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The ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]


The ESO/Uppsala Survey of the ESO(B) Atlas

Andris Lauberts

European Southern Observatory


Copies of the printed version are available for sale at the European Southern Observatory, D-8046 Garching bei Munchen.

Copies of the magnetic tape version may be ordered from Centre de Donnees Stellaires, 11 rue de l'Universite, F-67000 Strasbourg.

Copyright: European Southern Observatory


       1. The ESO(B) Survey and Atlas

       2. Search for Objects

       3. The ESO/Uppsala Catalogue
	  3.1  Printed Version
	  3.2  Magnetic Tape Version

       4. Acknowledgements

       5. References
	  5.1  References to Identifications
	  5.2  References to Magnitudes and Redshifts

       6. Notes

       7. Plate Data

       8. Main Catalogue

Summary.- A systematic search for certain objects (NGC + IC galaxies, all galaxies with a diameter larger than about 1.0 arcmin, all disturbed galaxies, all star clusters in the Budapest Catalogue, and all listed planetary nebulae) has been carried out by means of the ESO(B) Atlas, covering the southern sky from -90 to -17.5 deg. A total of 18438 objects is listed; of these, about 60% for the first time. Magnitudes and radial velocities are also given for a total of 2102 galaxies.

1. The ESO(B) Survey and Atlas

The ESO 1m Schmidt telescope became operational at La Silla, Chile, towards the end of 1972. One year later, the 48" Schmidt telescope of the Science Research Council of the United Kingdom started observations at Siding Spring, N.S.W., Australia. Subsequently, a collaboration was initiated between ESO and SRC which will eventually result in the publication of a two-colour Atlas of the Southern Sky from declination -90 to -20.

In view of the comparatively long period necessary to complete the two- colour survey, an urgent need was felt for some means to provide a more rapid first look into the southern sky. This would significantly accelerate the identification of thousands of radio and X-ray sources which had already been catalogued in the part of the sky not covered by the Palomar Atlas.

It was therefore decided that the ESO Schmidt telescope should first under- take a rapid survey of the southern sky in a blue waveband similar to the standard Johnson (B) colour. This survey has now been finished and utilizes un- sensitized IIa-O plates in combination with a 2 mm GG 385 filter. The survey is referred to as the ESO(B) Survey (also termed the 'Quick Blue Survey') and covers 606 fields distributed at 5 deg centres from -90 to -20. The nominal field centres are given in Section 7. Further details may be found in the paper by West and Schuster (1982).

Each plate measures 30 x 30 sq cm and has a scale of 67.52 arcsec/mm. The limiting magnitude for a 1h exposure is approximately 21.5.

The original plates were reproduced at the ESO Sky Atlas Laboratory in a two- step operation. First, an intermediate, positive copy was made on Kodak Process Plates at a background density of 1.30 D (ASA diffuse). From this positive, on-glass (Kodak Process Plates) and on-film (Kodak 4427 film) negative copies were made. It was found that a background density of 0.35 D (ASA diffuse), ir- resepective of the sky density of the original negatives, optimises the repro- duction of faint objects on the negative Atlas copies.

2. Search for Objects

In order to provide the astronomical community with identification of objects of certain interest that are seen on the ESO(B) Atlas, a collaboration was undertaken between ESO and the Uppsala Observatory.

The aim of this joint programme was to perform a systematic, thorough and homogeneous search of the 606 plates contained in the ESO(B) Atlas.

The actual search was carried out at the Uppsala Observatory by means of a glass copy of the ESO(B) Atlas. The following objects were found, listed and described:

To facilitate the examination of the plates, special survey machines were built at Uppsala. They are equipped with zoom microscopes, permitting enlargements from 5 to 30 times. The (X,Y) coordinates of the objects, including a number of astrometric stars, can be measured with an accuracy of about 0.05 mm. The (X,Y) coordinates were transformed to (R.A., Decl., epoch 1950.0) by a computer programme.

The (X,Y) coordinates were measured relative to four reference crosses that were exposed on the original plate just before the stellar exposure. They are situated at 1.2 cm from the plate edge at the centre of each side. The plate centre is defined as the intersection point of straight lines connecting the crosses.

The lists of objects were published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Suppl. Ser. (EU:1 to EU:9, 1974 to 1981), with a total of 18438 entries. After the completion of the last list (Lauberts et al., 1981b), it took another year to produce a thoroughly corrected and updated version of the catalogue. As a result of an extensive literature search, the present catalogue also includes magnitudes and radial velocities for a total of 2102 galaxies. At the same time, a computer readable version has also been prepared and is now available on magnetic tape.

3. The ESO/Uppsala Catalogue

3.1. Printed version


   1. The ESO(B) Survey and Atlas

   2. Search for Objects

   3. The ESO/Uppsala Catalogue
      3.1  Printed Version
      3.2  Magnetic Tape Version

   4. Acknowledgements

   5. Some Statistics

   6. References
      6.1  References to Identifications
      6.2  References to Magnitudes and Redshifts

   7. Main Catalogue

   8. Notes

   9. Plate Data
The printed catalogue includes the following data:
 1: line a:  R.A. and Decl. for the epoch 1950.0, also serving as
	     reference numbers for an individual object
    line b:  Identification
 2: line a:  Survey field No. - Object class - Running No.
    line b:  Identification (continued)
 3: line a:  Galactic longitude
    line b:  Galactic latitude
 4: line a:  X (mm)
    line b:  Y (mm)
 5: line a:  Major diameter (arcmin)
    line b:  Minor diameter (arcmin)
 6: line a:  Position angle (degrees, measured from north towards east)
    line b:  Coding of morphological types for galaxies
 7: line a:  Classification (for galaxies in the Hubble system)
    line b:  Description
 8: line a:  B magnitude (total if m.e. is given)
    line b:  m.e. for B (if <1) or aperture in arcsec (if >1)
 9: line a:  Reference to B
    line b:  Reference to B-V and U-B if not common with B
 10 line a:  B-V colour
    line b:  U-B colour
 11 line a:  Heliocentric radial velocity (km/s)
    line b:  m.e. of radial velocity
 12          Reference to radial velocity

