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Дата изменения: Thu May 21 19:57:30 2009
Дата индексирования: Sat Oct 17 04:04:56 2009

Поисковые слова: п п п п п п
T Ant [A/H] = -0.0. P var, nonlinear elements: Max = 2436120.756
T Ant + 5.897915d*E + 4.80d*10^{-8}E^2 [00027].
V Ant OH, H_2O, SiO maser.
SZ Ant From photometry in [00002], about 12.3m V, const? [00000].
TU Ant From photometry in [00002], about 10.6m V, const? [00000].
WY Ant [Fe/H] = -1.48. P var, nonlinear elements: Max =
WY Ant 2439139.40 + 0.574330174d*E + 4.820d*10^{-10}E^2 [00029].
AG Ant [Fe/H] = -4.8. A post-AGB star. SB1. Brightness variations with
AG Ant the orbital period probably due to variations of circumstellar
AG Ant extinction.
AI Ant Slow variations with Prot (see Table), oscillations with P about
AI Ant 15 minutes, several frequencies.
R Ara Min II 6.2. The light curve shape outside eclipses varies.
R Ara VB A (B 8.2m, 4", 123deg, 1933).
S Ara [Fe/H] = -0.71. P var. Max = 2420047.2382 + 0.451888176d*E -
S Ara 1.36d*10**(-10)*E**2 (2414000 - 2441200) [03126]. For current
S Ara elements after 2441000, see Table.
T Ara VB A (B 11.0m, 34", 60deg).
RW Ara Changes of the shape of the light curve due to gaseous streams
RW Ara or to a hot spot are possible.
SZ Ara P var [00005].
TV Ara In the region of the open cluster NGC 6208.
TX Ara VB A (B 16.5m 5" sf). A twice shorter period is possible.
AD Ara [A/H] = -0.4.
AW Ara Before JD 2417300, Max = 2412600 + 186d*E.
BF Ara The superoutburst cycle is given.
CC Ara VB A (B 14.9m 7" sp).
CT Ara Between JD 2420400 and 2425000, Max = 2413080 + 215d:*E.
DU Ara P var.
DZ Ara VB A (B 12.9m 12" np).
EH Ara VB A (B 14.7m 12" nf).
EK Ara VB A (B 15m pg 5" s).
FS Ara VB A (B 15.1m V 7" nf).
FT Ara VB A (B 15.4m 7" nf).
GI Ara VB A (B 10" sp). It is not quite clear which star varies.
GK Ara The coordinates in [00051] and the chart in [00034] are
GK Ara believed to be wrong.
IN Ara [Fe/H] = -1.75.
IW Ara VB A (B 15.9m 9" sp).
KP Ara VB A (B 14.8m 7" p).
KY Ara Only one sharp Max (JD2428715 - 721) was observed [00055].
KZ Ara VB A (B 13.5m 13" p).
LW Ara As of May 2006, erroneously called LX Ara in [00002].
MQ Ara VB A (B = NSV 09784 25" sp).
MR Ara [Fe/H] = -1.0.
MS Ara [Fe/H] = -1.48.
MT Ara VB A (B 13.5m 26" sf).
MV Ara VB A (B 17.6m 7" nf), a star 13.5m 18" n.
MX Ara VB A (B 15.5m 14" sf).
NU Ara VB B (A 16.4m 8" sp).
OY Ara Eclipsing variations [00010]: amplitude 1.9m (wide B+V filter),
OY Ara Min = 2449862.8220 + 0.155466d*E.
QR Ara Marked in the chart for BV 1443. ASAS-3 data do not show
QR Ara noticeable variations.
QX Ara Erroneously called V675 Ara in [00002].
V0340 Ara [A/H] = 0.6.
V0341 Ara X-ray source 1RXS J165743.7-631237. V-Ic between 0.08m and
V0341 Ara 0.20m [00012]. The periods 11.95d [00111], 10.919d [00075],
V0341 Ara 14.11045d [00012] satisfy observations only during some
V0341 Ara intervals of time.
V0342 Ara P >= 140d.
V0345 Ara P >= 180d.
V0355 Ara P > 220d.
