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LEDA data base Back to CATS manual (English) (Russian) [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ]

From: heinz@adel.univ-lyon1.fr (Heinz Andernach)

Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic DAtabase (LEDA) Created in 1983, LEDA is the oldest Extragalactic Database. It gives more than 60 of the most important parameters for about 100.000 galaxies. It provides charts and images through an X11 interface. In addition, a batch mode is available and also a very powerful SQL-like query language.

                   INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE                                        
                Last update: March,1994                                        
                             #            LYON MEUDON                          
                            ###           EXTRAGALACTIC                        
                           #####          DATABASE                             
                     ####  ############                                        
                    #####   ############                                       
                   #####     ############                                      
##########     ############## ###########           ##                         
  #####          ############   #####  ####        ####                        
  #####          #####      #   #####    ###      ######                       
  #####          #####   #      #####    ####     #######                      
  #####          #########      #####     ###    ########                      
  #####          #########      #####     ###   ###   #####                    
  #####          #####   #      #####     ###   ###########                    
  ######    ##   #####     ##   #####   ####   ###      #####                  
  ############   ############   #####  ####   ###       #####                  
############## ############## ###########    ######     #######                
       ####                                #############                       
      ####                                  #############                      
    #####                                    ##############                    
   #######                                  #################                  
#############                            #######################               
                      HOW TO CONNECT                                           
>From an INTERNET site                                                          
Enter :   telnet lmc.univ-lyon1.fr      (or :      telnet         
login :   leda                                                                 
>From an SPAN site                                                              
Enter :   set host ciripa                                                      
login :   lmc.univ-lyon1.fr!         (or :    login :!)          
login :   leda                                                                 
LEDA has been the first Extragalactic Database. It was created in 1983 at      
Lyon Observatory. Since this time, the database has been continuously       
updated. The main idea is to collect raw measurements (coming directly from    
observations) and to archive them. Mean homogenized data are calculated        
in the same spirit as those used by de Vaucouleurs et al. when publishing      
the series of Bright Galaxy Catalogues (RC1, RC2, RC3). In fact, RC3 was       
created using the LEDA database.                                               
Two kinds of terminal are supported: text terminal (VT100) or graphic          
terminal (X11). The second one gives access to the full on-line graphic        
capabilities. An eight-bit-color screen and a minimum of 4 Mbyte memory        
are needed.                                                                    
The result of any request will be sent to you via e-mail. So, please, provide  
your e-mail address carefully. You may give an alias after your e-mail         
address. This alias will be kept by the system for easier future connections.  
jdoe@lmc.univ.lyon1.fr  dodo                                                   
(dodo is the alias)                                                            
You will receive an ASCII file containing all information you selected         
during the connection. Charts and images will also be sent in  ASCII format    
as Postscript files. These files can be sent to a laser printer supporting     
Postscript language (Postscript is a Trade mark of Adobe Corporation).         
Note that before sending such Postscript files to your laser printer you       
must remove the heading of the e-mail message. This can be done easily         
using mail capabilities (option: w  message#  file_name). Note that, at        
certain sites blank lines have to be removed from the beginning of the         
When using an X11 terminal charts and images are displayed directly on the     
screen and sent as Postscript files only when the user has pushed the 'SAVE'   
                         DIAGRAM OF MENUS                                      
The structure of menus is the following in both VT100 and X11:                 
   MAIN MENU:  Single object      : Explore raw data                           
                                  : Explore mean data                          
               Several objects    : Select from a list of names                
                                  : SQL-like selection                         
               2D-information     : Charts                                     
                                  : Images                                     
               Information        : Instructions for use                       
                                  : News                                       
                                  : LEDA's team                                
               Exit               : Give comments                              
Except for the SQL-like option, NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE IS NECESSARY to use LEDA    
interactively. Generally, you just have to follow on-line instructions.        
However, it could be helpful to explain how to designate an object.            
You may designate an object with:                                              
1) A Name written in a free format                                             
   (e.g.: M31 or m31 or messier 31; NGC224 or n 224 etc...)                     
2) Coordinates in a free format, for the epoch you have chosen                 
   (e.g. for R.A.: 12h30.0 or 12.5 or 12 h 30mn 0 s etc...)                     
   WARNING: Do not use e.g. '.3' but '0.3'.
