. : http://www.sao.ru/hq/lon/ConfSite/Book_of_SMT-2015.pdf
: Wed Nov 4 11:05:55 2015
: Sun Apr 10 09:29:26 2016
: IBM-866

: m 87 jet
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" " SMT-2015
19 - 22 2015 . . , ,

- , 1, , 3, " " ,

.. , ( , ) .. , . ( , ) .. ( , ) .. ( , -) Marc Balcells (ING ORM, La Palma, Canary Is lands, ) .. (, ) Shas hi B. Pandey (ARIES, Uttarakhand, ) .. (, ) Drahomir Chochol (AISAS, Tatranska Lomnica, ) .. ( , ) .. (, , )

.. , .. , . .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Mult icolo ur photome t ry of t he s low nova V2659 Cygni and it s night ly monito ring us ing t he s ma ll te le sc ope s
Chochol , D.1, Shugarov, S. 1,2, Krushevska, V.3, Volkov, I.2

Astronomical Institute of the Slo vak Academ y of Sciences, Tatr ansk Lomnic a, Slo vaki a; 2 Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Lomo nosov U ni versity, Moscow, Russia; 3 Main Astronomical O bservatory of t he N ational Ac ade my of Sciences of Ukr aine, Kie v, Ukr aine

UBVRI photometry of the classical s low nova V2659 Cyg ( Nov a Cygni 2014), obtained wit h the 0.18 1.0m telescopes and 6/18 cm photo lense at Star Les n Obs ervatory (Slovakia), Nauchny and Mt. Koshka Observatories (Russia) and Main As tronomical Observatory , Goloseevo (Ukraine), is presented. V and B light curves were us ed to find the basic paramet ers of the nova: the rate of decline, absolute magnitude at maximum, int erstellar ext inct ion and distance. Brightness variab ility and colour diagr ams of the nova are discussed.

The C urre nt and U p-Co ming O bse rvat iona l F ac ilit ie s in India
Santosh Joshi
Ar yabhatta Research Institute of Obser vational Sciences ( ARIE S), Nai nital, India

In India ther e are many t elescopes of apertures size less than 4 -m. These telescopes are equipped with the stat e-of-art back-end instruments such as Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera, high-resolut ion spectrograph etc. Apart from thes e obs erving facilit ies in t he country, Ind ia is part ic ipat ing in mega telescope projects such as Thirty Met er Telescopes (TMT) and by end of this year t he launch mult i wavelength astronomy mission ASTROSAT is scheduled. In this talk I shall high light the var ious exist ing and up -coming observat ional facilit ies, the ongoing obs erving and science programmes on these telesc opes. The scient if ic res ults obtained from these projects will be also discussed.


LO P eg : Spot-topog ra phic e volut io n, S urfac e Diffe re nt ia l Rotatio n and F la re s
Subhajeet Karmakar
Aryabhatta Research Institute of O bser vational Sciences (AR IE S), N ainit al, Indi a

Us ing the wealt h of 24 years mult i-band data, we present an in-depth study of the evolut ion of starspot distribut ions, optical-f lares, Surface Dif ferent ial Rotat ions (SDR) and coronal activit ies on the surface of young, single, main -sequence, ultr afas t rotator LO Peg. With V-band data a rotational per iod of 0.4229230.000005 days has been es tablished. In our study for t he f irst t ime we have invest igat ed the long term per iods of LO Peg. Evidence of existence of three per iods of 2.98 yrs, 7.44 yrs and 11.8 yrs have been detected. Using the seasonal var iat ions on rotational per iod we als o investigate the SDR pattern. LO Peg shows a solar - like pattern of SDR, that is the rotat ional per iod steadily decreases along the activity cycle, jump ing back to higher values at t he beginning of the next cyc le with a cycle of 2.8 years. Dur ing t he obs ervations 20 optical f lares are detected wit h a derived flare fr equency of 1 flare per two days. Energies of these flares have been found to vary wit hin a r ange of 1032-34erg, whereas minimum mag net ic f ield is found to vary wit hin 0.13.5 kG. Us ing light curve invers ion technique we have constructed temperature in homogeneit y map of the surf ace of LO Peg. The surface coverage of cool spots is found to be in the range of 6-27%. It appears that the high and low lat it ude spots are interchanging their positions. X-ray observat ions wit h Swift satellite reveals exis tence of two temperatur e plasma in the corona on LO Peg. Quasi-simultaneous obs ervations in X -ray, UV and optical UBVR bands show signat ure of excess of Xray and UV act ivit ies in spotted regions.

