Biosphere: Analysis of Value Parameters
Biosphere: Analysis of Value Parameters / T.N. Sosnina. - Samara: Samar. state aerospace un-ty. State Architecture-Construction Academy; Translated from Russian into English by M.N. Pigareva, E.I.Bezrukova; 2009. - 10 печ.л. | |
Value parameters of biosphere in the view of its qualitative-quantitative characteristics are analyzed. Interpretation variant of value estimation of deformation processes of organic and inorganic nature under the impact of anthropogenic activity from the view point of V.I. Vernadsky's law of economy is suggested. Besides, the ways of saving the use value and value properties of biosphere are analyzed. CONTENT PREFACE............................................................................................................. 5 1. BASIC CATEGORICAL APPARATUS OF THE THEORY OF VALUE PROCESSES................................................................................ 9 1.1. Analysis of concept "product of labour" and the following terms related to it: welfare, wealth, commodity, capital...................... 9 1.2. Historic - logical and information interpretation of concepts "use value" and "value"................................................... 18 1.3. Determination of concepts "biosphere use value" and "biosphere value"............................................................................ 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST......................................................................................... 30 2. BIOSPHERE USE VALUE OF THE PRODUCT: MAIN 2.1. Deformation of use value parameters of the biosphere as a result of the process of producing finished and final products.. 33 2.2. Deformation of biosphere's use value parameters as a result of violation of Vernadsky's law of Economy..................................... 44 2.3. Preservation of biosphere's use value parameters as a preven- BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST........................................................................................ 90 3. BIOSPHERE VALUE OF A PRODUCT: MAIN PARAMETERS............ 95 3.1. Value of works on damage compensation inflicted upon biosphere by production process of finished and final product... .............................................95 3.2. Value of work on introduction of nature saving technologies in the sphere of material production and life....................................106 3.3. Value of work on preservation of consumer properties of biosphere...........................................................................................119 BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST......................................................................................134 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................139 APPENDIX..........................................................................................................140 GLOSSARY..........................................................................................................140
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