3) the internal record number. This internal record number is especially       
   useful for multiple objects.                                                
   (e.g., If you ask UGC 1, LEDA gives internal record number for both         
    galaxies covered by the name UGC 1)                                        
Now let us give more details about two powerful options: SQL-like language     
and BATCH mode.                                                                
                         SQL-like language                                     
The Standard Query Language has been developed by IBM (SQL is a trade mark     
of IBM corporation). The LEDA query language  (LQL) is somewhat similar.       
The principle consists in giving a sentence which describes the request.       
The structure of this sentence is always the same:                             
select (parameters desired for output) where (conditions) end                  
------                                 -----              ---                  
The parameters you desire in the output file are simply given                  
as a list of parameter names (or a combination of them), each name being       
separated by a comma.                                                          
ex:  select ident1,al2000,de2000,logd25 where (conditions) end                 
     ------                             -----              ---                 
The authorized parameter names are given below.                                
The elementary conditions are built using operators like >, <, =, (, ) and     
operands (+,-,*,/,^ (exponent), & (exist), not(), log(), ln(), exp(), sqrt(),  
sin(), cos(), tan(), abs()).                                                   
Note that you must put character strings between apostrophes (')               
(e.g., typ='E')                                                                
Here are some examples:                                                        
select ident1,logd25 where (w20>200 and w20<300) end                           
select ident1 where &w20 or &w50 end                                           
select pgc,al2000,de2000 where (bt+5*logd25)<20 end                            
select pgc,al2000,de2000 where al2000<3.0 and al2000>2.0 end                   
select all where w20 > 500 and w20 < 550 end                                   
select pgc,typ where typ='E' and bt<10 end                                     
select pgc,(bt+5*logd25) where (bt+5*logd25)<20 end                            
select pgc where ring='R' and multiple='M' end                                 
select pgc,abs(w20-w50) where &w20 and &w50 and abs(w20-w50)>100 end           
select ident1 where &w20 and not(&w50) end                                     
The most important thing to know is the name and definition of each            
parameter. The complete list is given below and the detailed description       
of the way they were calculated is given in ANNEX B:                           
al1950     R.A. (B1950) (decimal hours)                                        
de1950     DEC. (B1950) (decimal degrees)                                      
ipad       '*' for coordinates better than 10"           *** alphabetical ***  
al2000     R.A. (J2000) (decimal hours)                                        
de2000     DEC. (J2000) (decimal degrees)                                      
l2         galactic longitude (degrees)                                        
b2         galactic latitude (degrees)                                         
sgl        supergalactic longitude (degrees)                                   
sgb        supergalactic latitude (degrees)                                    
pgc        PGC name                                         *** alphabetical **
ident1     1st name (NGC,IC,UGC,ESO...)                     *** alphabetical **
pa         position angle (N->E) in degrees                                    
typ        morphological type (e.g. 'E','Sab','SBa','SO')   *** alphabetical **
ring       'R' for Ring galaxies, otherwise ' ' (blank)     *** alphabetical **
multiple   'M' for multiple galaxies, otherwise ' ' (blank) *** alphabetical **
compact    'C' for compact, 'D' for diffuse, otherwise ' '  *** alphabetical **
t          morphological type code (-5 to 10)                                  
st         mean error on t                                                     
lc         luminosity class (1 to 11)                                          
slc        mean error on lc                                                    
logd25     log10 of isophotal diameter (d25 in 0.1')                           
slogd25    mean error on logd25                                                
logr25     log10 of the axis ratio (major/minor axis)                          
slogr25    mean error on logr25                                                
brief      effective surface brightness (mag.arcsec-2)                         
sbrief     mean error on brief                                                 
bt         total B-magnitude                                                   
sbt        mean error on bt                                                    
ubt        (U-B)T                                                              
bvt        (B-V)T                                                              
ube        (U-B)e                                                              
bve        (B-V)e                                                              
w20        21-cm line width at 20% of the peak (in km/s)                       
sw20       mean error on w20                                                   
w50        21-cm line width at 50% of the peak (in km/s)                       
sw50       mean error on w50                                                   
logs       log10 of the central velocity dispersion (s in km/s)                
slogs      mean error on logs                                                  
m21        HI-magnitude                                                        
sm21       mean error on m21                                                   
mfir       far-infrared magnitude                                              
vrad       radio heliocentric radial velocity in km/s                          
