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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
Editors: R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse
Subject Index
Numbers are the page numbers in the printed volume.
- 21 cm line, 32
- abstract service, 378
- ADAM, 177
- ADIL, 3
- ADILBrowser, 3
- ADS, 378, 395, 478
- ADS Abstract Service, 478
- Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, see AXAF
- agent, 481
- AGN, 488
- AI, 263
- AIPS, 204
- AIPS++, 25, 32, 89
- ALADIN, 470
- Algol, 19
- algorithm
- Richardson-Lucy, 86
- robust, 89
- analysis
- infrared, 352
- interactive, 275
- morphological, 108, 493
- multiresolution, 129, 500
- nebular, 192
- numerical, 129
- scientific, 165
- software, 97, 169
- aperture synthesis, 240
- applications
- fitting, 157
- interface, 208
- network, 3
- software, 103, 192
- architecture, 146
- archival research, 400
- archive, 400
- systems, 363
- archives, 341, 391, 425, 438, 474, 481
- HST, 412
- artificial intelligence, 263
- ASC, 391
- ASCA, 267
- Astro-E, 263
- Astrobrowse, 481
- astrometry, 41, 184
- astronomical
- catalogs, 382, 387
- data model, 382
- literature, 461
- site monitor, 259
- astronomical data centers, 395
- astronomy
- gamma-ray, 220
- infrared, 165, 196, 212, 224
- radio, 58, 204
- stellar, 15
- submillimeter, 216
- Astronomy On-Line, 248
- Astrophysics Data Service, see ADS
- Astrophysics Data System, see ADS
- ATM, 348
- 32, 240
- atomic data, 192
- Australia Telescope National Facility, 32, see ATNF
- AXAF, 157, 169, 208, 391, 408
- BeppoSAX, 296
- bibliography, 478
- binary stars, 15, 67
- C language, 316
- calibration, 173, 212, 259, 316, 324, 352
- HST, 304
- on-the-fly, 341
- pipeline, 103, 300
- tool, 165
- Calnic C, 188
- catalogs, 371, 387, 433, 481, 512
- very large, 387
- CCD, 53, 63, 75, 120
- CD-R, 438
- CDS, 416, 466, 470
- CGI, 371
- CIA, 275
- classification, 429, 508
- automated, 457, 508
- spectral, 508
- CLEAN, 58
- Client Display Library, 200
- client/server system, 391
- close binaries, 67
- clusters of galaxies, 500
- collaboration, 99
- collaborative tools, 3
- compression, 49, 504
- computational
- methods, 67
- physics, 7, 493
- content-based retrieval, 429
- Control Center System CCS, 421
- coordinates, 41, 208
- CORBA, 332
- cosmic ray hits, 75
- DASH, 332
- data
- analysis, 45, 58, 108, 150, 157, 161, 169, 208, 275, 296, 332
- archive, 425
- atomic, 192
- compression, 49
- conversion, 177
- flow, 255, 296, 320, 363
- formats, 97, 220
- handling, 45, 53, 120
- integrity, 395
- mining, 363, 425
- processing, 279, 356, 404
- radio, 125
- reduction, 53, 75, 196, 212, 216, 308, 312, 332
- spectral, 125
- submillimeter, 125
- warehouse, 367, 421
- Data Flow System, 255
- databases, 284, 371, 387, 404, 408, 425, 442
- cooperative, 466
- distributed, 395, 416
- very large, 512
- datOZ, 371
- de-noising, 129, 449
- deconvolution, 82, 496
- detector transients, 212
- DFS, 255
- diffraction grating, 169
- distributed computation, 332
- distributed processing, 146
- dithering, 82, 184, 220
- documentation, 116
- DOLORES, 433
- drizzling, 320
- DVD, 363
- dynamic imaging, 71
- dynamic Web links, 466
- echelle spectroscopy, 312, 337
- eclipsing binaries, 19
- editing, 204
- education, 231, 240, 244, 248
- EIS, 320
- electronic literature, 474
- electronic publication, 470, 478
- EMMI, 320, 337
- ESA, 224
- ESO, 248, 255, 259, 363
- ESO Imaging Survey, 320
- European Association for Astronomy Education, 248
- European Union, 248
- European Union Telematics Organisation, 328
- European Week for Scientific and Technological Culture, 248
