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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      30.04.2009 10:40

FriCAS 1.0.6

Будет вечером на всех поддерживаемых платформах.

"This user is BSD-compliant."

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Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      22.06.2009 15:28

fityk 0.8.8

 Longer version: fityk is a program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it to remove the baseline from data, or to display data only.

It is reportedly used in crystallography, chromatography, photoluminescence and photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, to name but a few.

Fityk knows about common peak-shaped functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, Pearson VII, bifurcated Gaussian, EMG, Doniach-Sunjic, etc.) and polynomials. It also supports user-defined functions.

Fityk offers intuitive graphical interface (and also command line interface), variouse optimization methods (standard Marquardt least-square algorithm, Genetic Algorithms, Nelder-Mead simplex), equality constraints, modelling error of x coordinate of points (eg. zero-shift of instrument), handling series of datasets, automation of common tasks with scripts, and more.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      24.06.2009 03:28

  Octave-Forge R2009-06-07

 Octave-Forge is a central location for the collaborative development of packages for GNU Octave.

The Octave-forge packages contains the source for all the functions and are designed to work with the Octave package system. In general the packages are designed to work with the latest development version of Octave, but it should be possible to use most packages with earlier versions.

New release of Octave-forge To celebrate the release of Octave 3.2, a new release of the package have been made. This should be compatible with the latest version of Octave.

  New release of Octave-forge Notable changes in this release include:

     * image: removel of imread and imwrite as they have been moved to core Octave. New functions: entropyfilt, ordfiltn, rangefilt, stdfilt
     * control: include functions previously shipped with core Octave.
     * finance: include functions previously shipped with core Octave.
     * general: include a parallel version of cellfun: parcellfun.
     * nnet: new functions: dividerand, ind2vec, mapstd, vec2ind.
     * nan: support complex data.
     * new packages: nurbs, oct2mat, bugfix, simp, quaternion.
     * general bug fixes and improvements all over the place.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      10.07.2009 19:55

ROOT 5.24/00


Having had many years of experience in developing the interactive data analysis systems PAW and PIAF and the simulation package GEANT, we realized that the growth and maintainability of these products, written in FORTRAN and using some 20 year old libraries, had reached its limits. Although still very popular, these systems do not scale up to the challenges offered by the LHC, where the amount of data to be simulated and analyzed is a few orders of magnitude larger than anything seen before.

It became time to re-think our approach to large scale data analysis and simulation and at the same time we had to profit from the progress made in computer science over the past 15 to 20 years. Especially in the area of Object-Oriented design and development. Thus was born ROOT.

We started the ROOT project in the context of the NA49 experiment at CERN. NA49 generates an impressive amount of data, about 10 Terabytes of raw data per run. This data rate is of the same order of magnitude as the rates expected to be recorded by the LHC experiments. Therefore, NA49 was the ideal environment to develop and test the next generation data analysis tools and to study the problems related to the organization and analysis of such large amounts of data.

With ROOT we try to provide a basic framework that offers a common set of features and tools for all domains of High Energy Physics computing.

Currently the emphasis of ROOT is on the data analysis domain but thanks to the approach of loosely coupled object-oriented frameworks the system can easily be extended to other domains, like simulation, reconstruction, event displays and DAQ.

We believe that ROOT is an ideal environment to introduce physicists quickly to the new world of Objects and C++.

What is ROOT?

The ROOT system provides a set of OO frameworks with all the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts of data in a very efficient way. Having the data defined as a set of objects, specialized storage methods are used to get direct access to the separate attributes of the selected objects, without having to touch the bulk of the data. Included are histograming methods in an arbitrary number of dimensions, curve fitting, function evaluation, minimization, graphics and visualization classes to allow the easy setup of an analysis system that can query and process the data interactively or in batch mode, as well as a general parallel processing framework, PROOF, that can considerably speed up an analysis.

Thanks to the built-in CINT C++ interpreter the command language, the scripting, or macro, language and the programming language are all C++. The interpreter allows for fast prototyping of the macros since it removes the, time consuming, compile/link cycle. It also provides a good environment to learn C++. If more performance is needed the interactively developed macros can be compiled using a C++ compiler via a machine independent transparent compiler interface called ACliC.

The system has been designed in such a way that it can query its databases in parallel on clusters of workstations or many-core machines. ROOT is an open system that can be dynamically extended by linking external libraries. This makes ROOT a premier platform on which to build data acquisition, simulation and data analysis systems.

ROOT is available under the LGPL license.

ROOT Version 5.24/00 Release Notes

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      13.07.2009 22:17

Вышел релиз свободного 3D симулятора космоса - Celestia 1.6.0

Вышел релиз проекта Celestia 1.6.0, базирующегося на OpenGL многоплатформенного 3D симулятора космоса, поддерживающего моделирование по базе данных, включающей информацию по более чем 100 тысячам звезд, всем известным планетам и рукотворным объектам, от телескопа Хаббл и Международной космической станции, до кораблей из фильма Звездные войны и сериала Вавилон 5. Исходные тексты распространяются в рамках лицензии GPLv2, размер архива для загрузки - 43 Мб, общий размер доступных расширений и моделей для Celestia - около 10 Гб.

