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ADASS VII Subject Index

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
Editors: R. Albrecht, R. N. Hook and H. A. Bushouse

Subject Index

Numbers are the page numbers in the printed volume.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X

21 cm line, 32


abstract service, 378
ADAM, 177
ADILBrowser, 3
ADS, 378, 395, 478
ADS Abstract Service, 478
Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, see AXAF
agent, 481
AGN, 488
AI, 263
AIPS, 204
AIPS++, 25, 32, 89
Algol, 19
Richardson-Lucy, 86
robust, 89
infrared, 352
interactive, 275
morphological, 108, 493
multiresolution, 129, 500
nebular, 192
numerical, 129
scientific, 165
software, 97, 169
aperture synthesis, 240
fitting, 157
interface, 208
network, 3
software, 103, 192
architecture, 146
archival research, 400
archive, 400
systems, 363
archives, 341, 391, 425, 438, 474, 481
HST, 412
artificial intelligence, 263
ASC, 391
ASCA, 267
Astro-E, 263
Astrobrowse, 481
astrometry, 41, 184
catalogs, 382, 387
data model, 382
literature, 461
site monitor, 259
astronomical data centers, 395
gamma-ray, 220
infrared, 165, 196, 212, 224
radio, 58, 204
stellar, 15
submillimeter, 216
Astronomy On-Line, 248
Astrophysics Data Service, see ADS
Astrophysics Data System, see ADS
ATM, 348
32, 240
atomic data, 192
Australia Telescope National Facility, 32, see ATNF
AXAF, 157, 169, 208, 391, 408


BeppoSAX, 296
bibliography, 478
binary stars, 15, 67


C language, 316
calibration, 173, 212, 259, 316, 324, 352
HST, 304
on-the-fly, 341
pipeline, 103, 300
tool, 165
Calnic C, 188
catalogs, 371, 387, 433, 481, 512
very large, 387
CCD, 53, 63, 75, 120
CD-R, 438
CDS, 416, 466, 470
CGI, 371
CIA, 275
classification, 429, 508
automated, 457, 508
spectral, 508
Client Display Library, 200
client/server system, 391
close binaries, 67
clusters of galaxies, 500
collaboration, 99
collaborative tools, 3
compression, 49, 504
methods, 67
physics, 7, 493
content-based retrieval, 429
Control Center System CCS, 421
coordinates, 41, 208
CORBA, 332
cosmic ray hits, 75


DASH, 332
analysis, 45, 58, 108, 150, 157, 161, 169, 208, 275, 296, 332
archive, 425
atomic, 192
compression, 49
conversion, 177
flow, 255, 296, 320, 363
formats, 97, 220
handling, 45, 53, 120
integrity, 395
mining, 363, 425
processing, 279, 356, 404
radio, 125
reduction, 53, 75, 196, 212, 216, 308, 312, 332
spectral, 125
submillimeter, 125
warehouse, 367, 421
Data Flow System, 255
databases, 284, 371, 387, 404, 408, 425, 442
cooperative, 466
distributed, 395, 416
very large, 512
datOZ, 371
de-noising, 129, 449
deconvolution, 82, 496
detector transients, 212
DFS, 255
diffraction grating, 169
distributed computation, 332
distributed processing, 146
dithering, 82, 184, 220
documentation, 116
drizzling, 320
DVD, 363
dynamic imaging, 71
dynamic Web links, 466


echelle spectroscopy, 312, 337
eclipsing binaries, 19
editing, 204
education, 231, 240, 244, 248
EIS, 320
electronic literature, 474
electronic publication, 470, 478
EMMI, 320, 337
ESA, 224
ESO, 248, 255, 259, 363
ESO Imaging Survey, 320
European Association for Astronomy Education, 248
European Union, 248
European Union Telematics Organisation, 328
European Week for Scientific and Technological Culture, 248
extragalactic neutral hydrogen, 32, 89


