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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Fri Oct 30 17:45:52 2009
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European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS

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==========     27   Oct   2009   ========== 

Dear Colleagues,

Please find here the latest news that is potentially of interest to EAS members.



1. REMINDER: Call for nominations for the Tycho Brahe Prize 2010

2. High spatial resolution in Astronomy: the VLTI training school

3. Announcement: Fizeau call is open

4. 40th Saas-Fee Course: Astrophysics at Very-High Energies

5. Workshop on "Quantum of Quasars: opening the window of quantum optics in astrophysics"

6. Spiral Galaxy, The Milky Way unravelled


The full content of the news is available at:


With kind regards,

Elias Brinks



==========     17   June   2009   ========== 


Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for the previous email that some of you erroneously received.

Please find here the latest news that is potentially of interest to EAS members.



1. Mathematics and Astronomy: A Joint Long Journey

2. An invitation to the community to help shape the future use of
Europe's 2-4m telescopes

3. Conference on Astronomy and Civilization,
August 10-13, 2009, Budapest

XXI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics "Accretion Processes in Astrophysics"

EAS initiative to maintain a list of Summer/Winter Schools


The full content of the news is available at :


With kind regards,

Elias Brinks




==========     12   Apr   2009   ========== 

Dear Colleagues,

Please find here the latest news that is potentially of interest to EAS members.



1. Scientific Programme of the "European Week of Astronomy and Space Science" (JENAM2009) now available

Public Lectures during the "European Week of Astronomy and Space Science" (JENAM2009)

3. EAS is Organisational member of IYA2009

4. New EAS Constitution and Bye-Laws online

Conference on the
island of Malta: "HUNTING FOR THE DARK: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation"

The full content is available at

With kind regards,

Elias Brinks




==========     31   Aug   2007   ========== 


Dear Colleagues,

2007 in Erevan is now over, and it is already time to think
 about the JENAM 2008 (see below).
But before that, we would like to thank Areg Mickaelian and his
team for a successfull and well organised meeting, which gathered
well over 200 participants. Most impressive was the participation of
a wealth of armenian students, so that this meeting was also
important  for the future of armenian astronomy and the development
of new collaborations.
Many thanks again. And loooking forward to see you all again in
Vienna for the JENAM 2008.
Michel Dennefeld


2008 in Vienna  Call for proposals

The next JENAM 2008 will take place from September 9-12,
2008, in
Vienna. It will be jointly organized by the Astronomische Gesellschaft, the European Astronomical Society and the Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fuer Astronomie und Astrophysik.
During this meeting, a number of JENAM Symposia with a typical length
of 1.5 - 2 days will be held.
A JENAM Synposium should have a well-defined and scientifically relevant topic. JENAM symposia should  typically have several review talks and a number of contributed talks.

We would like to ask the community to send proposals for JENAM symposia.
The proposal should contain the title of the symposium, a short description of the scientific content, three or four names for a Scientific Organising Committee, and names of possible review speakers.

The proposals for symposia will be reviewed and selected by the Scientific Organizing Committee of JENAM (Co-chairs: Gerd Hensler,
Vienna; Sabine Schindler, Innsbruck).

Proposals should be sent to the co-chairs of the SOC
Gerd Hensler (
hensler@astro.univie.ac.at) and
Sabine Schindler (
as well as to the secretary of the EAS
Elias Brinks (

The deadline for submission of proposals is October 31, 2007.
The applicants will be notified about the outcome of the selection process  by end of November at the latest.



===============     07   Jul   2007   ======================= 


Dear Colleagues,

Please find herewith the invitation to the EAS General Assembly,
which will take place during the JENAM in Armenia this summer.
Last information  about the Jenam can be found on the corresponding
Web page, at:
Note also that the deadline for International Solar observing time
in the Canarian islands is set this year at July 31th.

With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld


1. Invitation to the EAS General Assembly
International  Solar observing time in the
Canarian Islands


1. Invitation to the EAS General Assembly

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the EAS President Joachim Krautter I should like to
invite you to the General Assembly of the European Astronomical
Society which will be celebrated as part of the JENAM
2007 in
Yerevan, Armenia. A draft agenda is attached to this message.

