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Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 00:27:42 2016

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1993ApJS...87..451Hewitt & Burbidge;
see also previos version 1991
     HEWITT A., BURBIDGE G.: 1993
     Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 87, 451


The files have been copied from the cass157.ucsd.edu ( anonymous account on August 31, 1993. A standardization of the files and their description was performed at CDS to allow automatic conversions to FITS tables.


The paper contains a catalog of all known quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) with measured emission redshifts, and BL Lac objects, complete to 1992 December 31. The catalog contains 7315 objects, nearly all QSOs including about 90 BL Lac objects. The catalog and references contain extensive information on names, positions, magnitudes, colors, emission-line redshifts, absorption, variability, polarization, and X-ray, radio, and infrared data. A key in the form of subsidiary tables enables the reader to relate the name of a given object to its coordinate name, which is used throughout the compilation. Plots of the Hubble diagram, the apparent magnitude distribution, the emission redshift distribution, and the distribution of the QSOs on the sky are also given.
File Summary:
File Name    Lrecl    Records    Explanations
Intro           80          .    This file
table1         176      22484    The catalogue
table1.1       176       7315    Extract of table1 (one line per quasar)
refs           133       2307    References (numerical order)
refs.alp       133       2304    References in alphabetical order
table2          30       2057    Index name to coordinate
table2a         29       2065    Additions to table2


Byte-per-byte Description of file: table1
Byte-per-byte Description of file: table1.1
   Bytes Format  Units   Label    Explanations
   1-  8  A8     ---     CooDes   Coordinate designation (1)
  10- 11  I2     h       RAh      Right Ascension 1950 (hours) (1)
  13- 14  I2     min     RAm      Right Ascension 1950 (minutes) (1)
  16- 20  F5.2   s       RAs      Right Ascension 1950 (seconds) (1)
      22  A1     -       DE-      Declination 1950 (sign) (1)
  23- 24  I2     deg     DEd      Declination 1950 (degrees) (1)
  26- 27  I2     arcmin  DEm      Declination 1950 (minutes) (1)
  29- 32  F4.1   arcsec  DEs      Declination 1950 (seconds) (1)
      34  A1     ---     BLLac    [B] "B" indicates a BL Lac object (1)
  35- 38  A4     ---     Sel      [RXVCO +] Selection technique(s):
                                    C = UV-excess
                                    O = Objective-prism and related techniques
                                    R = radio
                                    V = variability
                                    X = X-ray
                                    + for continuation record (1)
  40- 51  A12    ---     id       Other name
  52- 53  I2     h       RA2h     Right Ascension 2000 (hours)
  55- 56  I2     min     RA2m     Right Ascension 2000 (minutes)
  58- 62  F5.2   s       RA2s     Right Ascension 2000 (seconds)
      64  A1     -       DE2-     Declination 2000 (sign)
  65- 66  I2     deg     DE2d     Declination 2000 (degrees)
  68- 69  I2     arcmin  DE2m     Declination 2000 (minutes)
  71- 74  F4.1   arcsec  DE2s     Declination 2000 (seconds)
  77- 81  F5.2   mag     V        Apparent magnitude; often only mpg
      82  A1     ---     n_V      [*] * indicates a variability
  83- 87  F5.2   mag     B-V
  89- 93  F5.2   mag     U-B
  96-100  F5.3   ---     z(em)    Emission redshift
     101  A1     ---     u_z(em)  [)]  Uncertaintly flag on z(em)
     102  A1     ---     n_z(em)  [*+] Note on z(em):
                                   * indicates that absorption redshifts have
                                     been reported
                                   + absorption has been seen but no redshift
                                     systems have been measured.
 104-108  A5     ---     Element  Emission line on which the redshift is based
                                   (element name)
 110-113  I4     0.1nm   Wl       Wavelength of Emission element (Angstroem)
 115-120  F6.4   ---     z(abs)   Absorption redshift
 122-125  I4     ---     r_id     Reference for identification
 127-130  I4     ---     r_z(em)  Reference for emission redshift
 132-135  I4     ---     r_var    Reference for variability
 137-140  I4     ---     r_R      Reference for Radio
 142-145  I4     ---     r_z(abs) Reference for absorption redshift
 147-176  A30    ---     Notes    Notes (2)
Note (1): The fields in bytes 1-34 are repeated on each line for objects
     requiring more than one line; byte 35 is "+" for the second and
     continuation records.