svrad      mean error on vrad                                                  
vopt       optical heliocentric radial velocity in km/s                        
svopt      mean error on vopt                                                  
v          mean heliocentric radial velocity in km/s                           
sv         mean error on v                                                     
lgg        Lyon's galaxy group number                                          
ag         galactic absorption in B-mag according to RC2                       
ai         internal absorption (in B-mag)                                      
incl       inclination (angle between line of sight and polar axis)            
a21        HI self-absorption                                                  
lambda     luminosity-index according to G. de Vaucouleurs                     
logdc      log10 of the corrected diameter (dc in 0.1')                        
btc        corrected B-magnitude                                               
ubtc       (U-B)o                                                              
bvtc       (B-V)o                                                              
bri25      mean surface brightness within 25 m/" (mag.arcsec-2)                
logvm      log10 of maximum circular rotation velocity (corrected for incl)    
m21c       corrected HI-magnitude (corrected for a21)                          
hic        HI color index                                                      
vlg        radial velocity relative to the Local Group centroid                
vgsr       radial velocity relative to the galactic Std. of rest               
vvir       radial velocity corrected for velocity infall on Virgo              
v3k        radial velocity relative to the 3K background radiation             
mucin      kinematical distance modulus (H=75 km/s/Mpc)                        
mupar      photometric distance modulus                                        
mabs       absolute B magnitude from mucin and mupar                           
For the selection:                                                             
select pgc,ident1,al2000,de2000,bt where (bt+5*logd25)<20 end                  
The output will looks like (just an extract!) :                                
 Conditions for extraction : [[bt + [5 * logd25]] < 20]                        
  pgc         ident1           al2000          de2000          bt              
  PGC 000006  CGCG 456- 13         0.0006         15.8814         15.3900      
  PGC 000007  MCG  0- 1- 14        0.0012         -0.0830         15.4200      
  PGC 000009  ESO   12- 11A        0.0021        -77.3376         17.3800      
  PGC 000010  MCG  0- 1- 15        0.0022         -0.0405         15.4900      
  PGC 000011  ESO   12- 11         0.0023        -77.3399         16.9000      
  PGC 000005  IC   5370            0.0025         32.7389         14.8900      
  PGC 000020  MCG  0- 1- 16        0.0044          1.1450         15.1600      
  PGC 000027  MCG -1- 1- 18        0.0060         -6.9049         14.5000      
Note that all pieces of information extracted from the SQL-like option are     
stored in a single file. Thus, avoid to make several long queries in a         
single session.                                                                
                         BATCH MODE                                            
If you want to make a study (e.g. extract data, charts, plot on a Flamsteed    
projection) from a list of galaxy names or galaxy positions,  it is            
not necessary to keypunch these names or positions in an on-line               
connection. Just send your list of galaxy identifiers to:                      
You will receive in reply to your mail a file with the result.                 
Give as a Subject of the mail one of the following keywords, and follow the    
instruction for the format to use in your mail.                                
Subject: LIST                                                                  
You will receive in reply to your mail a file with the main                    
parameters needed for good identification of the galaxies of your              
list. These parameters are: coordinates, alternative names, apparent           
diameter and axis ratio, apparent magnitude, radial velocity.                  
FORMAT OF YOUR MAIL : one identifier per line (Name or 1950-RA.DEC             
in free format).                                                               
Subject: LISTALL                                                               
You will receive a file with all astrophysical parameters for your galaxies.   
The format of this file is given in 'ANNEX A' below.                           
FORMAT OF YOUR MAIL :  one identifier (Name or 1950-RA.DEC) per line.          
12h19m21.4s 4d44'58"                                                           
Subject: FLAMEQ  (or FLAMGA or FLAMSG)                                         
You will receive a postscript file with  an all-sky Flamsteed 
equal-area projection of your objects in either equatorial or galactic        
or supergalactic coordinates, depending on the Subject you selected.           
To print this file just send it to a laser printer with postscript             
FORMAT OF YOUR MAIL :  one identifier (Name or 1950-RA.DEC) per line.          
Subject: CHART                                                                 
You will receive a postscript file with charts (max 20), and a corresponding   
file with data.                                                                
FORMAT OF YOUR MAIL :                                                          
-one line with an identifier (Name or 1950-RA.DEC)                             
-one line with the radius in arcmin (0=PSS or ESO scale)                       
12 19 21.4 4 44 58                                                             
(this will create two charts (in one file) : the first one centered on         
Messier 31 with the PSS scale. the second one will create a chart centered     
on the position RA1950=12h19m21.4s  DEC1950=04d44'58" with a 100' radius)      
Subject: SQL                                                                   
The principle consists in giving a sentence which describes the request.       