The GA will take place on Wednesday, 22nd August, 14:00. It will
be followed by a Job Market and a Session for Young Astronomers.

With best regards,

    Elias Brinks, Secretary
    European Astronomical Society

International Solar Observing Time in the Canarian Islands

Announcement of Opportunity

The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Roque de
los Muchachos (ORM) and Teide (OT) observatories invites applications for DAY-TIME International Time Programmes (ITP) on telescopes installed at these Observatories. 
The ITP offers up to 5% of the observing time on each of the
SOLAR TELESCOPES. Please see the CCI web site for full details:

If you have further  questions, please  contact the CCI Secretary,
Mr Campbell WARDEN at the IAC:
campbell@iac.es +34922 605220

The deadline for applications  is
July 31, 2007.





===============     16   Apr   2007   ======================= 

 Dear Colleagues,
Please find enclosed some information of interest, specially for 
our younger colleagues. Please give them a wide diffusion. 
With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. IAU Peter Gruber fellowships
2. ERC starting grants
3. Neon observing school in Asiago
1. IAU Peter and Patricia Gruber postdoctoral fellowships 
The IAU solicits applications for the Peter and Patricia Gruber 
Foundation postdoctoral Fellowship 2007. 
For details and application procedure, see 
 http://www.iau.org/PETER_AND_PATRICIA_GRUBER_FOUN.98.0.html , 
The deadline for submitting applications to the 
IAU General Secretary (Karel van der Hucht)  is 1 June 2007.
2. ERC starting grants 
I would like to call your attention to the coming deadline of the 
1st call for applications for the ERC Starting Grants. 
These grants aim to foster early independence of outstanding 
young scientists and scholars, of any nationality, European and 
non-European, who are working in or moving to Europe.
Prospective grantees will need to make proposals of exceptional 
quality and, if awarded these prestigious grants, they will have 
scientific independence, to choose their co-workers, decide on 
the evolving directions of their work, re-allocate resources as 
necessary, and publish their scientific work without restrictions 
and independently.
It is a challenge as well as an opportunity, both to them and 
to their respective host institutions.
For more information see:  http://erc.europa.eu/
The ERC Starting Grants are open to any field of knowledge and 
I do hope Astronomy will have a lot of excellent applications.
Best regards
Teresa Lago
Deadline for Applications: April 25th, 2007
3. The Neon observing school in 2007 
The 2007 edition of the NEON observing school will take place 
in Asiago observatory from Sept. 4 to 18th, 2007. 
This school intends to provide the basics necessary to conduct an 
observational program directly at the telescope, under supervision 
of experienced observers. 
It is open in priority to PhD students and post-docs with no, 
or little, previous observational experience. The costs will be 
covered by the school for EU citizen. 
Details of the program and the application form can be found at: 
or on the EAS Web page at: http://eas.iap.fr/neon7.html
Applications will be received until April 27th, 2007
 Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:07:24 +0200
Dear Colleagues,
Please find enclosed some information of interest, specially for 
our younger colleagues. Please give them a wide diffusion. 
With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. IAU Peter Gruber fellowships
2. ERC starting grants
3. Neon observing school in Asiago
1. IAU Peter and Patricia Gruber postdoctoral fellowships 
The IAU solicits applications for the Peter and Patricia Gruber 
Foundation postdoctoral Fellowship 2007. 
For details and application procedure, see 
 http://www.iau.org/PETER_AND_PATRICIA_GRUBER_FOUN.98.0.html , 
The deadline for submitting applications to the 
IAU General Secretary (Karel van der Hucht)  is 1 June 2007.
2. ERC starting grants 
I would like to call your attention to the coming deadline of the 
1st call for applications for the ERC Starting Grants. 
These grants aim to foster early independence of outstanding 
young scientists and scholars, of any nationality, European and 
non-European, who are working in or moving to Europe.
Prospective grantees will need to make proposals of exceptional 
quality and, if awarded these prestigious grants, they will have 
scientific independence, to choose their co-workers, decide on 
the evolving directions of their work, re-allocate resources as 
necessary, and publish their scientific work without restrictions 
and independently.
It is a challenge as well as an opportunity, both to them and 
to their respective host institutions.
For more information see:  http://erc.europa.eu/
The ERC Starting Grants are open to any field of knowledge and 
I do hope Astronomy will have a lot of excellent applications.
Best regards
Teresa Lago
Deadline for Applications: April 25th, 2007
3. The Neon observing school in 2007 
The 2007 edition of the NEON observing school will take place 
in Asiago observatory from Sept. 4 to 18th, 2007. 
This school intends to provide the basics necessary to conduct an 
observational program directly at the telescope, under supervision 
of experienced observers. 
It is open in priority to PhD students and post-docs with no, 
or little, previous observational experience. The costs will be 
covered by the school for EU citizen. 
Details of the program and the application form can be found at: 
or on the EAS Web page at: http://eas.iap.fr/neon7.html
Applications will be received until April 27th, 2007




