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ROSAT selected radio sources [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]

J/A+AS/106/303     Multifrequency observations of ROSAT sources  (Neumann+ 1994)
Multifrequency observations of ROSAT selected radio sources
Keywords: galaxies: active - radio continuum: galaxies, general -
          X-rays: galaxies

File Summary:
 FileName    Lrecl    Records    Explanations
ReadMe          80          .    This file
table2         343        221    Data for ROSAT selected radio sources with a
                                  position differences of <= 2'
table2.tex      98       2489    LaTeX version of table2
table3         252         13    Data for ROSAT selected radio sources with a
                                  position differences of > 2'
table3.tex      85        152    LaTeX version of table3

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2
   Bytes Format  Units   Label      Explanations
   2-  3  I2     h       RAh        Right ascension 2000 of X-ray position
   5-  6  I2     min     RAm        Right ascension 2000 of X-ray position
   8- 11  F4.1   s       RAs        Right ascension 2000 of X-ray position
      12  A1     ---     DE-        Declination sign
  13- 14  I2     deg     DEd        Declination 2000 of X-ray position
  16- 17  I2     arcmin  DEm        Declination 2000 of X-ray position
  19- 20  I2     arcsec  DEs        Declination 2000 of X-ray position
  22- 23  I2     h       RAh_1950   Right ascension 1950 of X-ray position
  25- 26  I2     min     RAm_1950   Right ascension 1950 of X-ray position
  28- 31  F4.1   s       RAs_1950   Right ascension 1950 of X-ray position
      32  A1     ---     DE-_1950   Declination sign
  33- 34  I2     deg     DEd_1950   Declination 1950 of X-ray position
  36- 37  I2     arcmin  DEm_1950   Declination 1950 of X-ray position
  39- 40  I2     arcsec  DEs_1950   Declination 1950 of X-ray position
  42- 45  I4     arcsec  DeltaRA    (RA_radio - RA_X-ray)*cosDE
  47- 50  I4     arcsec  DeltaDE    DE_radio - DE_X-ray
  64- 68  F5.3   s-1     Counts     X-ray counts (0.1 keV =< E =< 2.4 keV)
  70- 74  F5.3   s-1   e_Counts     Statistical error of X-ray counts
      76  A1     ---   l_F1476      Limit flag for F1476
  77- 81  I5     mJy     F1476      []? Integrated flux density at 1.476 GHz
      83  A1     ---   n_F1476      Note for F1476 (1)
      85  I1     ---   e_F1476      []? Error code for F1476 (2)
  88- 90  I3     arcsec  SE1476a    []? Source extension at 1.476 GHz (3)
      91  A1     ---   n_SE1476     A 'x' indicates two values for source
  92- 94  I3     arcsec  SE1476b    []? Second value of source extension
                                     if x in n_SE1476
      96  A1     ---   l_F2695      Limit flag on F2695
  97-100  I4     mJy     F2695      Integrated flux density at 2.695 GHz
     102  I1     ---   e_F2695      []? Error code for F2695 (2)
 104-106  I3     arcsec  SE2695a    []? Source extension at 2.695 GHz (3)
     107  A1     ---   n_SE2695     A 'x' indicates two values for source
 108-110  I3     arcsec  SE2695b    []? Second value of source extension
                                     if x in n_SE2695
     112  A1     ---   l_DP2695     Limit flag on DP2695
 113-114  I2     %       DP2695     []? Degree of polarisation at 2.695 GHz
 116-119  I4     mJy     F4750      []? Integrated flux density at 4.750 GHz
     121  A1     ---   n_F4750      Note for F4750 (1)
     122  I1     ---   e_F4750      []? Error code for F4750 (2)
 125-127  I3     arcsec  SE4750a    []? Source extension at 4.750 GHz (3)
     128  A1     ---   n_SE4750     A 'x' indicates two values for source
 129-131  I3     arcsec  SE4750b    []? Second value of source extension
