Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.sevin.ru/laboratories/Marine_Invertebrates/britayev/Antoknina%20et%20al%202012.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Mar 3 12:49:52 2013
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 14:05:45 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: asteroid
CHAPTER 8 Asteroidea of Vietnam with some notes on their symbionts
T.I. Antokhina1, O.V. Savinkin1, T.A. Britayev1
ABSTRACT. Asteroidea and their symbionts represent an important and diverse, but poorly explored component of the biodiversity of coastal ecosystems of Vietnam. We studied data from 8 years of collecting sea stars and their symbionts by schnorkelling, scuba-diving and trawling in the Bay of Nhatrang and other coastal areas of Vietnam. A total 47 species of asteroids and 24 species of their symbionts have been found. These species of asteroids belong to 13 families, with the most diverse families Ophidiasteridae and Oreasteridae, comprising 15 and 10 species respectively. Two species of asteroids, Nardoa novaecaledoniae and Stellasteropsis colubrinus are new for the coastal waters of Vietnam. The most diverse groups of symbionts of asteroid were copepods with 8 species (33.3% of all symbiotic species found), polychaetes with 7 species (29.2%) and gastropods with 5 species (20.8%). The other groups ­ decapods, fishes and ctenophorans, were substantially less diverse and included 1 or 2 species only. Our study revealed a rather rich fauna of asteroids and their symbionts in the coastal waters of Vietnam in comparison to some other areas of the Indo-West Pacific. We suggest that a further increase in the asteroid and their symbionts diversity might be expected from trawling on soft grounds, especially in deeper areas of Vietnamese coast.

The South China Sea (SCS) is located in the Indo-Malayan region and partially belongs to the Coral Triangle, the area recognized as a centre of maximum biodiversity of marine species, especially corals, mollusks and marine fishes [Veron 1994, 1995; Roberts et al. 2002; Mora et al. 2003; Allen 2002, 2003; Hoeksema 2007]. SCS has a rich echinoderm fauna with close to thousand species known, of which about 12% are endemic [Lane et al. 2000]. However echinoderm diversity in the South China Sea probably underestimated since much of this large marine ecosystem remains unexplored. For comparison, in the better studied Australian waters 1154 echinoderm species have been recorded [Rowe, Gates 1995]. Due to the fact that the SCS borders the Coral Triangle and is a partially enclosed basin its fauna is of a special interest for biodiversity research [Lane et al. 2000; Ng, Tan 2000]. The recorded number of Asteroidea species in the SCS is 236 of which ~ 24% are endemic [Lane et al. 2000; Ho 2002; Chao 2000; Purwati, Lane 2004; Liu et al. 2006]. The regional faunas included in the SCS are significantly less diverse. For example, in the coastal waters of Vietnam only 56 species of asteroids have been recorded [Lane et al. 2000; Ho 2002]. Our previous paper [Antokhina, Britayev 2012] provided a checklist of 39 asteroids for the Bay of Nhatrang revealed new records for this area and underlined the gaps in our knowledge. In this extended paper we provided a checklist of Asteroidea of Vietnam based on the material collected in the coastal waters of Vietnam (excluding the Bay of Tonkin) in the

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, 33 Leninskij prospekt, Moscow, Russia, 119071, tanya@sai.msu.ru


Choriaster granulatus LÝtken, 1869 (Pl. 61 G)
Choriaster granulatus LÝtken 1869: 35; Fisher 1919: 369; Domantay, Roxas 1938: 217; Guille et al. 1986: 124; Colin, Arneson 1995: 244; Gosliner et al. 1996: 254; Moosleitner 1997: 6; Purwati, Lane 2004: 93.

Material examined. Nhatrang Bay, Mot Island, 3­10 m, corals, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 8 April 2006 ­ 1 specimen; 10 April 2006 ­ 5 specimens; 15 April 2006 ­ 3 specimens; 18 April 2006 ­ 6 specimens; Dung Island, 10­15 m, corals, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 26 April 2006 ­ 1 specimen; 3 May 2006 ­ 1 specimen; Nok Island, 15­20 m, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 28 April 2006 ­ 1 specimen. Measurements. R/r (max) = 160/60 mm; R/r (min) = 105/40 mm. Distribution in Nhatrang Bay. Mun, Mot, Dung, Nok Islands. General distribution. Indo-West Pacific, i.e. E. Africa, Red Sea, Maldive Island, South China Sea, Australia (Ashmore, Cartier, Scott Island, Rowley Shoals), South Pacific Islands. Symbionts. Polychaetes Asterophilia culcitae Britayev et Fauchald, 2005, Hololepidella millari Britayev, Doignon et Eeckhaut, 1999 (Polychaeta: Polynoidae), copepods Stellicola oreastriphilus Kossmann 1877 (Copepoda: Lichomolgidae), decapods Periclimenes soror Nobili, 1914 (Decapoda: Palaemonidae). Culcita novaeguineae MÝller et Troschel, 1842 (Pls. 61 H, 62 A)
Culcita novaeguinea MÝller, Troschel 1842: 38; Fisher 1919: 360; H.L. Clark 1921: 32; Livingstone 1932: 250; Guille et al. 1986: 124; Colin, Arneson 1995: 245; Gosliner et al. 1996: 255; Purwati, Lane 2004: 93.