===============     2   Feb   2007   ======================= 

 Dear Colleagues,
Here are several new announcements which we hope will interest 
many of you. 
Please do not hesitate to forward the information to other colleagues. 
Note in particular the second announcement and opening of registration 
for Jenam 2007, and the possibility to still  contribute to the "Science
Vision" exercise initiated  by Astronet. As usual, this, 
and many other information can be found on the EAS web site at
http://eas.iap.fr (you will note the change of adress, but the 
old one is redirected automatically).  
With best regards, 
Michel Dennefeld
1. JENAM 2007 second announcement, and registration 
2. The NEON 2007 observing school in Asiago (Italy)
3. Contributions to "Science Vision" until Feb. 15th
4. Call for proposals for the International Time in the Canarian 
5. Starlight 2007 conference in La Palma
6. Call for proposals at ISSI
1. JENAM 2007
The second announcement for the JENAM 2007 in Yerevan is now 
available at: http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/index.htm, 
and on the EAS web site at http://eas.iap.fr/meetings.html 
 The registration is open on the Web site also. 
Please note the important deadlines: 
May  1, 2007  Submission of Abstracts and Travel Grant Applications
June 1, 2007  Early Registration (with reduced fee)  and Hotel 
We encourage all of you to submit contributions directly to the 
convenors of the various EAS Symposia and Special Sessions. 
Here is the reminder of the topics:
EAS S1: Extrasolar Planets
EAS S2: Stellar Evolution and Asteroseismology
EAS S3: Violent Phenomena in Young Stars
EAS S4: High-Energy Astrophysics: the keV-TeV connection
EAS S5: Activity in Galaxies
EAS S6: Dynamics of Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei
EAS S7: Cosmology: New Facts and New Problems
EAS S8: Science with Virtual Observatories
SPS1: European Large Facilities for Astronomy
SPS2: Numerical Astrophysics
SPS3: Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
SPS4: Astronomy from the Antarctic plateau
SPS5: Astronomy Education in Europe
SPS6: Archaeoastronomy
2. The NEON observing school in 2007
The NEON observing school in 2007 will take place in Asiago 
observatory (Italy) from Sept. 4 to 18th . 
The school provides opportunity for PhD students or PostDocs in 
astrophysics to gain practical experience in observations and data 
reductions, as well as use of archival data. 
Work is organised in small groups under supervision of a tutor. 
For more details, see the school Web page at: 
or the corresponding EAS page at http://eas.iap.fr/schools.html
Deadline for applications is April 15th, 2007
3. Contributions to the European Science Vision
Following the recent Astronet symposium in Poitiers about 
"A Science Vision for European Astronomy in the next 20 years"
and the presentation and discussion of the Science Vision draft, 
it is still possible to contribute scientifically by submitting 
additionnal contributions to the Chairs of the thematic  panels.
Deadline for input: February 15th, 2007 
For details about the meeting and the panels, please see:
Details about Astronet in general can be found at: 
4. International time in the Canarian Observatories 
The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Canarian 
Observatories (Obs. Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, 
and Obs. del Teide, Tenerife) 
invites applications for International Time Programmes (ITP) 
on night-time telescopes installed at these Observatories. 
The ITP offers up to 5% of the observing time (15 nights).  
Details about the offered instruments, and practicalities can be 
found at:  http://www.iac.es/gabinete/cci/tinoc1.htm
Deadline for applications is February 28th, 2007
5. Starlight 2007 conference in La Palma (April 19-20)
The Instituto de AstrofÌsica de Canarias, together with the La Palma
 Biosphere Reserve, the Canary Islands Government 
and the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, are launching 
the STARLIGHT initiative in defence of the 
quality of the night sky as mankind's scientific, cultural 
and environmental right, with the support of UNESCO and 
the MaB (Man and Biosphere) Programme.  
The first phase will culminate in April 2007 with the International 
Conference "Starlight 2007". Among the main objectives of the conference is
the approval of a World Declaration on the  
Right to Starlight as one of mankind's common heritages. 
More details about the conference can be found at: 
Deadline for Abstracts submission: February 24, 2007
6. ISSI call for proposals 
The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, 
invites proposals from International Teams to conduct on its premises  
study activities in Space Science (Earth System sciences, Solar and 
Solar Terrestrial science, Planetary science, Astrobiology, Astrophysics
and Fundamental physics), based on the analysis 
and evaluation of existing data from several spacecraft and 
eventual integration with ground observations and theoretical models. 
Detailed information on the format and contents of the proposal, 
selection procedures, schedule and support from ISSI is to be found  
on the ISSI site, at
Letter of Intent:             February 19, 2007
Deadline for proposals:       March 27. 2007
For further questions and informations please contact the 
Programme manager, Vittorio Manno




