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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Feb 24 16:32:13 2010
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 12:39:23 2012

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï ð ï
List of objects for April, 23/24 and 24/25 observations

List of objects for April, 23/24 and 24/25 observations





last mag



from March, 5 targets list

SN 2009ao (disc. 2009/02/04.12)




16.6CR (Apr, 13.852)

Spectra (range 402.7-1011 nm, Mar. 16.1-16.2): SN 2009ao is a young type-IIP supernova around a week past explosion; adopting a host-galaxy recession velocity of 3339

km/s (Chengalur et al. 1993, Ap.J. 419, 30) for the host galaxy (NGC 2939), H_beta is measured to be blue-shifted by roughly 8000 km/s. (CBET#1725)



SN 2009ar = CSS090219:095526-012821 = 'css2'

(discovered 2009/02/19)





20.3R (Mar, 06.35) FAINT OBJECT!

The presumed host galaxy to 2009ar, SDSS J095525.67-012821.0, has Gunn magnitudes

u = 23.2,

g = 21.7,

r = 21.5,

i = 21.6,

z = 21.9.

SN 2009ar is a type-IIb supernova at z = 0.026 and is most like SN 1996cb at one day past maximum (Feb, 25).



phase ~ 70 days.

look 2008ApJ...687L...9M

SN 2009Z (disc 2009/02/02.53)


1993J - like



17.25R (Mar, 25)

Stritzinger, Morrell, and M. Phillips (also LCO) add that they have obtained spectra (range 403-1011.2 nm) of 2009Z (cf. CBET 1685) on Feb. 11.1 and 15.1 with the 6.5-m Magellan I (BAADE) telecope (+ IMACS).  Cross-

correlation with SNID shows these spectra to be most similar to those of SN

1993J at two days before and three days after maximum, respectively.


deep field

of GRB030226





discovery of cosmological SNe using substracting of previously observed field of GRB030226


from April,3 targets list

SN 2009bw (discovered Mar, 27.871)





14.8CR (Apr,16.863)

from CBET#1746:

but, in addition, H_alpha shows a narrow emission component at the host-galaxy redshift (1155 km/s; Schneider et al. 1992, Ap.J. Suppl. 81, 5)


to obtain the second our spectrum.

SN 2009ba (discovered Mar, 21.18)



+17:49:00.1(good; first part of night)

March, 29: R~18.8



SN 2009az (discovered Mar, 20.30; close to host nuclei)



+36:51:43.0(good, high; first part of night)

faint, >19


?, possibly no cause of close host nuclei

2009by (discovered Mar, 29.28)


II or IIn


11:13:56.22+4:17:58.5 (good; first part of night)

18.1R (April, 3)

not observed in SAO yet!


SN 2008in (disc. 2008 Dec, 26.79)


12:22:01.77+04:28:47.5(normal altitude, first part of night)

still bright

observed on April, 3/4


proposed by R.Roy

CSS090319:125916+271641 = 090319d = SN 2009cb (disc Mar, 19.408)



+27:16:41.3 (good, high)

19.8R (Mar, 29.99)


type determ.

possibly, no

CSS090317:140750+363837=090317a = SN 2009bp (disc Mar, 17.50)




(good, high)


A. Drake wrote: “I would avoid following Ia's like CSS090317:140750+363837 and CSS090319:142155+260102”


all range spectrum, host spectrum

CSS090319:142155+260102=090319c = SN 2009db (disc Mar, 19.408)




(good, high)

18.55R (Apr, 4)

A. Drake wrote: “I would avoid following Ia's like CSS090317:140750+363837 and CSS090319:142155+260102”


all range spectrum, host magnitude

SN 2009bz (disc Mar, 29.48)



+11:03:30.1 (good;

second part of night)

16.9 (2009/03/29.48)




CSS090319:152356-081918=090319b = SN 2009br (disc Mar, 19)






18.2R (Mar. 21.32)

~19 (now)



type determ.