Material examined. Nhatrang Bay, Mot Island, 4­6 m, corals, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 6 April 2006 ­ 14 specimens; 8 April 2006 ­ 14 specimens; 10 April 2006 ­ 16 specimens; 15 April 2006 ­ 19 specimens; 18 April 2006 ­ 13 specimens; 20 April 2006 ­ 15 specimens; 22 April 2006 ­ 24 specimens; Dung Island, 5­12 m, corals, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 24 April 2006 ­ 5 specimens; 26 April 2006 ­ 1 specimen; 3 May 2006 ­ 2 specimens; 10 May 2006 ­ 3 specimens; Nok Island, 3­15 m, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 5 May 2006 ­ 8 specimens; 28 April 2006 ­ 6 specimens; Do Island, 3­6 m, rocks, 27 May 2007 ­ 7 specimens; Tre Island (cape Muy Nam), 6­10 m, rocks, coll. Antokhina, 1 June 2007 ­ 9 specimens. Measurements. R (max) = 185 mm; R/r (min) = 34/24 mm. Distribution in Vietnam. Nhatrang bay: Do, Tre, Mieu, Tam, Mot, Mun, Nok, Dung, Noy Islands. Con Co Island. Con Dao Island. Phu Quoc Island. General distribution. West Pacific including type locality, New Guinea. Indian Ocean (Andaman Island), Australia (Ashmore, Cartier and Scott reefs and Rowley Shoals). Symbionts. Polychaetes Asterophilia culcitae, Hololepidella laingensis Britayev, Doignon et Eeckhaut, 1999, Hololepidella millari (Polychaeta: Polynoidae), molluscs Stilifer variabilis Boettger, 1893 (Gastropoda: Eulimidae), copepods Astroxynus culcitae Humes 1971 (Copepoda: Stellicomitidae), Stellicola oreastriphilus, Stellicola parvuliantokhi na t.i., savinkin o.v


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P late 63 . A - Fromia indica, B - Fronua nnlleporetia; C - Fromia months , D - Leiaster teaahi, [ Le iaster spociosus. F - linckia laevigata; G - linckia muttifom, H - N a rdoa fr anti i

A.'..; TO Kl II NA T.!. , SA\l!'-l' IX OX. , BR ITAYEV T. A .

44 3

species of symbiotic animals from three main taxa, gastropods, fishes and copepods (Pl. 66 B). The obviously different taxonomic compositions of associated faunas in these studies (Pl. 66 B) reflects a focus by Jangoux [1990] on parasitic animals. While the symbiotic fauna associated with the more common shallow-water asteroids of the Bay of Nhatrang is relatively well studied now. It is restricted to 13 species of asteroid host only. Further studies of asteroids from other regions of the coastal waters of Vietnam, especially northern and deep-water areas, will increase the known diversity of asteroid associated fauna substantially. Acknowledgements The research has been carried out with support of the Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center. The authors wish to thank Dr. David J.W. Lane (University of Brunei Darussalam) who helped with identification of asteroids. We are grateful Dr. I.N. Marin, Dr. E.S. Mekhova, Dr. P. Yu. Dgebuadze (A.N Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution), S. Ponomarev (Moscow State University), Dr. V.I. Radashevsky (Institute of Marine Biology) and Dr. M.Yu. Saburin (Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography) for their assistance with collecting of the material. References Alcock A. 1893. Natural History notes from the HM Indian Marine Survey Steamer Investigator. 7. An account of the collection of deep-sea Asteroidea. Annals of the Magazine of Natural History, 11(6): 73­121. Allen G.R. 2002. Indo-Pacific coral-reef fishes as indicators of conservation hotspots. Proceedings Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, 2: 921­ 926. Allen G.R. 2003. Reef fishes of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. In: Allen, G.R., Kinch, J.P., McKenna, S.A., and Seeto, P. (eds), A Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea ­ Survey II (2000). RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 29, Conservation International, Washington, DC, 46 ­55. Antokhina T.I., Britayev T.A. 2012. Fauna of Asteroidea and their symbionts of Nhatrang bay. Paleontological Journal, 8, in press. Audouin V. 1826. Explication des planches d'echinodermes de l'Egypte et de Syrie, publiees par J.C. de Savigny. Description de l'Egypte, Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 1(4): 203­212. Aziz A. 1986. La faune d'asterides (Echinodermata) de la region indo-malaise: Taxonomie, zoogeographie et bathymetrie. Thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, i­xv, 1­ 663. Aziz A., Jangoux M. 1984. Les asteries (echinodermes) du plateau de la Sonde (Indonesia). Indo-Malayan Zoology, 1(1): 127­140. Aziz A., Jangoux M. 1985. Description de six asterides nouveaux (Echinodermata) de la region des Philippines. Indo-Malayan Zoology, 2: 281­291. Bedford F.P. 1900. On the echinoderms from Singapore and Malacca. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 14: 271­299. Bell F.J. 1884. Contributions to the systematic arrangement of the Asteroidea. ­ II. The species of Oreaster. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1884: 57­87.

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