V0356 Ara P > 170d. VB B (A 12.65m B, 22" nf).
V0360 Ara Min II - Min I = 0.35P.
V0383 Ara VB A (B 16.5m 8" nf).
V0419 Ara Not red [00000].
V0422 Ara According to [00054] and [00053], UG. The spectral type suggests
V0422 Ara another type [00013].
V0433 Ara Eclipses: Min = 2453065.5502 + 0.19573d*E [00014]. According to
V0433 Ara [00014], the outside-eclipse brightness varies between 16.8m
V0433 Ara and 18.4m V. The faintest magnitude observed in an eclipse was about 19.6m V.
V0447 Ara Another possible solution of the data from [00002]:
V0447 Ara Min = 2451936.878 + 18.146d*E [00015].
V0461 Ara Identified with a bright IR object in the 2MASS catalogue.
V0520 Ara No objects with Mira-like colors in the field [00000].
V0528 Ara Not an RR Lyrae star according to [00006], where no period
V0528 Ara could be found between 0.25d and 2.0d.
V0539 Ara VB A (B 9.22m, 12", 269deg). DII = 0.13P. Apsidal motion.
V0539 Ara Tabulated are: the epoch of MinI based on observations in [00075]
V0539 Ara and the siderial period from [00017]. In 1982 - 1994,
V0539 Ara MinI = 2445056.777 + 3.169112d*E,
V0539 Ara MinII = 2445067.825 + 3.169076d*E, U = 150 years. The fainter
V0539 Ara component of the eclipsing pair pulsates, the detected periods
V0539 Ara are 1.36d, 1.78d, 1.08d [00017].
V0544 Ara VB A (B 14.5m pg, 17" sp).
V0577 Ara The chart in [00059] leads to a much brighter star than the
V0577 Ara magnitudes in [00059]; for this brighter star, the data in
V0577 Ara [00002] permit to suspect type EA, Max 13.1m V, MinI 13.6m V,
V0577 Ara MinII 13.3:m V, MinI = 2453090.826 + 0.6880d*E, with a large
V0577 Ara light-curve scatter [00000].
V0583 Ara The chart in [00059] leads to a much brighter star than the
V0583 Ara magnitudes in [00059].
V0613 Ara VB B (A = NSV 10198, 12" np).
V0617 Ara VB B (A 13.1m Bj, 12" nf). Combined magnitudes of the pair are
V0617 Ara given.
V0624 Ara MaxII 11.9 at the phase 0.4.
V0639 Ara V1 (NGC 6397). Cluster non-member.
V0650 Ara Individual cycles have amplitudes about 0.7m, the mean
V0650 Ara brightness level varies.
V0658 Ara The suggested type is in contradiction with the star's red
V0658 Ara color [00000].
V0710 Ara Individual cycles have amplitudes from 0.5m to 1m, secondary
V0710 Ara cycle about 750d.
V0729 Ara Type RV with a twice longer period is possible.
V0744 Ara Not red.
V0755 Ara The chart in [00112] (BV 1310) shows a different variable star.
V0793 Ara Not red.
V0801 Ara MXB 1636-53. Description of the spectrum [00113].
V0801 Ara Modulation with Porb = 0.15804738d [00020], amplitudes up to
V0801 Ara 0.6m V.
V0816 Ara Type RR: was suggested in [00053], but the star is red.
V0820 Ara Epoch of Min is given. Strong magnetic field. Either an
V0820 Ara eclipsing binary or a white-dwarf oblique rotator.
V0821 Ara 4U 1658-48. Complex behavior. Three X-ray states: off, hard-low,
V0821 Ara high-soft, poorly correlated with optical variations. The latter
V0821 Ara consist of flickering, possible low-amplitude quasi-periodic
V0821 Ara variations, and large-amplitude changes. Porb near 0.7d is
V0821 Ara suspected.
V0825 Ara V2 (NGC 6397), cluster non-member.
V0826 Ara V3 (NGC 6397), cluster non-member.
V0827 Ara V4 (NGC 6397).
V0829 Ara SR [00114].