3.6 m Te le sc ope at De vastha l and St udy of Tra ns ie nt s
Pandey S.B. et al .
Ar yabhatta Research Institute of Obsr vational Sciences, N ainit al, Indi a E-m ail: pandey@aries.res.in

1. Introduction: Lo poss ible Holes ) c durat ion

ng durat ion GRBs favor gravit at ional collapse of Massive stars > 8M) as progenitors. Compact binary stars (Whit e Dwarfs, Neutron stars, Black an undergo similar explosions under certain conditions leading to s hort GRBs. In these processes huge amount of ener gy (1050 to 1055 ergs ) is

liber ated in a f ew seconds. These catastrophic explosions are r ather poorly unders tood problems in astrophysics. Synergy between Swift and Fermi has revolut ionized this subject aft er detect ion of delayed GeV emission apart from t he us ual lower energy after glow emission both from long and short durat ion GRBs (Gehrels et al. 2009, Pandey S. B. et al. 2010). Recent observations of the prompt emis s ion and afterglows of GRBs indicate that simple "f ireball model'' does not explain the d iverse observed properties and the superimposed features in t he light curves . Around 1/3 of the well localized GRBs do not show any optical emission to deeper limits whereas in major it y of cases bright optic al af terglows do not track the similar t emporal decay observed at other frequencies. In some cases, the observed optical emis sion ind icate towards structure in the jet ted emission or t he emis s ion obs erved with a possible viewing angle eff ects (Rossi et al. 2011, Ho lland et al. 2011, Zhang et al. 2011). Also, in handful of cases, the long durat ion GRBs show a red bump in the late t ime aft erglow light curves with a spectroscopic resemblance with type Ib/c SNe (Galama et al. 1999). These observed afterglow pro perties of long durat ion GRBs tells a lot about t he under lying physical mechanisms and the poss ible progenitors behind these energet ic cosmic explosions and simultaneously opens new ques tions in this excit ing f ield (Bing Zhang 2011, Castro -Tirado et al. 2012). 2. 3.6 m Optical Telescope, ARIES Nainital: The first light from 3.6m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) is expected by middle of 2016 (http :// www.ar ies.res.in/projects/). Devasthal (Lat itude: 29 deg 23 min North, Longit ude: 79 deg 41 min East, Alt itude: 2540 m) observing s ite is well suited for astronomical observat ions at optical frequencies in t erms of seeing (10% FWHM s eeing is 0.7 arcsec), atmospheric stability (~ 210 spectroscopic and 160 photometric nights per year), and having excellent logis t ics for any high alt itude obs ervational facilit ies. The number of expected optical photons from a 3.6m aperture teles cope in a certain integrat ion t ime along with an appropriate CCD detector allows us to detect very f aint objects inc lud ing point sources, galaxies and cluster of galaxies . It is proposed to have two first light instruments along with the telescope includ ing 4Kx4K CCD imager and a low-resolut ion spectrograph i.e. Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (FOSC). The proposed 4Kx4K CCD imager (PI, S. B. Pandey) will be designed to be mounted the axial port of the 3.6m telescope. The beam of t he t elescope is f/ 9 with a plate -s cale of ~ 6.4''/mm. I n t his proposal, we p lan to use the f/9 beam d irect ly to ut ilize t he central unvignated ~ 10x10 arcmin of the science f ield us ing appropriate filters . The median seeing of the Devasthal s ite is 1.1 arcsecond, and occasional bes t seeing of the s ite is less than 0.7 arcsecond (about 10% time) from the ground level seeing meas urement. We are ant ic ipat ing relat ively better seeing at 11m higher level from the ground where the telescope will be located. The instrument should be capable of using the per iods of bes t seeing eff ectively, but it should not over -sample the point s pread function more than necessary. For de eper exposures, it is als o

required to interf ace the camera/f ilter electronics with t he Telescope control sys tem making us e of the in -built auto -guiding fac ilit ies. Our results for such a system throughput s imulat ions describing the detect ion limits at var ious wavelengths, and expected number of electrons per pixel for differ ent s eeing and read out noise values are summar ized below in Fig. 1.