- extragalactic neutral hydrogen, 32, 89
- Figaro, 177
- filtering, 449, 453
- FITS, 97, 99, 125, 132, 150, 220, 300, 316, 442
- FITS Kernel, 132
- FITS utilities, 132
- FITSIO, 97
- fitting, 157
- FOSC, 78
- GAIA, 512
- galaxies, 86
- galaxy
- cluster, 500
- nuclei, 86
- structure, 108
- Galileo telescope, 433
- Gamma Ray Bursts, 296
- GBT, 25
- GIM2D, 108
- GLU, 416, 466
- graphical user interface, 161, 240, 457
- gravitational lens, 488
- gravitational waves, 112
- Green Bank Telescope, 25
- Grid, 112
- grism, 188
- ground segment, 356
- GSC, 433
- GUI, 116
- Guide Star Catalog, 433
- guiding systems, 71
- Habanero, 3, 99
- Hamburg/ESO survey, 457
- HEASARC, 481
- HET, 284
- HI Parkes All Sky Survey, 32
- high speed networks, 348
- HIPASS, 32, 89
- Hobby·Eberly Telescope, 284
- Horizon Image Data Browser, 99
- HST, 45, 82, 188, 271, 300, 304, 308, 316, 324, 341, 344, 352, 367, 412, 421, 442
- HTML, 371, 466
- Hubble Space Telescope, see HST
- IAC, 181
- IBVS, 474
- IDL, 63, 129, 161, 165, 279
- IEEE, 132
- image
- archives, 429
- blur, 71
- coaddition, 86
- description, 429
- display, 97, 150, 200, 204
- filtering, 500
- mosaicing, 184
- multispectral, 504
- processing, 53, 63, 82, 120, 129, 146, 181, 496, 500
- reconstruction, 58
- registration, 184
- restoration, 71, 86, 173, 496
- templates, 429
- X-ray, 500
- imaging, 320
- INES, 404
- information, 470
- mining, 461
- services, 470
- systems, 395, 474
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 474
- infrared, 224, 275
- data reduction, 181
- infrared astronomy, 165, 196, 212
- Infrared Space Observatory, see ISO
- instructional technology, 231
- instrument
- calibration, 312
- INTEGRAL, 220, 356
- interfaces, 200
- intergalactic medium, 500
- interoperability, 177, 416
- IRAF, 53, 93, 103, 120, 132, 146, 177, 192, 200, 300, 316
- IRCAM, 181
- ISAP, 161
- ISDC, 220
- ISO, 161, 165, 212, 224, 275, 279, 438
- ISOCAM, 275
- ISOPHOT, 165, 212
- IUE, 103, 404, 508
- IUE Final Archive, 404
- IUE final archive, 508
- IUE low-dispersion archive, 508
- IUEFA, 404
- James Clark Maxwell Telescope, see JCMT
- Java, 49, 99, 112, 240, 408, 412, 425, 438, 457
- JCMT, 216
- JDBC, 408
- jitter, 45, 304
- jukebox, 363
- k-d tree, 485
- Keck, 348
- keywords, 442
- Large Solar Vacuum Telescope, 63
- LaTeX, 288
- library
- AST, 41
- digital, 378
- subroutine, 97
- light curves, 19
- Linné, 457
- Linux, 404
- literature
- access, 378
- astronomical, 461
- electronic, 474
- load balance, 7
- LSVT, 63
- mappings, 41
- massively parallel supercomputers, 7
- MEF, 132
- MERLIN, 240
- Message Bus, 146
- metadata, 99, 466
- Metropolis Algorithm, 108
- Mirror Sites, 395
- modeling, 157
- physical, 173
- monitor and control, 25
- morphological analysis, 493
- mosaic, 53, 120, 184
- Mosaic Data Capture Agent, 120
- multi-dimensional binary search tree, 485
- multi-tier architecture, 408
- multimedia, 244
- Multiple Extensions FITS, 132
- multiresolution analysis, 500
- multiscale method, 449
- multispectral image, 504
- N-body simulation, 7
- NCSA, 3, 99, 375
- nebulae, 192
- nebular analysis, 192
- network applications, 3
- neural networks, 508
- Next Generation Space Telescope, see NGST
- NGST, 173
- NICMOS, 188, 300, 352
- NICMOSlook, 188
- NOAO Mosaic Imager, 184
- noise, 449
- NTT, 320
- object connecting language, 112
- object relational DBMSs, 382
- object-oriented
- design, 25, 99
- programming, 240
- objective prism spectra, 457
- observation log, 304
- observatory
- control systems, 292
- gamma-ray, 356
- observing
- preparation, 292
- proposals, 288
