Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/wiki/tp_search_doc
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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 17:49:17 2016

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п п п
Zen: tp search doc

tp search doc

Check tp search en for explanation of fts technique implemented in this project.



Database: PostgreSQL 8.0x (also, tested with PostgreSQL 8.1dev) Default tsearch2 configuration is 'tps'.

Example of right configuration: (data dir - /home/olegb/tmp/data,tsearch2 installed into /home/olegb/tmp/lib/)

initdb --locale=en_US  /home/olegb/tmp/data
(assume, postmaster started with en_US locale)
pg_ctl -D /home/olegb/tmp/data -o "-p 5433" start
createdb -U olegb -p 5433  --encoding=SQL_ASCII tp
sed -e 's|$libdir|/home/olegb/tmp/lib/|g' < tsearch2.sql | psql -p 5433 -U oleg
psql -p 5433 -U olegb tp < ~/app/dump/tables/sql/tscfg-tps.sql

tp=# select * from pg_ts_cfg;
     ts_name     | prs_name |    locale
 default         | default  | C
 default_russian | default  | ru_RU.KOI8-R
 simple          | default  | 
 tps             | default  | en_US
(4 rows)
tp=# select to_tsquery('paris');
(1 row)

Addtional modules:

Modified tsearch2
  • Changed SIGLENINT to 15 in gistidx.h
  • improved rank function for OR queries. Probably, better install to some custom location to avoid clash with standard tsearch2 installation.
tprewriter - version 1.5
transform original query to produce more results with minimizing possible noise. Install it as a standard contrib module ( make && make install && make installcheck )


We use two different configurations of fts for better flexibility (different sets of stop words).

  • tps - for place search
  • tpsh - for hotel search


  • psql tp < tscfg-tps.cfg
  • psql tp < tscfg-tpsh.cfg

Please, check configuration files (tscfg-tps.cfg,tscfg-tpsh.cfg) for location of dictionary and stop-words files. There are 3 example files provided:

  • cities.dict - names of cities we don't want to be processed ('Paris', for example, would be transformed to 'pari' after stemming). We use synonym dictionary for 'cities' dictionary and currently it looks like:
paris   paris
united  united
states  states
orlean orleans
las    las
los    los
  • tpshotels.stop - stop-words for hotel search
  • tpsplace.stop - stop-words for place search

FTS model

Capital letters (A,B,C,D) denotes lexem class (by importance). D is a default class.

Following indices should exist:

-- check indices below !!!
-- create index admin_searchalias_placeid on admin.searchalias(place_id);
-- create index placedetail_us_state_abbrev on placedetail(us_state_abbrev);
-- create index usastate_state_abbrev on usastate(state_abbrev);
-- create index name_idx on place(name);


place.fts_index = place.name_A       || 
                  usa.state_name_B   || usa.state_abbrev_B ||
                  country.name_C     || 


select place.*,
      mk_tsvector_place(coalesce(place.name,''),coalesce(country.name,''),coalesce(usa.state_name,'')||' '|| coalesce(usa.state_abbrev,'')) ||
        to_tsvector('tps',coalesce(mk_place_aliases(place.place_id),'')) as fts_index
into place_new
from place
        inner join placedetail on 
                (place.place_id = placedetail.place_id)
        left outer join country on 
                (placedetail.country_id = country.country_id)
        LEFT OUTER JOIN usastate usa on 
                ( placedetail.us_state_abbrev = usa.state_abbrev);

drop table place;
alter table place_new rename to place;
create index fts_index_idx on place using gist(fts_index);


property.fts_index = property.property_name_A ||
                     place.name_B ||
                     usa.state_name_B || usa.state_abbrev_B
                     country.name_C     || 


update property.property set fts_index =
CASE WHEN property.property.status_type_id is null OR
property.property.status_type_id > 0 then ''
                  coalesce(usa.state_name,'')||' '||coalesce(usa.state_abbrev,''),
                 ) || to_tsvector('tpsh',coalesce(mk_place_aliases(place.place_id),''))
from  place
        inner join placedetail on
           (place.place_id = placedetail.place_id)
        inner join country on 
           (placedetail.country_id = country.country_id)
        inner JOIN usastate usa on
           ( placedetail.us_state_abbrev = usa.state_abbrev)
        where place.place_id = property.property.place_id;
create index ftsp_index_idx on property.property using gist(fts_index);