===============     5   Jan    2007   ======================= 

Dear Colleagues,
This first message of the year 2007 is to convey to you the best 
wishes from  the Council of the European Astronomical Society. 
Be it a fruitfull and prosperous New Year for you, both personnally 
and professionnally. 
The EAS will continue to accompany you and represent you whenever 
possible in your professionnal endeavours. Besides classical EAS 
events like the JENAM (which is taking place this year in Armenia 
at the end of August, see http://eas.iap.fr/meetings.html), 
2007 will also see wider  activities like the International Polar 
Year and  the launch of the EU's seventh Frame Program, where 
astronomy should take all its share.  And to set-up the long term 
perspective, there is already in january the Astronet meeting in 
Poitiers "A science vision for European astronomy in the next 20 
years" where we hope to see many of you participate (for details, 
see: http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/meetings/SciChall07/). 
We would not like to end this message without special greetings 
to  our Bulgarian and Roumanian colleagues  who are entering the EU: 
 they are since long active members of the EAS, but new possibilities 
are opening and we hope that they will help us  to develop new 
opportunities across the wide Europe, and specially towards the East.   
With  best regards,
Michel Dennefeld, Webmaster


===============   30   Oct    2006   ======================= 

Dear Colleagues,
Since the summer, many important developments have taken place,
details of which you will find below. The ESFRI roadmap has been
published (including an ELT and SKA, under others); a european-wide
conference is organised by Astronet in january to establish a common
Science Vision for the next 20 years; the NUVA astronomers are
preparing a similar exercise for UV astronomy; and last, but not
least, and at shorter timescale, the first announcement of the
Jenam 2007 is available also, promising a very dense and interesting
meeting. We expect that EAS members will participate massively
in all those events.
With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. The ESFRI road-map avaiable
2. Science Vision for Astronomy meeting (Poitiers, January 2007)
3. UV astronomy meeting in  El Escorial (May 2007)
4. JENAM 2007 in Armenia (August 2007) , First announcement available
5. European ELT conference (Marseille, France, Nov.27-Dec.1, 2006)
6. PhD positions available at the IMPRS (Garching/Munich, Germany)
1. The ESFRI road-map available.
ESFRI has now published its Road Map, which can be downloaded at:
and clicking on European Roadmap on Research Infrastructures
(Report 2006). This is a fundamental step for the construction of
a European ELT and for SKA under others.
Those wanting more information about ESFRI itself,
which covers ALL disciplines, not just the physical sciences,
can go to:  http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/home.html
2. Science Vision for Astronomy meeeting
A european-wide meeting to prepare a Science Vision for astronomy
for the next 20 years is organised by Astronet in:
            Poitiers (France) from January 23 to 25, 2007
 This 2.5 day Symposium on "future scientific challenges in
Astronomy" is aimed at getting precious feedback from the
astronomical Community at large to refine and consolidate the
 scientific goals of European Astronomy for the next two decades.
More details can be found in the enclosed announcement, and also
on the ESO webpage (http://www.eso.org/gen-fac/meetings/SciChall07/)
where you will find all practical information for attending.
3. NUVA meeting on UV astronomy in El Escorial (Spain)
The network for UV astronomy (NUVA) is defining a road map for
UV astronomy at European scale. The conference:
                dedicated to  Willem Wamsteker
            El Escorial (Spain), May 28 - June 1 2007
is organized to provide a discussion forum on the scientific needs