Further information about the listed data: Column 1, line a: The transformation (X,Y) to (R.A., Decl.) was obtained by measuring 7 SAO stars in each field and then utilizing the formulas given by Luyten and La Bonte in the Proceedings of the Conference on the Role of Schmidt Telescopes in Astronomy, 1972, p. 33 (Ed.: U. Haug, Hamburg-Bergedorf). The mean errors as derived from the standard stars and from objects in over- lapping areas, amount to about 3" in each coordinate.
Column 1, line b: N=NGC, I=IC, M=Messier. GCl and OCl refer to the Budapest catalogue of star clusters, PK refer to the Perek-Kohoutek catalogue of planetary nebulae. Other symbols are explained in the reference list of abbreviations.

Column 2: The survey fields are numbered from No. 1 (South Pole) to No. 538-606 (dec. zone -20), see plate data in Section 9. Object class: G=galaxy (galaxies), IG=interacting galaxy (galaxies), EN=emission nebula, PN=planetary nebula, SC=star cluster, SNR=supernova remnant, A=asteroid, C=comet. The running numbers are introduced for practical purposes, originally according to R.A. but not necessarily so after revision. Contrary to the ordering system adopted in lists EU:1 through EU:9, an individual object is here designed according to the Parkes system, and should be referred to as e.g. ESO 000013-8037.5.

Column 3: The galactic coordinates were determined from (R.A., Decl.) in the new system with the galactic north pole at R.A.=12h49m, Decl.=+27.4 deg (1950.0) corresponding to the position of the plane of the neutral hydrogen in the Milky Way system. The zero meridian of the galactic longitudes goes through the new north pole having the position angle of 123 deg in the equatorial system for 1950.0.

Column 4: The rectangular X and Y coordinates (in millimeters) are given with reference to the plate centre, as defined by the four crosses at the middle of each plate side (positive X towards east, positive Y towards north). In a few cases where crosses are missing, X and Y refer to recomputed positions of the crosses. The accuracy of the coordinates is indicated by the number of decimals in X and Y, for instance, X=-82.6, or X=-83.

Column 5: Diameters (in 0.1 arcmin) were measured by using a Bausch and Lomb magnifier with a magnification of 7 and a specially construed measuring scale graded to 0.2 min of arc. The diameters refer to the maximum extent of features which may be described as belonging to the object. Uncertain values have been indicated by a colon. A colon is also appended to total diameters for close pairs, triplets or multiple systems which are difficult to resolve. As a rule, diameters were not measured for other objects than galaxies or new stellar clusters discovered on the survey plates. A comparison with RC2 (D25) diameters shows that galaxies measured on the ESO(B) Atlas plates extend to a surface magnitude slightly fainter than 25 per sq arcsec.

Column 6, line a: The position angle refers to the major axis of elongated galaxies.

Column 6, line b: The coding is according to the Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC2), except that type S... is coded +5 and type S.../Irr is coded +7.

Column 7, line a: The estimated Hubble class corresponds to the well-known "tuning-fork" classification, with the class SBO added. All elliptical galaxies have been denoted by the symbol E, regardless of ellipticity. In some cases a more detailed classification has been possible following the scheme given in RC2.

Column 7, line b: The description has been kept as concise as possible. Additional information may be found in the Notes Section (indicated by *, in field order), or in other well-known catalogues according to the following system:
1=Galaxy listed in the Morfologiceskij Katalog Galaktik (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies) by Vorontsov-Velyaminov and Arhipova (1968)
2=Galaxy listed in the Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies by de Vaucouleurs and de Vaucouleurs (1964), or Galaxy listed in the Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies (RC2) by Corwin, de Vaucouleurs and de Vaucouleurs (1976)
V=Galaxy reproduced and listed in the Atlas i Katalog Vzaimodejstvujuscih Galaktik (Atlas and Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies) by Vorontsov- Velyaminov (1959)
A=Galaxy reproduced and listed in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies by Arp (1966).

Columns 8-12: References to magnitudes and radial velocities are selected to give the most recent source for each object ( the literature survey was terminated January 1982). In some cases the original data have been analyzed further to meet the specifications stated in this catalogue. For instance, Bertil Dyvell, Uppsala, applied the magnitude-aperture relations (RC2) on data from multiaperture UBV photometry of galaxies (ref 30) to derive total (asymp- totic) B magnitudes for about 30 new objects.

3.2. Magnetic tape version

The magnetic tape version of the catalogue is organized in two ASCII files, with a total of 1214 records; the blocksize is 2880 bytes per record. The approximate length of this tape is 300 feet at 1600 bpi.

The first file contains Sections 1-7, 61 records, 80 characters per line.

The second file contains the main catalogue (Section 8), 18438 entries in 1153 records, 90 characters per line, two lines per object.