Figaro, 177
filtering, 449, 453
FITS, 97, 99, 125, 132, 150, 220, 300, 316, 442
FITS Kernel, 132
FITS utilities, 132
fitting, 157
FOSC, 78


GAIA, 512
galaxies, 86
cluster, 500
nuclei, 86
structure, 108
Galileo telescope, 433
Gamma Ray Bursts, 296
GBT, 25
GIM2D, 108
GLU, 416, 466
graphical user interface, 161, 240, 457
gravitational lens, 488
gravitational waves, 112
Green Bank Telescope, 25
Grid, 112
grism, 188
ground segment, 356
GSC, 433
GUI, 116
Guide Star Catalog, 433
guiding systems, 71


Habanero, 3, 99
Hamburg/ESO survey, 457
HET, 284
HI Parkes All Sky Survey, 32
high speed networks, 348
HIPASS, 32, 89
Hobby·Eberly Telescope, 284
Horizon Image Data Browser, 99
HST, 45, 82, 188, 271, 300, 304, 308, 316, 324, 341, 344, 352, 367, 412, 421, 442
HTML, 371, 466
Hubble Space Telescope, see HST


IAC, 181
IBVS, 474
IDL, 63, 129, 161, 165, 279
IEEE, 132
archives, 429
blur, 71
coaddition, 86
description, 429
display, 97, 150, 200, 204
filtering, 500
mosaicing, 184
multispectral, 504
processing, 53, 63, 82, 120, 129, 146, 181, 496, 500
reconstruction, 58
registration, 184
restoration, 71, 86, 173, 496
templates, 429
X-ray, 500
imaging, 320
INES, 404
information, 470
mining, 461
services, 470
systems, 395, 474
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 474
infrared, 224, 275
data reduction, 181
infrared astronomy, 165, 196, 212
Infrared Space Observatory, see ISO
instructional technology, 231
calibration, 312
INTEGRAL, 220, 356
interfaces, 200
intergalactic medium, 500
interoperability, 177, 416
IRAF, 53, 93, 103, 120, 132, 146, 177, 192, 200, 300, 316
IRCAM, 181
ISAP, 161
ISDC, 220
ISO, 161, 165, 212, 224, 275, 279, 438
ISOPHOT, 165, 212
IUE, 103, 404, 508
IUE Final Archive, 404
IUE final archive, 508
IUE low-dispersion archive, 508
IUEFA, 404


James Clark Maxwell Telescope, see JCMT
Java, 49, 99, 112, 240, 408, 412, 425, 438, 457
JCMT, 216
JDBC, 408
jitter, 45, 304
jukebox, 363


k-d tree, 485
Keck, 348
keywords, 442


Large Solar Vacuum Telescope, 63
LaTeX, 288
AST, 41
digital, 378
subroutine, 97
light curves, 19
Linné, 457
Linux, 404
access, 378
astronomical, 461
electronic, 474
load balance, 7
LSVT, 63


mappings, 41
massively parallel supercomputers, 7
MEF, 132
Message Bus, 146
metadata, 99, 466
Metropolis Algorithm, 108
Mirror Sites, 395
modeling, 157
physical, 173
monitor and control, 25
morphological analysis, 493
mosaic, 53, 120, 184
Mosaic Data Capture Agent, 120
multi-dimensional binary search tree, 485
multi-tier architecture, 408
multimedia, 244
Multiple Extensions FITS, 132
multiresolution analysis, 500
multiscale method, 449
multispectral image, 504


N-body simulation, 7
NCSA, 3, 99, 375
nebulae, 192
nebular analysis, 192
network applications, 3
neural networks, 508
Next Generation Space Telescope, see NGST
NGST, 173
NICMOS, 188, 300, 352
NICMOSlook, 188
NOAO Mosaic Imager, 184
noise, 449
NTT, 320


object connecting language, 112
object relational DBMSs, 382
design, 25, 99
programming, 240
objective prism spectra, 457
observation log, 304
control systems, 292
gamma-ray, 356
preparation, 292
proposals, 288
remote, 328
service, 255, 284
on-line control, 433
on-the-fly re-calibration, 341
on-the-fly reprocessing, 438
Open IRAF, 146, 150
operational systems, 344
OPUS, 344
ORAC, 196, 292
Orion nebula, 352
OTF, 341
outreach, 231, 248
OVRO, 49
Owens Valley Radio Observatory, 49