for UV instrumentation and  to assist in the identification of
the key-technologies for this purpose.
The full announcement and practical details can be found at:
4. JENAM 2007 in Armenia, First Announcement available
                           J E N A M - 2 0 0 7
                        "Our non-stable Universe"
                   20-25 August 2007, Yerevan, Armenia
JENAM-2007 (Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting) will
take place in Yerevan (Armenia) and will be the 15th Annual Meeting
of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) and the 6th Annual
Meeting of the Armenian Astronomical Society (ArAS).
JENAM-2007 will consist of 6 Plenary sessions (invited reviews on
hot topics of modern astrophysics, 8 EAS Symposia,
and 7 Special Sessions (SPS).
The EAS symposia will last 2-3 days each, 4 symposia in parallel.
The SPS will last 2 days each, 3 or 4 SPS in parallel.
Poster sessions will be organized as well for each of the symposia
and SPS.
EAS S1: Extrasolar Planets
EAS S2: Searching for Proto-Planets around Young Stars
EAS S3: Violent Phenomena in Young Stars
EAS S4: High-Energy Astrophysics
EAS S5: Activity in Galaxies
EAS S6: Dynamics of Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei
EAS S7: Observational Cosmology
EAS S8: Science with Virtual Observatories
SPS1: Stellar Structure and Evolution
SPS2: New Developments in Asteroseismology
SPS3: Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
SPS4: Astronomy from the Antarctic plateau
SPS5: Astronomy Education in Europe
SPS6: Archaeoastronomy
SPS7: Numerical Astrophysics
Note: some of the SPS may be cancelled if there is not enough
interest from the pre-registered participants.
Full details can be found on the Armenian Web site at:
To overcome possible connexion problems, a mirror Web site will
also be established on the EAS site in the near future.
Deadline for pre-registration: December 31th, 2006
5. European ELT Conference in Marseille (France)
        ************* TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN ELT **************
                         Marseille,  France
                 27 November - 1st December 2006
This meeting will offer the European astronomical community at large
the opportunity to provide precious feedback to the goals and means
of the ambitious European ELT programme. The Meeting is organised
in 3 main sessions: Science (1.5 day), Presentation by ESO of the E-ELT
status and discussion (1.5 day), Instrumentation (1 day).
The program is now available on the web site www.elt2006.org
If you wish to attend, please register before November 15th.
Jean-Gabriel Cuby, Isobel Hook, Guy Monnet  (conference Chairs)
6. PhD positions at the IMPRS in Munich/Garching, Germany
 For the 7th time, the International Max-Planck Research School on
Astrophysics (IMPRS) is soliciting applications for its PhD program.
 IMPRS offers a highly competitive PhD program, including lectures,
seminars, and a research project supervised by scientists at one of
the  participating institutions:
    * The Max-Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
    * The Observatory of the University of Munich (LMU/USM)
    * The Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA)
    * The European Southern Observatory (ESO)
  Course language is English.
In general, applicants should have a Masters or Diploma in Physics
or  Astronomy (or equivalent) including a corresponding thesis. Successful
applicants will receive financial support through a
Ph.D. fellowship.
Applications for the program are open to students from all countries.
More details on the IMPRS program and the admission requirements
can be found at the IMPRS website
at           http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/
The closing date for applications for the program starting
in September 2007 is December 1, 2006.
Please apply by using the IMPRS application form available online
at http://www.imprs-astro.mpg.de/admission.html