Fi gure 1: A plot of V-band magnitude (X-axis) Vs. simulated value of signal -to-noise ratio (Y-axis, left) and corresponding error in the magnitude determinations (Y -axis, right) for exposure times 10s, 60s, 300s, 600s and 1800s from left to right. The dashed line shows a line for a signal -to-noise ratio of 3. The plot indicates that in V -band the detection limit varies from 23 to 26 mag in an integration time of 10sec to 1800 sec. The open -green circles are the data points for an un -binned mode of exposures whereas filled -red pentagons indicate a 4x4 binned modes. For binned modes S/N improves and is more prominent for shorter exposures. Similar are the results for other wavelengths as well for an assumed seeing of ~ 1 arcsec and read out noise of 2.5 electrons.

The FOSC is a focal reducer instrument. The instrument shall work in imaging and spectroscopic mode. The instrument will have imaging capabilit ies with one pixel res olut ion of less than 0.2'' in the field of view (14'x14') of the telescope, and low- med ium spectroscopy with spectral resolut ion ( 250 -4000) covering thewavelength range from 350 n m to 900 nm. At spectral resolut ion of 2000 and within t he given spectral range and for 10 min exposure time, spectrum of a V ~ 18 magnitude object could be obtained with a S/N of 100. Wit h an exposure time of 30 min, s pectrum of a V ~ 20 mag object could b e acquired in t he given spectral range and for s imilar values of S/N.

.. , .., .., .., .., ..
, , , .: +7 495 55 2-1547, E-mail: l astro@lzos.ru ;http:// www.l zos.ru

- , . 8 , 11 . , , . , . . 80- 90 - 2- 12-20 ., 1540 , LCOGT (Las Cumbres Observatory Global Teles cope Network, ) 2 17 1 345 . , 60 (, -33, , ). 100-170 VST (VLT Survey Telescope, 2.6 ), TNT (Thai Nat ional telescope, , , ) 2.4 , DOTARIES (Devasthal Opt ical Telescope, DOT, for Aryabhat ta Research I nstit ute of Observat ional Sciences , ARIES, , ) 3.7 . 232 ( 1 ), 350 VISTA (Vis ible and Inf rared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) 1.24 , 850 4, , , F/6, F/3 F/1. . ( 1:50 1:100), ( 90%),

, , . 684470 , 12 , 540 200 , E-ELT 200 . . , , , , , - . , , TNT 2.4 , VST, VISTA -, , . , , 1:10, 1:8. , VISTA 165 4100 , .. 1:25. , , .. . . , 50 . , , . , , . . 10 - 20 (, RMS). . . . , . , ( ), , . . , .

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2.82 { k 6.88




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~ r [ r0 0



2 dC n ( )( / x)

2 dC n ( )

1 / 2




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ORI-22 VT-50 ORI-22 ORI-40 ORI-40 VT-78a AZT-8 AS-32 ORI-40 SANTEL-400A Astrosib AZT-8 SANTEL-400AN ASA Deltagraph

, 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 22 (f/1.45) 5 (f/2.3) 22 (f/2.45) 4 (f/2.3) 4 (f/2.3) 19 (f/1.54) 7 (f/4) 7 (f/3) 4 (f/2.3) 4 (f/3) 5 (f/6.3) 7 (f/4) 4 (f/3) 4 (f/2.4)

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P hotome tric obse rvatio ns of po la rs
Gabdeev M.M.
, ,

Photometric observations of few polars are presented. Observations were obtained on 1-m Zeis s telescope of SAO RAS during last f ive years using broadband filt ers of Johns on-Cousins system. Obtained observations allowed to determine or precise orbital period of the systems.

.., ..
. . . ,

. , . 90- .

, . , - (). , , . , , . , , . , . ( - , - , , ), (. 1). RF. RS485, , , , RF, LCD, 2 , , , 12 .

. 1.


. 2. .

, . 2. 40004000 , .

..1, ..1, ..1, ..1, ..1, ..1, ..1, ..1,2, ..3, ..3, ..3, ..3,4, ..


. . . . . . , , ; 2 , , ; 3 , , ; 4 , , ; 5 , ,

, , . , -. SS 433 ( ), V1357 Cyg = Cyg X-1, V1341 Cyg = Cyg X-2; BQ Cam = V0332+53, V490 Cep = Cep X-4, V934 Her = 4U 1700+24, V4641 Sgr, CI Cam = XTE J 0421+560, KV UMa = XTE

J1118+480, , SSS ( ), V1494 Aq l, V723 Cas , V2468 Cyg . 0.38 1.25 , , - , , , , , . . , . , . - , , , . . 6- 1- . SS 433 25- . SS 433 V723 Cas . 1 2. , , .