Format of the main catalogue on magnetic tape:

 Line  Columns   Format   Parameters

    1     1- 6   3I2      R.A. (h,m,s), epoch 1950.0
	  7-13   I3,F4.1  Decl. (d,m)
	    14   1X       Blank
	 15-17   I3       Survey Field No.
	    18   A1       - sign
	 19-20   A2       Object class
	    21   A1       Reserve
	 22-23   I2       Running No. in field
	    24   1X       Blank
	 25-30   F6.2     Galactic longitude (degrees)
	 31-36   F6.1     X-coordinate (mm)
	 37-40   I4       Major diameter (unit 0.1 arcmin)
	 41-44   I4       Position angle (degrees)
	 45-70   A26      Classification (with 0's replaced by O's)
	 71-75   F5.2     B magnitude (total or in aperture)
	    76   1X       Blank
	 77-78   I2       Reference to B
	 79-82   F4.2     B-V colour
	 83-87   I5       Heliocentric radial velocity (km/s)
	    88   1X       Blank
	 89-90   I2       Reference to radial velocity

   2      1-24   A24      Identification
	 25-30   F6.2     Galactic latitude (degrees)
	 31-36   F6.1     Y-coordinate (mm)
	 37-40   I4       Minor diameter (unit 0.1 arcmin)
	 41-44   I4       Coding of morphological types
	 45-70   A26      Description. Column 70 is reserved
			  to indicate additional information
	 71-75   F5.2     m.e. of B (<1) or aperture (>1 arcsec)
	    76   1X       Blank
	 77-78   I2       Reference to B-V and U-B
	 79-82   F4.2     U-B colour
	 83-87   I5       m.e. of radial velocity (km/s)
	 88-90   3X       Blank

4. Acknowledgements

I am grateful to Professor Erik Holmberg who introduced me to this survey work and supported me during all these years. I have had many stimulating discussions with Peter Nilson, who greatly inspired me through his pioneering work on the Uppsala General Catalogue of Galaxies. Much of the final analysis and the preparation for publication was done during my stay at the European Southern Observatory, and I wish to thank the staff there for their hospitality. I also wish to thank several collegues, especially Harold Corwin and Richard West, for many helpful comments on the first draft of this catalogue. Uppsala Data Centre, with the assistance of Erik Onnela, did the extensive keypunching on cards. My sincere thanks are due to the expert work of Hans-Emil Schuster, Oscar Pizarro and Guido Pizarro who took all the Schmidt plates for the ESO(B) Atlas.