===============   14  Sep    2006   ========================


Dear Colleagues,
I hope the summer was fruitfull for all of you. During the IAU
General Assembly in Prague, we had a very interesting half-day
devoted to European affairs, including our own EAS General Assembly.
The Council has been partly renewed ( composition on our Web site:
and is full of energy to both take on the usual tasks and
start important new ones. You will hear about in the coming
monthes through our various channels.
You should have received by now the 31th issue of our Newsletter
which is also available through our Web pages.
In the immediate future, we will finalise the scientific program
of our next JENAM, which will take place in Yerevan (Armenia)
from August 20 to 25, 2007 (see below). Those of you who would
wish to propose to organise there an EAS  symposium (one of the
symposia which are usually held during the Jenam) should contact
the SOC chairs (Areg Mickaelian and
Joachim Krautter) before October 1th.
The final SOC and program will then be arranged accordingly,
and a first announcement issued around October 15th.
We count on your constant support to bring the EAS to the level
it deserves.
With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. JENAM 2007 in Armenia
2. Third Integral Data Analysis workshop
3. ESO electronic Newsletter started
1. JENAM 2007 in Armenia
The JENAM 2007 will take place in Yerevan (Armenia) from
August 20 to 25,
at the invitation of the Armenian Astronomical Society.
The general title will be: "Our Non-stable Universe"
The SOC, being presently assembled, will be chaired jointly by
Areg Mickaelian (Armenia; aregmick@apaven.am) and
Joachim Krautter (EAS; jkrautte@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de)
EAS symposia being considered during the JENAM comprise:
-Searching for proto-planets around young stellar objects
-Activity in galaxies
-High-energy astrophysics
-Observational cosmology
-Virtual Observatories
If you want to propose other symposia during this event, please
send a title, short abstract and names of people in charge
                    BEFORE October 1th, 2006
to the chairs of the JENAM SOC.
A first announcement and the Web page adress will be circulated
 around October 15th.
2. Third INTEGRAL Data Analysis Workshop
The 3rd INTEGRAL Data Analysis Workshop will take place at the
ISDC on October 18-20, 2006. The main goals of the workshop will
be to introduce basic data analysis techniques and new
developments in the version 6.0 of the Offline Science Analysis
(OSA) software package to be released in the coming weeks.
A special attention will be given to the improved interface of
the INTEGRAL data archive, which contains a large amount of
"ready-to-use" data (images, spectra, lightcurves) on
most of the galactic and extragalactic hard X-ray sources
detected by INTEGRAL over the past four years of operations.
The workshop will be organized as a series of presentations on
each of the INTEGRAL instruments (IBIS, SPI, JEM-X and OMC)
followed by hands-on practical sessions.
Participants will be able to use the computer facilities at
ISDC and/or to get support for OSA software installation
and set-up.
Please register as soon as possible at:
3. ESO electronic Newsletter
ESO is  introducing an electronic newsletter to keep the community
  informed about current activities of interest at ESO.
These  communications will include announcements of calls for
proposals,  announcements for special observing opportunities
such as delta calls  or surveys, announcements of opportunities
for instrumentation or  software developement, and other
information of interest to the  community.
The newsletter will appear roughly every two to three months
or  whenever important news becomes available.
It will not replace the  regular ESO publications such as
The Messenger or Press Releases.
If you are interested, ESO requests you to sign up to this
newsletter  by sending an email to majordomo@eso.org
with the line:
subscribe eso-enews <your email address> in the body.
You will be able to unsubscribe at any time in the future by
sending  a message with:
unsubscribe eso-enews <your email address>
to majordomo@eso.org
For privacy reasons, please note that you will not receive
further  issues of this newsletter if you do not subscribe
as mentioned above.
We hope this new service will enhance the communication between
ESO  and its community.
Number 1 issue has appeared. This  and future issues are
also available at http:// www.eso.org/enews/


