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Дата изменения: Tue Dec 4 12:14:57 2012
Дата индексирования: Tue Feb 5 18:04:39 2013

Поисковые слова: enceladus
IAU Symposium 304 Multiwavelength AGN Surveys and Studies
7-11 October 2013, Byurakan, Armenia
Main webpage: http://iaus304.aras.am/ Webpage at IAU: http://www.iau.org/science/meetings/future/symposia/1069/

AGN surveys are the source for the mo st interesting objects in the extragalact ic Universe: QSOs, Seyfert galaxies, blazars, radio galaxies, LINERs, et c. They are important for understanding the variety o f extragalact ic sources and their interrelat ionship, as well as understanding the evo lution of the Universe. Recent ground-based and space missio ns give vast amount of new mult iwavelength (MW) data, which are being put together to discover many new AGN. V irtual Observato ries (VOs) help in accomplishment of complex research programs using all these data. A co mbined study o f these data also gives the overall picture of the AGN and answers some of the most important questions: (1) understanding the possible evo lutionary and/o r physical connect ion between t he different classes of AGN, i.e. their consistency wit h the unificat ion model, (2) the relation of AGN to their host galaxies, (3) understanding the true fraction of heavily obscured AGN in order to determine the true AGN luminosit y function and its variation with redshift. The Symposium will provide a good opportunit y to elaborate a strategy, based on the acqu ired experience, to p lan future surveys best fitted to fulfill t he needs, and to coordinate fo llow-up observat ions with the new large ground-based and space telescopes. IAU Symposium 304 is dedicated to B.E. Markarian's 100th anniversary. Benyamin Markarian (19131985) was the first to conduct and accomplish a large-area (17,000 sq. deg.) spectroscopic survey to search for active galaxies. Markarian survey is until now the largest objective-prism spectroscopic survey, it was the first systemat ic search for active galaxies using a new method of UV-excess, it resulted in the discovery of 1515 UVX galaxies (Markar ian galaxies), including many AGN and Starbursts, first classificat ion of Seyferts into Sy1 and Sy2, and definit io n of Starburst galaxies. The Byurakan Astrophysical Observato ry (BAO) has a lo ng tradit ion in organizing internatio na l meet ings, including four IAU Symposia: #29 in 1966 (Non-Stable Phenomena in Galaxies), #121 in 1986 (Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies), #137 in 1989 (Flare Stars in Star Clusters, Associations and Solar Vicinity), and #194 in 1998 (Activity in Galaxies and Related Phenomena), the IAU Colloquium #184 in 2001 (AGN Surveys), as well as the all-European JENAM meet ing in 2007. Moreover, BAO recent ly st arted organizing the Byurakan Internat ional Summer Schools, and four successful schools were held in 2006, 2008, 2010 (combined with the 32th IAU ISYA), and 2012. BAO plays an important role as one of the reg io nal ast rono mical centre in the Middle East; beside the meetings and schools, many young astronomers visit BAO to accomplish their research and work on PhD theses.

Scientific Topics
· · · · · · · · · · · · Historical surveys: spectral and colorimetric surveys for AGN, surveys for UV-excess galaxies AGN fro m IR/submm surveys: 2MASS, IRAS, ISO, AKARI, SCUBA, SST, WISE, Herschel AGN fro m radio/ mm surveys: NVSS, FIRST, ALMA, Planck, and others AGN fro m X-ray/gamma-ray surveys: ROSAT, ASCA, BeppoSAX, Chandra, XMM, INTEGRAL, Fermi, HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS Mult iwavelength AGN surveys, AGN statist ics and cross-correlation o f mult iwavelength surveys Unificat ion and other models o f AGN, accret ion modes, understanding of the structure of nearby AGN fro m IFUs on VLT and other telescopes AGN feedback in galaxies and clusters, AGN host galaxies and the AGN environments Binary AGN and Merging Super-Massive Black Holes Physics between AGN and microquasars Study of unique AGN and AGN variabilit y Future large projects The Pheno mena o f Act ivit y

Organizers and sponsors
International Astronomical Unio n (IAU)
Coor dinating IAU Division: Division J: Galaxies and Cosmology Proposing IAU Commission: Commission 28: Galaxies Supporting IAU Commissions: Commission 40: Radio astronomy; Commission 47: Cosmology

