The project of the informational system creation on the problem of
evolution of radio galaxies, as a part of the
"Big Trio" project aimed on studing of distant radio galaxies,
is designed.
This system allows a user to operate
with simulated curves of spectral energy distributions (SED)
to estimate ages and redshifts by photometry data. Authors use SEDs
of several models for different types of galaxies.
Requesting and filling in the standard HTML-forms a user will be able
to select different types of curves or trust to do this to a computer
by the Chi^2 method.
The input forms contain information about input
filters or wavelengths and corresponding magnitudes.
Another possibilitiesare supposed to be supported:
sorted bibliographical collection of papers for different stages of
radio galaxy evolution, archive of radio galaxies data in different
wavelength ranges.
The HTTP and e-mail access is organized to this system.
A result is supposed to be written in ASCII tables and sent to users.
This work has been supported by
the Russian Foundation of Basic Research
(grant No 99-07-90334).