Симулятор Celestia пользуется популярностью не только среди любителей астрономии, но также активно используется и развивается сотрудниками NASA и ESA (European Space Agency).

Bug fixes
* Fix to admit absolute directory notation in VT ImageDirectory
* Implemented encoding of special characters when saving cel URLs
* Fixed flickering of models with missing texture coordinates
* Fixed appearance non-ellipsoid star geometry in pre-OGL2 render paths
* Improved appearance of point stars when multisample antialiasing is enabled
* Fix for crash when viewing a star barycenter in an empty system
* Fixed off by one error assertion testing for number of lights used by shaders
* Windows: fixed UTF8 bugs in tour guide, star browser, and context menu
* Fixed crash bug that was triggerred by xyz and xyzv files with duplicate
* Fixed bug that caused dim stars in orbits distant from the primary to not
be drawn.
* Fixed strange appearance of cloud textures at times in the distant
* Fixed memory leak in multiview handling
* Fixed ambient light in the ARB shader path
* Fixed bugs in comet rendering (corrects overbright coma)
* Fixed code to compile without errors with gcc 4.3; fixed some warnings
* Fixed g++ compier errors in cmodfix tool
* Fixed search path for Lua scripts
* Fixed numerous bugs that occurred when an object's orbit center was different
* Fixed a bug in the celx function celestia:getscreendimension
* Fixed bug with returning Hubble type for galaxies
* Eliminated error-prone min/max macros; use STL functions instead
* Fixed discrepancy between apparent magnitudes shown in the 3D view and
the star browser.
* Change "Day Length" string to the correct and more general term "Rotation
* Show 'planetary companions' message for stellar barycenters (instead of
just stars.)
* Improved location drawing so that location labels can be occluded by
foreground objects.

Data file updates
* Implemented data base globulars.dsc with all known 150 globulars around the Milky Way
* Renamed galaxy database deepsky.dsc into galaxies.dsc
* Implemented SIMBAD compatible cross-listing for globular clusters
* Updated Iapetus texture based on a new Ciclops map from Oct 2008
* Significant update of the database on binary orbits, including SIMBAD
compatibility of barycenter nomenclature and alternative names
* Updated the near stars catalog
* Updated texture for Mercury; includes imagery from MESSENGER
* Updated textures for some Saturnian moons: Tethys, Dione, Mimas,
Enceladus, and Rhea
* Added CHARM2 catalog of measured stellar radii
* Added model of asteroid Itokawa
* Regenerated star catalog using the new reduction of the HIPPARCOS data
* Cassini updates:
- Updated Cassini trajectory to include extended mission
- Switched to using xyz+velocity files for a more accurate trajectory
- Separated Cassini mission into cruise and orbital phases
- Improved appearance of Huygens separation from Cassini
* Added IAU rotational elements for most major solar system bodies
* Made visible the orbit and label for Pluto-Charon barycenter
* Correctly centered Galileo spacecraft
* Rebuilt cross-indices from SIMBAD data
* Added alternative names for many solar system bodies (e.g. preliminary
designations for asteroids in addition to proper names.)
* Updated extrasolar planet catalog with discoveries made up to Apr 2009
* Changed class of Pluto, Ceres, Eris, ... to dwarf planet
* Changed class of small outer planet moons to minormoon
* Included new and updated solar system body features from the IAU
* Added provisional rotation period for Eris

* Added Perl script globulars.pl used to extract the globular data from scientific publications and as documentation
* Added spice2xyzv tool for extracting xyzv files from a pool of SPICE kernels
* Added Perl script to build cross-indices
* Added Perl script to generate CHARM2 catalog
* Added Perl script to build star database

Platform-specific changes
* Mac OS X: Fixed rerun script menu item
* Mac OS X: fixed issue with some checkbox settings not getting saved properly
* Mac OS X: Fixed potential crash in eclipse finder if the user specified
an object that wasn't a planet or moon
* Mac OS X: Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working when GL window not frontmost
* Mac OS X: eliminated beep when clicking splash screen on multi-core machines
* Mac OS X: fixed compiler warnings, removed -fpermissive flag
* Mac OS X: Refactored Mac disk image build into separate target, made default
builds more efficient.
* Mac OS X: Fixed bug where time zone was ignored when setting time zone
* Mac OS X: look for user config file in ~/.celestia.cfg
* Mac OS X: Fixed blank names for location bookmarks
* Mac OS X & Windows: Added texture resolution setting to GUI
* BSD: Fixed tm_zone handling
* Linux: Install scripts at during "make install"
* Linux: Added workaround for broken include_x11 define from acinclude.m4
* Linux: Updated admin directory to KDE 3.5.10, regenerated acinclude.m4
* Linux: Added the missing menu entries related to globulars for KDE version
* Linux: Added globular and grid selection options in GTK interface