vw_log.fts_notes = notes ||
                   caption_text_A ||


alter table vw_log add column fti_notes tsvector;

update vw_log set fti_notes = 
coalesce(to_tsvector('tps',notes),'')||' '|| 
coalesce( setweight( to_tsvector('tps',caption_text),'A'),'')||' '||
coalesce( setweight( to_tsvector('tps',p.name_qualified),'B'),'')
from place p 
where p.place_id = vw_log.place_id;

create index vw_log_fti_notes_idx on vw_log using gist(fti_notes);

SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 'names' used for query rewriting.

drop table names;

select foo.place_id, foo.cname as cname, to_tsquery('tps',replace(foo.txt,chr(176),chr(32))) as name_tsquery into names from ( 
select distinct search_term as cname, place_id,  '\'\\\'' || replace(search_term,'\'','\\\'') || '\\\'\'' as txt
from admin.searchalias where admin.searchalias.search_term ~ ' '
select distinct name as cname, place_id, '\'\\\'' || replace(place.name,'\'','\\\'') || '\\\'\'' as txt
from place where name ~ ' ') as foo;

-- create index for names
create index cnames_idx on names using gist(name_tsquery gist_tp_tsquery_ops);



-- use 'tps' tsearch2 configuration !
create or replace function mk_tsvector_place(text, text, text) returns tsvector
as $$

        res     tsvector;
        place_name ALIAS FOR $1;
        country_name ALIAS FOR $2;
        state_name ALIAS FOR $3;
--      IF country_name = 'US' THEN
        res = setweight(to_tsvector('tps',place_name),'A');
        IF country_name = 'United States' THEN
                res = res || setweight(to_tsvector('tps',state_name),'B');
        END IF;
        res = res || setweight(to_tsvector('tps',country_name),'C');
        RETURN res;
        LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- returns aliases (no original name!) separated by '|'
create or replace function mk_place_aliases(integer) returns text
as $$

        res     text;
        placeid ALIAS FOR $1;
        rec record;
        res = '';
        FOR rec IN
                SELECT replace(a.search_term,'\'','') AS place_alias 
                FROM place p, admin.searchalias a
                WHERE  a.place_id = p.place_id
                and p.place_id = placeid
-- from place p left outer join admin.searchalias a  on 
-- ( p.place_id = a.place_id) where p.name = place_name
                IF res != '' THEN
                        res = res ||  '\|';
                END IF;
                res = res || '\'' ||  rec.place_alias || '\'';
        END LOOP;
        IF res = '' THEN
                RETURN NULL;
        END IF;
        RETURN res;
        LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create or replace function mk_tsvector_hotel(text, text, text,text) returns tsvector
as $$

        res     tsvector;
        place_name ALIAS FOR $1;
        country_name ALIAS FOR $2;
        state_name ALIAS FOR $3;
        property_name ALIAS FOR $4;
        res = setweight(to_tsvector('tpsh',property_name),'A');
        res = res || setweight(to_tsvector('tpsh',place_name),'B');
        IF country_name = 'United States' THEN
                res = res || setweight(to_tsvector('tpsh',state_name),'B');
        END IF;
        res = res || setweight(to_tsvector('tpsh',country_name),'C');
        RETURN res;
        LANGUAGE plpgsql;



NOTICE: logarithm slowdown search, use something another if performance is not satisfactory !!!

select  p.population,p.name_qualified,
(rank('{1,0.2,0.4,1}',p.fts_index, query.r_query,0) 
        + p.type_id/90. 
        + log(coalesce(p.population,1000.0)+1)/7
as rank from place p,
(select tp_rewrite(ARRAY[query, n.name_tsquery]) as r_query from names n,
 to_tsquery('new&orleans&hilton') as query where query @ n.name_tsquery) as query
where p.fts_index  @@ query.r_query and p.type_id != 40 
order by rank desc limit 10;

 population |           name_qualified           |       rank        
     484670 | New Orleans, Louisiana             |  1.62535215409395
       5860 | Hilton, New York                   |  1.10576071576761
      33860 | Hilton Head Island, South Carolina |  1.09939228000737
            | Orleans Four Corners, New York     | 0.977777779764599
            | Orleans, New York                  | 0.977777779764599
            | Hilton, New Jersey                 | 0.977777779764599
            | Hilton, New Zealand                | 0.911111117071576
            | Hilton, Namibia                    | 0.844444454378552
            | Hilton, Oklahoma                   | 0.844444454378552
            | Hilton, Kansas                     | 0.844444454378552
(10 rows)