You will receive a file corresponding to the result of you request.            
See the instructions for use to learn how to use it, and to know the name      
and the description of the parameters.                                         
FORMAT OF YOUR MAIL : only one line per selection and one selection per mail.  
select ident1,logd25 where (w20>200 and w20<300) end                           
Good luck!                                                                     
If you are satisfied using LEDA, we would appreciate your quoting              
LEDA in publications you derive from it. This will encourage us to             
pursue our efforts. Thank you.                                                 
                                G. Paturel                                     
                                LEDA Lyon-Meudon Extragalactic Database        
                                Observatoire de Lyon                           
                                69561 Saint-Genis Laval CEDEX, France          
This database has been developed with the help of many people,                 
Becker M., Bottinelli L., Buta R.J., Corwin H.G.Jr., Davoust E.,               
de Vaucouleurs A., de Vaucouleurs G., Durand N., Fouque P., Garnier R.,        
Kogoshvili N., Gouguenheim L., Hallet N., Marthinet M.C.,                      
Miyauchi-Isobe N., Odewahn S., Petit C., Prugniel Ph., Andernach H.,            
Simien F., Takase B., Mamon G.                                                 
and the following Institutions                                                 
INSU, CNRS, DRED, Conseil Regional Rhone-Alpes, Observatoire de Lyon,          
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, Centre de Donnees Stellaires de Strasbourg.      
NAME       FORMAT      COLUMNS    NOTE                                         
Name        a20,1x       1 - 21   Name as given by user                        
al1950      f8.5        21 - 28                                                
de1950      f8.4        29 - 36                                                
ipad       1x,a1,1x     37 - 39                                                
al2000      f8.5        40 - 47                                                
de2000      f8.4        48 - 55                                                
l2          f6.2        56 - 61                                                
b2          f6.2        62 - 67                                                
sgl         f6.2        68 - 73                                                
sgb         f6.2        74 - 79                                                
pgc         a10         80 - 89                                                
ident1      a16         90 - 106                                               
pa          f6.1       107 - 112                                               
typ         a5         113 - 117                                               
ring        a1         118 - 118                                               
multiple    a1         119 - 119                                               
compact     a1         120 - 120                                               
t           f6.1       121 - 126                                               
st          f6.1       127 - 132                                               
lc          f6.1       133 - 138                                               
slc         f6.1       139 - 144                                               
logd25      f6.2       145 - 150                                               
slogd25     f6.2       151 - 156                                               
logr25      f6.2       157 - 162                                               
slogr25     f6.2       163 - 168                                               
brief       f6.2       169 - 174                                               
sbrief      f6.2       175 - 180                                               
bt          f6.2       181 - 186                                               
sbt         f6.2       187 - 192                                               
ubt         f6.2       193 - 198                                               
bvt         f6.2       199 - 204                                               
ube         f6.2       205 - 210                                               
bve         f6.2       211 - 216                                               
w20         i6         217 - 222                                               
sw20        i6         223 - 228                                               
w50         i6         229 - 234                                               
sw50        i6         235 - 240                                               
logs        f6.3       241 - 246                                               
slogs       f6.3       247 - 252                                               
m21         f6.2       253 - 258                                               
sm21        f6.2       259 - 264                                               
mfir        f6.2       265 - 270                                               
vrad        i6         271 - 276                                               
svrad       i6         277 - 282                                               
vopt        i6         283 - 288                                               
svopt       i6         289 - 294                                               
v           i6         295 - 300                                               
sv          i6         301 - 306                                               
lgg         i6         307 - 312                                               
ag          f6.2       313 - 318                                               
ai          f6.2       319 - 324                                               
incl        f6.1       325 - 330                                               
a21         f6.2       331 - 336                                               
lambda      f6.2       337 - 342                                               
logdc       f6.2       343 - 348                                               
btc         f6.2       349 - 354                                               
ubtc        f6.2       355 - 360                                               
bvtc        f6.2       361 - 366                                               
bri25       f6.2       367 - 372                                               
logvm       f6.3       373 - 378                                               
m21c        f6.2       379 - 384                                               
hic         f6.2       385 - 390                                               
vlg         i6         391 - 396                                               
vgsr        i6         397 - 402                                               
vvir        i6         403 - 408                                               
v3k         i6         409 - 414                                               
mucin       f6.2       415 - 420                                               
mupar       f6.2       421 - 426                                               
mabs        f6.2       427 - 432                                               
al1950, de1950          1950 right ascension and declination in decimal        
                        hours and degres, respectively                         
ipad                    flag to tell that al,de are accurate (*=accurate)      
                        accurate means better than 10"                         
al2000, de2000          2000 right ascension and declination in decimal        
                        hours and degres, respectively                         
l2, b2                  galactic longitude and latitude in degres              
sgl, sgb                supergalactic longitude and latitude in degres         
                        (pole and origin conforms to the RC2 reference system) 
pgc/leda                LEDA identifier  (PGC number when it exists)           
ident1                  Alternative name given according to a hierarchy        
                        NGC;  IC;   UGC;  ESO;  MCG;  UGCA; MARK; DDO;         
                        CGCG; FAIR; ARAK; UM;   ZW;1  KUG;  HICK; VCC;         
                        IRAS; WEIN; VIII; ISZ;  POX;  KAZA; KARA; CR;          
                        RB;   DRCG; SAIT; KCPG; FGC;  FGCE; FGCA;              
                        For the description of names see Paturel et al.        
