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WISH catalogue (sources in the region declination -25 to -9 degrees) [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]

2000AA............De Breuck+

WISH catalogue (sources in the region declination -25 to -9 degrees)

Courtesy: Carlos De Breuck (Version: 1.2, 19 Aug 2002)

Reference: http://arXiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0208054

The Westerbork In the Southern Hemisphere (WISH) is a low-frequency radio survey that covers most of the sky between -25 and -15 degrees at a wavelength of 85 cm (352 MHz) to a limiting flux density of approximately 18 mJy (5 sigma).

WISH is a collaboration between the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (NFRA/ASTRON) and the Leiden Observatory. Carlos De Breuck, Yuan Tang, Ger de Bruyn, Huub Rottgering, Wil van Breugel, and Roeland Rengelink.

For more information see

- http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/wenss/

- Rengelink et al. 1997 A&A Supplement Ser., Vol. 124, 259-280

- De Breuck et al. 2002 A&A, in press, astro-ph/0208054

- or email wenss.people@strw.leidenuniv.nl

The following table contains 90357 entries. For each entry are listed:

Name      : In hhmm.s+ddmm format, A,B,C,D refer to the components of the multi-component
	    source immediately preceding these component entries.
	    Note that some sources are listed twice, if they have been observed in
	    different fields. The double entries provide variability information.
	    Some double entries in the same field are due to problems in the source
	    fitting algorithm, and are marked with a '*' in the Flags column (see below).
Position  : Listed are both the B1950 and J2000 postion
	    In hour,minutes,sec (Right Ascencion), deg,arcmin,arcsec (Declination)
Flags     : First flag is source type (S,M,E,C).
	    S-Single component source.
	    M-Multicomponent source.
	    C-Component of a multicomponent source.
	    E-Extended source (more than four components).
	    The second flag is a warning flag ('*'), indicating problems in fitting
	    the source. Source parameters were obtained using 'aperture' integration.
S         : The peak flux density in mJy/beam.
SI        : The integrated flux density in mJy.
b-M      |  The major (b-M), and minor axis and position angle for sources that are
b-m      |- probably resolved. This indicates that SI/S exceeds a signal-to-noise dependent
PA       |  treshold. This treshold is the fluxratio SI/S that is exceeded by less than 5%
	    of the unresolved sources.
	    b-M,b-m are in units of arcsec, PA in degrees from North, These parameters have
	    not been deconvolved
Nse       : The local rms-noise level in mJy/beam.
Frame     : The frame from which the source was obtained

The table was written using the following format:

format='("WNB",A12,1X,2(2(I2,1X),F5.2,1X,I3,1X,I2,I2,1X,F4.1,2X),2(A1,1X), 2(I7,1X),I4,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,F4.1,1X,A9)',

Name            Position (B1950)        Position (J2000)         Fl   S       SI      b-M  b-m PA  nse  frame
WNB0000.0-2239   0  0  1.10 -22 39 53.2   0  2 34.66 -22 23 11.0  S *      13      24    0   0 172  2.8 snh20_000
WNB0000.0-2313   0  0  1.39 -23 13 11.5   0  2 34.95 -22 56 29.3  S        28      34  191  47   2  2.9 snh20_000