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Дата изменения: Fri Dec 21 02:05:22 2007
Дата индексирования: Sat Dec 22 01:51:58 2007

Поисковые слова: galactic cluster



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Bibliography and References


We list in this page a comprehensive bibliography that may be of interest to the supernova enthusiast. These books should be avalaible at the publisher indicated or other major astronomical resource.

On supernovae physics...

Supernova: The Violent Death of a Star by Donald Goldsmith; 1989; Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP UK. The story of SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud and a general round-up of supernova astrophysics and stellar evolution. Very useful if you like to know more about those beasts you're hunting!

Supernovae and Their Remants edited by Peter Brancazio and A.G.W. Cameron; 1969; Gordon and Breach Science Pubblishers, 150 5th Ave, N.Y., N.Y., 10011 USA. A classic on supernovae reaserch with chapters by early professional SN hunters like Zwicky and Minkowski. Scientific information, though, is mostly out-dated.

SN 1987A and Other Supernovae, ESO workshop proceedings; 1990; ESO, Schwarzschild Strasse 2, D-8046, Garching bei Munchen, Germany. Brainstorming on supernovae and related physics, very technical but has some easy to read contributions by professional hunters on their work.

The Supernova Story; by Laurence Marschall of Gettysburg College; Princeton University Press, 1994; check this web page (external link) for details and orders.

Photographic atlases of galaxies...

If you do or plan to start supernovae hunting we suggest you keep in your library some of these atlases. They can be useful in checking a suspect star in your CCD image or visual observation. These atlases are not intended to be used "on the field"; they should be used, though, in a verification process.

The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies by Allan Sandage: 1961 first edition; Carnegie Institue of Washington, Washington DC. A classic on galaxy classification with some 200 reproduction of historical plates of Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories.

Atlas of Galaxies by Allan Sandage and John Bedke; 1988; NASA SP-496; Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 20402 USA. Some 300 photographic reproduction of recent plates by Las Campanas and Palomar Observatories, originally intended to calibrate HST observations. Beautiful images; the best by the cosmological Artist...

The Carnegie Atlas of Galaxies (two volumes) by Allan Sandage and John Bedke; 1994; Carnegie Institue of Washington, Washington DC. One thing can be said of this atlas: It's worth your telescope, but costs only your eyepiece! It is an updated presentation of the Hubble classification with some 1.200 plates of galaxies, by Palomar, Las Campanas and Mt Wilson, most of which are published for the first time. An absolute must !

The Color Atlas of Galaxies by James D. Wray; 1988; Cambridge University Press, The Pitt Building, Trumpington St. Cambridge, CB2 1RP, UK; a CCD color atlas of galaxies bny a professional astronomer using telescopes at McDonald Observatories and Las Campanas. some 600 images of galaxies with excellent resolution of the nuclear regions.

Photographic Atlas of Galaxies fon SN Search (three volumes); by Manuel Alvarez; 1987-1992; this atlas by Argentine amateurs Alvarez is a collection of negative reproductions taken with a small Schmidt camera and TP film. Unfortunately most photos lack resolution and are not generally useful for a verification process.

Atlas of Compact Groups of Galaxies; by Paul Hickson; 1994; Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Postfach, 4004 Basel, Switzerland; this is a CCD atlas of one hundred compact groups of galaxies (with four or more galaxies physically related) similar to the well known Stephan's Quintet and Seyfert's Sextet, although many of these are quite far. Images were taken at the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope with a 512x320 detector. Great for deep sky work or CCD hunting with a large telescope.

"On the field" references of galaxies...

These atlases are suitable to be used on the field during visual and CCD searches, as comparison references. They show the galaxy as it appears in amateur-sized telescopes and are necessary for any serious hunting.

The Supernova Search Charts and Handbook by R. Bryan and L. Thompson; 1989; Cambridge University Press, The Pitt Building, Trumpington St. Cambridge, CB2 1RP, UK. These charts were individually drawn by two amateurs using Palomar survey plates. They cover over 300 bright galaxies both in the northern and southern hemisphere. A must! If these charts do not cover all galaxies in your hunting program, see this page for additional charts used by amateurs in the ISN.

A CCD Atlas of Deep Sky Objects (for PCs only); by C. Buil and E Thouvenot; 1991; Sky Pubblishing Co. The first CCD atlas for the amateur prepared by two French enthusiasts. Over 1000 galaxies are framed down to magnidute 18 ca. You need a pc if you plan to use it on the field.

Deep Space CCD Atlas (two volumes); by John C. Vickers; 1993; J.C. Vickers, PO Box 1292, Duxbury, MA 02331, USA. A very comprehensive atlas of deep sky objects prepared by an Anerican amateur. Excellent images, well reproduced, with over 2000 galaxies pictured (some are over-exposed though). A must !

Galaxies for the CCD (three volumes); by M.Lopez Alvarez; 1998; More than 1000 galaxies are shown in these books with size over three arcminutes. All galaxies are brighter than magnitude 15 and the image scale is 6.5 arcsec per millimeter. Volumes are available at the author Manuel Lopez Alvarez.

Galaxy catalogs...

These sources are useful to know major data on galaxies selected for supernova search (size, abs. magnitude, distance, inclination, Hubble type, ect.)

Nearby Galaxy Catalog; by R. Brent Tully; 1988; Cambridge University Press, The Pitt Building, Trumpington St. Cambridge, CB2 1RP, UK. Contains data on over 2800 brightest galaxies.

Third Reference Catalog of Galaxies; G. de Vaucouleurs; 1991; Springer Verlag. The major source on galaxy data available today, with over 20.000 entries, quite too much for the average amateur.