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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jun 12 18:51:45 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 04:02:55 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ngc 5128
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse, e
Ö Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
The Future of Data Reduction at UKIRT
F. Economou
Joint Astronomy Centre, 660 N. A`oh•ok•u Place, University Park, Hilo,
HI 96720, USA
A. Bridger and G. S. Wright
Royal Observatory Edinburgh, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ,
United Kingdom
N. P. Rees and T. Jenness
Joint Astronomy Centre, 660 N. A`oh•ok•u Place, University Park, Hilo,
HI 96720, USA
Abstract. The Observatory Reduction and Acquisition Control (ORAC)
project is a comprehensive re­implementation of all existing instrument
user interfaces and data handling software involved at the United King­
dom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). This paper addresses the design of the
data reduction part of the system. Our main aim is to provide data
reduction facilities for the new generation of UKIRT instruments of a
similar standard to our current software packages, which have enjoyed
success because of their science­driven approach. Additionally we wish
to use modern software techniques in order to produce a system that is
portable, flexible and extensible so as to have modest maintenance re­
quirements, both in the medium and the longer term.
1. Background
UKIRT 1 has been using automated data reduction for one of its main instru­
ments, CGS4, for some years. The benefits of data reduction in near­real time
are many, including more e#cient use of telescope time and a higher publication
rate for data. However, the program CGS4DR (Daly 1995 & 1997) that was
used for this purpose, despite its successes proved to also have its drawbacks.
As part of the ORAC project 2 (Bridger et al. 1998) and the preparation for the
arrival of two new instruments, the future data reduction at UKIRT is being
reassessed in the light of our experiences with CGS4DR. In particular, while we
wish to continue to provide near publication quality data at the telescope, we
also want to:
1 http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/UKIRT/
2 http://www.roe.ac.uk/abwww/orac/

The Future of Data Reduction at UKIRT 197
. Ensure that operational sta# are not left with a large body of code to
. Be able to make changes easily to data reduction sequences to reflect a
change in the performance or our understanding of an instrument
. Have a system that can be speedily ported to other platforms
. Be well placed to take advantage of new astronomical software and tech­
The above requirements are not, of course, unique to UKIRT; and it seems
that the astronomical software community in recent years has shifted from large
instrument­specific programs to data reduction pipelines.
2. The ORAC Data Reduction Pipeline
Our proposed data reduction pipeline consists of five major parts:
. An algorithm engine: One or more generally available packages containing
suitable algorithms for data reduction
. A pipeline manager: A program written in a major scripting language that
initiates and oversees control of the pipeline
. A messaging system: An interface between the pipeline manager and the
algorithm engine
. A recipe bank: A catalogue of data reduction recipes that are associated
with the data (by the data file header) and the observation sequence used
to obtain it (by the observation preparation system)
. A data reduction dictionary: A translation of in­house data reduction
recipes to actual scripts in the language of the algorithm engine
Of these, it is our intention that only the pipeline manager, the recipe bank
and the dictionary would be supported by the local sta#, whereas the other two
components would already be supported by another organization.
The aim is that in the future any one of these components could be upgraded
or changed without a#ecting all other parts of the system; for example we could
chose a di#erent algorithm engine without needing to change the code of the
pipeline manager.
2.1. The Algorithm Engine
At least at first, our algorithm engines will be some major packages maintained
by the Starlink 3 organization (KAPPA, FIGARO, CCDPACK etc), who support
astronomical computing in the UK. These come in the form of monoliths that
3 http://www­star.rl.ac.uk/

198 Economou, Bridger, Wright, Rees and Jenness
can be loaded in memory once and then triggered to execute commands sent to
them via the ADAM messaging system (see §2.3.) without the start­up overheads
imposed by their (more usual) Unix shell invocation.
Starlink packages use the hierarchical extensible N­dimensional Data For­
mat (NDF) as their native data format which is already in use at UKIRT. Its
main attraction to this project is its HISTORY component, which contains a
list of operations that were performed on the dataset and its output. Similar
components can be used to record processing instructions, so that data carries
its own data reduction recipe with it.
Moreover, the NDF data format has quality and error as well as data arrays
which are correctly propagated by the majority of Starlink packages.
2.2. The Pipeline Manager
The pipeline manager's tasks are:
. To detect the arrival of new data
. To understand the nature of the data (object, calibration frame etc) and
whether it fits in the expected data reduction sequence
. To parse the recipe(s) appropriate for the data
. To send the necessary messages to the algorithm engine to process the
The pipeline manager is also expected to be robust, have good error recov­
ery, propagate meaningful error messages to the observer and under no circum­
stances interfere with the data acquisition.
2.3. The Messaging System
Using a messaging system rather than, for example, generating scripts to be
executed by the Unix shell, has the following advantages:
. Fast execution because the data reduction tasks are memory resident
. Keep track and parse the status returned by the individual data reduction
. Control the flow of informational and error messages to the user
The choice of the messaging system is dependent on the algorithm engine
(for example to use IRAF as the algorithm engine one would chose the IRAF
message bus); however we hope to introduce a messaging layer that would enable
alternative messaging systems (and their algorithm engines) to be used with
relative ease.
The ADAM messaging system used by Starlink packages has been long used
at UKIRT as part of the instrument control system and has proved very reliable.
We have interfaces to it from both major scripting languages (perl and tcl).

The Future of Data Reduction at UKIRT 199
2.4. The Recipe Bank
It is envisaged that each standard observation sequence will be associated by
one or more data reduction recipes. These contain high level commands (eg
SUBTRACT BIAS, DIVIDE BY FLAT) that represent conceptual steps in the
reduction of the data. The instrument scientist would be expected to specify
what these steps should do in the particular context of an observation, and
the software engineer would then make appropriate entries in a data reduction
2.5. The Data Reduction Dictionary
As an important part of divorcing the specifics of the data reduction implemen­
tation (algorithm engines and messaging systems) from the pipeline manager
as well as the end user, we are introducing a data reduction vocabulary that
maps into specific commands. For example the data reduction command DI­
VIDE BY FLAT could map into one or more actual commands (eg the KAPPA
command div or the IRAF command imarith / .
This method has the further advantage of reducing user documentation
load -- even if the implementation of DIVIDE BY FLAT were to change, the
user documentation, that does not delve to this lower level, remains una#ected.
Furthermore, the actual scripts can be shipped with the data for the ob­
server's future use.
3. Delivery
UKIRT is expecting the arrival of two new instruments -- the UKIRT Fast Track
Imager (UFTI) in early 1998 and the Mid­infrared Echelle (MICHELLE) at the
end of the same year. The ORAC project is required to deliver a functional
system for UFTI and the full system by the arrival of Michelle.
Bridger, A., Economou, F., & Wright, G. S., 1998, this volume
Daly, P. N., 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne & J. J. E. Hayes
(San Francisco: ASP), 375
Daly, P. N., 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 125, Astronomical Data Analysis
Software and Systems VI, ed. Gareth Hunt & H. E. Payne (San Francisco:
ASP), 136