Note (2): Two lines of notes of the puyblished table have been merged.
     The following abbreviations are used:
   B(J)mag: defined in Koo & Kron 1982 (A&A 105, 107)
   absr   : 21cm absorption
   BAL    : broad absorption line QSO
   BAL?   : broad absorption lines questionable
   BALvar : broad absorption lines variable
   Bmag   :
   COem   :
   elp    : emission-line profile
   emlvar : emission-lines variable
   euv    : extreme ultra-violet spectra
   ext    : report of optical jet or fuzz
   fc     : finding chart
   FeIIem : many FeII lines
   hfe    : high-frequency excess
   hpq    : high polarization quasar
   imag   : imaging
   ir     : infrared
   ir/r   : infrared/radio
   IRAS   : object identified in IRAS catalogue
   irpol  : infrared polarisation
   irvar  : infrared variable
   Jmag   : defined in Koo & Kron 1982 (A&A 105, 107)
   m(or)  : passband on direct plates used in IK Schmidt Survey
   mf     : multifrequency observation
   mm     : millimeter-wave observations
   mmvar  : millimeter-wave variablew
   neml   : narrow emission lines
   noabs  :
   OVV    : optical violent variable
   phot   : photometry
   pol    : optical polarization
   poljet : polarized jet
   pos    : position
   QSO?   :
   r/ir   :
   rjet   : radio jet
   rmag   :
   rmap   :
   rnd    : not detected as radio source
   rpol   : radio polarization
   rvar   : radio variable
   si     : speckle interferometry
   sp     : spectra
   spext  : spectroscopy of the extension
   spvar  : spectral variability
   sy1    :
   syi    :
   ubv    : colors
   ubvri  : extended photometry
   uv     : ultraviolet spectra
   uv/ir  : spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet and near infrared
   uvabs  : ultraviolet absorption
   uvem   : ultraviolet emission
   uvnd   : not detected in the ultraviolet
   uvvar  : ultraviolet variable
   var?   :
   varnd  : variability not detected
   vlbi   : very long baseline interferometry
   x      : X-ray
   xnd    : not detected as X-ray source
   xvar   : X-ray variable

Statistics on table1:
 7315 objects

 average z (for objects with z > 0) = 1.56
 290 objects with absorption seen but not measured,
 415 with absorption measured

                       discovered by    also detected in     total
    objective prism:      4145                   0           4145
    X-ray:                 168                 289            457
    color/UV-excess:      1341                   8           1349
    radio:                1234                 158           1392

Byte-per-byte Description of file: refs
Byte-per-byte Description of file: refs.alp
   Bytes Format  Units   Label    Explanations
   1-  4  I4     ---     Ref      Reference number
       5  A1     ---     dot      [.]
   7-133  A127   ---     Text     Reference text

(End)                                                        [CDS]   02-Sep-1993

****** cass157 anonymous ftp account:  /qso/README  *************************
The qso directory contains ASCII files from the Hewitt and Burbidge (1993)
QSO catalog and the Junkkarinen, Hewitt and Burbidge (1991) QSO Absorption

Files from Hewitt, A., and Burbidge, G., 1993, Ap. J. Supplement, 87, 451. :
          filename                      contents

       qso93_table1            Table 1 - the main table in the QSO catalog
       qso93_refs_alpha        Table 1 References in alphabetical order
       qso93_refs_num          Table 1 References in numerical order
       qso93_table2            Table 2 QSO names to coordinate names (partial)
       qso93_table2_additions  Table 2 additions
       qso93_1line_perqso      1 line per QSO entry in Table 1, 1950
                                 coordinates, RA order.
                                 (provided for convenience to aid in sorting
                                 or searching by z or V etc.)
       qso93_raw_table1        a less readable version of table 1 - this
                               was used for data entry and later converted
                               to the published format

Files from Junkkarinen, V., Hewitt, A., and Burbidge, G., 1991, Ap. J.
Supplement, 77, 203 (Erratum in 1992, Ap. J. Supplement, 81, 409):

         filename                       contents

       abs91_table1           Table 1 - the main absorption catalog
                                   (includes erratum)
       abs91_refs_alpha       References for abs. catalog alphabetical order
       abs91_refs_num         References for abs. catalog numerical order
       abs91_table3           Table 2 - Broad Absorption Line QSOs
       abs91_table3           Table 3 - QSOs with Absorption Lines Detected

If you decide to copy these files, please send a note with your name and
address to Professor G. Burbidge (by e-mail care of B. Travell, address:
CASS::TRAVELL_OIR  (SPAN type address) or by regular mail to G. Burbidge
CASS 0111, UCSD, La Jolla, CA 92093-0111).
This will help us judge the usefulness of this electronic distribution and
we will use the information to make a mailing list for errata etc.
Questions regarding the ftp computer account and any problems with the
electronic copies should be addressed to Vesa Junkkarinen
(e-mail to: vesa@cass157.ucsd.edu).
Please provide the usual acknowledgement/reference to the appropriate 
Ap. J. Supplement paper if these electronic tables are used in published