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Дата индексирования: Mon Apr 11 00:37:21 2016

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Sternberg State Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University>


New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars,

Kukarkin B.V., Kholopov P.N., Artiukhina N.M., Fedorovich V.P.,

Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A., Karitskaya E.A.,

Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P., Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I.,

Perova N.B., Ponomareva G.A., Samus N.N., and Shugarov S.Yu.



ftp ftp.sai.msu.su/pub/groups/cluster/gcvs/nsv/ (anonymous)



This catalog is a compilation of 14811 stars suspected

of variability and not finally designated as variables prior to 1980.

It is the successor to the "Catalogues of Stars Suspected of

Variability" published in 1951 and 1965 (Kukarkin et al.). Data

contained in the present catalog include positions, magnitudes,

variability types, alternate designations, and references to the

literature. The computer version of NSV contains principally the same

data as in the printed catalog, but only the data table without the

textual material (bibliography, remarks) is included. Necessary

corrections were introduced, as of June, 1997, and coordinates were

improved, compared to the printed version, for about half of the stars

in the catalog.

Science the 2000 year we have started preparation of an electronic

release the new version of NSV, wich will contain improved coordinates

J2000 and other improved data. We present a preliminary version for

3500 stars from NSV.


File Summary:


FileName Lrecl Records Explanations


ReadMe 80 . This file

nsv.dat 89 14811 The NSV Catalog

ref.txt 221 2893 The list of remarks

rem.txt 367 4576 The list of references


Byte-by-byte Description of file: nsv.dat


Bytes Format Units Label Explanations


1- 5 I5 --- NSV NSV number

6 A1 --- NSVLetter *NSV letter suffix

7 A1 --- u_NSV [-]Dubitancy flag

if a star's variability seems doubtful

or erroneous to the catalog compilers

8 A1 --- NoteFlag1 *[*] Notes in published catalog

10- 11 I2 h RAh *Hours RA, equinox 1950.0

12- 13 I2 min RAm *Minutes RA, equinox 1950.0

14- 17 F4.1 s RAs *Seconds RA, equinox 1950.0

18 A1 --- DE- *Sign Dec, equinox 1950.0

19- 20 I2 deg DEd *Degrees Dec, equinox 1950.0

21- 22 I2 arcmin DEm *Minutes Dec, equinox 1950.0

23- 25 I2 arcsec DEs *Seconds Dec, equinox 1950.0

26 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*] accuracy flags

27 A1 --- IDflag [?] Flag for doubtful identification

28- 29 I2 h RAh *Hours RA, equinox 2000.0

30- 31 I2 min RAm *Minutes RA, equinox 2000.0

32- 35 F4.1 s RAs *Seconds RA, equinox 2000.0

36 A1 --- DE- *Sign Dec, equinox 2000.0

37- 38 I2 deg DEd *Degrees Dec, equinox 2000.0

39- 40 I2 arcmin DEm *Minutes Dec, equinox 2000.0

41- 43 I2 arcsec DEs *Seconds Dec, equinox 2000.0

44 A1 --- u_DEs *[:*] accuracy flags

46- 50 A5 --- VarType *Type of variability

51 A1 --- l_magMax [><(]"<" if magMin is a bright limit

52- 56 F5.2 mag magMax *Magnitude at maximum brightness

57 A1 --- u_magMax [:]Uncertainty flag on magMax

59- 60 A2 --- l_magMin [><(]"<" if magMin is a bright limit

"(" if magMin is an amplitude; with

"><" prefix, the amplitude in the

table is a lower or upper limit.

61- 66 F6.3 mag magMin *Minimum magnitude or amplitude

67- 68 A2 --- u_magMin [st:] a light amplitude is reported for

the minimum and it is given in steps

Uncertainty flag (:) on magMin

69 A1 --- f_magMin [)] ")" if magMin is an amplitude

70 A1 --- magCode *The photometric system for magnitudes

72-75 A4 --- Ref1 *Reference to a study of the star

see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)

77-80 A4 --- Ref2 *Chart reference

see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)

82-95 A14 --- Desig *Designation in paper Ref1

96-109 A13 --- SpType *Spectral type

110-119 A10 --- VarName *Designation in GCVS


Note on NSVLetter: The letter "A" is present for one star, NSV 10360A,

which is a completely different object from NSV 10360.

