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Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:05:06 2012

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Resource Help

AuthorityID The identifier of a namespace under the control of a single naming Authority.
ResourceKey A name for the resource that is unique within an Authority's namespace.
Title A name given to the resource.

Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known.
Short Name A shortened name or nickname for the title of the resource.

This is supplied for ease of reference to the resource.
Type Nature or genre of the content of the resource.

Enumerated values are Education, Outreach, EPOResource, Animation, Artwork, Background, BasicData, Historical, Photographic, Press, Organisation, Project, Person.
Description An account of the content of the resource.

Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, table of contents, reference to a graphical representation of content or a free-text account of the content.
Reference URL A URL pointing to additional information about the resource.

In general, this should be a human-readable document.
Source A bibliographic reference from which the present resource is derived or extracted.

The present resource may be derived from the Source in whole or in part. Recommended best practice is to use the standard bibcode (see http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/refcode.html), where available. If no bibcode is available, Source should use a string or number conforming to a formal identification or citation system.
Subject A list of the topics, object types, or other descriptive keywords about the resource.

Subject is intended to provide additional information about the nature of the
information provided by the resource. Is this a catalog of quasars? Of planetary nebulae? Is this a tool for computing ephemerides?

Terms for Subject should be based on the IAU Astronomy Thesaurus (http://msowww.anu.edu.au/library/thesaurus/).

Content Level
A description of the content level, or intended audience.

VO resources will be available to professional astronomers, amateur astronomers, educators, and the general public.  These different audiences need a way to find material appropriate for their needs.
ContentLevel Definition

Resource provides information appropriate for all users
Elementary Education Resource provides information appropriate for grades K-5 education
Middle School Education Resource provides information appropriate for grades 6-8 education
Secondary Education Resource provides information appropriate for grades 9-12 education

Resource provides information appropriate for university-level education

Resource provides information appropriate for professional-level research and graduate school education

Resource provides information of interest to amateur astronomers
Publisher An entity responsible for making the resource available

Examples of a Publisher include a person or an organization.
Users of the resource should include Publisher in subsequent credits and acknowledgments.

Select a previously registered Publisher from the pulldown list if there, or fill in the Publisher's Title in the field.
Creator Name An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource.

Examples of a Creator include a person or an organization.
Users of the resource should include Creator in subsequent credits and acknowledgments.
URL to Creator Logo A URL pointing to a graphical logo, which may be used to help identify the information resource.
Contributor An entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.

Examples of a Contributor include a person or an organization.
Users of the resource should include Contributor in subsequent credits and acknowledgments.
Date A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource.

Typically, Date will be associated with the creation or availability (i.e., most recent release or version) of the resource.

ISO8601 is the preferred format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Version A label associated with the creation or availability (i.e., most recent release or version) of the resource.
Contact Name The name of the contact.

A person's name, "John P. Jones", or a group, "Archive Support Team".
Contact Address The contact mailing address.

All components of the mailing address are given in one string, e.g. "3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA".
Contact Email The e-mail address of the contact.

For example, "mailto:John.P.Jones@navy.gov", or "mailto:archive@datacenter.org".
Contact Telephone Complete international dialing codes should be given, e.g. "+1-410-338-1234".
The observatory or facility where the data was obtained.

The facility may also be in the registry and should be identified by it's identifier in the pull-down menu.
The instrument used to collect the data.
The instrument may also be in the registry and should be identified by it's identifier in the pull-down menu.

A description of the relationship between one resource and one or more other resources.

Accepted values include "mirror-of", "service-for", "derived-from", and "related-to".

If the related resource is in the registry, use the pull-down menu and select the resource from the list. If not, give a title to the resource in the field.
The encoding format of data provided by the resource.

Typical values would be "FITS", "ASCII text", "HTML", "XML", "VOTable", "GIF", etc. 
We recommend employing MIME types here in order to utilize existing standards.

Information about rights held in and over the resource.

Spatial Coverage The sky coverage of the resource.

