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Radio spectra of quasars. [ CATS home ] Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]

1990A&AS...76...21Quiniento+ I ADS
1990A&AS...83..393Quiniento & Echave; II ADS
1993A&AS...97..435Quiniento & Cersosimo; III ADS
1990A&AS...76...21Quiniento, Cersosimo and Colomb. I
1990A&AS...83..393Quiniento & Echave. II
papers I+II copied by Natasha Zabavskaij (SAO) 1996/01 proof-read by H.Andernach
1993A&AS...97..435Quiniento & Cersosimo. III (OCR by CDS, corrections by H.Andernach)

Radio spectra of quasars. I.

The first results of a search at 1410 MHz for 243 extragalactic objects from the Southern Hemisphere identified as quasars by Veron-Cetty & Veron (1983) in "A Catalogue of extragalactic Radio-Source Identifications" are reported. For our measurements we have used a single dish radio telescope or the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR). From series of observations at different frequencies, we have calculated the index and curvature of the corresponding spectra. The 243 quasars cover a sky area from 00h to 05h58m in RA and -9.5^o to -90^o in dec. All of them are part of a complete sample of 700 quasars.

Radio spectra of quasars. II.

We present the second part of a search at 1410 MHz for 230 extragalactic objects from the Southern Hemisphere identified as quasars by Veron-Cetty & Veron (1983) in "A Catalogue of extragalactic Radio-Source Identifications" are reported. For our measurements we have used the 30-m radio telescope (IAR). From observations at different frequencies, we have calculated the index and curvature of the corresponding spectra. The 230 quasars cover a sky area from 06h to 16h40m in RA and -9.5^o to -90^o in dec. All of them are part of a complete sample of 700 quasars.

Radio spectra of quasars. III.

We present the third and final part of the research at 1410 MHz for 213 extragalactic objects from the Southern Hemisphere identified as quasars by Veron-Cetty& Veron (1983) in "A Catalogue of extragalactic Radio-Source Identifications" are reported. For our measurements we have used the 30-m radio telescope (IAR). From observations at different frequencies, we have calculated the index and curvature of the corresponding spectra. The 213 quasars cover a sky area from 17h to 23h59m in RA and -9.5^o to -90^o in dec. All of them are part of a complete sample of 700 quasars.
J/A+AS/97/435        1410MHz-spectra of quasars III.    (Quiniento+ 1993)
Radio spectra of quasars. III.
     Quiniento Z.M., Cersosimo J.C.
ADC_Keywords: Radio sources ; Galaxies, radio
Keywords: extragalactic radiosources - quasars

    We present the third and final part of the research at 1410MHz for 213
    extragalactic objects from the Southern Hemisphere identified as Quasars
    by Veron-Cetty and Veron (1983A&AS...53..219V).
    The first (1988A&AS...76...21Q) and second (1990A&AS...83..393Q) parts
    contained measurement of the flux densities at 1410MHz for 473 sources.

File Summary:
 FileName    Lrecl    Records    Explanations
ReadMe          80          .    This file
table1         107        213    The results of the last part of the Survey

See also:
    VII/54 : Catalogue of extragalactic radio-source identifications
             (Veron-Cetty & Veron, 1983)
   VIII/15 : Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue (PKSCAT90) (Wright+ 1990)
   VIII/16 : The Molonglo Reference Catalogue (MRC) (Large+ 1981)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1
   Bytes Format  Units   Label    Explanations
   1-  9  A9     ---     Source   Name of the source according to IAU
      11  A1     ---     ModFlag  [*] Correction from the publication (5)
  12- 13  I2     h       RAh      [17/24[ Right ascension 1950.0
  15- 16  I2     min     RAm      Right ascension 1950.0
  18- 21  F4.1   s       RAs      Right ascension 1950.0
      23  A1     ---     DE-      [-] Declination sign
  24- 25  I2     deg     DEd      [9/82] Declination 1950.0
  27- 28  I2     arcmin  DEm      Declination 1950.0
  30- 31  I2     arcsec  DEs      Declination 1950.0
  33- 37  F5.2   Jy      S408     []? Flux density at 408 MHz (1)
  39- 42  F4.2   Jy      e_S408   []? rms uncertainty on S408
  44- 47  F4.2   Jy      Sp1410   []? Peak flux density at 1410 MHz
      48  A1     ---     n_Sp1410 [*] * indicates that no signal was detected
  49- 52  F4.2   Jy      e_Sp1410 []? rms uncertainty on Sp1410
  54- 58  F5.2   ---     alpha1   []? Spectral index obtained between
                                      408 and 1410 MHz
  60- 63  F4.2   Jy      S2700    []? Flux density at 2700 MHz (2)
  65- 69  F5.2   ---     alpha2   []? Spectral index obtained between
                                      1410 and 2700 MHz
  72- 75  F4.2   Jy      S5009    []? Flux density at 5009 MHz (2)
  77- 81  F5.2   ---     alpha3   []? Spectral index obtained between
                                      2700 and 5099 MHz
  83- 87  F5.2   ---     C        []? spectral curvature
  89- 93  F5.3   ---     z        []? redshift (3)
  96-100  F5.2   mag     Vmag     []? visual magnitude Mv obtained and modified
                                      with the above publications
 103-107  F5.1   mag     Mabs     []? absolute magnitude (4)
  1. The data are from Molongo Catalogue by Large et al., 1981MNRAS.194..693L
  2. The data are from Parkes catalogue
  3. The redshifts published by Veron-Cetty & Veron (1983) where included. These data were modified using 'A catalogue of Quasars and Active Nuclei (2nd Ed.)' (1985), 'A catalogue of Quasars and Active Nuclei (3rd Ed.)', (1980), all of them by Veron-Cetty & Veron
  4. The absolute magnitudes were extracted from Veron-Cetty and Veron (1984, Scientific Rept. No1; 1985 Scientific Rept. No4; 1987, Scientific Rept. No5 and 1989, Scientific Rept. No7)
  5. This flag is set when corrections have been detected by H. Andernach (see "Modification History" section below)


Thanks are due to Heinz Andernach who checked the electronic version, and reported the errors found in the publication flagged

Modification History:

  * The catalogue was keypunched at CDS in 1994, and first documented by
    Patricia Bauer
  * 18-Apr-1996: Errors reported by H. Andernach on 28 Feb. 1996
    have been applied. Some of these errors, not reported here,
    concern typo errors of the electronic version compared to the
    publication. The errors found in the original publication,
    flagged in the "ModFlag" column, concern the following sources:
      1826-782: RA and DE corrected (PKS B1826-782)
      1826-782: alpha2 corrected from -0.274 to -2.74
      1958-179: Vmag   corrected from  26.2  to  18.2
      2021-330: DE corrected (PKS B2021-330)
      2037-253: alpha1 sign
      2058-297: Source name corrected from 2056-297 to 2058-297
      2107-105: alpha1 sign
      2110-160: RA corrected (PKS B2110-160)
      2136-251: DE corrected (MRC B2136-251)
      2204-573: alpha1 sign
      2221-139: alpha2 sign
      2240-107: alpha2 sign
      2240-572: alpha1 sign
      2345-167: alpha2 sign
      2359-14 : alpha1 sign
(End)              Patricia Bauer, Francois Ochsenbein [CDS]   18-Apr-1996