* Added Polish translation
* Added Lithuanian translation
* Added Romanian translation of constellation names
* Mac OS X: Japanese localation of eclipse finder added
* Added Chinese localization
* Localize surface names in alternate surfaces menu
* Prevented English name 'Milky Way' from being displayed when a translated
version is present.
* Extended localization to DSO and star names

* Added light from secondary sources (i.e. "planetshine")
* Implemented depth sorting for markers so that they are correctly occluded
by foreground objects.
* Implemented code package rendering globular clusters
* Implemented new cel URL version with observer position and orientation stored
in frame coordinates (for forward compatibility)
* Added a long term (+-5000 centuries) precession model for Earth based on
work by Jan Vondrak
* Improved celestial coordinate grids:
- Added new grid types: ecliptic, horizontal, and galactic
- Made grid resolution adapt to the field of view
- Positioned coordinate labels at edges of field of view
* Added animated selection indicator
- Switches to direction pointer when the selection is off screen
- Changes color when the selected object is occluded
* Implemented more flexible system for reference marks and added new
reference marks:
- Planetographic grid
- Terminator
- VisibleRegion
* Enabled display of the phase angle for the currently selected object
* Improved eclipse rendering: correctly calculate depth and umbra radius
for eclipses.
* Improved star handling code so that stars can be placed more than 16k light
years from Earth.
* Switched to using sd prefix for hot subdwarfs per arXiv:0805.2567v1
* Added symbols for locations

Add-on features:
* Added SemiAxes property for ssc objects, which allows triaxial ellipsoid
geometry for solar system objects like Haumea and Mimas.
* Added new boolean properties for ssc/stc/dsc objects: Visible and Clickable
* Added new classes for solar system objects: dwarfplanet, minormoon,
surfacefeature, component, and diffuse
* Implemented Modify and Replace dispositions for star catalogs
* Added SPICE rotation model, allowing the orientation of an ssc object to
be controlled by a SPICE frame.
* SPICE orbit improvements:
- Allow multiple kernels to be specified for a SPICE orbit
- Automatically calculate start and end times when possible
* Added Timeline, which allows multiple frame, trajectory, and rotation
models for a single ssc object.
* Implemented CustomRotation, the rotation model analogue of CustomOrbit
* Added support for InfoURL for stars (already exists for deep sky objects and
solar system objects)
* Improved SampledTrajectory to handle files with positions and velocities
* Added LabelColor property for locations
* Implemented new Topocentric frame (a simplified two vector frame for placing
objects on the surface of a planet.)
* Added support for premultiplied alpha blend mode in cmod files
* Extended FixedPosition to support spherical coordinates as well as
cartesian coordinates.
* Added FixedAttitude rotation model, with more intuitive paramters for
* Added new SurfaceObject type for ssc files--like an ordinary body except
with different default frames that make it easy to position an object on
the surface of a planet.
* Added CloudShadowDepth property for atmospheres
* Improved control over mesh scaling with NormalizeMesh and MeshScale
properties for ssc objects.
* Added new locations types: eruptive center, insula (islands), and
tholus (domical hills and mountains)
* Added support for comment headers in xyz and xyzv files

Code optimization and reorganization
* Reimplemented observer frames in terms of Celestia 1.5.0 frames
* Improved performance of complex frames by caching last calculated orientation
* Added velocity method for all classes derived from Orbit
* Added angularVelocity method for rotation models
* Optimized solar system rendering by maintaining a bounding sphere hierarchy
* Switched to using 2 64-bit integers for storing high precision coordinates;
simplifies code and improves performance of operations using high precision
coordinates (dramatically on 64-bit systems)
* Optimized creation of render lists

* Celx scripting functions:
- object:addreferencemark, object:removereferencemark
- object:visible, object:setvisible, object:catalognumber
- object:setorbitcolor, object:orbitcoloroverridden, object:setorbitcoloroverridden
- object:orbitvisibility, object:setorbitvisibility
- object:locations (returns an iterator over all the locations associated with an object)
- new phase object type (for timeline phases)
- permit any X11 color name
- observer:makeactiveview
- showconstellations, hideconstellations, setconstellationcolor
- getlabelcolor, getlinecolor
- getsystemtime, ispaused
- gettextureresolution, settextureresolution
- windowbordersvisible, setwindowbordersvisible
* Split celx scripting support into several modules
* Cel scripting
- splitview, deleteview, singleview, setactiveview
- setgalaxylightgain
- setradius
- setlinecolor
- setlabelcolor
- settextureresolution
* Made the package library (except loadlib) available for celx scripting
regardless of the ScriptSystemAccessPolicy setting
* Added an "AddonPath" value that is available to a ScriptedOrbit or
ScriptedRotation when it is created.
* Pass control modifier to Lua keyboard handlingfunctions