P2PP, 259
paper products, 308
parallel computing, 7, 67, 493
parameter interface, 150
Perl, 116, 288
phase II language, 284
phase II proposal preparation, 259
photometry, 173
photon counting, 71
PIA, 212
data reduction, 292
pipelines, 103, 125, 150, 196, 279, 304, 308, 312, 316, 324, 332, 337, 344
Pixlib, 208
Pizazz, 375
planning, 271
plate solutions, 184
polarization, 63
Positive iterative deconvolution, 496
pre-calibrated solutions, 337
principal component analysis, 504
probability theory, 15
projections, 58
electronic, 267
electronic, 470, 478
pulsating stars, 11


QSO, 488
quality control, 259, 337
query-by-example, 429
queue scheduling, 284, 292
quick-look plots, 267


radial velocity, 93
radio astronomy, 204
radio telescope, 25
RAID, 363
redshift, 93
relational DBMS, 400
REMOT, 328
remote observing, 328, 348
Richardson-Lucy algorithm, 86, 496
ROSAT, 500


sampling, 82
SAOtng, 200
control, 296
operations, 267
systems, 348
scalegram, 129
scalogram, 129
scheduling, 263, 267, 271, 284, 288
scripts, 116
SCUBA, 216
SDSS, 512
associative, 485
distributed, 375
software, 378
Self Organizing Maps, 508
service observing, 255, 284
SExtractor, 320
signal processing, 112
simulations, 240
architecture, 271
buy-in, 142
history, 142
methodology, 142
other people's, 142
systems, 224
solar observations, 63
space science, 224
spaceborne data acquisition, 504
Spacecraft Engineering Telemetry, 45
spectral extraction, 188
spectral line profiles, 11
spectroscopy, 63, 125, 161
multi-object, 78, 173
ST-ECF, 188, 304, 412
star index, 367
Starlink, 177, 216
binary, 15
statistics, 15, 382, 449
stellar oscillations, 11
STIS, 316, 324
structure detection, 493
STSDAS, 192, 308
Subaru, 332
subband filtering, 129
submillimeter astronomy, 216
subroutine libraries, 97
substepping, 82
SURF, 216
survey, 32, 89, 93, 320, 457
SWS, 224, 279
administration, 139
design, 208
management, 139


TAKO, 263
Tcl/Tk, 97, 116
telemetry, 45, 344, 367, 421
control, 49
Galileo, 433
Keck, 348
operation, 382
radio, 25
Subaru, 332
Tetralogie, 461
time delay determination, 488
time series analysis, 488
tomography, 58
tree code, 7
trend analysis, 461


UKIRT, 196, 292
URN, 466
user interface, 49, 116, 400
USNO, 512
UVES, 337


very large catalogs, 387
Very Large Data Bases, 512
Very Large Telescope, see VLT
Virtual Radio Interferometer, 240
Vision 2000, 421
vision modeling, 449
visualization, 3, 371
scientific, 99
VizieR, 387, 470
VLT, 255, 259, 363
VRI, 240


wavelet transform, 129, 449, 493, 500
WCS, 41, 184
WDB, 400
WFPC2, 45
world coordinate systems, 41, 99, 184
World Wide Web, 240, 244, 248, 288, 395, 400, 408, 412, 416, 425, 438, 442, 466, 474, 481


X-ray, 157, 208
X-ray images, 500
X-ray optical counterparts, 78
XImtool, 200
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© Copyright 1998 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 390 Ashton Avenue, San Francisco, California 94112, USA

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