SN 2009ay (disc Mar, 20.41)





second part of night)

15.8CR (Apr, 16.962)

(standards by Tsvetkov, squares)



will be observed by Stefano Benetti

SN 2009dc (disc Apr, 9)


15:51:12.12 +25:42:28.0





SN 2009bw (see uper)




(low, z=55)

14.8CR (2009/04/16.863)



SN 2009cz (disc Apr, 6)


09:15:00.02 +29:44:07.1





SN 2009dd




(good, high)




SNe from Stefano Benetti's web-site http://web.oapd.inaf.it/supern/followup/

SN 2009at (disc Mar, 11.633)



+46:06:09.1 (good, high)

15.7C (2009/04/14.880)

Stefano wrote about it's site at the letter


SN 2009E (disc Jan 03; old)




good, high; first half of night

16.2CR (2009/04/16.984)

Stefano wrote about it's site at the letter


Newly discovered objects

2009dm (discovered Apr, 19.24)


near max.

11:30:20.14 +44:09:49.2

17.5C (Apr., 19.24)

A narrow H_alpha emission component

corresponds with a SNID calculated z=0.024.The expansion

velocity deduced from the H_alpha absorption is about 9200 km/s (Apr.,21.2)




2009dn (discovered Apr, 11)



close to max



Apr., 7 >18.3C

17.5C (Apr., 11,12,14,15,16)

16.9C (Apr., 20.17)



SN 2009de (disc Jan, 2; old)



13:00:37.49 +17:50:57.0


19.5C (Apr, 19.2)



proposed by Andrew Drake

CSS090417:095440+191113 (disc Apr,17)






To avoid Ia's I would suggest not following anything with gunn colours r-i < -0.3 (A. Drake)


CSS090418:081414+242340 (disc Apr,18)


08:14:14 +24:23:40




CSS090421:133609+340319 (disc Apr,21)







CSS080928:160837+041627 (discovered 2008/09/28)









Mar, 21 17.6C


Finally, as you may have seen in our recent ATel,
CSS080928:160837+041627 may be of interest to you as
it is a type IIn that has been bright for >500 days








also look at non-classif. SN-candidates at http://nesssi.cacr.caltech.edu/catalina/AllSN.html



SUPERNOVA 2009by IN UGC 6260

K. Konishi, Y. Ihara, and K. Tokita, University of Tokyo; N. Morimoto,

Tohoku University; and T. Hattori, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan,

report that a spectrogram (range 370-900 nm) of 2009by (cf. CBET 1748),

obtained on Apr. 4.28 UT with the 8.2-m SUBARU Telescope (+ FOCAS), shows it

to be a type-II supernova.  Their recently-developed identification code

suggests that the spectrum is best fitted to that of the type-IIP supernova

1999em at five days after the explosion (Elmhamdi et al. 2003, MNRAS 338,

938).  There are narrow emission-line components of H_alpha and H_beta,

corresponding to z = 0.021 +/- 0.001; it is unclear whether these narrow

components originate from the H II region of the host galaxy or are intrinsic

to the supernova.  Thus, it the possibility cannot be excluded that this

supernova is of type IIn.



NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes

      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.


2009 April 6                     (CBET 1756)              Daniel W. E. Green


all coordinates:

09bw 03:56:06.92 +72:55:40.9

09ba 09:59:01.92 +17:49:00.1

09az 10:55:56.22 +36:51:43.0

09by 11:13:56.22 +4:17:58.5

08gz 11:25:03.24 -09:47:51.0

08in 12:22:01.77 +04:28:47.5


09cb 12:59:15.85 27:16:41.3

17a 14:07:49.75 36:38:37.1

19c 14:21:54.63 26:01:02.0

09bz 15:19:26.04 +11:03:30.1

19b 15:23:56.14 -08:19:18.3

09ay 17:48:22.97 +54:08:54.7


09dc 15:51:12.12 +25:42:28.0

09cz 09:15:00.02 +29:44:07.1

09dd 12:05:34.1 +50:32:19.4

09at 3:46:26.68 +46:06:09.1

09E 12:09:49.56 +58:50:50.3


09dm 11:30:20.14 +44:09:49.2

09dn 11:37:39.33 +46:57:11.3

09de 13:00:37.49 +17:50:57.0

0417 09:54:40 +19:11:13

0418 08:14:14 +24:23:40

0421 13:36:09 +34:03:19

0928 16:08:37.23 +04:16:26.7

Unusual CRTS Transient

ATel #1768; A.J. Drake, A. Mahabal, S.G. Djorgovski, R. Williams, M.J. Graham (Caltech); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson (LPL; M. Catelan (PUC); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson (LPL/UA)
7 Oct 2008; 23:51 UT
Password Certification: Andrew J. Drake (ajd@cacr.caltech.edu)