* Bound P and M keys to toggle dwarf planet and minor moon labels
* Bound U and E keys to toggle globular clusters and globular cluster labels
* Group reference mark menu items in a separate submenu
* Changed star name lookup priority in stc parser: check proper names before
cross indices.
* Eliminated R and Shift+R key bindings for changing texture resolution
* Added new leap second 31-Dec-2008 23:59:60

* Removed obsolete 'LabelledStars' section from standard celestia.cfg
* Updated README: removed obsolete sections, reorganized credits, added
information application to 1.6.0
* Purged out of date controls documentation
* Reorganized spacecraft add-ons in standard package

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      03.08.2009 05:00

GPUmat 0.1_build090712 released

The GP-you Group develops high-level software tools to easily access the parallel computing capabilities of the GPUs from different platforms.
Thanks to the annual experience in software engineering and development (real time, embedded systems, numerical simulations), the GP-you Group proposes solutions that allow the end user to take full profit of the GPU capabilities without facing the costs related to the GPU code optimization and development: our solutions implement complex low level methods needed to access the GPU computing power on the back-end while keeping a user-friendly and easy-to-use front-end.
The first product the GP-you Group proposes is a Freeware library named GPUmat which brings the GPU parallel computing power directly in MATLABї. The GP-you Group offers support on developing GPU-based software on demand, as well as to customize our already existing products in function of the user requests.

 GPUmat News - GPUmat 0.1_build090712

The GPUmat version 0.1_build090712 has been released. This is a pre-release with the following improvements and features:

- rdivide (./)
Fixed bug in complex/complex right division (./)

- Error messages.
Fixed some errors messages.
Find 32/64 bit Linux/Windows version in the download area.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      08.08.2009 02:08

  Kst 1.8 / 2.0.0-beta2

Kst is the fastest real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool available and has basic data analysis functionality. Kst contains many powerful built-in features and is expandable with plugins and extensions. Extensive help is available, both from within kst and on the web. Kst is a KDE application and is freely available for anyone to download and use.

 Some of the main features of kst include:

    * Robust plotting of live "streaming" data.
    * Powerful keyboard and mouse plot manipulation.
    * Powerful plugins and extensions support.
    * Large selection of built-in plotting and data manipulation functions, such as histograms, equations, and power spectra.
    * Color mapping and contour mapping capabilities for three-dimensional data, as well as matrix and image support.
    * Monitoring of events and notifications support.
    * Built-in filtering and curve fitting capabilities.
    * Convenient command-line interface.
    * Powerful graphical user interface.
    * Support for several popular data formats including fits, netCDF, and HEALPix.
    * Multiple tabs.
    * Extended annotation objects similar to vector graphics applications.
    * KstScript, an ECMAScript based scripting language capable of interacting with and extending kst in virtually every way.

 kst 1.8.0 released 2009-07-10

    * Fast real-time display and manipulation of streaming data
    * Quick zooming and scrolling via mouse and keyboard
    * Extensible via plugins
    * Built-in high-speed equation interpreter
    * Multiple tabs or windows
    * Graphical plot layout manager
    * Javascript scripting
    * Drag and drop
    * Cut and paste
    * Native power spectrum algorithm and histograms
    * Image and matrix support, including waterfall plots
    * Support for the most popular data formats including:
     o ASCII, dirfile, CDF, netCDF, piolib, FITS, HEALPix, qimage
     o Plugin design allows additional formats
    * Time input
    * Built-in ELOG functionality
    * Command-line and RPC control mechanisms
    * Printing, including to images, postscript, and PDF

 Future release roadmap:

kst 1.9.0 continues support for KDE 3.x.
kst 2.0.0 begins support for KDE 4.x.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      08.08.2009 03:22

  Texlipse 1.3.0

Texlipse is a plugin that adds Latex editing support for the popular Eclipse Java IDE. Key features include: syntax highlight, command completion, bibliography completion, outline navigation and automatic building.

     Fixed bugs
Delay while typing in long documents
2673208 - Terminator for verb can't be whitespace
2537654 - Word templates put cursor on wrong place
2464655 - NullPointerException caused by having only a single viewer
2138259 - incorrect highlighting after \\$
2118921 - error location unknown while file name has whitespaces
2118208 - Bug with titlesec package
2096796 - absolute path in \bibliography won't get parsed
2029580 - 1.2.2 brokens UTF-8 support
1969167 - Paths not searched to locate .bib files
1909873 - Syntax highlighting bug for begin / end pairs
1528585 - ... substitute by \\ldots in verbatim
1517549 - linked resource .bib files not used
1490074 - \verb - wrong syntax

 New features
Support for external (outside the project) BibTeX and include files via kpsewhich.
To use this feature, make sure that kpsewhich was correctly found by Texlipse in
preferences/Texlipse/Builder settings.