The spatial coverage may be described in one of three ways: >
All Sky The resource covers the whole sky.
Circle Region The spatial coverage of the resource is described as a central position and a radius around that position.
Parameters needed for this spatial coverage include:
Longitude Position The longitude of the central position in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Latitude Position The Longitude of the central position in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Radius The extent of the circular region in degrees.
Coordinate Range The spatial coverage of the resource is described as a range in positions in longitude and latitude in a particular frame.
Parameters needed for this spatial coverage include:
Minimum Longitude Position The minimum longitude of the region in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Maximum Longitude Position The maximum longitude of the region in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Minimum Latitude Position The minimum latitude of the region in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Maximum Latitude Position The maximum latitude of the region in the described coordinate frame, given in degrees.
Coordinate Frame The Coordinate Frames supported include:
Coordinate Frame Description
ICRS International Celestial Reference System
FK5 Equatorial coordinates, FK5 system (J2000)
FK4 Equatorial coordinates, FK4 system (B1950)
Ecliptic Ecliptic coordinates (J2000)
Galactic Galactic coordinates (J2000)
SuperGalactic Supergalactic coordinates (J2000)
Spatial Resolution The spatial (angular) resolution that is typical of the observations of interest, in decimal degrees.
Region of Regard The intrinsic size scale, given in arcseconds, associated with data items contained in a resource.
The spectral coverage of the resource.

Spectral coverage at the resource level will be in terms of general spectral regions (gamma-ray, x-ray, extreme UV, UV, optical, infrared, millimeter, radio).

The general spectral regions are defined specifically as follows:
Coverage.Spectral Represents

λ ≥ 100 µ
 ν ≤ 3000 GHz

0.1 mm ≤ λ ≤ 10 mm
3000 GHz ≥ ν ≥ 30 GHz
Infrared 1 µ ≤ λ ≤ 100 µ

0.3 µ ≤ λ ≤ 1 µ
300 nm ≤ λ ≤ 1000 nm
3000 е ≤ λ ≤ 10000 е

0.1 µ ≤ λ ≤ 0.3 µ
1000 е ≤ λ ≤ 3000 е

100 е ≤ λ ≤ 1000 е
12 eV ≤ E ≤ 120 eV

0.1 е ≤ λ ≤ 100 е
0.12 keV ≤ E ≤ 120 keV
Gamma-ray E ≥ 120 keV

Resources containing data in multiple spectral regions may give a list (e.g., "Radio, Infrared"). 

Wavelength Range A range of the electro-magnetic spectrum specified by a lower and upper wavelength limit.
Spectral Resolution The spectral resolution that is typical of the observations of interest, given as a ratio of the wavelength width (delta-lambda) to the observing wavelength (lambda).
The temporal coverage of the resource.

Temporal coverage specifications will be given in years, with decimal years permitted.
  Ranges are specified with a hyphen, e.g., "1987-1993" or "1998.275- ".  Disjoint time
spans may be given as a list, e.g., "1981-1984, 1987-1990".

Temporal Resolution
The temporal resolution that is typical of the observations of interest, in seconds.
Service Based Parameters:

Image Service Type
The class of image service.

May be one of: Cutout, Mosaic, Atlas, or Pointed
Maximum Query Region Size
The maximum image query region size, expressed in decimal degrees, both in the RA and DEC directions.

Both values should be filled in.

A value of 360 degrees indicates there is no limit and the entire data collection (entire sky) can be queried.
Maximum Image Extent
The maximum image extent, expressed in decimal degress, both in RA and DEC directions.

Both values should be filled in.
Maximum Image Size
The largest image that can be requested, given in integer degrees, both in the RA and DEC directions.

Both values should be filled in.

Maximum File Size
The maximum image size given in bytes.

Maximum Number of Records to Return
The largest number of records that the Image Query will return.

Maximum Search Radius
The largest search radius, in degrees, that will be accepted by the service without returning an error condition.

A boolean that is true if the service supports the VERB keyword; false otherwise.

Base URL
A URL that points to a document that presents or describes a service interface.

A keyword used as input to a CGI-Get Service.

Parameters may be required or optional, and should be typed by the format of the input for this keyword.