Subjects: Optical, Request for Observations, Transients, Variables
Referred to by ATel #:

We have detected an optical transient of unknown nature in Catalina 0.7m Schmidt telescope images from 28 Sep 2008 UT. The object has the following parameters:


2008-09-28 UT 02:50:49

RA 16:08:37.23

Dec 04:16:26.7

Mag 17.7

Type ?

A possible uncataloged match to the transient is present in SDSS images with magnitude r~22.5. The transient is visible in Catalina images dating back to Sep 13th 2007 and is gradually brightening suggesting the transient may be distant, high amplitude (~5 mags), long period variable. However, the object is not seen in archival DSS1 and DSS2, 2MASS, or PQ images covering this location. Furthermore, follow-up photometry taken with the Palomar 60" telescope on Sep. 29.12 UT gives g=18.3, g-r=1.0, r-i=-0.5 and g=18.1, g-r=0.7, r-i=-0.32 on Oct 10.12. The r-i colours fall far from the stellar locus and the colours expected for long period variables. Further follow-up is requested.

For finding charts and discovery images please see: http://voeventnet.cacr.caltech.edu/feeds/ATEL/CRTS.
CRTS optical transients are detected and published as VOEvents in real-time at
http://voeventnet.org/feeds/Catalina.shtml and in RSS here http://voeventnet.caltech.edu/feeds/Catfeed.xml

CRTS Discovery of a very energetic Type IIn Supernova

ATel #2010; A..A. Mahabal, A.J. Drake, S.G. Djorgovski, M.J. Graham, R. Williams, W. Max-Moerbeck (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC, Chile); E.C. Beshore, S.M. Larson, A. Gibbs, R. Kowalski, A. Boattini, R. Hill (LPL/UA); E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); V. Mohan, A.N. Ramaprakash, A.K. Kembhavi (IUCAA);
10 Apr 2009; 22:45 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice (Request for Observations)
Password Certification: Ashish Mahabal (aam@astro.caltech.edu)

Subjects: Optical, Novae, Supernovae, Transients

The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) has spectroscopically characterized CSS080928:160837+041626 (ATel 1768) as a Type IIn SN at z~0.041 using the SMARTS 1.5m telescope using Observations taken on March 27th UT with the following results:






Disc. ATel







The object was first marked as a transient by CRTS on 2008-09-28 (unfiltered mag=17.7). It was also present in the 2007-09-13 images, but blended with the brighter star nearby and hence not detected as a transient. Palomar-Quest images from 2007-02-24 do not reveal the presence of the SN. GALEX data from 2008-06-05 shows a well-detected source at this location (NUV 19.93+/-0.04, FUV 21.18+/-0.09). It was not seen in AIS images from 2004-05-17 indicating a brightening in NUV by at least 2.5 mags. Coadded images from SDSS (all filters) reveal the presence of a possible faint host at the location. Assuming that the galaxy has r=23, at z=0.041 it translates to M_r=~-13, almost a 100 times dimmer than the LMC.

Palomar 60-inch (P60) data form 2009-03-21 reveals that it is still bright (r=17.60+/-0.04). It has stayed bright for over 500 days, and rising much of the time. In fact the SMARTS spectrum with its Balmer lines (strong H-alpha, H-beta, H-gamma), He I lines (5876, 7065 and possibly others), and an absence of Oxygen lines reveals it to be much more like SN1994Y at T=30 days (Filipenko A.V., ARAA, 1997, 35, 309-355, Fig. 14). There is also some evidence of Fe-I emission and the H-beta shows a P-Cygni like profile. The maximum P60 r-band magnitude was ~17.2 suggesting an absolute magnitude ~-18.8. The evidence is consistent with a type IIn supernova possibly with high density circumstellar material.

Additional observations are requested.

All current candidate and confirmed SNe as well as finding charts can be found here.