Ministr y of Educat ion and Science of Armenia State Committ ee for Science (SCS) of Armenia Armenian National Academy o f Sciences (NAS RA) Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) Armenian Astronomical Societ y (ArAS)

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)
Felix Aharonian (DIAS/MPK, Ireland/Germany), Co-chair Roger Blandford (Stanford, USA) George Djorgovski (Caltech, USA) Malcolm Longair (Cambridge, UK) Laura Maraschi (Milan, Italy) Enr ico Massaro (UniR oma, Italy) Areg Mickaelian (Byurakan, Armenia), Co-chair Felix Mirabel (CEA/CONICET, France/Argentina) Ray Norris (CSIRO, Australia) Paolo Padovani (ESO, Germany) Bradley Peterson (Ohio, USA) Elaine Sadler (Sydney, Australia) David Sanders (IfA, Hawaii, USA), Co-chair Helene Sol (OBSPM, France) Tadayuki Takahashi (ISAS/JAXA, Japan) Yervant Terzian (Cornell, USA) Megan Urry (Yale, USA) Lutz Wisotzki (AIP, Germany)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
Mickaelian A.M. (Chairperson) Abrahamyan H., Aramyan L., Hakobyan A., Harutyunian H., Harutyunyan G., Magakian T., Nazaryan T., Nikogossian E., Paronyan G., Vardanyan V.

Invited speakers and talks
Historical surveys: spectral and colorimetric surveys for AGN, surveys for UV-excess galaxies Zeljko Ivezic: Optical selection of quasars and AGNs: SDSS and LSST Lisa Kewley: Photoionization, line emission diagnostics Chris Martin (TBC): GALEX Areg Mickaelian: Markarian survey and Markarian galaxies Jane Turner (TBC): Seyfert galaxies AGN from IR/submm surveys: 2MASS, IRAS, ISO, AKARI, SCUBA, SST, WISE, Herschel Amy Barger: Obscured AGN Eilat Glikman: Dust Reddened Quasars Mike Skrutskie (TBC): 2MASS Edward (Ned) Wright: WISE AGN from radio/mm surveys: NVSS, FIRST, ALMA, Planck, and others Paul Alexander (TBC): Extragalactic radio sources Bob Becker: A Massive Sample of Radio Spectral Indices for AGN in the JVLA FIRST Survey Ken Kellermann: Relativistic Beaming in Blazars Paolo Padovani: AGN content of deep radio surveys and their relevance to the AGN/Starburst connection and the radio-quiet/radio-loud dichotomy Huub Roett gering: LOFAR surveys Elaine Sadler: Observational tests of radio-mode feedback in galaxies out to z~1 AGN from X-ray/gamma-ray surveys: ROSAT, ASCA, BeppoSAX, Chandra, XMM, INTEGRAL, Fermi, HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS Erin Bonning (TBC): The multiwavelength variability of blazars (based on extensive optical/IR monitoring of Fermi-bright blazars) Nancy Levenso n: Compton thick AGN Laura Maraschi: High energy radiation of Blazars from X-ray to Gamma-ray Richard Mushotzky (TBC): AGN in X-rays Helene So l: Gamma-rays from blazars Tadayuki Takahashi (TBC): X-rays from AGN David Tho mpson (TBC): Insight into Fermi-based work and follow-up Yoshihiro Ueda: Evolution of X-ray Selected AGN

Multiwavelength AGN surveys, AGN statistics and cross-correlation of multiwavelength surveys
Raffaele D'Abrusco (TBC): Machine learning for QSO discovery in multi-wavelength spaces Geor ge Djorgovski: AGN discovery in observable parameter spaces Sandy Faber (TBC): GOODS-CANDELS Paolo Giommi (T BC): Correlations between MWL and HE Nick Scoville: COSMOS survey Daniel Stern: Multi-wavelength AGN stuff from ground and space, from FIR to high-energy Ezequiel T reist er: Multiwavelength AGN Population and the X-ray Background