. 1. : SS 433, 1979 2015 , . : 2003 2015 , 162.278 , ( 3 JD 2449998). ~0.1.


. 2. V723 Cas (SSS ). . , 2005 ., , 2015 . 0.6932764 ( Min = 2453628.5545). , . SSS .

, 1.2 - -
.., .., ..
, , ,

2010 . - 1.2 [1]. (R = 30000), [2]. - E2V 40-42 ( 2048 x 2028, 13.5 ), CRYOTIGER. -, . (F = 11 ) 1.2- .

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60 78 100 120 140 60 78 100 120 140 60 78 100 120 140 MF, ML, 1842 532 1842 420 1842 330 1842 319 1842 283 1842 484 1842 390 1842 346 1842 316 1842 281 1842 589 1842 524 1842 458 1842 446 1842 422 KM = ML/ MF 0.289 0.228 0.179 0.173 0.154 0.263 0.212 0.188 0.172 0.153 0.320 0.284 0.249 0.242 0.229 % 71.1 77.2 82.1 82.7 84.6 73.7 78.8 81.2 82.8 84.7 68.0 71.6 75.1 75.8 77.1 WF, 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 1.1386 WL, 1.5995 1.624 1.6753 1.6329 1.7208 1.7228 1.7877 1.7632 1.785 1.92 1.6045 1.7167 1.8255 1.8793 1.8633 KW = WL/ WF 1.40 1.43 1.47 1.43 1.51 1.51 1.57 1.55 1.57 1.69 1.41 1.51 1.60 1.65 1.64

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P robing t he c he mic al pe c ulia rit ie s of A a nd B sta rs w ith s mall te le sc ope s
Sem enko E. Special astrophysical observatory RAS, N. Arkhyz, Russia Only about 15% of all A and B stars show the presence of abnormally strengthened or weakened lines in their spectra. These stars are the only type of t he Main Sequence objects that allow to study atomic diffusion in stellar atmospheres and its interact ion with strong well-organized magnet ic f ield. The number of know CP s tars is continuously growing. The latest discoveries mostly produced by the photometric surveys. Combinat ion of the mid -band photometry wit h lo w-r esolut ion spectroscopy on small telescopes is able to improve the eff ic iency of the searches. Here, I present t he results of test observations aimed the check of the type of peculiar it ies for the limited sample of A and B stars. This work had been carried out with 1- m telescope Zeiss of SAO RAS in the f irst half of 2015 and has confirmed its advantages .

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2000 1200 . , Kepler, Corot, , SuperWASP, HATNet, KELT ., . 2005 , . Transit Timing Var iat ions (TTVs). .

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2015 . ASTRONIRCAM. 2.5 0,9 2,5 . Hawaii-2RG 2Kx2K. 1" 10", R=1500 ( 1"), . 5 , 0.3''/. , (~0.02 e-/s 80), 10% 95% : 100 0.5% . . , FWHM~1.5'' S/N=10 J=17 mag 100s.

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-1000. , , 600 /. 22. 1.5 / - -. . Slitless hydrogen magnetometer for telescope Zeiss -1000. It was designed slit less hydrogen magnetometer for telescope Zeiss -1000. The magnetomet er inc ludes a rotatable a chromat ic q uarter-wavephase plate, beam

splitt ing Savart p late, tr ansparent grat ing of 600 lines / mm. Double spectra are recorded by CCD 2Kx2K . At the d ispersion 1.5 A / mm the hydrogen lines H-beta, and H-alpha f iton CCD. The pilot observations were made.