Time: 385.579 ms


We use query rewriting here and return results ordered by their full text rank and property rating

tp=# select  place.name_qualified,pd.property_name,pr.rating_count,
(rank('{1,1,1,1}',pd.fts_index, query.r_query,0) 
+ coalesce(pr.rating_count/500.0,0.0))
as rank from place, property.property pd, property.propertycounts pr,
(select tp_rewrite(ARRAY[query, n.name_tsquery]) as r_query from names n,
 to_tsquery('tpsh','hilton&new&york') as query
 where query @ n.name_tsquery) as query
where pd.fts_index  @@ query.r_query
and pd.place_id = place.place_id
and pr.property_id = pd.property_id
order by rank desc limit 10;

     name_qualified     |          property_name           | rating_count |       rank       
 Las Vegas, Nevada      | New York-New York Hotel & Casino |          597 | 2.02733331346512
 New York, New York     | Hilton New York                  |          111 |            1.347
 New York, New York     | Hilton New York Times Square     |           59 |            1.243
 New York, New York     | Millenium Hilton                 |           26 | 1.20014817905426
 New York, New York     | New York Marriott Marquis        |          195 | 1.18166668653488
 New York, New York     | Hilton Waldorf Towers            |            4 | 1.15614817905426
 New York, New York     | Hilton Waldorf=Astoria           |            0 | 1.14814817905426
 New Orleans, Louisiana | Hilton New Orleans Riverside     |          151 |            1.052
 Melville, New York     | Hilton Huntington/Melville       |           22 |            1.044
 Rye Brook, New York    | Hilton Rye Town                  |           16 |            1.032
(10 rows)

Time: 213.734 ms

HOTEL SEARCH (EXACT, all words are to required!)

tp=# select  place.name_qualified,pd.property_name,pr.rating_count,
+ coalesce(pr.rating_count/500.0,0.0))
as rank from place, property.property pd, property.propertycounts pr,
to_tsquery('tpsh','hilton&new&york') as query
where pd.fts_index  @@ query        
and pd.place_id = place.place_id   
and pr.property_id = pd.property_id
order by rank desc limit 10;
       name_qualified       |           property_name            | rating_count |       rank       
 New York, New York         | Hilton New York                    |          111 |            1.222
 New York, New York         | Hilton New York Times Square       |           59 |            1.118
 New York, New York         | Millenium Hilton                   |           26 |            1.052
 Melville, New York         | Hilton Huntington/Melville         |           22 | 1.04399642372131
 Rye Brook, New York        | Hilton Rye Town                    |           16 | 1.03188776445389
 Lake Placid, New York      | Hilton Lake Placid                 |           15 | 1.02988776445389
 Tarrytown, New York        | Hilton Tarrytown                   |           10 | 1.01998873472214
 Liverpool, New York        | Homewood Suites by Hilton Syracuse |            9 | 1.01798873472214
 Saratoga Springs, New York | Hilton Garden Inn                  |            7 | 1.01396370077133
 Pearl River, New York      | Hilton Pearl River                 |            7 | 1.01388776445389
(10 rows)

Time: 57.542 ms


Rewrite query and order results by fts rank and updated_date

select foo.log_id, v.caption_text, headline(v.notes,foo.query),foo.rank
from vw_log v,
( select l.log_id,
            query.r_query as query,
            (rank('{0.1,1,0.5,1}', fti_notes,query.r_query,0) +
        1 - log(8,(current_date-coalesce(updated_date,current_date-1)))/10)
 as rank 
  from vw_log l, 
         ( select 
                tp_rewrite(ARRAY[query, n.name_tsquery]) as r_query 
           from names n, to_tsquery('tps','new&york&hilton') as query
           where query @ n.name_tsquery
         ) as query
  where l.fti_notes @@ query.r_query 
  order by rank desc limit 10
) as foo 
where foo.log_id = v.log_id;