational data. This, however, needs to be balanced with the requirement
of cost­e#ective and quick prototyping of many projects' practical applications.
The latter often means maximizing the use of existing software tools and adopt­
ing conventional approaches. The multiple extension FITS adopted by the com­
munity and being incorporated by NOAO and STScI's IRAF teams (e.g., Zarate
& Greenfield 1996, Zarate 1998) and other software groups is an important and
innovative development, which preserves the usefulness of many old tools while
allowing new methods to be tested for astronomical data applications. We be­
lieve that more e#orts are needed in exploring ways to take full advantage of
this very useful data format.
Wang, Z. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software
and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne & J. J. E. Hayes (San
Francisco: ASP), 402
Zarate, N. & Greenfield, P. 1996, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 101, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems V, ed. George H. Jacoby & Jeannette
Barnes (San Francisco: ASP), 331
Zarate, N. 1998, this volume
Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Phil Hodge and Nelson Zarate for
their help in the software development discussed in this paper. Dr. Matthew
Ashby has participated in implementation and testing of the SWAS software.