                        1989a, 1989b                                           
pa                      position angle (in degres measured from North          
                        towards Est)                                           
typ                     mean morphological type                                
ring                    'R' for Ring galaxies, otherwise ' ' (blank)           
multiple                'M' for multiple galaxies, otherwise ' ' (blank)       
compact                 'C' for compact, 'D' for diffuse, otherwise ' '        
t                       mean morphological type code according to RC3          
                        (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1992)                           
                        (E=-5 ; SO=-2 ; Sa=1 ; Sb=3 ; Sc=6 ; Sm=9 ; Irr=10)    
st                       mean error on typ code                                
lc                       luminosity class coded according to RC3               
                         (I=1 ; I-II=2 ; II=3 ...)                             
slc                      mean error on luminosity class                        
logd25                   log of the apparent major axis of the galaxy at the   
                         25 mag.arsec-2 surface brightness level.              
                         d25 is in 0.1'.                                       
slogd25                  mean error on logd25                                  
logr25                   logr25=log(d25/b25) where d25 and b25 are major and   
                         minor axes, respectively                              
slogr25                  mean error on logr25                                  
                         The last four quantitites are calculated according    
                         to Paturel et al.  1991.                              
brief                    mean effective surface brightness in B. The definition
                         is the one given in the RC3 catalog but it is         
                         expressed in mag.arcsec-2.                            
                         (bt+0.753) + 5logde -5.26 + 8.891,                    
                         where bt is the total B magnitude, and de the         
                         effective diameter in 0.1'.                           
sbrief                   mean error on brief                                   
bt                       total (or asymptotic) blue magnitude                  
sbt                      mean error on bt                                      
                         The last two quantities are derived from Paturel et   
                         al. 1993 (submitted).                                 
ubt                      total (U-B) color from aperture photoelectric         
bvt                      total (B-V) color from aperture photoelectric         
ube                      mean effective (U-B) color from aperture              
                         photoelectric photometry                              
bve                      mean effective (B-V) color from aperture              
                         photoelectric photometry                              
                         The definition of the last four quantities is taken   
                         according to the RC3                                  
w20                      mean 21-cm line width at 20% of the maximum (in km/s) 
sw20                     mean error on w20 (in km/s)                           
w50                      mean 21-cm line width at 50% of the maximum (in km/s) 
sw50                     mean error on w50 (in km/s)                           
                         The last four quantities are calculated according     
                         to Bottinelli et al. 1990. They are corrected only    
                         for instrumental resolution effect.                   
logs                     decimal log of the central velocity dispersion        
                         (in km/s)                                             
slogs                    mean error on logs                                    
m21                      magnitude corresponding to the 21-cm line area.       