Support for Eclipse's build-in spell checking is only experimental. In most cases
you need to increase the maximum number of problems reported per file (General/Editors/Text Editors/Spelling).

 Add special comment %##noBuild to turn off partial building of a document.

2082029 - \input vs \include : wrong "command already defined" message
2032994 - TODO is hardcoded as the only task tag
1986929 - listings package
1818047 - Support XeTeX
1553424 - BibTeX files should be fetched from $BIBINPUTS
1729618 - Leverage spellchecking infrastructure of Eclipse 3.3


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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      12.08.2009 13:15

 R-GPGPU 0.01

  Enabling GPU Computing in the R Statistical Environment

R is the most popular open source statistical environment in the biomedical research community. However, most of the popular R function implementations involve no parallelism and they can only be executed as separate instances on multicore or cluster hardware for large data-parallel analysis tasks. The arrival of modern graphics processing units (GPUs) with user friendly programming tools, such as nVidia's CUDA toolkit (http://www.nvidia.com/cuda), provides a possibility of increasing the computational efficiency of many common tasks by more than one order of magnitude (http://gpgpu.org/). However, most R users are not trained to program a GPU, a key obstacle for the widespread adoption of GPUs in biomedical research.

To overcome this obstacle, we decided to devote efforts for moving frequently used R functions in our work to the GPU using CUDA. In the ideal solution, if a CUDA compatible GPU and driver is present on a user's machine, the user may only need to prefix "gpu" to the original function name to take advantage of the GPU implementation of the corresponding R function. We take achieving this ideal as one of our primary goals so that any biomedical researcher can harness the computational power of a GPU using a familiar tool. Since our code is open source, researchers may customize the R interfaces to their particular needs. In addition, because CUDA uses shared libraries and unobtrusive extensions to the C programming language, any experienced C programmer can easily customize the underlying code.

Using the CUDA extension to C and the shared linear algebra library CUBLAS, we have implemented a variety of statistical analysis functions with R interfaces that execute with different degrees of parallelism on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). If an algorithm is comprised of common vector or matrix operations each performed once, we involve the GPU by implementing those operations with calls to CUBLAS. If an algorithm involves computing the elements of a large matrix, we can often merely assign each thread executing on the GPU a portion of a row and/or column. Algorithms for which we have implemented GPU enabled versions include the calculations of distances between sets of points (R dist function), hierarchical clustering (R hclust function). Pearson and Kendall correlation coefficients (similar to R cor function), and the Granger test ('granger.test' in the R MSBVAR package).

We are committed to implement more R GPU functions, and we hope to contribute packages to the open source community via our project's website. The initial package is hosted by CRAN as gputools a sorce package for UNIX and Linux systems. Be sure to set the environment variable CUDA_HOME to the root of your CUDA toolkit installation. Then install the package in the usual R manner. The installation process will automatically make use of nVidia's nvcc compiler and CUBLAS shared library. We hope that others can contribute to the R-GPGPU effort and encourage any comments or suggestions.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      03.09.2009 10:22

wxMaxima 0.8.3

  wxMaxima features include:

    * 2D formatted math display: wxMaxima implements its own math display engine to nicely display maxima output.
    * Menu system: most Maxima commands are available through menus. Most used functions are also available through a button panel below the document.
    * Dialogs: commands which require more that one argument can be entered through dialogs so that there is no need to remember the exact syntax.
    * Create documents: text can be mixed with math calculations to create documents. Documents can be saved and edited again later.
    * Animations: version 0.7.4 adds support for simple animations.

Major new features:

* new cell types added: Subsection, Page break
* sections and subsections are 'auto-numbered' (think LaTeX)
* title, section and subsection cells can be folded (to hide the contents)
* Addition of 'panes' to the user interface (the buttons at the bottom concept reworked)
* Buttons from the bottom moved into a 'General Math' pane
* New 'Statistics' pane - shortcuts for statistics related Maxima functions
* New 'History' pane - command history
* New 'Insert Cell' pane - shortcuts for inserting cells
* New menu entry for 'to_poly_solve'
* Improved rendering (more TeX-like) of integral, sum, product symbol and parenthesis via jsMath fonts

Minor improvements / fixes:

* certain special keys (Windows key...) are now ignored (before, pressing them inserted garbage)
* hiding improved: hiding a text or input cell now shows the first line of the content
* zooming improved: zoom is now percentual, affects only current document, changes all the fontsizes in the document
* image cells now contain a line for a description of 'figure'
* support for merging and dividing cells via right click menu
* HTML and LaTeX exports improved (better styles handling fro HTML, changed Title cell handling in LaTeX, utf-8 encoding for LaTeX export...)
* new inline plotting wrapper functions: wxhistogram, wxscatterplot, wxbarsplot, wxpiechart, wxboxplot.
* fixed width input/output labels
* toolbar is optional
* animations can be viewed with mousewheel
* improved speed of large outputs (useful for inline help with ?, example: '? plot2d;')
* input label (%in) is reset to '-->' if there are changes in input since last evaluation
* various bugfixes

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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      09.09.2009 11:38

какую программу можно вместо матлабовского симулинка использовать?