5. References

5.1 References to identifications as used in Columns 1 and 2, line b in Printed Catalogue and line 2, columns 1-24 in Magnetic Tape Version.
A Arp, H., 1966, Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
ADHW Auner, G., Dengel, J., Hartl, H., Weinberger, R., 1979, private communication
Ag Aguero, E.L., 1971, Pub. Astron. Soc. Pacific 83, 310
AL Andrews, A.D., Lindsay, E.M., 1967, Irish Astron. J. 8, 126
Al Allen, D.A., 1973, Observatory 93, 85
BDS Blaauw, A., Danziger, I.J., Schuster, H.-E., 1975, Astron. Astrophys. 44, 469
Be Bernard, A.: 1981, private communication, Observatoire de Lyon
BH Bergh, S. van den, Hagen (Harris), G.L., 1975, Astron. J. 80, 11
BHe Bergh, S. van den, Herbst, W., 1975, Astron. J. 80, 208
BMT Bergh, S. van den, Marscher, A.P., Terzian, Y., 1973, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 26, 19
BRABCMS Bergh, S. van den, Racine, R., Agt, S., van, Barnes, T., Coutts, C., Madore, B., Skill, A., 1973, Astrophys. J. 179, 863
CCG Clark, D.H., Caswell, J.L., Green, Anne, J., 1973, Nature 246, 28
CG Cesco, C.U., Gibson, J., 1973, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 11, 335
CHT Cannon, R.D., Hawarden, T.G., Tritton, S.B.: 1977, Mon.Not.R.astr. Soc. 180, 81p
CLLSW Cesarsky, D.A., Laustsen, S., Lequeux, J., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M., 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 61, L 31
DB Dodd, R.J., Brand, P.W.J.L., 1976, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 25, 519
DDKS Danziger, I.J., Dennefeld, M., Kunth, D., Schuster, H.-E., 1974, Astron. Astrophys. 37, 419
DDO Bergh, S. van den, 1959, Publ. David Dunlop Obs. 5, 147
DHW Dengel, J., Hartl, H., Weinberger, R., 1980, Astron. Astrophys. 85, 356
EU:1 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1974a, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 18, 463
EU:2 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1974b, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 18, 491
EU:3 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1975, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 22, 327
EU:4 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1977, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 27, 295
EU:5 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1978a, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 31, 15
EU:6 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1978b, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 34, 285
EU:7 Holmberg, E.B., Lauberts, A., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1980, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 39, 173
EU:8 Lauberts, A., Holmberg, E.B., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1981a, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 43, 307
EU:9 Lauberts, A., Holmberg, E.B., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M.: 1981b, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 46, 311
Fi FitzGerald, M.P., 1974, Astron. Astrophys. 31, 467
FKLB Freeman, K.C., Karlsson, B., Lynga, G., Burrell, J.F., van Woerden, H., Goss, W.M., Mebold, V., 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 55, 445
GCl, OCl Alter, G., Balazs, B., Ruprecht, J., 1970, Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations, 2nd edition, Budapest
HW Hodge, P.W., Wright, F.W., 1967, The Large Magellanic Cloud, Smithsonian Publ. 4699
II Irvine, N.J., Irvine, C.E., 1974, Astrophys. J. 192, L 111
Ka Karachentseva, V.E., 1973, Astrofiz. Issled. Izv. Spets. Astrofiz. Obs. 5, 10
Ko Kohoutek, L., 1971, Astron. Astrophys. 13, 493
K1, K2 Kohoutek, L., 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 59, 137
Le Longmore, A.J., 1977, Mon. Not. R. astron. Soc. 178, 251
LHWGM Longmore, A.J., Hawarden, T.G., Webster, B.L., Goss, W.M., Mebold, U., 1978, Mon. Not. R. astron. Soc. 184, 97p
Li Lindsay, E.M., 1958, Mon. Not. R. astron. Soc. 118, 172
Lo Loden, L.O., 1973, Astron. Astrophys., Suppl. 10, 125
LRLWW Laustsen, S., Richter, W., Lans, J. van der, West, R.M., Wilson, R.N., 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 54, 639
Lu Lu, P.K., 1971, Astron. J. 76, 775
LW Lynga, G., Westerlund, B.E., 1963, Mon. Not. R. astron. Soc. 127, 31
MCG, 1 Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., Arhipova, V.P., 1968, Morfologiceskij Katalog Galaktik (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies), IV, Moscow State University, Moscow
MCo Mac Connel, D.J., 1978, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 33, 219
MDW Murray, C.A., Dickens, R.J., Walker, E.N., 1969, Observatory 89, 104
OCl See GCl
PK Perek, L., Kohoutek, L., 1967, Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae, Prague
Sa Sanduleak, N., 1974, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 86, 215
Sa2 Sanduleak, N., 1975, A Catalog of Confirmed Planetary Nebulae in the Sothern Milky Way Noted on Low Dispersion Objective-Prism- Plates, Publ. Warner and Swasey Obs. 2, no. 1
Sa3 Sanduleak, N., 1976, Misclassified or Doubtfully Classified Planetary Nebulae, Publ. Warner and Swasey Obs 2, no. 3
Se Sersic, J.L., 1974, Astrophys. Space Sci. 28, 365
SL Shapley, H., Lindsay, E.M., 1963, Irish Astron. Journ. 6, 74
SP Sanduleak, N., Philip, A.G.D., 1968, Astron. J. 73, 566
SPe Sanduleak, N., Pesch, P., 1975, Astrophys. J. 200, 446
St Stenholm, B., 1975, Astron. Astrophys. 39, 307
SW Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M., 1976, Astron. Astrophys. 49, 129
Te Terzan, A., 1971, Astron. Astrophys. 12, 477
Tololo Smith, M.G., Aguirre, C., Zemelman, M., 1976, Astrophys. J. 32, 217
TR Thonnard, N., Rubin, V.C., 1977, Bull. AAS 9, 619
2 de Vaucouleurs, G., Vaucouleurs, A., 1964, Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, The University of Texas Press, Austin
RC2 de Vaucouleurs, G., de Vaucouleurs, A., Corwin, H.G.: 1976, Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, University of Texas Press, Austin
V Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., 1959, Atlas and Catalogue of Interacting Galaxies, Moscow State University, Moscow
VVKDA Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., Kostjakova, E.B., Dokuchaeva, O.D., Arhipova, V.P., 1972, Astron. Tsirk. 716, 7
V-V2 Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., Kostjakova, E.B., Dokuchajeva, O.D., Arhipova, V.P., 1965, Astron. Tsirk. 348, 1
Wr Wray, J.D., 1966, Thesis, Northwestern University
WS West, R.M., Schuster, H.-E.: 1982, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl., (ESO Scientific Preprint no. 188)

