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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Mon Jun 12 18:51:44 2006
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 02:44:34 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse, e
ó Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific. All rights reserved.
An Infrared Camera Reduction/Analysis Package
S. J. Chan
Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road,
Cambridge, CB3 0HA, United Kingdom
Abstract. An infraredíarray reduction and analysis package which is
written in the IRAF environment has been developed to handle the huge
amount of data obtained at the Teide Observatory using the 1.5 m Carlos
SÒanchez Telescope with the new infrared Camera/Instituto de AstrofÒÐsica
de Canarias(IRCAM/IAC). This is one of the nearíinfrared observational
projects of the author. Several tasks are being developed which are writí
ten in CL or SPP in the IRAF environment for e#ciently reducing and
analyzing nearíinfrared data.
1. Introduction
Several barred spiral galaxies and galactic H ii regions associated with small
molecular clouds were observed with the IRíCamera on the 1.5 m Carlos SÒanchez
Telescope (CST) on the Teide Observatory during October 1996. This project
is one of the nearíinfrared observation projects of the author.
2. IRCAM Package
The IRCAM/IAC is based on a 256½256 NICMOS 3 array and has a plate scale
of 0.4 ## /pixel. Currently, the camera contains 7 filters covering the wavelength
range from 1.2 ²m to 2.32 ²m. The 3 # 60 seconds limiting magnitudes for point
sources were 18.8 mag at J, 18.5 mag at H, and 16 mag at K.
2.2. General Description of the IRCAM package
The IRCAM/analysis package (Chan & Mampaso 1997) has been expanded into
a large package for reducing and analyzing infrared data. Currently, there are
3 packages which are for reduction (IRCREDUCT), analysis (IRCPHOT) and
for general usage and file handling (IRCUTIL). One of the advantages of this
package is that it can easily handle the large amount of data. Furthermore,
after the data were processed by tasks in IRCREDUCT, the sideíe#ects due
to problems from the CST (guiding problems for high declination objects) and
from the IRCAM/IAC (the ``drip noise'' produced by the camera; see Figure
1a in Chan & Mampaso 1997)are reduced dramatically. The most important
improvements are that the point spread function of stars becomes wellídefined
and the resolution of the images is improved (Figure 1 and Figure 2) The package

182 Chan
Figure 1. H band images of the H ii region S152. In the top figure,
the sideíe#ect has not been corrected. In the bottom figure, the sideí
e#ect has been corrected and the PSF of stars becomes wellídefined.
is now working well. IRCUTIL and IRCREDUCT which have been released to
users in the IAC, also have full help utilities.
Acknowledgments. S.J.Chan thanks the Institute of Astronomy, Univerí
sity of Cambridge for o#ering her financial support to attend the Conference
and the hospitality of the Instituto de AstrofÒÐsica de Canarias during her stay.

An Infrared Camera Reduction/Analysis Package 183
Figure 2. J band image of NGC2273. It is of good enough quality
to allow ready detection of the inner bar. The ``e#ective'' resolution in
working mode of the CST can now be better than the 1 ## limit after
image processing using the IRCAM package.
Chan, S. J., & Mampaso, A. 1997, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 125, Astronomical
Data Analysis Software and Systems VI, ed. Gareth Hunt & H. E. Payne
(San Francisco: ASP), 93