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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      18.10.2009 21:38

  Проекты LabPlot и SciDAVis заявили об объединении своих усилий

Команды разработчиков проектов LabPlot и SciDAVis заявили о начале совместной работы в направлении усовершенствования свободных приложений для анализа и визуализации научных данных. Проекты приняли решение о начале совместного использования наработанной кодовой базы и обмене технологиями, считая, что такой подход приведет к ускорению развития обеих программ. Проекты выполняют похожие функции и движутся к единой цели, но существенно отличаются в плане организации пользовательского интерфейса: LabPlot широко использует для построения пользовательского интерфейса дополнительные библиотеки KDE и тесно интегрирован в данное окружение, в то время как SciDAVis ограничивается только функциями Qt4 и позиционируется как кросс-платформенный продукт.

Решено логически разделить код на "фронтэнд" и "бэкенд" составляющие. Кодовые базы ядра приложений будут объединены, а связанный с построением интерфейса пользователя код будет переведен на работу поверх единого бэкенда. Таким образом программы, имеющие принципиально разные подходы к формированию GUI, сохранят свою самобытность и особенности взаимодействия с пользователем, но перестанут тратить время на поддержание дублирующейся функциональности.

Более того, вынос базовых функций в библиотеку позволит сторонним разработчикам напрямую задействовать в своих программах использующийся в LabPlot и SciDAVis набор функций, например, можно легко создать дополнительный GUI на базе Gtk+. В итоговой библиотеке планируется активно использовать достижения других открытых проектов, например, GNU Scientific Library для математических вычислений, muParser, SIP и PyQt для обеспечения выполнения скриптов, QwtPlot3D для формирования 3D графики, а Qwt для 2D графики.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      03.11.2009 07:54

  Extrema 4.4.1

Extrema is a powerful visualization and data analysis tool that enables researchers to quickly distill their large, complex data sets into meaningful information. Its flexibility, sophistication, and power allow you to easily develop your own commands and create highly customized graphs.

 Ease of Use

    * A rich graphical user interface lets you quickly tackle one-off problems.
    * For more elaborate tasks, the intuitive command language makes script writing easy. For example, to graph two data vectors x and y against each other, just type "graph x y".
    * Automatic script-writing mode will create a script based on your GUI point-and-click actions. Write scripts without typing a single command!
    * Data manipulation is easy with Extrema's automatic expression evaluation. For instance, if you have 10,000 (x,y) data coordinates stored in vectors x and y, you can instantly compute each of their distances from the origin with "d = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)".
    * Simple, easy-to-understand programming constructs allow you to write code with little or no programming experience.
    * The GUI gives you ALL the power of the low-level language, and vice versa.

 3-D Graphing

    * Contour plots: colour, legend, area/volume tabulations, control over contour label size, colour, separation, etc.
    * Density plots: derivatives, random point type, box type, colour filled regions, dithering patterns with automatic or user defined patterns, diffusion type, profiles, legend, area/volume tabulations, etc.

 2-D Graphing

    * Customized 2-D line graphs, scatter plots, horizontal or vertical bar charts, each with a large variety of type styles and fonts of any size and color
    * Customized or automatic legends
    * Multiple axes with arbitrary axis positioning
    * Fill the area between data curves or fill individual histogram bars
    * Logarithmic axes, to any base, including e
    * Axis scaling can be automatic or user set (including commensurate axes)
    * Labels can optionally follow the curves on rescaling a graph
    * Many plotting symbols, with control over size, colour and angle
    * Complete control over axis appearance (short/long tic mark length and angle, separation between tic marks and axis labels, axis angle, length and location, axis labels size, colour, font, number of digits, etc.)