5.2 References to magnitudes and redshifts listed in Columns 8 to 12, lines a and b in Printed Catalogue and lines 1 and 2, columns 71-90 in Magnetic Tape Version.
1. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, B.A., Arhipova, V.P., 1968, Morfologiceskij Katalog Galaktik (Morphological Catalogue of Galaxies), IV, Moscow State University, Moscow
2. de Vaucouleurs, G., de Vaucouleurs, A., Corwin, H.G.: 1976, Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, University of Texas Press, Austin (UBV,Z)
3. Sandage, A., Tammann, G.A.: 1981, A Revised Shapley-Ames Catalog of Bright Galaxies, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. (UBV,Z)
4. Allen, D.A., Longmore, A.J., Hawarden, T.G., Cannon, R.D., Allen, C.J. : 1978, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 184, 303 (Z)
5. Aguero, E., Carranza, G.J.: 1977, The Observatory 97, 241 (Z)
6. Arp, H.: 1981, Astrophys. J. Suppl. 46, 75 (Z)
7. Bergvall, N.A.S., Borchkhadze, T.M., Breysacher, J., Ekman, A.B.G., Lauberts, A., Laustsen, S., Muller, A.B., Schuster, H.-E., Surdej, J., West, R.M., Westerlund, B.E.: 1978, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 33, 243 (UBV,Z)
8. Bohuski, T.J., Burbidge, E.M., Burbidge, G.R., Smith, M.G.: 1972, Astrophys. J. 175, 329 (Z)
9. Bohuski, T.J., Fairall, A.F., Weedman, D.W.: 1978, Astrophys. J. 221, 776 (UBV,Z)
10. Bucknell, M.J., Peach, J.V.: 1976, The Observatory 96, 61 (UBV)
11. Burbidge, E.M., Burbidge, G.R.: 1972, Astrophys. J. 171, 253 (Z)
12. Catchpole, R.M., Evans, D.S., Jones, D.H.: 1969, The Observatory 89, 21 (Z)
13. Cesarsky, D.A., Laustsen, S., Lequeux, J., Schuster, H.-E., West, R.M. : 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 61, L31 (Z)
14. Danks, A.C., Wamsteker, W., Vogt, N., Salinari, P., Tarenghi, M., Duerbeck, H.W.: 1979, Astrophys. J. 227, L59 (UBV)
15. Danziger, I.J., Schuster, H.-E.: 1974, Astron. Astrophys. 34, 301 (Z)
16. Dawe, J.A., Dickens, R.J., Peterson, B.A.: 1977, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 178, 675 (Z)
17. Dennefeld, M., Laustsen, S., Materne, J.: 1979, Astron. Astrophys. 74, 123 (Z)
18. Disney, M.J.: 1974, Astrophys. J. 193, L103 (UBV,Z)
19. Eggen, O.J.: 1970, Astrophys. J. 159, L95 (UBV)
20. Fairall, A.P.: 1979, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 188, 343 (Z)
21. Fairall, A.P.: 1979, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 188, 349 (Z)
22. Fairall, A.P.: 1980, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 192, 389 (Z)
23. Fairall, A.P.: 1981, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 196, 417 (Z)
24. Fosbury, R.A.E., Hawarden, T.G.: 1977, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 178, 473 (Z)
25. Fosbury, R.A.E., Mebold, U., Goss, W.H., van Woerden, H.: 1977, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 179, 89 (Z)
26. Freeman, K.C., Karlsson, B., Lynga, G., Burrell, J.F.: 1977, Astron. Astrophys. 55, 445 (UBV,Z)
27. Godwin, J.G., Bucknell, M.J., Dixon, K.L., Green, M.R., Peach, J.V., Wallis, R.E.: 1977, The Observatory 97, 238 (UBVRI)
28. Graham, J.A., Rubin, V.C.: 1973, Astrophys. J. 183, 19 (Z)
29. Graham, J.A.: 1974, The Observatory 94, 290 (BV,Z)
30. Griersmith, D.: 1980, Astron. J. 85, 789 (UBV)
31. Hawarden, T.G., Longmore, A.J., Cannon, R.D., Allen, D.A.: 1979, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 186, 495 (Z)
32. Hawarden, T.G., van Woerden, H., Mebold, U., Goss, W.M., Peterson, B.A.: 1979, Astron. Astrophys. 76, 230 (UBV,Z)
33. Hodge, P.W., Smith, D.W.: 1974, Astrophys. J. 188, 19 (V)
34. Kirschner, R.P., Oemler, A., Schechter, P.L.: 1978, Astron. J. 83, 1549 (JF,Z)
35. Kunkel, W.E., Demers, S.: 1977, Astrophys. J. 214, 21 (BV)
36. Kunth, D., Sargent, W.L.W., Kowal, C.: 1981, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 44, 229 (Z)
37. Laustsen, S., West, R.M.: 1980, subm. to Astron. Astrophys. (Z)
38. Longmore, A.J., Hawarden, T.G., Webster, B.L., Goss, W.M., Mebold, U.: 1978, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 184, 97p (Z)
39. Martin, W.L.: 1976, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 175, 633 (Z)
40. Page, T.: 1967, Astron. J. 72, 821 (Z)
41. Pedreros, M.: 1978, Publ.astr.Soc.Pacific 90, 14 (Z)
42. Penfold, J.E.: 1979, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 186, 297 (UBV)
43. Penston, M.V., Fosbury, R.A.E., Ward, M.J., Wilson, A.S.: 1977, Mon.Not.R.astr.Soc. 180, 19 (Z)
44. Peterson, B.A., Jauncey, D.L., Wright, A.E., Condon, J.J.: 1976, Astrophys. J. 207, L5 (Z)
45. Peterson, B.A., Rodgers, A.W., Wampler, E.J., Disney, M.J.: 1976, Astrophys. J. 207, L17 (Z)
46. Peterson, B.A., Wright, A.E., Jauncey, D.L., Condon, J.J.; 1979, Astrophys. J. 232, 400 (Z)
47. Peterson, C.J.: 1978, Publ.astr.Soc. Pacific 90, 10 (Z)
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6. Notes

The notes are referenced by an asterisk (*), usually at the end of column 7 (printed version) or column 70 (magnetic tape version)

* 001-- Plate 1577, centred on this field, is oriented with its south-north edge at RA 16 hrs -- IG 09) interacting w IG 08

* 004- G 01) in field 003 G01 -- G19) see G01 -- G20) see G01; diameters measured on adjacent plate -- IG21) B starlike centre in 1st obj

* 010-IG 01) NGC RA off 4 min -- IG 02) interacting w IG 01, nominal value of RA off 4 min

* 011-G? 01) in F ring or tightly wound spiral -- G 06) vF ext env * 012) star superimposed?

* 014- G 05) eF streamer? towards F comp 1.7 s

* 017- IG 08) F, in cl

* 019-G? 06) near ghost image of bright star

* 023-IG 01) connexion? w S comp 0.6 sf -- IG 05) connected? w starlike object 0.6 sf

* 024-RN 03) associated w HD 155578 -- G 05) RA of IC off 10m -- IG 09)disturbed by S comp 0.7 np -- G 13) S comp on tip of p arm G 25) B comp 3.1 sf -- G 27) associated? w G 29

* 026-SC 20) nom value of RA off 1.1 min -- SC 42) nom value of RA off 1.1 min -- G 63) nom value of RA off 1.0 min G 27) S comp 0.6 n

* 028-G 01) follows overlap with field 049 in RA 23h27m to 23h39m

* 031- IG 22) background disturbed by halo around calibration marks

* 033- objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are listed only if they have NGC or IC Names

* 034-IG 11) outer arms form shell structure; in group of 4

* 038- G 12) star superimp

* 040-IG 08) in G 07 group

* 043- G 03) RA of NGC off 0.8 min -- IG 10) interaction w comps 1.6 nf, 1.0 sp

* 044-IG 02) interacting w starlike obj 0.5 s -- G 03) partly obscured by galactic matter -- G 05) partly obscured by galactic matter; S comp 2.5 np -- G 09) S comp? superimp

* 047-IG 11) in cluster -- G 19) S comp 2.2 sp

* 048-G 17) sev S comps around -- G 18) interaction? -- IG 26) tail?

