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Flux Densities of Radio Sources at 2695 MHz [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]


MPI - Beitrage zur Radioastronomie: Band I, Heft 3, 1968

Flux Densities of Radio Sources at 2695 MHz



Flux densities for all extragalactic radio sources of the NRAO catalogue exeding 0.2 FU at 2695 MHz are given. The spectra are discussed by means of the spectral index for the frequency ranges 750-1400 MHz and 1400-2695 MHz. A negative curvature spectrum was found for 99 sources and a positive curvature for 48 sources, the main contributors to the latter class being quasars and E-galaxies. Not counting the sources with curved spectra we find no change for the mean and the dispersion of the spectral index distribution for quasars and galaxies in the two frequency ranges. For quasars the dispersion is greater than for galaxies.
Flux Densities of Radio Sources at 2695 MHz
One of the properties of a discrete radio source that can be studied without the knowledge of its distance or diameter is its spectrum, which can be determined by the measurement of flux density S for different frequencies nu. Measurements in the frequency range up to 1500 MHz showed that for most sources a simple power law: S ~ nu^alpha, where alpha is called the spectral index. According to the theory of synchrotron emission of accelerated electrons the energy spectrum of the electrons is responsible for the emitted frequency spectrum, and it is possible to explain the relation above. We expect time dependent changes especially for the fastest electrons, which radiate predominantly in the high frequency range (KARDASHEV 1962, KELLERMANN 1964, HIRTH 1967). To look for such changes, which are indicated by a different spectral index at high frequencies, and to have a basis for detecting future changes, spectral data at high frequencies are needed. This paper gives such data at 2695 MHz for 628 sources and an upper limit of the flux density for another 68 sources.

The sources observed are those listed in the NRAO catalogue for which flux density measurements at 750 and 1400 MHz are available (PAULINY-TOTH et al. 1966). As the observations for that catalogue were based on the source positions of the 3C and 3 CR catalogues, the present data for 2695 MHz cannot be considered to be a complete or homogeneous sample of sources.

Instrumentation and Observing Procedure
The observations were made with the 25 m telescope at the Stockert, which was recently rebuilt in a Cassegrain configuration. The E-plane of the feed horn is oriented east-west, the half power beam width being 18.5'. The receiving system consists of a cryogenically cooled parametric amplifier, designed by Airborne Instruments Laboratory, with a Dicke switch between the antenna and the reference load, which is submerged in liquid nitrogen. The overall system noise temperature is plus about 15K antenna temperature. An IF bandwidth of 20 MHz gives rms fluctuations at the analogue output of 0.02K for a 5 sec integration time constant. radiometer is calibrated by a reference signal fed from an argon gas discharge tube through a cross coupler into the antenna arm of the Dicke switch.

The observations were carried out during Feb.-March 1967 and Aug. 1967-May 1968. Each source was measured during a drift scan at constant declination in the meridian or close to the meridian and the measurements were preceded or followed by the internal calibration from the gas discharge tube. In a drift scan the mean of the background radiation before and after the source was taken, so that the confusion did not set the limit of measuring accuracy. On the analogue record interference pulses and atmospheric disturbances could readily be recognized.

There existed no difficulty in pointing accuracy. The Positions of the radio sources in the NRAO catalogue have uncertainties which are one half of the position uncertainty of the Stockert telescope. To eliminate any Possible instrumental effects depending on declination, a number of calibration sources with different declinations were chosen, the list of which is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Pointing Calibration Sources
Source      RA1950       Err   DEL1950.0   Err
NRAO 319   09h15m40.8s   1.5s -11d53'00"   20"
NRAO 236   06 24 43.2    1.0  -05 51 06    20
NRAO 400   12 26 31.1    1.5  +02 19 38    20
NRAO 152   03 56 10.0    1.0  +10 17 17    20
NRAO 229   06 06 40.4    1.5  +20 29 22    20
NRAO 187   04 33 55.6    1.5  +29 34 13    20
NRAO 171   04 15 02.1    1.0  +37 55 02    20
NRAO 285   08 09 59.5    1.5  +48 21 47    20
NRAO 437   14 09 34.1    1.5  +52 26 00    20
For these sources the positions were determined as accurately as possible with the Stockert telescope and the results were compared with those given in Table 1. No systematic difference with declination could be seen. Hence all sources were measured with drift curves at the declinations given in the NRAO catalogue and no further determinations of positions for individual sources were considered necessary.
Data Reduction and Calibration
Peak deflections were taken from the analogue records, normalized by the internal calibration, corrected for extinction, and converted into units of flux density as determined by the flux-density calibration sources, given in Table 2.
Table 2.  Flux-density Calibration  Sources
Source     Flux Density (FU)
NRAO 187     27.24
NRAO 319     23.33
NRAO  57      7.94
NRAO  79      9.18
NRAO 152      7.05
NRAO 171     10.52
NRAO 221     13.18
NRAO 285      7.70
NRAO 395     13.20
NRAO 400     38.40
NRAO 437     11.75
NRAO 518     22.20
NRAO 524     35.95
NRAO 658      6.48
Flux density values for the first two sources in Table 2 were taken from KELLERMANN et al. (1968). These two sources were chosen as the main standards because they are relatively intense, less than 1% linearly polarized, used by most observers at other frequencies, and are not observed to be variable. The other standard sources were measured relative to these two sources. It should be stressed that all measurements are with the E-plane of the feed horn oriented east-west. Care should be taken when adopting the same flux values for future measurements; NRAO 524 has been corrected for source size and NRAO 79, 285, and 400 are variable or suspected to be variable. During the observing time, however, no significant variation could be seen. During each night of observation at least one of the sources in Table 2 was measured and the data of that night were corrected according to the deviation from the calibration source value listed in Table 2.

