Publications in Journals
T.V. Mufakharov, M.G. Mingaliev, Yu.V. Sotnikova, Ya. Naiden, A.K. Erkenov,
The observed radio/gamma-ray emission correlation for blazars with
the Fermi-LAT and the RATAN-600 data
M.G. Mingaliev, Yu.V. Sotnikova, R.Yu. Udovitskiy, T.V. Mufakharov,
E. Nieppola, and A.K. Erkenov, RATAN-600 multi-frequency data for
the BL Lacertae objects, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 572, id.A59, 4 pp., 2014,
T.V. Mufakharov, Yu.V. Sotnikova, A.K. Erkenov, M.G. Mingaliev,
Study of the Relation between the Jet and Accretion-Disk Emission in Blazars
Using RATAN-600 Multifrequency Data,
Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 69, No. 3, р. 266 (2014).
M.G. Mingaliev, Yu.V. Sotnikova, T.V. Mufakharov, A.K. Erkenov, R.Yu. Udovitskiy,
Gigahertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) Galaxies and Quasars,
Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 68, No. 3, p. 262-272, 2013.
- M.G. Mingaliev, Yu.V. Sotnikova, I.Torniainen,
M.Tornikoski, R.Yu. Udovitskiy,
Multifrequency study of GHz-peaked spectrum sources and candidates with
the RATAN-600 radio telescope,
- Giommi, P.; Polenta, G.; Lahteenmaki, A.; Thompson, D. J.; Capalbi, M.;
Cutini, S.; Gasparrini, D.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Leon-Tavares, J.;
Lopez-Caniego, M.; and 85 coauthors, Simultaneous Planck, Swift, and Fermi
observations of X-ray and gamma-ray selected blazars,
2012A&A...541A.160G .
- Mingaliev, M.G., Sotnikova, Yu.V.,
Larionov, M.G., Erkenov, A.K., "Candidate GPS sources near the North
Celestial Pole", Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Issue 3, pp.187-192, 2011,
- Planck Collaboration; Aatrokoski, J.; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Aller,
H. D.; Aller, M. F.; Angelakis, E.; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.;
and 239 coauthors, Planck early results. XV. Spectral energy distributions
and radio continuum spectra of northern extragalactic radio sources,
2011A&A...536A..15P .
- Planck Collaboration; Ade, P. A. R.; Aghanim, N.; Angelakis, E.; Arnaud, M.;
Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Balbi, A.; Banday, A. J.;
and 208 coauthors, Planck early results. XIV. ERCSC validation and extreme
radio sources,
2011A&A...536A..14P .
- Gorshkov, A. G.; Konnikova, V. K.; Mingaliev, M. G.; Erkenov, A. K.,
"Spectrum of the variable component of the radio source J0157+7442",
Astronomy Reports, Volume 54, Issue 11, pp.983-985, 2010,
- Mingaliev, M.G.; Sotnikova, Yu.V.;
Kardashev, N.S.; Larionov, M.G., "Spectral characteristics and variability
of radio sources near the north celestial pole", Astronomy Reports, Volume 53,
Issue 6, pp.487-500, 2009,
- Sotnikova, Yu.V.; Larionov, M.G.,
Mingaliev, M.G, "Observations of the rapid variability of the two BL Lac type
objects J2005+77 and J2022+76 with the RATAN-600", Astrophysical Bulletin,
Volume 64, Issue 2, pp.185-190, 2009,
- Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova J.V. and Trushkin S.A.,
"Multi-frequency radio spectra of the blazars AO 0235+16 and 3C 454.3",
on 23 Nov 2008; 10:14 UT,
- Mingaliev, M.G.; Sotnikova, Yu.V.; Bursov, N.N.; Kardashev, N.S.;
Larionov, M.G., "Spectral characteristics of radio sources near the North
Celestial Pole", Astronomy Reports, Volume 51, Issue 5, pp.343-363, 2007,
M.G Mingaliev, M.G Larionov, J.V. Sotnikova, N.N. Bursov,
N.S. Kardashev "Radio spectra properties of a complete sample of sources
near the North Celestial Pole", in IX Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio
Astronomy Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and Stellar Activity and
Active Galactic Nuclei, Abstract, Nizhnij Arkhyz, SAO RAS,
October 15-20, p. 27, 2006.
Astronomical Telegrams
Monitoring of the gamma-ray source TXT 1731+152A with RATAN-600 radio telescope,
ATel #6449
on 6 Sep 2014.
Observations of the FSRQ 3C454.3 with the RATAN-600 radio telescope,
ATel #6246
on 18 Jun 2014.