                                     if x in n_SE4750
     133  A1     ---   l_DP4750     Limit flag on DP4750
 134-135  I2     %       DP4750     []? Degree of polarisation at 4.750 GHz
     137  A1     ---   l_F1055      Limit flag on F1055
 138-141  I4     mJy     F1055      []? Integrated flux density at 10.55 GHz
     143  I1     ---   e_F1055      []? Error code for F1055 (2)
     145  A1     ---   l_SE1055     Limit flag for SE1055
 146-148  I3     arcsec  SE1055a    []? Source extension at 10.55 GHz (3)
     149  A1     ---   n_SE1055     A 'x' indicates two values for source
 150-152  I3     arcsec  SE1055b    []? Second value of source extension
                                     if x in n_SE1055
     154  A1     ---   l_DP1055     Limit flag on DP1055
 155-156  I2     %       DP1055     []? Degree of polarisation at 10.55 GHz
     158  A1     ---   l_alpha1     Limit flag on alpha1-2
 159-163  F5.2   ---      alpha1    []? Radio spectral index
                                         alpha_(1476-2695 MHz) (4)
 165-167  F3.1   ---   e_alpha1     []? Rms uncertainty on alpha1
 169-173  F5.2   ---      alpha2    []? Radio spectral index
                                       alpha_(2695-4750 MHz) (4)
 175-177  F3.1   ---   e_alpha2     []? Rms uncertainty on alpha2
     179  A1     ---   l_alpha3     Limit flag on alpha3
 180-184  F5.2   ---      alpha3    []? Radio spectral index
                                       alpha_(4750-10550 MHz) (4)
 186-188  F3.1   ---   e_alpha3     []? Rms uncertainty on alpha3
 190-198  E9.3  mW/m2    FX-ray     X-ray energy integrated flux density
 200-206  F7.2   yr      o_X-ray    []? Epoch of X-ray observation
 208-210  A3     ---   n_epoch1     When NEP, no epoch of observation
     212  A1     ---   l_Fradio     Limit flag on Fradio
 213-221  E9.3  mW/m2    Fradio     []? Radio frequency integrated flux density
 223-229  F7.2   yr      o_radio1   epoch of simultaneous radio observations
                                     at >= 2695 MHz
     230  A1     ---   n_o_radio    A '-' indicates an interval of observations
 231-237  F7.2   yr      o_radio2   []? Second epoch of simultaneous radio
                                         observations if n_o_radio = -
 239-251  A13    ---     EF         EF designation
 253-342  A90    ---     Name       Other names (5)
Note (1): A C stands for flux densities which have been taken from the 1.4 GHz
   catalogue of White, R.L. and Becker, R.H. 1992, ApJS 79, 331 or derived
   from the 4.85 GHz maps by Condon J.J., Broderick, J.J.,
   Seielstad, G.A. 1989, AJ 97, 1064.
Note (2): 1(6-9%), 2(9-14%0, 3(14-23%), 4(>23%)
Note (3): 0 = point-like, unresolved
Note (4): S_nu proportional to nu^alpha
Note (5): references to other names designation
 ABCG   Abell, G.O.: 1958, ApJS 3, 211
 ASI    Barbieri, C., Capaccioli, M., Cristiani, S., Nordon, G.,
         Omizzolo, A.: 1982, Mem.S.A.It. 53, 511
 B2.1   Colla, G., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Ficarra,A., Formiggini, L., Gandolfi,
         E., Grueff, G. et al.: 1970,AAS 1, 281
 B2.2   Colla, G., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Ficarra,A., Formiggini, L., Gandolfi,
         E., Lari et al.: 1972, AAS 7, 1
 B2.3   Colla, G., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Ficarra,A., Formiggini, L., Gandolfi,
         E., Gioia, I. et al: 1973, AAS 11, 291
 B2.4   Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Ficarra, A., Padrielli, L.: 1974, AAS 18, 147
 B3     Ficarra, A., Grueff, G., Tonassetti, G.: 1985, AAS 59, 255
 BC     Barbieri, C., Capacciolo, M.: 1974, Publ.Oss.Astr.Padova
 BOZ    Bozyan, E.P.: 1979, AJ 84, 910
 BUR    Burbidge, E.M.: 1967, ApJ 149, L51
 BYS    Bystedt, J.E.V.: 1975, AA 39, 155