The flux density error includes the standard error, a 2% error of the total flux density plus an estimated general error to account for the low number of repeated measurements. As mentioned above no error to account for the confusion limit was taken. As each source with a flux density greater than 0.4 FU was measured on two or three different days, and each source with a flux density less than 0.4 FU was measured up to five times, the flux error for sources between 0.2 and 1.0 FU is about the same. Corrections for source size have been made if necessary. To calculate the spectral index the 1400 MHz fluxes were taken from the NRAO catalogue. Correction factors to the original values of this catalogue have been applied (KELLERMANN, PAULINY-TOTH, WILLIAMS, CASWELL 1968).

The main results of the observations are given in Table 3. The first column gives the reference listing of the NRAO, 3C, and 3 CR catalogues; the second column gives the Stockert flux density at 2695 MHz and its error in units of 10^-26W m^-2 Hz^-1. Column 3 gives the spectral index and its error for the lower frequency NRAO observations which incorporate the proposed corrections, so that an easy comparison with the spectral index of the higher frequency range in the same column is possible. In column 4 abbreviations for optical identifications are given and in the last column the abbreviations C+ and C_ are used for a definite flattening or steepening of the spectrum.
Fig. 1. Comparison of Stockert flux densities with those of KELLERMANN et al. at 2695 MHz. Circles are forsources with a Stockert flux density < 0.2 FU.

Fig. 2. Histogram of the spectral indices for quasistellar sources. Objects with a flux density S (2695 MHz) > 1 FU are shaded. Upper diagram for the frequency range 750-1400 MHz, lower diagram for 1400-2695 MHz. a) Total number of sources, b) Sources with apparently straight spectra, c) Sources of the class G_. d) Sources of the class C+.

Fig. 3. Histogram of the spectral indices for radio galaxies.

Fig. 4. Histogram of the spectral indices for unidentified radio sources.

Fig. 1 gives a logarithmic plot of the 2695 MHz Stockert flux densities against those of KELLERMANN, PAULINY-TOTH, and TYLER (1968). The relation is linear as expected. Significant differences in individual measurements may be due to polarization or intensity variation of the source.

The number of sources, which show curved spectra beyond calibration and measurement errors, is still too low for an analysis of their spectral distribution. A simple classification of the spectra is given in Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4. Number of sources with a simple  or curved spectrum,
values for sources with S_nu(2695 MHz) > 1 FU in parentheses
			  simple       C_       C+
Quasar                   62 (48)    15 ( 9)   7  (7)
Radiogalaxy              111 (89)   29 (25)  10 (10)
Unidentified Source      280 (74)   55 (20)  31 (12)

Table 5. Number of different types of galaxies with a
	     simple or curved spectrum.
	   Galaxy of   E    D   N   DB  S  IRR  SEY
	  unknown type
simple        48      23   24   9   4   2        1
  C_          11       6    4   3   2   1   1    1
  C+           1       7                         1
It is apparent that quasars and E-galaxies are the, main contributors to sources with flat spectra. As such sources were more likely to be missed by the low frequency surveys, a search for new quasars should be made at high frequencies.

The homogeneous sample within the NRAO sources are the 3C objects, for which the detection limit was 9 FU at 178 MHz (BENNETT 1962). Extrapolating with a spectral index of -0.8 to 2695 MHz yields 1 FU. So all sources with S (2695 MHz) > 1 FU are essentially the homogeneous sample of Table 3.

In Table 4 we see for S (2695 MHz) > 1 FU a difference between quasars and galaxies in the number of sources for the classes C_ and C+. It is tempting to use this difference to predict, whether there are more galaxies or quasars among the unidentified sources. Taking the ratio for quasars and galaxies as given in Table 4 for S (2695 MHz) > 1 FU we calculate for 74 unidentified sources only about 14 for the class C_ and 7 for the class C+. The actually observed number of unidentified sources with curved spectra, however, is almost twice as high in both classes (Table 4). This may indicate that besides quasars and galaxies another contributor is present, perhaps simply galactic objects. Histograms of the spectral index for the various types of radio sources are given in Fig. 2-4. The distribution for the 750/1400 MHz data is shown as well as the distribution for the 1400/2695 MHz data. The error of the spectral index of a source depends upon its flux density, especially the 2695 MHz one. To give an idea of distribution for the strong sources; the histogram for sources with S(2695MHz) >= 1 FU is shaded. The contribution from sources that seem to obey a simple power law and from sources with Deepening and flattening spectra are shown separately. From the theory of synchrotron emission we expect a greater diversity of spectral indices at higher frequencies. For sources with curved spectra this has already been shown by our measurements, for the rest a greater dispersion at higher frequencies should be seen. Before the histograms of Fig. 2-4b may be compared, we have to correct for the different measurement errors. If am is the dispersion of the spectral index and An the mean error of the spectral index (both calculated from Table 3), the corrected dispersion an is calculated from sigma_n = sqrt(sigma_m^2 - Delta n^2) The implication for such a simple correction is that the distribution functions of both the spectral index and its error are Gaussian, an assumption which is a fair approximation. Then we obtain Table 6.