RATAN-600 observations of the transient source Fermi J0641-0317,
ATel #6122
on 6 May 2014.
Increasing fluxes of S5 1044+71 measured with RATAN-600 radio telescope,
ATel #5869
on 10 Feb 2014.
A high radio state of the quasar S5 1044+71,
ATel #5792
on 23 Jan 2014.
RATAN-600 multi-frequency measurements of flaring activity of BL Lacertae,
ATel #5002
on 23 Apr 2013.
RATAN-600 multi-frequency measurements of the gamma-ray blazar BL Lacertae,
ATel #4600
on 22 Nov 2012.
A giant radio flare of Cygnus X-3,
ATel #1483
on 18 April 2008.
Multi-frequency radio spectra of the blazars AO 0235+16 and 3C 454.3,
ATel #1852
on 23 Nov 2008.
- Mingaliev M.G., Gorshkov A.G., Konnikova V.K., Sotnikova Yu.V.,
Active galactic nuclei investigation with RATAN-600 radio telescope, Abstracts,
Russian Conference "High-energy astrophysics today and tomorrow",
Moscow, December 13-16, p. 15, 2011.
- Erkenov A.K., Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova Yu.V., "Bright sources
monitoring at the RATAN-600 during the Planck Mission", in XI Russian-Finnish
Symposium on Radio Astronomy "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and
Stellar Activity and Active Galactic Nuclei", Abstracts, Pushchino, Russia,
October 18-22, p. 6, 2010.
- Sotnikova Yu.V., Erkenov A.K., Mingaliev M.G., Torniainen I.,
Tornikoski M., "Multifrequency studies of GPS sources and candidates with
RATAN-600", in XI Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy
"Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and Stellar Activity and Active
Galactic Nuclei", Abstracts, Pushchino, Russia, October 18-22, p. 19, 2010.
- Sotnikova Yu.V., Erkenov A.K., "Variability study of flat-spectrum
radio sources sample at the RATAN-600", in X Russian-Finnish Symposium on
Radio Astronomy "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and Stellar
Activity and Active Galactic Nuclei", Abstracts, Orilampi, Finland,
September 1-5, p. 19, 2008.
- Sotnikova Yu.V., Erkenov A.K., "Variability of two BL Lacertae
objects: J2005+77 and J2022+76", in X Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio
Astronomy "Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and Stellar Activity and
Active Galactic Nuclei", Abstracts, Orilampi, Finland,
September 1-5, p. 24, 2008.
- Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova Yu.V., Erkenov A.K., "Long-term variability
monitoring of BL Lac and GPS sources at the RATAN-600: the preliminary
results", in X Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy "Multi-Wavelength
Investigations of Solar and Stellar Activity and Active Galactic Nuclei",
Abstracts, Orilampi, Finland, September 1-5, p. 25, 2008.
- Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova Yu.V., Larionov M.G.,
Kardashov N.S. "Spectral Properties
and Variability of Radio Sources near the North
Celestial Pole", Abstracts in the international conference
"The Radio Universe at Ultimate Angular Resolution",
Moscow, ASC, October 20-24, 2008.
- M. G. Mingaliev, Sotnikova Y.V. "Investigation of radio spectra and
long term variability of GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio sources and candidates at
RATAN-600", 2007, Abstracts in the international conference "Cosmic Physics",
Nizhnij Arkhyz, SAO RAS, May 27-31, p. 27-31, 2007.
- Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova Yu.V., Torniainen I., Tornikoski M.,
Valtaoja E., "Simultaneous radio spectra and long-term variability
GPS sources with RATAN-600", Abstracts,
Russian Astronomical Conference, Kazan, September 17-21, p. 411, 2007.
- Parijskiy Yu.N., Mingaliev M.G., Sotnikova Yu.V., Lahteenmaki A.,
Torniainen I., Tornikoski M., Valtaoja E., "CMB-experiments and problem of
the background radio sources", Abstracts in the international conference
"Sakharov Oscillations and Radio Astronomy", Nizhnij Arkhyz, SAO RAS,
October 15-19, p. 12, 2007.
- M.G Mingaliev, M.G Larionov, J.V. Sotnikova, N.N. Bursov,
N.S. Kardashev, "Radio spectra properties of a complete sample of sources near
the North Celestial Pole", in IX Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radio Astronomy
Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar and Stellar Activity and Active
Galactic Nuclei, Abstracts, Nizhnij Arkhyz, SAO RAS, October 15-20, p. 27, 2006.