* 050-IG 11) close pair connected by F bridge to 3rd member

* 051-IG 08) patchy, chaotic spiral; in group -- G 25) nearest to nominal position X =+92. , Y = - 4.

* 052- G 20) S E 3.5 f -- IG 22) connected w 2 S comps n, nf

* 053-G 14) compact 0.8 sf -- IG 17) in cl

* 054-IG 07) ext? tow S comp 0.6 sp

* 056- SC 04) nom val of Dec off 10' -- EN 16) nominal val of RA off 1.0 m -- SC 22) pos on B star -- ** 38) cf. SC 40 -- SC 40) nominal pos of NGC off 0.5 m, 21' , cf. ** 38 -- SC 65) nom val of Dec off 5' -- SC 108) pos on globular sf of OC -- G 115) the Large Magellanic Cloud; opt centre defined by the symmetry of the bar -- SC 147) nom val of Dec off 11' -- SC 155) nom val of Dec is -69 05 -- *N 166) nom val of Dec off by 10' -- Since the LMC is an external galaxy, LMC objects are included only if they have NGC or IC names

* 055- G 19) in field 032 -- SC 32) 10 deg err in NGC for N 1649

* 057-SC 26) Dec of NGC off 33'

* 058- G 30) 2 S comps nf, sp -- G 31) nom val of RA off 0.7 m, in field 059

* 059-G 08) in foreground?

* 060- G 12) interacting? w compact 0.4 p -- IG 14) interacting w S comp nf -- G 18) S comp 4.4 np -- G 25) 2 S comps 3.1 n, 4.8 nf

* 067-G 05) star superimp * 069- G 09) crossing arm, disturbed? * 070-IG 09) distorted * 071-G 12) in 9) interacting w S comp 0.3 s * 075- G 02) eF bridge? to S comp 1.3 sf -- G 06) S comp 1.4 np -- G 12) connected w S comp s -- G 20) nominal value of RA off 2.0 min -- IG 25) interacting w compact 0.5 s -- IG 48) connected? w compact? sp -- G 52) S comp 0.7 nf * 076-G 04) in group -- G 29) F bridge? to starlike object 0.9 f * 077- 9) interacting w S comp 0.3 s * 075- G 02) eF bridge? to S comp 1.3 sf -- G 06) S comp 1.4 np -- G 12) connected w S comp s -- G 20) nominal value of RA off 2.0 min -- IG 25) interacting w compact 0.5 s -- IG 48) connected? w compact? sp -- G 52) S comp 0.7 nf * 076-G 04) in group -- G 29) F bridge? to starlike object 0.9 f * 077- 9) interacting w S c mp 0.3 s * 075- G 02) eF bridge? to S comp 1.3 sf -- G 06) S comp 1.4 np -- G 12) connected w S comp s -- G 20) nominal value of RA off 2.0 min -- IG 25) interacting w compact 0.5 s -- IG 48) connected? w compact? sp -- G 52) S comp 0.7 nf * 076-G 04) in group -- G 29) F bridge? to starlike object 0.9 f * 077- 9) interacting w S c * 083-G 01) RA of RC2 differs by 10 m -- G 07) sev e dif objs near -- G 13) S comp 0.4 sf * 084-IG 02) bridge? to eS comp 0.6 sf -- IG 05) S comp attached n -- IG 29) 2nd and 3rd of 3 -- IG 31) np of G 33 -- G 35) stars superimp -- G 36) stars superimp -- G 37) B nucleus or star superimp -- G 40) stars or S comp superimp -- IG 41) or interacting pair w oppositely directed tails -- G 42) complex arm pattern * 085-IG 22) stars inv; 3rd comp 1.4 s -- G 27) Dec of NGC off by 9' -- SC 70) Dec of NGC off

* 088-G 17) interacting? w G 18

* 089- G 01) L in group -- IG 04) star? superimp -- G 11) con? w S comp 0.6 np

* 092-

* 088-G 17) interacting? w G 18

* 089- G 01) L in group -- IG 04) star? superimp -- G 11) con? w S comp 0.6 np

* 092-

* 095-SC 02) nominal coordinates offer by 0.7 min, 7' -- PN 17) nominal val of RA off 0.9 m

* 096-PN 16) PK 307 -3 1

* 100-G 08) interacting w S comp 1.0 sp -- G 26) interaction?