 Data Reduction & Analysis

    * Differentiate/Integrate an arbitrary expression
    * Interpolate 1-D or 2-D data using various methods (linear, Lagrange, weighted splines under tension, Fritsch-Carlson, etc.)
    * Smooth data using various methods (weighted splines under tension, Savitzky-Golay filters, etc.)
    * Convolution and deconvolution of data
    * Integral transforms of arbitrary expressions
    * Fast Fourier Transforms and Inverse FFT's
    * Reorganize data (sort, step, roll, wrap, etc.)
    * Weighted (re-)binning of 1-D or 2-D data into automatic or user defined bins (specified by centres or edges)
    * Find multiple real roots of an expression
    * Recursive and non-recursive digital filters
    * Manual or automatic determination of data extrema using graphics cursor
    * Fit data with an arbitrary, non-linear, expression involving up to 25 variable parameters
    * Ellipse fitting
    * Calculation of parameters for least-squares fit using adjustable parameters
    * User defined and named variables (scalars, vectors, matrices, strings, arrays of strings)
    * Full indexing on variables and expressions
    * Literal vectors may be specified as a list or a range
    * Boolean operators (<, >, &, etc.)
    * Array operators (inner/outer product, matrix transpose, etc.)
    * Over 200 built-in functions including: scalar type (Bessel, Clebsch-Gordan, etc.); array type (sum, product, loop, where, etc.); string type (case, date/time, etc.)
    * Mathematical/character expressions may appear in any suitable command parameter
    * Use character variables to substitute for complicated expression substrings

 Data Input/Output

    * Display the history of variables
    * Read data from binary or ASCII files by formats or space/tab/comma separated columns
    * Output data to binary or ASCII files by formats or in columns
    * Dynamic allocation of arrays
    * Digitize data from a displayed plot

 Extrema's Built-In Language

    * Scripting capability with up to 20 nesting levels and with parameter passing
    * Script library of `super' commands
    * Nested looping, branching and conditional statements in scripts
    * Display messages, prompt for user input from within a script
    * Return to interactive mode from within a script, and later resume script execution
    * Create a script interactively

 General Graphics Utilities

    * Unlimited text capabilities for titles, labels, and annotations
    * Multiple windows within the graphing area
    * Any number of charts of any mixed type on a single picture
    * High quality graphics display
    * Interactive entry of lines, arcs, geometric figures, and text

 Other Features

    * Comprehensive on-line documentation: instant help for any command, or interactive browsing through help library
    * Keyword searching
    * Save/Restore an entire Extrema session, including graphics
    * Keep a journal file of all command input and message output
    * Dynamic input line recall buffers allow recall/edit of commands using the arrow keys

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      13.12.2009 16:26

  FreeMat 4.0 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of FreeMat 4.0 . This version brings major feature improvements and changes to the internals of FreeMat.
 Here is a list of changes:

    * Improved Editor with integrated debugger
    * Improved Main Application UI with dockable workspace browser and command history
    * Just In Time compiler (enabled by default)
    * Greatly improved compatibility with Matlab (over 366 compatibility tests pass)
    * Dynamic linking with BLAS (users can use custom optimized BLAS libraries)
    * Vectorized fprintf, sprintf, fscanf, sscanf functions
    * Added patch handle graphics object
    * Much faster figure drawing
    * Ability to handle huge arrays (more than 2GB) when compiled under 64 bit OS
    * Code profiler

 Internal changes:

    * New array class implementation
    * Compatible type handling
    * JIT compiler
    * CMake build system

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      13.04.2010 18:09

  Qt version of Grace 5.1.22

Dear Grace-community;

I have written a version of Grace for the Qt-library based on Grace-5.1.22. I call it "qtgrace".
Marius has been kind enough to upload the source-code to a server:
He has also compiled it for windows. The binary is found on:
(This zip-file does not contain the documentation/help-files so you might want to download the sources in addition to the windows binary.)
The sources can be compiled with Qt 4.6 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
(You may use Qt 4.5, but you have to replace one line in the source code that contains a 4.6-function.)

This version of Grace contains about 90% of the functionality of Grace-5.1.22 and I tried to preserve as much of the look and feel as possible. In the file-dialogs I inserted a button with which you can open the native file dialog of your operating system (I found this very handy).

At the moment the software is more or less a beta-version (you are hereby warned not to use it for very important stuff!)
Not working so far:
- pipes (perhaps partially or ony some operating systems, definitely not on windows)
- printing directly is only possible if your OS can use "lpr file.ps" - use print to file and print this files externally
- editing datasets in external editors may not work (maybe only on some operating systems) - needs further testing
- printing to some filetypes is done directly via the Qt-library so less options are available
- the about-dialog contains entries, that are not used in the Qt-version any more
- there may be some further functions missing (if you find something missing: please tell me)

If someone downloads this Grace-version please tell me about the bugs you find (don't send bug-reports about my version to the original Grace-team): write a message to me via this forum.

With Qt it is also possible to easily translate the GUI. If someone wants to do this: please let me know.
If I remove some bugs I will try to generate new source and binary - stay tuned.

I hope this version will be useful for someone.
Critical comments are welcome!
Have fun!


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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      15.04.2010 13:57

  SALOME 5.1.3

SALOME - открытая интегрируемая платформа для численного моделирования. Представляет из себя набор пре- и постпроцессинга.