Unification and other models of AGN, accretion modes, understanding of the structure of nearby AGN from IFUs on VLT and other telescopes
Ric Davies: Imminent understanding of the structure of nearby AGN from IFUs Bradley Peterson: Measuring the masses of black holes in AGNs Vahe Petrosia n (TBC): Stochastic acceleration of electrons in compact objects

AGN feedback in galaxies and clusters, AGN host galaxies and the AGN environments
Dave Alexander : AGN in the distant galaxy population Philip Best (TBC): Observational aspects of AGN feedback in galaxies Andy Fabian (TBC): AGN feedback in galaxies and clusters Francoise Combes: AGN-galaxy formation and/or AGN feedback Darren Croton: Simulations and modelling of feedback processes in galaxies Megan Urry: Cosmic growth of SMBH, from z~0 to z~6, and/or AGN feedback on galaxies, from z~0 to z~2

Binary AGN and Merging Super-Massive Black Holes
Yer vant Terzian: Galaxies with Binary Nuclei Joe Hennawi (TBC): Binary QSOs Joe Mazzarella (TBC): Binary AGN and Merging Super-Massive Black Holes

Physics between AGN and microquasars
Felix Mirabel: The accretion-ejection connection in black holes of all mass scales

Study of unique AGN and AGN variability
Vicky Sarajedini: AGN variability

Future large project s
Matthew Lister (TBC): The link between VHE/HE properties and VLBI evolution from MOJAVE programme Ray Norris: The Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Survey Andr ea Merloni (T BC): eROSITA

The Phenomena of Activity
Roger Blandford: The current state of our understanding of AGN and MBH formation Geor ge Helou: Black Hole Growth and Star Formation: Modeling the Connection

Abstract submission
The Abstract submissio n form is given at http://iaus304.aras.am/abst ractform.ht ml. The deadline is February 28, 2013. If you have several contribut ions, please send each abstract separately.

The registrat ion form is given at http://iaus304.aras.am/regform.ht ml. The deadline for early online registration is April 30, 2013. Accommodation and social events requests should also be sent through the registration form. The registration fee includes:
· · · · · · · · meeting at the airport, airport transfers to/from hotels participants' kits (bag, abstract book, program and other info materials) transportation to/from conference venue to/from hotels Welcome Reception on October 6 coffee/t ea breaks and refreshments on October 7-11 Excursion to BAO and Social Dinner on October 9 (40 Eur) A copy of the IAU S304 Proceedings Book (59 Eur) organizational exp ens es (rent of the meeting ha ll, LOC and additional exp ens es)

Registration fees:
Early online registration (before April 30, 2013) Regular online registration (May 1 ­ Sep 20, 2013) On-site registration (Oct 6-11, 2013) 300 Eur 330 Eur 360 Eur

Accompanying persons:
Early online registration (before April 30, 2013) Regular online registration (May 1 ­ Sep 20, 2013) On-site registration (Oct 6-11, 2013) 120 Eur 150 Eur 180 Eur

If you have problems wit h web access or with online registration, please send the completed form as an email attachment to aregmick@aras.am or iaus304@aras.am

IAU and LOC support grants
The IAU provides grants to cover in part the expenses associated with attendance at t he IAU Symposium 304. In particular, t he IAU wishes to support qualified scient ists to whom only limited means of support are available, e.g., colleagues fro m econo mically less pr ivileged countries and young scient ists. We encourage those planning to attend the symposium to apply for an IAU Grant using this form (http://www.iau.org/static/meetings/GrantSymposiumRIM.pdf) at your earliest convenience and send it by e-mail to the organizers (iaus304@aras.am) with the subject line "IAU S304: Applicat ion for Gr ant". Alt hough the form notes that the amount requested should be in CHF (Swiss francs), requests can be made in Euros, but be sure to indicate this is the currency o f your request on the form. The deadline for grant applicat ion is 28 Feb 2013. We will acknowledge receipt of all applicat ions. A limited number o f LOC (ArAS) travel grants will be available mainly reserved for young participants and scient ist s fro m co untries wit h limited reso urces. An applicat ion should be made through t he registration form. Those who are going to apply fo r a grant are encouraged to register as soon as possible.