===============   Mai   2006  ==========================
Dear Colleagues,
Please find herewith some of the latest information of interest
to our EAS members. For those who have not yet decided to attend,
we would like to remind you that a European half-day is foreseen
on August 21th afternoon, within the IAU General Assembly in
Prague, and that the IAU has extended to May 31th the deadline
for registration with reduced fees; we hope to see you in
great number there!
With best regards,
Michel Dennefeld
1. International Solar Observing Time in the Canarian Islands
2. MARIE CURIE Host Fellowships in  "EARA-EST"
3. First  BYURAKAN international summer school for young astronomers
4. European (half) day at the IAU General Assembly in Prague
1. International Solar Observing Time in the Canarian Islands
Announcement of Opportunity
The International Scientific Committee (CCI) of the Roque de los
Muchachos (ORM) and Teide (OT) observatories invites applications
for DAY-TIME International Time Programmes (ITP) on telescopes
installed at these Observatories.  The ITP offers up to 5% of the
observing time on each of the SOLAR TELESCOPES.
Please see the CCI web site for full details:
If you have further  questions, please  contact the CCI Secretary,
Mr Campbell WARDEN at the IAC: campbell@iac.es +34922 605220
The deadline for applications  is June 30, 2006.
2. MARIE CURIE Host Fellowships in EARA for Early Stage Training
The European Association for Research in Astronomy (EARA) has been
designated by the EU as a joint Marie Curie Training Site, offering
fellowships for doctoral students working in theoretical or
observational astronomy.
About 10-15 fellowships are offered for 2006-2007 and will be
shared between the five EARA institutes:
     the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge,
     the  Leiden Observatory of Leiden University,
     the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris,
     the Max Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik in Garching,
     the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.
Selected candidates will spend 3 to 12 months at one of the EARA
institutes where they will continue their Ph.D research work under
the supervision of local staff members.
Applications for EARA-EST fellowships should be sent
before July, 7 2006
to Dr. Robert Mochkovitch (mochko@iap.fr), co-ordinator of the
Training Site.
For more information see the program webpage at:
An international summer school on   "OBSERVATIONAL ASTROPHYSICS"
 will take place on  26 August - 3 September, 2006, in  Byurakan
The School will be linked to the Byurakan Observatory 60th
Anniversary Meeting, which will be held in combination with the
Armenian Astronomical Society  5th Annual Meeting on September 1-3,
 so that  students and lecturers may also participate in these
events during the last days of the school.
The official language of the School is English.
Details of the scope, programme, organisation, etc.. can be found on
the Web page: http://www.aras.am/SS_2006/SS_index.htm
The deadline for registration and  hotel reservation is
July, 1th, 2006
A number of travel grants will be available for partial support of
students  from countries with limited resources.
Applications for  financial support with a brief justification
should be sent to Areg Mickaelian
(aregmick@apaven.am) and Elena Nikoghossian (elena@bao.sci.am).
4. European Day at the IAU General Assembly in Prague: August 21th, 2006
The annual JENAM is replaced in 2006 by a "europeam event" within
the General Assembly of the IAU in Prague: this will take place
on Monday August 21th, afternoon.
The programme is presently being set-up: a preliminary agenda can
be seen on our Web page, at: http://www.iap.fr/eas/meetings.html
We hope you will assist in great number, and encourage  you to
still contact us if you have further suggestions for that program.