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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse, e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
New Capabilities of the ADS Abstract and Article Service
G. Eichhorn, A. Accomazzi, C.S. Grant, M.J. Kurtz and S.S. Murray
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge,
MA 02138, Email: gei@cfa.harvard.edu
Abstract. The ADS abstract service at: http://adswww.harvard.edu
has been updated considerably in the last year. New capabilities in the
search engine include searching for multi­word phrases and searching for
various logical combinations of search terms. Through optimization of
the custom built search software, the search times were decreased by a
factor of 4 in the last year.
The WWW interface now uses WWW cookies to store and retrieve
individual user preferences. This allows our users to set preferences for
printing, accessing mirror sites, fonts, colors, etc. Information about
most recently accessed references allows customized retrieval of the most
recent unread volume of selected journals. The information stored in
these preferences is kept completely confidential and is not used for any
other purposes.
Two mirror sites (at the CDS in Strasbourg, France and at NAO in
Tokyo, Japan) provide faster access for our European and Asian users.
To include new information in the ADS as fast as possible, new
indexing and search software was developed to allow updating the index
data files within minutes of receipt of time critical information (e.g., IAU
Circulars which report on supernova and comet discoveries).
The ADS is currently used by over 10,000 users per month, which
retrieve over 4.5 million references and over 250,000 full article pages each
1. Introduction
The Astrophysics Data System (ADS 1 ) provides access to almost 1 million ref­
erences and 250,000 scanned journal pages (Eichhorn 1997). These can be ac­
cessed from the World Wide Web (WWW) through a sophisticated search engine
(Kurtz et al. 1993), as well as directly from other data centers through hyper­
links or Perl scripts (Eichhorn 1996). Our references in turn link to other data
and information sources. This cross­linking between di#erent data systems pro­
vides the user with the means to find comprehensive information about a given
1 http://adswww.harvard.edu

New Capabilities of the ADS Abstract and Article Service 379
2. New Search Features
1. Complex Query Logic
The search system allows the user to specify complex queries in two forms:
(a) Simple logic: This allows the user to specify that certain words must
appear in the selected reference (+word) or must not appear in the
select reference (­word). Phrases of multiple words can be specified
by enclosing the words in double quotes. An example is in Figure 1
in the title field:
+``black hole'' ­galaxies +=unstable
This query searches for references that contain the phrase ``black
hole'', but not the word ``galaxies'' or its synonyms (like ``galaxy''
or ``galactic''). They must also contain the word ``unstable''. The '='
before ``unstable'' turns o# the automatic synonym replacement. It
is not su#cient for a reference to contain a synonym of ``unstable''.
(b) Full boolean logic: This allows the user to use ``AND'', ``OR'', ``NOT'',
and parentheses for grouping to build complex logical expressions. An
example is in Figure 1 in the abstract text field:
(``black hole'' or ``neutron star'') and (``globular cluster'' or binary)
and not (``cataclysmic variable'' or CV)
This expression searches for references that contain one of the expres­
sions ``black hole'' or ``neutron star'' as well as either the expression
``globular cluster'' or the word binary, but neither the expression ``cat­
aclysmic variable'' nor the word CV.
2. Object Queries
(a) Extra­Solar system objects: By selecting SIMBAD and/or NED above
the input field for object names, the user can query for objects outside
the solar system.
(b) Solar system objects: By selecting LPI, a small database of meteorite
and lunar sample names can be queried.
(c) IAU objects: By selecting IAU, the database of names that have
appeared in IAU Circulars is searched.
3. Indexing
1. Preprint Database: We are now indexing the preprints from the Los
Alamos preprint server on a regular basis. Every night after the preprint
server is updated, we automatically retrieve the articles from the preprint
server and index them into a separate database. This database can be
searched through the same interface as our other databases (Astronomy,
Instrumentation, and Physics/Geophysics).
2. Mirror Sites: The mirror sites and the associated updating procedures are
described by Accomazzi et al. (this volume).

380 Eichhorn, Accomazzi, Grant, Kurtz and Murray
3. Quick Updates: The quick updates allow us to quickly enter new data
into the database. This was mainly developed to enable us to include
IAU Circulars into the ADS within minutes after publication. Normally
a full indexing of our database takes more than one day. Quick updates
append new index sections to the original ones and link these new sections
to the existing ones. The searches are not noticeably slowed down by
these additional links. Every two to three weeks we re­index the complete
database to include these additional sections in the main index.
4. New User Interface Features
We implemented WWW cookies in the ADS user interface. WWW cookies
are a system that allows us to identify individual users uniquely, even without
knowing who they are. This allows us to customize our response to individual
users. Users can for instance select which mirror sites they prefer for some
external services, how to print articles by default, and how the pages of the
system should look (font sizes, colors, etc). The system also remembers through
the cookie mechanism which tables of contents have been retrieved by the user
for several di#erent journals. Lastly, we can send out one­time messages to users.
The ADS remembers which message has already been sent to a user. The user
database is of course completely confidential and will not be made available to
any other system.
5. Future Plans
Two major projects that will require software development in the future are
the OCRing (Optical Character Recognition) and indexing of the historical lit­
erature once we have scanned it, and the parsing of the scanned articles for
In the next year we plan to scan several major journals back to volume
1. We will OCR these scans and make the OCR'd text available to selected
The other major project is the parsing of the references from the scanned
literature. This will allow us to update and expand the reference and citation
lists that are already available. This will be a very di#cult task and there is no
time line yet as to when we will be able to get useful data from that project.
Acknowledgments. This work was funded by NASA under grant NCCW
Eichhorn, G., 1997, Astroph. & Space Sci., 247, 189
Kurtz, M.J., et al. 1993, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 52, Astronomical Data Anal­
ysis Software and Systems II, ed. R. J. Hanisch, R. J. V. Brissenden &
Jeannette Barnes (San Francisco: ASP), 132

New Capabilities of the ADS Abstract and Article Service 381
Figure 1. ADS Query page with examples of logical query constructs.
Eichhorn, G., et al. 1996, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 101, Astronomical Data
Analysis Software and Systems V, ed. George H. Jacoby & Jeannette
Barnes (San Francisco: ASP), 569
Accomazzi, A., et al., 1998, this volume