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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:20:37 2016

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VLBI SOURCE POSITION CATALOG [ CATS home ] [ Ba ck to CATS list ] [ ftp ]

VLBI SOURCE POSITION CATALOGUE Format version of 2010.09.11

 Catalogue was created by Leonid Petrov ( lpetrov@localhost )
		       at 2012.04.17-22:08:12
			  with using program rfc_outcat version of 2012.04.17

 This catalogue contains source positions and estimates of flux density from
 reanalysis of VLBI experiments under absolute astrometry and geodesy
 programs at the VLBA, LBA, and EVN in 1994-2012, as well as other VLBI
 experiments under geodesy and absolute astrometry since 1980.04.11 through
 2012.04.02, in total 5381 experiments.
 In total, 9.5 million values of group delays were used in the solution.

 Home page: http://astrogeo.org/vlbi/solutions/rfc_2012b

 If you use positions and/or estimates of correlated flux densities
 from this catalogue in your work, for example, for scheduling phase
 referencing observations, you are encouraged to include in your paper
 references to original publications:

  1) Beasley, A.J., Gordon, D., Peck, A.B., Petrov, L., MacMillan, D.S.,
	Fomalont, E.B., & Ma, C., The VLBA Calibrator Survey - VCS1, 2002,
	Astrophys. J. Sup., 141, 13

  2) Fomalont, E., Petrov, L., McMillan, D.S., Gordon, D., Ma, C.,
	The Second VLBA Calibrator Survery: VCS2, 2003, Astron. J., 126, 2562

  3) Petrov, L., Kovalev, Yu.Y., Fomalont, E., and Gordon, D.,
	The Third VLBA Calibrator Survey -- VCS3, Astron. J., 2005, 129, 1163

  4) Petrov, L., Kovalev, Yu.Y., Fomalont, E., and Gordon, D.,
	The Fourth VLBA Calibrator Survey -- VCS4, Astron. J., 2006, 131, 1872

  5) Kovalev, Yu.Y., Petrov, L., Fomalont, E., and Gordon, D.,
	The Fifth VLBA Calibrator Survey -- VCS5, Astron. J., 2007, 133, 1236

  6) Petrov, L., Kovalev, Yu.Y., Fomalont, E., and Gordon, D.,
	The Sixth VLBA Calibrator Survey -- VCS6, Astron. J., 2008, 136, 580

  7) Petrov, L., Phillips, C., Bertarini, A., Murphy, T., Sadler, E.M,
     The LBA Calibrator Survey of southern compact extragalactic
     radio sources --- LCS1, Mon. Not. of Roy. Astron. Soc.,
     2011, 414(3), 2528-2539

  8) Petrov, L., Kovalev, Y.Y., Fomalont, E.B., Gordon, D. "The VLBA Galactic
	Plane Survey --- VGaPS", Astron J, 2011, 142, 35

  9) Kovalev, Y.Y., Petrov, L., Gordon, D. Fomalont, E.B., "The Northern Polar
	Cap VLBI survey", to be submitted to AJ, 2011

 10) Immer, K., Brunthaler, A., Reid, M. J., Bartkiewicz, A., Choi, Y. K.,
	Menten, K. M., Moscadelli, L., Sanna, A., Wu, Y. W., Xu, Y.,
	Zhang, B., Zheng, X. W., The VLBA Calibrator Search for the BeSSeL
	Survey, ApJS, vol., 194, 25

 11) Petrov, L., Taylor, G., Precise absolute astrometry from the VLBA
	imaging and polarimetry survey at 5 GHz, Astron. J., 2011, 142, 89

 12) Petrov, L., "The EVN Galactic Plane Survey --- EGaPS",
     MNRAS, 2012, 416, 1097-1105

 Field    1:1    A1    Category: C (calibrator), N (non-calibrator), U (unreliable coordinates)
 Field    4:11   A8    IVS name (B1950)
 Field   13:22   A10   IAU name (J2000.0)
 Field   25:26   I2    Right ascension: hours
 Field   28:29   I2    Right ascension: minutes
 Field   31:39   F9.6  Right ascension: seconds
 Field   41:43   I3    Declination: degrees
 Field   45:46   I3    Declination: minutes
 Field   48:57   F8.5  Declination: seconds
 Field   58:63   F6.2  Inflated error in right ascension in mas
 Field   65:70   F6.2  Inflated error in declination in mas
 Field   73:78   F6.3  Correlation between right ascension and declination
 Field   80:85   I6    Number of observations used

 Field   88:88   A1    Blank or < or - for S-band total flux density integrated over entire map
 Field   89:93   F5.3  S-band total flux density integrated over entire map,  Jy
 Field   95:95   A1    Blank or < or - for S-band unresolved flux density at VLBA baselines, Jy
 Field   96:100  F5.3  S-band unresolved flux density at long VLBA baselines, Jy

 Field  103:103  A1    Blank or < or - for C-band total flux density integrated over entire map
 Field  104:108  F5.3  C-band total flux density integrated over entire map,  Jy
 Field  110:110  A1    Blank or < or - for C-band unresolved flux density at VLBA baselines
 Field  111:115  F5.3  C-band unresolved flux density at long VLBA baselines, Jy

 Field  118:118  A1    Blank or < or - for X-band total flux density integrated over entire map
 Field  119:123  F5.3  X-band total flux density integrated over entire map,  Jy
 Field  125:125  A1    Blank or < or - for X-band unresolved flux density at VLBA baselines
 Field  126:130  F5.3  X-band unresolved flux density at long VLBA baselines, Jy

