pgp5 shell commands
Here's a script to run pgp5 from NEdit. Functionality
is limited but it covers the most used things.
This uses two FIFO's to help prevent any data from making it's
way on to the disk. Not fool proof. (Virtual memory, etc) The reason I
NEEDED to use this fancy script is there is no other way to get stdout
to pgp directly from NEdit, because we need to start an xterm first. Major
chicken and egg problem. Unfortunately I could not get adding keys
to the key ring working using a pipe, so it uses a temporay file for that
The script will still work for OS's that don't have FIFO's, just no
disk protection. Make sure to edit the top of the script to set these
and other options.
To make your FIFO's
cd ~/.pgp/
mknod pgpfifo0 p
mknod pgpfifi1 p
Here are the ~/.nedit shell menu entries:
pgp > keys > insert pub::::\n\
nedit-pgp pubk\n\
pgp > keys > list:::D:\n\
nedit-pgp listk\n\
pgp > keys > add:::ID:\n\
nedit-pgp addk\n\
pgp > sign:::EX:\n\
nedit-pgp sign\n\
pgp > encrypt:::EX:\n\
nedit-pgp enc\n\
pgp > decrypt:::EX:\n\
nedit-pgp decr\n\
pgp > verify:::ED:\n\
nedit-pgp veri\n
and this file, nedit-pgp,
is the nedit-pgp shell script.
Released on Wed, 21 Nov 2001
C. Denat