Общая характеристика

Первоначально задуманная как связующее ПО CAD-CAE, она объединяет в себе различные модули, применяемые в приложениях численного моделирования - от моделирования в САПР до параллельных вычислений. САПР-средства в SALOME имеют достаточно тесную связь с платформой Open CASCADE. Продукты марки SALOME распространяются на условиях GNU Lesser General Public License. Платформа SALOME используется как база для проекта NURESIM (European Platform for NUclear REactor SIMulations), который предназначен для полномасштабного моделирования ядерных реакторов. В основе SALOME прежде всего лежит концепция объектно-ориентированного программирования. SALOME представляет собой набор модулей, которые позволяют выполнять задачи, перечисленные выше.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      16.04.2010 17:45

  gracegtk-7.0.b0 : First beta release of GraceGTK-7

GraceGTK is an evolution of Grace (grace-5.1.22) using the GTK Application
Programming Interface (API) instead of Motif.

To avoid any confusion with grace-5 or grace-6, the major revision
number starts at 7.

I send the tarball to the Grace Team now to be copied in the directory

New features added to its ancestor:

* new toolbar buttons to make mouse interaction easier:
=> try Help/Examples/GraceGTK/Explain

* and Explorer popup with two panes
- the left pane show a tree view of the drawing
- the right one a contextual menu related to the object selected in
the tree. Most often these menus are the Grace-5 ones.
=> Click the TreeView button in toolbar to pop up explorer.

* a new mode to import ASCII data more versatile then the "Block data"
option, allowing to give names (legend) to sets directly in the
data file:
=> try Help/Examples/GraceGTK/Import_ASCII

* a spline interpolation "on the fly"
try Help/Examples/GraceGTK/Spline
* the Ellipse object is replaced by the more general Arc
=> try Help/Examples/GraceGTK/Arc

* a "Follow me" mode, i.e. each change in the parameters of objects
validated by a "Apply" is printed in the "Commands" windows as
a script line that can be reused by copy/cut/paste with mouse.
This allows to write scripts with minimum effort.
=> Try Help/Examples/GraceGTK/Follow me

Some Grace-5 features are not implemented.

GRACE_HOME variable is changed in GRACEGTK_HOME.

I hope to have comments about the new features, existing bugs
and missing features.

P. Vincent


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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
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Из: Universe
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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      10.09.2010 17:40

TeX Live 2010

10 сентября представлен TeX Live 2010 - обновление наиболее полного дистрибутива LaTeX, поддерживаемого TeX-сообществом. TeX Live позволяет запускать и устанавливать LaTeX на различных операционных системах: Unix-like, включая GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows. TeX Live допускает как установку на HDD, так и запуск LaTeX с DVD. Дистрибутив содержит 'снимок' CTAN-архива, а также очень подробное и качественное руководство пользователя по установке на нескольких языках, включая русский. Учитывая размер ISO-образа (около 2 ГБ), разработчики рекомендуют сетевую установку. Релиз TeX Collection DVD будет выпущен в октябре.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
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  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      13.11.2010 00:26

  SLangTNG 2010.11.12

SLangTNG is an application suite which provides scientists, students and engineers a tool for
* fast and simple linear algebra (like MATLAB(TM)/Mathematica(TM)/Maple(TM))
* dense and sparse matrices, solvers and decompositions
* random number generation
* advanced statistics
* numerical analysis
* structural mechanics using FEM
* data visualization
* scripting using the Lua interpreter language

Target platforms:
* Linux
* Mac OS X

The basic idea is to provide people with little programming skills a scripting engine for their engineering/numerical simulation tasks.

Lua is a full featured and probably the most efficient scripting language. The math kernel is based on KDE's Eigen library (eigen.tuxfamily.org) providing superfast linear algebra and algorithms. The bindings are provided automatically by SWIG (with custom bindings to make things comfortable). All algorithms are organized in modules, i.e. small C++ libraries which may be separated from the main package. SLangTNG is actually a large collection of C++ modules with common interface. Executables are provided by custom driver apps. By default, a simple Qt application and a batch mode app are provided.

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Mageia Linux provider

Рег.: 22.11.2003
Сообщений: 9597
Из: Universe
Рейтинг: 1431
  Re: [News] Научное программное обеспечение [re: bmv]
      09.12.2010 13:55

GSL Shell

GSL shell offers an interactive command-line interface that gives access to the GSL collection of mathematical functions. It is based on the powerful and elegant scripting language Lua. GSL shell is not just a wrapper over the C API of GSL, but offers a much more simple and expressive way to use GSL. The objective is to give the user the power to easily access GSL functions without having to write a complete C application. It also has a powerful module to produce plots or almost any kind of graphics based on data or functions.

GSL shell is an interactive command line interface that gives easy access to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) collection of mathematical methods for numerical computations.

GSL shell can be used interactively to perform calculations with matrices or vectors but it does allow also to write complex user defined functions with the Lua scripting interpreter.

Lua is a very interesting and easy to learn scripting language that features advanced functionalities like closures and metamethods. Lua is very easy to learn and will give you the power of defining your own complex routines to use the GSL library more effectively.

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