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B Benni P. 26 C Chochol D. 3, 51 G Gabdeev M.M. 36 J Jos hi S. 3 K Kar makar S. 4 Krus hevs ka, V. 3 P Pandey S.B. 4 S Semenko E. 80 V Volkov, I. 3 .. 7, 13, 42 . 32 . 12 .. 13 .. 45 . 32 . . 15 .. 80 .. 71 .. 17, 38 .. 70 .. 7, 13 .. 19, 47, 75 .. 20 .. 71 .. 19, 47, 75 .. 21 .. 19, 47, 50, 75 .. 10 .. 17, 38 .. 26 .. 17, 38 . 32 .. 27 .. 27 .. 17, 28, 29, 38 .. 28, 29 . 32 .. 10 .. 29, 66, 70, 86 .. 42 .. 32, 45 .. 70 .. 38 . 32, 34

.. 44 .. 71 .. 10 .. 9, 44 .. 9, 10

. 32 .. 36, 44 .. 28, 29 .. 17, 38 .. 70 .. 40 , .. 29 . 34 . 32 .. 75 .. 42 .. 70 .. 44 .. 28, 29, 45 .. 49 . 32 . 32 .. 71 .. 45 .. 17, 38 .. 49 .. 40 . 32 .. 19, 47, 50, 75 .. 26

.. 46 .. 10 .. 7, 13, 42 .. 71 . 32 .. 38 .. 45 .. 48, 49 .. 19, 47, 75 .. 19, 47, 50, 75 .. 51 .. 67, 69, 70, 86 . 34 .. 45 .. 28, 29, 45, 52, 69 .. 49 .. 70 .. 70 .. 45 . 32 .. 12, 26, 53 .. 75 .. 40 .. 71 . 32 . 66

.. 70 . 32 . 32 .. 21, 54

.. 61 .. 38 . 27 . 32, 34

.. 57 .. 71 .. 70 . 12 .. 10 .. 69 . 32 .. 38 .. 17, 38 .. 59 . 32 .. 10 .. 45 .. 36, 44, 61 . 32 .. 62 .. 29, 65 .. 10 .. 13 .. 83 .. 66 .. 75 .. 75 . 32 .. 54 .. 54 .. 50, 75 .. 71 .. 38 .. 29, 66, 67, 69, 70, 86 .. 7 .. 7, 42 .. 19, 47, 50, 75 .. 71

.. 32, 34, 57, 59 .. 12, 26 .. 70 .. 10 .. 75 . 32 .. 73 .. 71 .. 57 .. 74

.. 48 .. 83 .. 45 .. 75 .. 54 . 32, 34

.. 75 .. 70 . 77 .. 19, 47 .. 70, 79 .. 70 .. 7, 42 .. 48 .. 49 . 32 .. 28 . 32 .. 26, 80 .. 80 .. 32 .. 81 .. 75 . 32

.. 28, 29 .. 28, 29 .. 71 .. 45 . . 70 .. 70 .. 83 .. 45

.. 70, 83 .. 28, 45, 84 . 32 .. 3, 17, 38, 51 .. 71 .. 85 .. 62 .. 29, 70, 86 .. 29, 70, 86


Chochol, D., Shugarov, S. , Krushevska, V., Volkov, I. Multicolour photometry of the slow nova V2659 Cygni and its nightly moni toring using the small telescopes ....... Santos h Jos hi. The Current and Up -Coming Observational Facilities in India ....... ... ... . Subhajeet Kar makar LO Peg : Spot-topographic evolution, Surface Differential Rotation and Flares ............................................................................................. Pandey S.B.et al. 3.6 m Telescope at Devasthal and Study of Transients ................... .., .., .., .., .., ..
... ... ... .. 1 -2 ................................................................ .. , ..........

3 3 4 4 7 9 9

.., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ..

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... . .. ... ... .. 10 ., ., ., . .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 12

.., .., .., .., .. 4 .................................................................................. 13 . . - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 15 .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 .., .., .., ., .. , .., .., .. SA IN T ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... . 19 .. 1.5 - -150 .... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 20 .., .. ........ 21 .., .., Paul Benni, .., .., .. Kourovka Planet Search ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 .., .., . 1 - . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .......... 27

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- ISON .. ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... . .. 34 Gabdeev M.M. Photometric observations of polars...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 36 .., .. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. 36

.., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ..

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47 ..... ... ... ... ... ... .. .., .., .. 2- RC C Carl Zeiss ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. 48

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49 50 51 52 53 54 57 59 61 62 65 66 66 67 69

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.., .., .., .., .., .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 70 .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ..

2.5 . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 70

.., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .. . .......................... 71 .. , ... ... ... ... .. 73 .. : 74 .., . ., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., .., ., .., .. .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 75 . . 20 . ............ 77 .. 70 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 79 Semenko E. Probing the chemical peculiarities of A and B stars with small telescopes 80 .., .., ..
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