Языкова Марина Юрьевна
Публикации, проиндексированные в базах Scopus/WoS
1. Yazykova M.Yu., Revin V.V., и др. Study of correlation between state and composition of lipid phase and change in erythrocytes structure under induction of oxidative processes // International Journal of Hematology . 2015. V. 101, Iss. 5. P. 1758-1769
2. Yazykova M.Yu., Revin V.V., и др. Preparation and evaluation of bacterial cellulose films with antibacterial properties. // European Biotechnology Congress, MAY 07-09, 2015, , , 2015 г., P. 97-97
3. Yazykova M.Yu., Kulagina K.A. The biological properties of extract from seeds, peel and combs of red grapes Marselan Intra-ENTAV 980 // European Biotechnology Congress, MAY 07-09, 2015, , , 2015 г., P. 97-97
4. Yazykova M.Yu., Revin V.V., Atykyan N.A. и др. Study of the effect of wood ultrafine particles size on their enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency // European Biotechnology Congress, MAY 15-18, 2014, , , 2014 г., P. 123-123
5. Yazykova M.Yu., Revin V.V., Borisova K.A. The influence of resveratrol on hemoglobin system and change in erythrocytes structure under oxidative processes induction // European Biotechnology Congress, MAY 15-18, 2014, , , 2014 г., P. 99-99