 Field  133:133  A1    Blank or < or - for U-band total flux density integrated over entire map
 Field  134:138  F5.3  U-band total flux density integrated over entire map,  Jy
 Field  140:140  A1    Blank or < or - for U-band unresolved flux density at VLBA baselines
 Field  141:145  F5.3  U-band unresolved flux density at long VLBA baselines, Jy

 Field  148:148  A1    Blank or < or - for K-band total flux density integrated over entire map
 Field  149:153  F5.3  K-band total flux density integrated over entire map,  Jy
 Field  155:155  A1    Blank or < or - for K-band unresolved flux density at VLBA baselines
 Field  156:160  F5.3  K-band unresolved flux density at long VLBA baselines, Jy

 Field  163:165  A3    Used Band: S, C, X, U, K or X/S
 Field  168:175  A8    Catalogue name

 Missing value: -1.0
 minus in columns 88, 95, 103, 110, 118, 125, 133, 140, 148, 155 means that no data in the following column present
 <     in columns 88, 95, 103, 110, 118, 125, 133, 140, 148, 155 means that the upper limit of the flux density is presented in the following column.

  IVS name J2000 name  Right ascension Declination        D_alp  D_Del   Corr    #Obs  S-band flux    C-band Flux    X-band Flux   U-band flux    K-band Flux    Type Cat
										       Total  Unres   Total  Unres   Total  Unres  Total  Unres   Total  Unres
		       hr mn seconds   deg mn seconds      mas    mas                   Jy     Jy      Jy     Jy      Jy     Jy     Jy     Jy      Jy     Jy

C  2357+080 J0000+0816  00 00 07.031136 +08 16 45.05175    0.47   0.85   0.756     41  -1.00  -1.00   -1.00  -1.00    0.020 <0.014  -1.00  -1.00   -1.00  -1.00   X    rfc_2012b
 VCS6  http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/136/2/580

Title: The Sixth VLBA Calibrator Survey VCS6 
Authors: Petrov L., Kovalev Y.Y., Fomalont E.B., Gordon D. 
Table: The VCS6 catalog
Byte-by-byte Description of file: aj271422t4_mrt.txt
   Bytes Format Units  Label  Explanations
       1 A1     ---    Cat    Category (1)
   4- 11 A8     ---    IVS    The IVS name (B1950)
  13- 22 A10    ---    IAU    The IAU name (J2000.0)
  25- 26 I2     h      RAh    Hour of Right Ascension (J2000)
  28- 29 I2     min    RAm    Minute of Right Ascension (J2000)
  31- 39 F9.6   s      RAs    Second of Right Ascension (J2000)
  41- 41 A1     ---    DE-    Sign of the Declination (J2000)
  42- 43 I2     deg    DEd    Degree of Declination (J2000)
  45- 46 I2     arcmin DEm    Arcminute of Declination (J2000)
  48- 55 F8.5   arcsec DEs    Arcsecond of Declination (J2000)
  58- 63 F6.2   mas    errRA  Inflated error in Right Ascension
  65- 70 F6.2   mas    errDE  Inflated error in Declination
  73- 78 F6.3   ---    Corr   Correlation between Right Ascension & Declination
  80- 85 I6     ---    Num    Number of observations used
  88- 88 A1     ---  f_XTot   Flag on XTot (2)
  89- 92 F4.2   Jy     XTot   X-band total flux density integrated over
                               entire map
  94- 94 A1     ---  f_XUnres Flag on XUnres (2)
  95- 98 F4.2   Jy     XUnres X-band unresolved flux density at longest VLBA
 101-101 A1     ---  f_STot   Flag on STot (2)
 102-105 F4.2   Jy     STot   S-band total flux density integrated over
                               entire map
 107-107 A1     ---  f_SUnres Flag on SUnres (2)
 108-111 F4.2   Jy     SUnres S-band unresolved flux density at longest VLBA
 114-116 A3     ---    Band   Used Band for position estimation (3)
 119-119 A1     ---    CName  Input list name (4)
Note (1): 
    C = calibrator, i.e. the semi-major axis of the inflated error ellipse is 
        less than 5 mas and more than 8 good pairs of X/S group delay 
        measurements are available;
    N = non-calibrator with reliable coordinates, i.e. does not fit the 
        condition to be considered as calibrator, but has more than 8 good 
        group delay measurements at X or S band;
    U = non-calibrator with unreliable coordinates, i.e. does not fit the 
        condition to be considered as calibrator, has less than 8 detections at
        any band, and therefore, there is a risk that group delay ambiguities 
		 were resolved incorrectly.
Note (2): 
    - = no data in the following column present.
    < = upper limit of the flux density is presented in the following column.
Note (3):
    X = central frequency 8.6 GHz;
    S = central frequency 2.3 GHz;
  X/S = Both bands with central frequency 8.6 and 2.3 GHz.
Note (4): 
    a = 27  known sources which previosly were observed with a priori errors > 30";
    r = 68  sources observed in VCS1-2 with 64 Mb/s rate, which yielded 1-9 obs;
    v = 139 leftovers from the VCS5 list;
    i = 30  IDV sources with flux density average > 130 mJy.
N  0000-199 J0003-1941  00 03 15.949411 -19 41 50.40190    2.59   6.88  -0.814     11   0.12 <0.06   0.20  0.14  X/S  v
C  0003+123 J0006+1235  00 06 23.056110 +12 35 53.09745    0.92   1.08   0.280     24   0.16 <0.06   0.13 <0.06  X/S  v
C  0005+683 J0008+6837  00 08 33.472899 +68 37 22.04848    1.81   0.58  -0.190     90   0.43 <0.06   0.28 -1.00  X    r