Note on NoteFlag1: see the document by Kukarkin et al.(1982)

There are several data fields that can contain asterisks. These signify

that more complete information will be found in the remarks to the

published catalog. The remarks are, unfortunately, not machine

readable, but they do contain much supplemental information. There, one

will find information covering situations like, e.g.:

1. The discoverer of the light variability is not the author of the

paper cited in the variability reference, or is one of several authors

of the paper cited. In these cases, discoverers' names are given

in original transcriptions of the remarks.

2. The most important additional information about a star, although the

NSV compilers did not intend to present complete bibliographies for any

cataloged stars.

3. Remarks for visual binaries (in parentheses following the number of a

star in the corresponding catalog) giving visual magnitudes for the

individual components A and B, angular separations, and position angles

for faint components (or semimajor axis of a relative orbit and period

of orbital motion). Data for other components are then given where

applicable. (Combined magnitudes are generally reported in the

machine-readable table.)

Note on RAh, RAm, RAs, DE-, DEd, DEm, DEs:

The position is not listed when the variable is equivalent to a GCVS

star (column VarName).

Note on u_DEs:

The actual accuracy of coordinates is indicated with the symbols:

(:) means right ascensions accurate to one second of time and

declinations accurate to one tenth of an arcminute;

(*) means declinations accurate to one arcminute.

Note on VarType: type of variability (see file ...\III\vartype.txt).

The system of variable star classification corresponds to the GCVS4,

with six additions (ZZO, AM, R, BE, LBV, BLBOO) introduced in the

Name-Lists 67- 72 and in the GCVS vol.V.

Note on magMax, magMin: Magnitudes are reported to hundredths if the

observations are photoelectric, to tenths or whole magnitudes if they

are not. If only an amplitude has been measured photoelectrically, then

the maximum magnitude is generally given to tenths only and the minimum

is reported to hundredths.

Note on magCode: the photometric system in which magMin and magMax are

reported (see also Note on n_magMax, n_magMin). The main codes are P

(photographic magnitudes) and V (visual, photovisual, or Johnson's V).

See also the documents by Kholopov et al. (1985-1988) or Warren (1988).

Note on Ref1: Usually a 6-digit number coding, as a rule, the reference to the

announcement of the discovery of variability. The first two digits give the

year (in the 20th century) when the announcement was published (blank

for the 19th century). The next four digits give the number in the list

of references contained in the published catalog, which is generally the

first publication announcing the possible variability. The numbers are

followed by a letter code in most cases (byte 75) with the following


K: the cited paper contains a chart or photograph of

the field with the suspected variable marked.

D: the cited paper does not contain a chart, but the

star is cataloged in one of the Durchmusterungen


Note on Desig: The identification of the suspected variable in the

paper referenced above. DM numbers are given without a prefix, the

standard naming convention of "The Henry Draper Catalogue" being used

(BD for zones +89 to -22; CD for -23 to -51; CP for -52 to -89).

Some identifications are given by coordinate designations, a 6-digit

number consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds (or tenths of a minute)

of time and degrees of declination with sign included. An asterisk (*)

signifies that a designation is given in the remarks to the published


Stars are sometimes designated with numbers from the catalogs of Zinner

(ZI, 1929) and Prager (PR, 1934, 1937) because the original discovery

publications were not available to the NSV compilers. The catalogs of

Zinner and Prager give detailed references to early observations of such


Note on SpType: Spectral types and subtypes only are given.

Most luminosity classes are III to V, but if a star is a supergiant,

more detailed classification information is given in the remarks to the

published catalog. The following symbols are used:





E emission spectrum

EA e sub alpha

EV variable emission in spectrum





T characteristics of T Tauri stars

Note on Ref2: The coding for the numbers is similar to that used

in the variability references described above, except that there are no

letter codes. These are references to papers containing identification

charts if no charts are given in the papers cited for the variability


Note on VarName, NoteFlag2:

1) The alternative name of the variable. All necessary information on

the star is to be found under that alternative name, in the iii.zip and

nl.zip files.

2) The star's name in the GCVS Vol. V (see the file v.zip, where the

explanation of the designations is also given). In this case, the

symbol "*" in column 89 means the presence of remarks in Vol. V.


See also:

CDS II/214A : The combined GCVS4.1 (Kholopov+, 1998)


Aitken, R. G. 1932, "New General Catalogue of Double Stars within 120 Degrees

of the North Pole", Carnegie Institution of Washington Pub. 417

(Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Institution of Washington).