Social Events
The social program includes: · Welco me Recept ion ­ Sunday evening, October 6, at 20:00-22:00, free of charge, included in the registrat ion fee · Excursio n to the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (www.bao.am) and Social Dinner ­ Wednesday, October 9, at 17:00-22:00, free of charge, included in the registration fee · Symposium Banquet ­ Friday, October 11, at 19:00-22:00, 40 Euros · Excursio ns to Armenian sightseeing ­ Sunday, Octo ber 6 and Saturday, October 12, all excursio ns include lunch A descript ion of the Armenian sightseeing and offered excursio ns is given at http://iaus304.aras.am/socevents.ht ml

The Symposium proceedings will be published by the IAU publisher, Cambridge Universit y Press (CUP). The proceedings will be published both electronically and in print, and bot h a hardcopy and online access to the proceedings are included in the proceedings cost. This cost is included in the registration fee of the symposium. Only material presented in person at the meeting will be included in the proceedings. The proceedings must be published wit hin six months of the symposium. Given the t hree mo nths lead time required by the publishers, and the time required for edit ing, we request that all manuscripts be submitted by 30 November 2013. We will not accept any delay. The style files and sample papers necessar y for authors can be found here. Inst ructions are detailed in the "readme_proceedings.pd f" file. All authors are required to complete and return an IAU Copyright For m, either electronically or in hardco py. We will have the IAU Copyright Forms available during the meet ing. The editors are Areg Mickaelian (Chief Editor), Felix Aharonian and David Sanders. Please email your LaTeX file, figures ( if any), and individually co mpiled PDF contribut ion to iaus304@aras.am as attachments with t he subject line "Proceedings FamilyName.FirstInit ial". You should name your files familyname.tex, familyname.pdf, familyname_fig1.ps, etc to facilitate the task of the editors. We note that colour figures will appear in co lour at no charge in the electronic versio n of the proceedings only. For colour figures in the printed proceedings, the publisher will charge the authors ё500 per page. Authors who are not prepared to cover this sum should ensure that their figures reproduce properly in black-and-white. The page limit s for the proceedings are indicated below. The editors may add one page to each oral contribution for quest ions and answers during the edit ing process. In this case authors will be consult ed in due time after receipt of the manuscripts and preliminary editorial work. Page limits Invited reviews: 10 Contributed talks: 5 Posters: 2

Important Dates and Deadlines
Announcements 1 Dec 2012 10 July 2013 25 Sep 2013 First Announcement with a call for Early Online Registration, Abstract Submissio n, Travel Grant Applicat ion, and Hotel Reservat ion Second Announcement with detailed Program Final Announcement with detailed Program and lis t of Participants

Abstract Submission and presentations 1 Dec 2012 28 Feb 2013 31 Mar 2013 30 June 2013 20 Sep 2013 Grant Applications 1 Dec 2012 28 Feb 2013 31 Mar 2013 Registration 1 Dec 2012 30 Apr 2013 1 May 2013 20 Sep 2013 6-11 Oct 2013 Accommodation 1 Dec 2012 30 Apr 2013 20 Sep 2013 Hotel Reservation (with reduced rate) open Hotel Reservat ion (with reduced rate) close Final Hotel Reservat ion by the organizers Early Online Registration (with reduced fee) open Early Online Registrat ion (with reduced fee) close Regular Online Registration open Regular Online Registration close On-site Registration Online IAU Grant Applicat ion Open Online IAU Grant Applicat ion Close Travel Grant Notificat ion to Applicants Online Abstract Submissio n Open Online Abstract Submissio n Close Abstract Notification to Submitters (Confirmation of Acceptance) Final Submissio n of Abstracts of accepted papers for the Abstracts book Deadline for Submissio n of presentations files for online publication

IAU S304 Proceedings: 30 Nov 2013 15 Jan 2014 May 2014 Deadline for submissio n of papers for publicat ion in the Proceedings Submissio n o f the Proceedings Book by Editors for publicat ion Publicat ion of the Proceedings of the IAU S304

Contact address: Telephone: Telefax: E-mail: Dr. Areg M. Mickaelian, Chairperson of LOC, Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Byurakan 0213, Aragatzotn province, Armenia. +374-10-525505 +374-10-580656 iaus304@aras.am, aregmick@aras.am, aregmick@yahoo.com