* 101-IG 24) interacting w S comp 0.7 f

* 103- G 17) interacting w dif comp n -- G 43) S comp 0.7 nf -- G 47) nom value of RA off 0.9 min -- G 48) nominal value of RA off 0.9 min -- G 50) S comp 0.3 s -- IG 60) in cluster

* 104-IG 15) long filaments towards G 14 -- G 20) in cl, Dec of IC off by 9' --G 30) in cl -- G 36) in Se 132/2 --

* 109-G 01) in group -- G 08) S comp 2.9 p -- IG 22) B in group -- IG 23) B in group

* 110-IG 07) eF bridge to S comp 0.9 n -- G 13) S comp 1.2 nf -- G 22) connected? w G 23 -- IG 25) connected w S comp n -- G 09) IC 1.1m off

* 113-IG 09) interacting w 3 S comps -- G 22) nom val of Dec off 5' -- G 24) in G 23 group -- G 25) in G 23 group -- G 33) 2 S comps sf -- IG 45) vB centre or star? Inv S comp 0.4 sf -- G 50) compact E 1.2 sp

* 114-IG 01) vF ext to S comp s on tip of arm -- G 22) S comp 1.5 nf -- G 25) B comp 3.1 sf -- G 27) associated? w G 29

* 115- G 06) contact w S comp sp -- IG 07) vF br

* 109-G 01) in group -- G 08) S comp 2.9 p -- IG 22) B in group -- IG 23) B in group

* 110-IG 07) eF bridge to S comp 0.9 n -- G 13) S comp 1.2 nf -- G 22) connected? w G 23 -- IG 25) connected w S comp n -- G 09) IC 1.1m off

* 113-IG 09) interacting w 3 S comps -- G 22) nom val of Dec off 5' -- G 24) in G 23 group -- G 25) in G 23 group -- G 33) 2 S comps sf -- IG 45) vB centre or star? Inv S comp 0.4 sf -- G 50) compact E 1.2 sp

* 114-IG 01) vF ext to S comp s on tip of arm -- G 22) S comp 1.5 nf -- G 25) B comp 3.1 sf -- G 27) associated? w G 29

* 115- G 06) contact w S comp sp -- IG 07) vF br

-- IG 38) e dif bridge? to starlike object 1.5 sp

* 119-G 02) strong absorption band, S comp 0.5 n -- G 03) member? of N 1672 -- G 04) member? of N 1672 -- IG 15) e narrow bridge to compact 0.8 nf -- IG 20) eF bridge? to compact 1.0 n -- G 22) S comp? 0.9sf -- IG 28) S comp 0.8 nf -- IG 37) RA of RC2 off 2.7 min -- G 38) RA of RC2 off by 0.6 min,Dec of RC2 off 5' -- IG 39) S comp on tip of n arm -- G 41) bridge to compact f -- IG 54) i

* 122-IG 08) dif ext southw -- IG 12) eF bridge to compact 0.9 nf

* 123-G 11) nominal value of Dec off 5', in cl -- G 12) in cl

* 124-IG 12) in G 14 group

* 126-G 13) in G 14 group

* 122-IG 08) dif ext southw -- IG 12) eF bridge to compact 0.9 nf

* 123-G 11) nominal value of Dec off 5', in cl -- G 12) in cl

* 124-IG 12) in G 14 group * 126-G 13) in G 14 group * 122-IG 08) dif ext southw -- IG 12) eF bridge to compact 0.9 nf * 123-G 11) nominal value of Dec off 5', in cl -- G 12) in cl * 124-IG 12) in G 14 group * 126-G 13) in G 14 group

* 122-IG 08) dif ext southw -- IG 12) eF bridge to compact 0.9 nf * 123-G 11) nominal value of Dec off 5', in cl -- G 12) in cl * 124-IG 12) in G 14 group * 126-G 13) in G 14 group

* 140-? 09) 2 starlike objects in s arm of I 4687 -- IG 10) long arm -- G 18) vS comp 1.4 sp -- G 27) E 2.2 s -- IG 30) eF bridge? to eS object 1.1 s -- G 43) Seyfert 1 type

* 141- G 03) interacting? w S comp 1.4 sp -- IG 10) S comp on tip of arm -- G 23) Dec of IC off 10' -- IG 32) S comp 1.2 nf -- IC 48) interact w IG 50; in group -- IG 49) interact w IG 50; in group -- IG 50) interacting w IG 48 and IG 49 -- G 54) in group -- G 55) S comp? on tip of sp arm

* 142-? 02) real? -- ? 05) real? -- G 10) fits descr of IC, but nominal pos indicates other side of G 12 -- IG 14) in G 12 group -- G 25) compact 2.9' n, Dec of IC off 11' -- IG 28) in cl -- IG 29) in cl -- G 36) RA of ref off 0.9 m -- G 51) S comp sf * 143-IG 02) con? w compact 0.6 n, in group -- IG 05) dif bridge over compact to S comp 1.2 sf -- G 08) compact 1.4 sf -- G 23) in group w G 25 -- IG 31) in cl -- IG 32) in cl * 144-IG 11) S... connected w compacts 1.0 sf and 0.8 nf * 145 IG 02) stars superimposed? or triple chain in envelope? -- IG 03) sf comp = compact or star? -- IG 07) complex spiral structure, crossing arms

-- IG 14) S compact comp -- IG 19) S comp on tip of arm? * 146-IG 21) comp or tip of arm * 147-IG 03) bridge and streamer -- IG 19) spirals, distorted arms, long e F streamer

* 148-IG07) interacting systems? -- IG A21) sev S comps around * 149-IG 25) S comp at tip of arm * 151- G 13) sev S comps -- G 35) filaments perpendicular to major axis; eruptive? -- G 41) int eract? w comp 1.0 nf

* 152- G 07) 2 S comps 0.7 nf, 1.2 sp -- G 11) 2 S comps f, in group of 3 -- IG 35) 2 S comps inv * 153-IG 04) B in grp, sev S comp -- IG 05) e dif bridge to S comp 1.2 sp -- IG 09) in IG 04 group -- IG 10) in IG 04 group -- IG 16) S comp 1.0 sf, in G 17 group -- IG 21) in G 17 group -- G 29) S comp 2.2n -- IG 35) in IG 36 group * 154-IG 02) interaction w distort * 158-G 13) multiple nuclei, or superimp stars? -- G 15) or stars superimp? -- G 19) S comp 0.6 s