Argelander, F. 1859-62, "Bonner Sternverzeichnis. Erste bis dritte Sektion",

Astronomischen Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der Koeniglichen Rhein.

Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn, Bande 3-5.

Cannon, A. J. and Pickering, E. C. 1918-1924, "The Henry Draper Catalogue",

Ann. Astron. Obs. Harvard College 91-99.

Dreyer, J. L. E. 1888, "New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of

Stars", Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 49, Part I (reprinted 1962, London: Royal

Astronomical Society).

Gill, D. and Kapteyn, J. C. 1895-1900, "Cape Photographic Durchmusterung,

Ann. Cape Obs." 3 (1895, Part I: zones -18 to -37); 4 (1897, Part II:

zones -38 to -52); 5 (1900, Part III: zones -53 to -89).

Hoffleit, D. (with the collaboration of Jaschek, C.) 1982, "The Bright Star

Catalogue" (New Haven: Yale University Observatory).

Kholopov, P. N., Samus', N. N., Frolov, M. S., Goranskij, V. P., Gorynya, N.

A., Kireeva, N. N., Kukarkina, N. P., Kurochkin, N. E., Medvedeva, G. I.,

Perova, N. B., and Shugarov, S. Yu. 1985-1988, "General Catalogue of

Variable Stars", 4th Edition, Volumes I-III,(Moscow: Nauka Publishing House).

Kuestner, F. 1903, "Bonner Durchmusterung des Noerdlichen Himmels, zweite

berichtigte Auflage", Bonn Universitats Sternwarte.

Kukarkin B.V., Kholopov P.N., Artiukhina N.M., Fedorovich V.P.,

Frolov M.S., Goranskij V.P., Gorynya N.A., Karitskaya E.A.,

Kireeva N.N., Kukarkina N.P., Kurochkin N.E., Medvedeva G.I.,

Perova N.B., Ponomareva G.A., Samus N.N., and Shugarov S.Yu. 1982,

"New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars", (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House).

Kukarkin, B. V., Kholopov, P. N., Efremov, Yu. N., and Kurochkin, N. E.

1965, "Second Catalogue of Stars Suspected of Variability" (Moscow:

Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.).

Kukarkin, B. V., Parenago, P. P., Efremov, Yu. N., and Kholopov, P. N. 1951,

"Catalogue of Stars Suspected of Variability" (Moscow: Publishing House of

the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.).

Neugebauer, G. and Leighton, R. B. 1969, "Two-Micron Sky Survey, A

Preliminary Catalog", NASA SP-3047 (Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics

and Space Adminstration).

Parenago, P. P. 1954, Trudy Sternberg Astron. Inst. No. 25.

Prager, R. 1934, Ergaenz. Astron. Nachr. 9, No. 3.

Prager, R. 1937, Ergaenz. Astron. Nachr. 10, No. 1.

Schoenfeld, E. 1886, "Bonner Sternverzeichniss" , Vierte Sektion,

Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der Koeniglichen Rheinischen

Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat zu Bonn 8, Part IV (Bonn: Adolph Marcus).

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Staff 1966, "Star Catalog. Positions

and Proper Motions of 258,997 Stars for the Epoch and Equinox of 1950.0",

Publ. of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington, D.C., No. 4652.

Sulentic, J. W. and Tifft, W. G. 1973, "The Revised New General Catalogue of

Nonstellar Astronomical Objects" (Tucson: The University of Arizona


Thome, J. M. 1892-1932, "Cordoba Durchmusterung, Resultados del Observatorio

Nacional Argentino" 16 (1892, Part I: -22 to -32 Degrees), 17 (1894, Part

II: -32 to -42 Degrees), 18 (1900, Part III: -42 to -52 Degrees), 21 (Part

I) (1914, Part IV, -52 to -62 Degrees), 21 (Part II) (1932, Part V: -61 to

-90 Degrees).

Warren, W.H., Jr. 1988, "New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars",

Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 88-24.

Warren, W.H., Jr. 1989, "General Catalogue of Variable Stars",

4th edition, Documentation for the Machine-Readable Version,


Zinner, E. 1929, Erganz. Astron. Nachr. 8, No. 1.


(End) N.N. Samus [Moscow Inst. Astron.], O.V. Durlevich [Sternberg

Astron. Inst., Moscow] 6-Aug-1997