                         The definition of m21 conforms to the RC3 definition: 
                         m21= 16.6 - 2.5logSH where SH is expressed in         
                         10-22 W.m-2                                           
                         m21 is corrected for beam filling effect and is       
                         calculated according to Bottinelli et al. 1990.       
sm21                     mean error on m21                                     
mfir                     far-infrared magnitude derived from the IRAS point    
                         source Catalog. The definition is the following:      
                         amfir=-20 -2.5log(FIR)  where                         
                         FIR=1.26 [2.58f(60) + f(100)]x10-14                   
                         f(60) and f(100) being the IRAS fluxes at 60 and      
                         100 micron respectively. FIR is expressed in W.m-2.   
vrad                     mean heliocentric radial velocity from 21-cm line     
                         measurements in km/s.                                 
svrad                    mean error on vrad                                    
                         The last two quantities are derived according to      
                         Bottinelli et al. 1990                                
vopt                     heliocentric mean radial velocity from optical        
svopt                    mean error on vopt                                    
                         The last two quantitites are derived according to     
                         Fouque et al. 1992                                    
v                        mean heliocentric velocity in km/s (weighted mean     
                         of vrad and vopt). The weights are calculated as      
                         the inverse of the square of the mean error.          
sv                       mean error on vm.                                     
lgg                      Lyon's galaxy group number (LGG) according to         
                         Garcia 1993                                           
ag                       galactic absorption in blue magnitude.                
                         This absorption is calculated according to the RC2.   
ai                       total internal absorption in blue magnitude           
                         It is calculated according to Tully and Fouque 1985   
incl                     inclination between the line of sight and the         
                         polar axis of the galaxy.                             
                         It is calculated from axis ratio through the          
                         ellipsoidal model: sini= sqrt((1-q2)/(1-qo2))         
                         where q=d25/D25 and qo is given as a function of      
                         morphological type code qo=.43+0.053t and qo=0.38     
                         for t>7   (Fouque, private communication)             
a21                      HI self-absorption according to Heidmann et al. (1971)
                         with coef. tau=0.031                                  
lambda                   luminosity index corrected for inclination effect.    
                         This index has been defined by G. de Vaucouleurs      
                         1979 as: Lambda-c=(T+Lv)/10 where T is the            
                         morphological type code and Lc the luminosity class   
                         corrected for inclination effect.                     
logdc                    decimal log of the corrected apparent diameter Do,    
                         where Do is in 0.1'.                                  
                         logDo is corrected for galactic absorption and        
                         inclination effect using the following relation:      
                         logDo=logD25 - 0.235logR25 +ag(0.081-0.016T)          
btc                      corrected total apparent blue magnitude Bo            
                         corrected for galactic absorption, internal           
                         absorption and redshift effect                        
                         The corrected magnitude is calculated using the       
                         relation: btc= bt - ag -ai -K.v   where v is the      
                         heliocentric radial velocity and K a function of      
                         morphological type code t (according to RC2)          
ubtc                     (U-B)T color, corrected according to RC2              
bvtc                     (B-V)T color, corrected according to RC2              
bri25                    mean surface brightness at the 25 mag.arcsec-2        
                         surface brightness level. This mean surface           
                         brightness is expressed in mag. arcsec-2.             
logvm                    log of the maximum velocity rotation Vm from          
                         21-cm line width w20 and w50.                         
                         Vm is corrected for inclination effect and for        
                         internal dispersion according to Tully and            
                         Fouque 1985                                           
m21c                     corrected HI magnitude m21c. A correction of          
                         self-absorption is made according to Heidmann         
                         et al. 1971                                           
hic                      hydrogen index HI defined following: hic=m21c-btc     
vlg                      mean radial velocity in km/s corrected for solar 
                         motion towards the centroid of the Local Group.     
                         The correction is made according to Yahil et al. 1977 
vgsr                     radial velocity in km/s, corrected for solar motion 
                         toward the galactic standard of rest. The correction 
                         is made according to RC3.  (232.3 km/s toward      
                         l2=87.8d b2=1.7d)                                     
vvir                     radial velocity in km/s, corrected for infall of the
                         Local Group toward the Virgo cluster. The adopted     
                         infall velocity is 150 km/s toward supergalactic      
                         position sgl=104 degres, sgb=-2 degres (Virgo center) 
v3k                      radial velocity in km/s, corrected to the reference 
                         frame of the 3K radiation according to Lubin and 
                         Villela 1986. (solar motion 360 km/s toward 
                         al1950=11.25h   de1950=-5.6deg)                                       
mucin                    distance modulus calculated from kinematical velocity 
                         vvir using a Hubble constant of 75 (km/s)/Mpc.        
                         The distance modulus is not calculated for            
                         vvir<500 km/s.                                        
mupar                    mean distance modulus calculated from parameters      
                         using a weighted mean of all distance criteria        
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                         The vm correction aims at correcting for Malmquist    
                         bias. Obviously such a correction is only a tentative 
mabs                     absolute magnitude derived from the adopted distance  
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