V0829 Ara According to [00075], ELL, 6.06m - 6.14m Hp,
V0829 Ara Min = 2448504.951 + 7.5010d*E; these type and
V0829 Ara period seem improbable for the spectral type.
V0832 Ara Porb = 5200d.
V0834 Ara Oscillations: P = 12 minutes.
V0835 Ara Oscillations: P = 10.75 minutes.
V0837 Ara Associated with a nebula.
V0839 Ara Associated with a nebula.
S Tel The AAVSO chart, approved by Harvard Observatory in 1951,
S Tel corresponds to the star at the coordinates in the Table. Most
S Tel observations of S Tel reported in the 20th century probably
S Tel refer to this star. There remains doubt if the original
S Tel CPD-55 9313 was the same star [00126].
U Tel P var [00000]. SiO maser.
RR Tel A symbiotic Nova. In 1889 - 1930, 12m - 14m pg (according to
RR Tel [00123], irregular variations; according to [00128],
RR Tel Max = 2411490 + 384d*E, with irregularities). In 1930 - 1944,
RR Tel 12.5m - 16.5m pg, Max = 2430145 + 386.73d*E [00125]. An outburst
RR Tel from 14m to 7m in October, 1944. On JD2441426 - 2444899,
RR Tel 5.06m - 6.74m J, P = 387d [00124]. The data in [00002] reveal
RR Tel current V-band variations with a small amplitude and nearly
RR Tel the same period [00000]. A period of 11.38 years, presumably the
RR Tel orbital one, was reported in [00127]. The spectrum in the Max of
RR Tel the outburst was F5 without emissions, then a rich emission
RR Tel spectrum was formed. Since the 1970s, TiO absorption bands are
RR Tel being noted. Radio source, soft X-ray source.
RS Tel Semiregular variations, P = 49.0d [00002].
RV Tel VB (0.6", 294deg, 1946).
SS Tel SiO maser.
ST Tel The chart in [00034] is wrong.
SU Tel VB B (A 13.6m B, 12" nf).
TY Tel OH, SiO maser.
UY Tel VB.
YY Tel No emission lines in the spectrum.
AG Tel VB A (B 13.7m B, 20" sp).
AN Tel A secondary period about 27d.
AX Tel [A/H] = -0.7.
BB Tel Not red [00000].
BI Tel [Fe/H] = -1.96.
BL Tel [Fe/H] = -0.66. The depth of Min II is about 0.1m. The primary
BL Tel component varies approximately between 7.09m and 7.27m V,
BL Tel the periods revealed in these pulastins are 92.5d and 64.8d
BL Tel [00138].
BO Tel [A/H] = -0.3.
CK Tel VB B (A 15.0m, 12" s).
DZ Tel VB A (B 15.9m, 15" np).
EH Tel VB A (B 15.6m R, 5" nf).
EU Tel The chart in [00034] is wrong.
FX Tel VB (4").
GM Tel VB A (B 16.6m, 10" p).
HH Tel [Fe/H] = -1.02.
HR Tel Type EW with a twice longer period is possible.
HY Tel [Fe/H] = -0.17.
KK Tel Porb = 0.08453d.
KN Tel VB A (B 15.6m B, 13" sf).
LW Tel Possibly identical to NSV 10695.
MT Tel [Fe/H] = -1.85.
NS Tel Strong O'Connell effect.
PS Tel V39 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member?
PS Tel P = 0.1422d or 0.1657d is possible.
PT Tel V27 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member.
PU Tel V24 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member.
PV Tel SB2.
PX Tel V15 (NGC 6584). Cluster non-member.
PZ Tel SB2.
QR Tel P(osc) = 13.0 min.
QS Tel Porb = 0.097187d.
QU Tel Multiperiodic, P = 257s is dominant.
QZ Tel VB B (A 9" sp). The variability is probably due to the fainter
QZ Tel (B) component [00075]. The variability range for combined light
QZ Tel is given.
V0340 Tel The data from [00002] do not confirm the tabulated period
V0340 Tel [00000].
V0343 Tel O'Connell effect, MaxII 9.18m.
V0349 Tel Multiperiodic, P2 = 1.2719d.