- remote, 328
- service, 255, 284
- on-line control, 433
- on-the-fly re-calibration, 341
- on-the-fly reprocessing, 438
- Open IRAF, 146, 150
- operational systems, 344
- OPUS, 344
- ORAC, 196, 292
- Orion nebula, 352
- OTF, 341
- outreach, 231, 248
- OVRO, 49
- Owens Valley Radio Observatory, 49
- P2PP, 259
- paper products, 308
- parallel computing, 7, 67, 493
- parameter interface, 150
- Perl, 116, 288
- phase II language, 284
- phase II proposal preparation, 259
- photometry, 173
- photon counting, 71
- PIA, 212
- pipeline
- data reduction, 292
- pipelines, 103, 125, 150, 196, 279, 304, 308, 312, 316, 324,
332, 337, 344
- Pixlib, 208
- Pizazz, 375
- planning, 271
- plate solutions, 184
- polarization, 63
- Positive iterative deconvolution, 496
- pre-calibrated solutions, 337
- principal component analysis, 504
- probability theory, 15
- projections, 58
- proposals
- electronic, 267
- publication
- electronic, 470, 478
- pulsating stars, 11
- QSO, 488
- quality control, 259, 337
- query-by-example, 429
- queue scheduling, 284, 292
- quick-look plots, 267
- radial velocity, 93
- radio astronomy, 204
- radio telescope, 25
- RAID, 363
- redshift, 93
- relational DBMS, 400
- REMOT, 328
- remote observing, 328, 348
- Richardson-Lucy algorithm, 86, 496
- ROSAT, 500
- RVSAO, 93
- sampling, 82
- SAOtng, 200
- satellite
- control, 296
- operations, 267
- systems, 348
- scalegram, 129
- scalogram, 129
- scheduling, 263, 267, 271, 284, 288
- scripts, 116
- SCUBA, 216
- SDSS, 512
- search
- associative, 485
- distributed, 375
- software, 378
- Self Organizing Maps, 508
- service observing, 255, 284
- SExtractor, 320
- signal processing, 112
- SIMBAD, 470
- simulations, 240
- software
- architecture, 271
- buy-in, 142
- history, 142
- methodology, 142
- other people's, 142
- systems, 224
- solar observations, 63
- space science, 224
- spaceborne data acquisition, 504
- Spacecraft Engineering Telemetry, 45
- spectral extraction, 188
- spectral line profiles, 11
- spectroscopy, 63, 125, 161
- multi-object, 78, 173
- ST-ECF, 188, 304, 412
- star index, 367
- Starlink, 177, 216
- stars
- binary, 15
- statistics, 15, 382, 449
- stellar oscillations, 11
- STIS, 316, 324
- structure detection, 493
- STSDAS, 192, 308
- Subaru, 332
- subband filtering, 129
- submillimeter astronomy, 216
- subroutine libraries, 97
- substepping, 82
- SURF, 216
- survey, 32, 89, 93, 320, 457
- SWS, 224, 279
- system
- administration, 139
- design, 208
- management, 139
- TAKO, 263
- Tcl/Tk, 97, 116
- telemetry, 45, 344, 367, 421
- telescope
- control, 49
- Galileo, 433
- Keck, 348
- operation, 382
- radio, 25
- Subaru, 332
- Tetralogie, 461
- time delay determination, 488
- time series analysis, 488
- tomography, 58
- tree code, 7
- trend analysis, 461
- UKIRT, 196, 292
- URN, 466
- user interface, 49, 116, 400
- USNO, 512
- UVES, 337
- very large catalogs, 387
- Very Large Data Bases, 512
- Very Large Telescope, see VLT
- Virtual Radio Interferometer, 240
- Vision 2000, 421
- vision modeling, 449
- visualization, 3, 371
- scientific, 99
- VizieR, 387, 470
- VLT, 255, 259, 363
- VRI, 240
- VRML, 3
- wavelet transform, 129, 449, 493, 500
- WCS, 41, 184
- WDB, 400
- WFPC2, 45
- world coordinate systems, 41, 99, 184
- World Wide Web, 240, 244, 248, 288, 395, 400, 408, 412, 416, 425, 438, 442, 466, 474, 481
- X-ray, 157, 208
- X-ray images, 500
- X-ray optical counterparts, 78
- XImtool, 200
© Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific,
390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA
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