Table 6. Corrected dispersion of the spectral index for
sources with  S (2695 MHz) >= 1 FU  and  no curved  spectrum.

		   sigma_n(750/1400)   sigma_n(1400/2695)
Quasars                   0.29            0.25
Galaxies                  0.16            0.14
Unidentified Sources      0.19            0.24
Quasars and galaxies do not show the predicted increase in dispersion at the higher frequencies, and for the unidentified sources the dif ference is not significant. - From Table 4 we attempted to predict the nature of the unidentified sources with curved spectra and obtained negative results. Trying again for sources with apparently straight spectra from Table 6 we cannot draw a conclusion either, as the dispersion of the unidentified sources for the low frequency range indicates galaxies and for the high frequency range indicates quasars. Optical identifications are generally available only for the strong sources, which were originally in the 3 C catalogues. The search for differences between the radio properties of radio galaxies and quasars was not fruitful. No difference in their spectral distribution can be seen, except that the dispersion of the quasars is greater (Table 6). This is consistent with the Green Bank results, when they are restricted to 3 C objects; when quasars of the Parkes catalogues are included, however, the nature of the distribution changes and the median moves towards a greater value (KELLERMANN et al. 1968). The basic survey at Parkes was made at 408 MHz whereas the 3C surveys were made at 159 and 178 MHz. As no principal difference for the northern and southern hemisphere can be expected, the discrepancy between the two surveys stresses the need for more surveys at different frequencies. Weak galaxies and quasars tend to have steep spectra (Fig. 2-3). This is a selection effect: 1 FU corresponds to the detection limit of the 3 CR survey. Hence, sources that were just above the detection limit of the 3 CR survey and that have steep spectra appear in the present sample as weak sources, whereas sources that were just below the detection limit of the 3 CR survey and that have flat spectra, and are also above the detection limit of the 2695 MHz receiver, are excluded.

The distribution of the spectral index for the unidentified sources shows one marked difference from either the quasars or the galaxies. In the lower frequency range the strong sources tend towards flat spectra and in the higher frequency range towards steep spectra; for weak sources the opposite is true (Fig. 4). It is not certain whether this is due to the inhomogenous sample of sources. But one effect can contribute to the distribution observed: On the average strong sources are near and old, and weak sources are further away and younger. From the theory of synchrotron emission we know that the spectrum of a source steepens with age, if there is no injection of new relativistic electrons, and that the process is moving from high frequencies to lower frequencies. Thus strong radio sources on the average can have steeper spectra at higher frequencies. As for the distribution of the weak sources, they were primarily found by chance during the 750 and 1400 MHz measurements at Green Bank. Remembering that the Parkes survey for quasars at 408 MHz indicates a shift of the median towards a greater value, we can expect a similar effect for the random Green Bank sample. Recent limited surveys at 5000 MHz also show the tendency of weak sources towards flat spectra (BLUM, DAVIS 1968; KELLERMANN, PAULINY-TOTH, DAVIS 1968), and KOMESAROFF et al. (1968) concluded from a comparison of optical and radio data for clusters of galaxies that the weaker radio emitters have flatter spectra.

I would like to thank Prof. HACHENBERG who mitially suggested this Problem and R. WIELEBINSKI for helpful discussions at the beginning of this work. I am also grateful to R. SCHWARTZ for his help in the data reduction and as well to the other members of our lnstltute for thelr assistance in the various stages of the The construction of the receiver was made possible by financial support from the Landesamt fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.
BENNETT A.S. (1962), Mem R.A. 68, 163
BLUM, E.J., DAVIS, M. M. (1968): Aph. Let. 2, 41
HIRTH, W. (1967): Z. f. Ap. 65, 48
KARDASHEV, N. S. (1962): Soviet Astr.- A.J. 6, 3, 317
KELLERMANN, K.I. (1964): ApJ 140, 969
KELLERMANN, K.I., PAULINY-TOTH, I.I.K, DAVIS, M.M. 1968 : Aph. Let. 2, 105
KELLERMANN, K.I., PAULINY-TOTH, I.I.K., TYLER, W.G. (1968): Astrn. Journ. 73, 298
KELLERMANN, K.I., PAULINY-TOTH, I.I.K., WILLIAMS, P.J.S., CASWELL, J.L. (1968): to be published
KOMESAROFF, M.M SLEE, O.B. HIGGINS, C.S. (1968) Proc. Astr. Soc. Australia 1, 102
PAULINY.TOTH, I.I.K., WADE, G.M., HEESCHEN, D.S. (1966): ApJ Suppl. 13, 65