 3C    Edge, D.O., Shakeshaft, J.R., McAdam, W.B., Baldwin,
         J.E. Archer, S.: 1959, Memoirs R.A.S. 68, 37
 4C    Pilkington, J.D.H., Scott, P.F.: 1965, Memoirs R.A.S. 69, 183
        Gower, J.F.R., Scott, P.F., Wills, D.: 1967, Memoirs R.A.S. 71, 49
 5C    Kenderline, S., Ryle, M., Pooley, G.G.: 1966, MNRAS 134, 189
        Pooley, G.G., Kenderline, S.: 1968, MNRAS 139, 529
        Pooley, G.G.: 1969, MNRAS 144, 101
        Willson, M.A.G.: 1970, MNRAS 151, 1
        Pearson, T.J.: 1975, MNRAS 171, 475
 CHJ    Condon, J.J., Hicks, P.D., Jauncey, D.L.: 1977, AJ 82, 692
 CPB    Cohen, A.M., Porcas, R.W., Browne, I.W.A., Daintree, E.J.,
         Walsh, D.: 1977, Memoirs R.A.S. 84, 1
 CTA    Harris, D.E., Roberts, J.A.: 1972, PASP 72, 237
 DON    Donivon, F.F., Pollock, J.T., Smith, A.G., Leacock, R.J., Scott, R.I.,
         Edwards, P.L., Gearhart, M.R.: 1978, PASP 90, 24
 EKM    Edwards, T., Kronberg, P.P., Menard, G.: 1975, AJ 80, 1005
 GB     Maslowski, J.: 1972, Acta Astron. 22, 227
 HB1    Hewitt, K., Burbidge, G.: 1991, ApJS 75, 297
 HB2    Hewitt, K., Burbidge, G.: 1993, ApJS 87, 451
 HOLM   Holmberg, E.: 1937, Lund Annals 6
 IRAS F Moshiv, M., Kopan, G., Conrow, T., Maccallou, H., Hacking, P.,
         Greorch, D., et al.: 1990, IRAS Faint Source Catalogue
        K. Kuehr, H.: 1980, PHD-Thesis Bonn
 KAP    Kapahl, V.K.: 1979, AA 74, L11
 LON    Longair, M.S., Gunn, J.E.: 1975, MNRAS 170, 121
 LRWRM  Loiseau, N., Reich, W., Wielebinski, R., Reich, P., Muench, W:
         1988, AAS 75, 67
 MCG    Vorotsov-Velyaminov, B.A., Arhipova, V.P.: 1962-1974,
         Morphological catalogue of Galaxies, Moscow, State University
 MER    Merkelijn, J.K.: 1968, Aust. J. Phys. 21, 903
 MG     Lawrence, C.R., Bennett, C.L., Garcia-Barreto, J.A., Greenfield, P.E.,
         Burke, B.F.: 1983, ApJS 51, 67
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         Klotz, S.E., Burke, B.F., Turner, K.L.: 1986, ApJS 61, 105
 MRK    Markarian, B.E.: 1967, AfZ 3, 55
        Markarian, B.E.: 1969a, AfZ 5, 443
        Markarian, B.E.: 1969b, AfZ 5, 581
        Markarian, B.E.: 1971, AfZ 7, 229
        Markarian, B.E., Lipovetskii, V.A.: 1972, AfZ 8, 89
        Markarian, B.E., Lipovetskii, V.A.: 1973, AfZ 9, 487
        Markarian, B.E., Lipovetskii, V.A.: 1974, AfZ 10, 307
 MS     Stocke, J.T., Morris, S.L., Gioia, I.M., Maccucoro, T., Schild, R.,
         Wolter, A.et al.: 1991, ApJS 76, 813
 MW     Willson, M.A.G.: 1972, MNRAS 156, 7
 NGC    Sulentic, J.W., Tift, W.G: 1973, The revised new General Catalogues,
         The University of Arizona Press
 NRAO   Pauliny-Toth, I.I.K., Wade, C.M., Heeschen, D.S.: 1966, ApJS 13, 65
 OB-OT  Scheer, D.J., Kraus, J.D.: 1967, AJ 72, 536
        Dixon, R.S., Kraus, J.D.: 1969, AJ 73, 381
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 OLS    Olsen, E.T.: 1970, AJ 75, 764
 PG     Green, R.F., Schmidt, M., Liebert, J.: 1986. ApJS 61, 305
 PGC    Patuel, G., Fouque, P., Bottinelli, L., Gouguenheim, L.: 1989,
         AAS 80, 299
 PHL    Haro, G., Luyten, W.J.:1962, Bol.Obs.Ton. y Tacubaya Vol.3, No. 22, 37
 PKS    Bolton, J.G., Gardener, F.F., Mackey, M.B.: 1964, Aust.J.Phys. 17, 340
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 SHB    Smith-Haenni, A.L.: 1977, AAS 27, 205
 SJE    Smith, P.S., Jannuzi, B.T., Elston, R.: 1991, ApJS 77, 67
 STK    Stickel, M., Kuehr, H.: 1993, AAS 101, 521
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 WAM    Wampler, E.J., Burke, W.L., Gaskell, C.M., Baldwin, J.A.: 1983,
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 VV     Veron-Cetty, M.P., Veron, P.: 1983, AAS 53, 219
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(End)                                           Patricia Bauer [CDS] 15-Apr-1994