* 159-G 03) B in group -- G 04) in G 03 group -- G 26) S comp 1.5 s -- G 28) L in group

* 160- G 02) S comp 1.2 nf -- G 04) S comp 1.2 sf -- IG 17) includes S comp f

* 161- G 01) nf of 3, S comp 1.5 sf -- IG 02) in cl -- G 15) in cl -- IG 18) p w G 16 -- G 19) S comp 0.7 sf -- G 23) dist, sev S comp s -- IG 24

* 158-G 13) multiple nuclei, or superimp stars? -- G 15) or stars superimp? -- G 19) S comp 0.6 s

* 159-G 03) B in group -- G 04) in G 03 group -- G 26) S comp 1.5 s -- G 28) L in group

* 160- G 02) S comp 1.2 nf -- G 04) S comp 1.2 sf -- IG 17) includes S comp f

* 161- G 01) nf of 3, S comp 1.5 sf -- IG 02) in cl -- G 15) in cl -- IG 18) p w G 16 -- G 19) S comp 0.7 sf -- G 23) dist, sev S comp s -- IG 24 * 158-G 13) multiple nuclei, or superimp stars? -- G 15) or stars superimp? -- G 19) S comp 0.6 s

* 182-IG 08) S comp 1.4 np -- IG 10) eF bridges to S comps 2.5 nf and 2.9 sf -- G 13) bridge(s?) to S comp 1.2 n (and 1.6 p) -- G 14) Dec of IC off 10' * 183-IG 04) interaction? -- IG 07) sev S comps in irr envelope -- G 12) L in group -- IG 22) in chain w IG 23 -- IG 23) in chain w IG 22 * 184-IG 46) interacting w S comp 1.4 n * 185-IG 17) in group -- G 43) S c * 186-G 03) fits descr of IC but RA off 1.2 min, cf. G 05 -- G 14) nominal position off 0.9 m, 6' -- G 40) in cl -- IG 56) in IG 59 group -- IG 57) in IG 59 group -- IG 58) connected? w compact 1.7 f, in IG 59 gro * 186-G 03) fits descr of IC but RA off 1.2 min, cf. G 05 -- G 14) nominal position off 0.9 m, 6' -- G 40) in cl -- IG 56) in IG 59 group -- IG 57) in IG 59 group -- IG 58) connected? w compact 1.7 f, in IG 59 gro * 186-G 03) fits descr of IC but RA off 1.2 min, cf. G 05 -- G 14) nominal position off 0.9 m, 6' -- G 40) in cl -- IG 56) in IG 59 group -- IG 57) in IG 59 group -- IG 58) connected? w compact 1.7 f, in IG 59 gro * 186-G 03) fits descr of IC but RA off 1.2 min, cf. G 05 -- G 14) nominal position off 0.9 m, 6' -- G 40) in cl -- IG 56) in IG 59 group -- IG 57)

n IG 59 group -- IG 58) connected? w compact 1.7 f, in IG 59 gro * 186-G 03) fits descr of IC but RA off 1.2 min, cf. G 05 -- G 14) nominal position off 0.9 m, 6' -- G 40) in cl -- IG 56) in IG 59 group -- IG 57)

* 191-IG 01) in field 190

* 192-IG 11) S comp 0.8 sf; p w G 12 --This field overlaps with field 149 in RA 23h43.5m to 23h55.5m

* 193- G 13) S comp 0.5 nf -- G 33) in cl -- IG 40) vF bridge to S comp 1.2 s

* 194-G 04) L in group -- IG 05) in G 06 cl -- IG 12) broad ext southw -- IG 18) 2 S comp 1.3 np -- IG 19) plume westw from 2nd comp -- IG 25) eF bridge incl S comp 1.8 s and 3.2 s -- G 33) L in cl, or in foreground? * 195-IG 04) L in group -- IG 11) star between -- G 20) incl 2 S comp n,s -- IG 22) bridges con sev S comp -- G 28) in G 27 group -- C 31) comet West - Kohoutek - Ikemura * 196-G 02) Dec of IC off 19' -- G 11)eracting? w IG 14 -- IG 14) interacting? w IG 13 -- IG 20) con? w compact 1.4 sf, eF bridge to dif comp 1.9 np

* 198- G 01) in field 197 -- IG 03eracting? w IG 14 -- IG 14) interacting? w IG 13 -- IG 20) con? w compact 1.4 sf, eF bridge to dif comp 1.9 np

* 198- G 01) in field 197 -- IG 03eracting? w IG 14 -- IG 14) interacting? w IG 13 -- IG 20) con? w compact 1.4 sf, eF bridge to dif comp 1.9 np

* 199- IG 12) "cigar" through ring, L in group -- G 14) p w IG 14 * 200- G 07) 2 conds, or star superimp? -- G 14) IC Dec off 2' -- G 25) starlike object 0.8 p -- IG 31) contact w S comp s, sf -- G 42) interacting? w S pec 1.0 nf -- IG 46) inter interacting w S comp 0.8 sp

* 201-IG 04) L in group -- IG 25) interact? w compact 0.6 sp -- IG 26) eruptive?

* 202- IG 06) in cl -- IG 51) in cl -- G 56) in field 203

* 203- G 03) PKS pos off 15 s, 0.2' -- IG 14) connected w S comp sp, in cl

* 204-IG 17) long tail terminating? at 3rd comp 0.7 nf

* 205- IG 03) long filaments terminating in S comp 1.1 np -- IG 08) star superimp -- G 14) in cl -- IG 20) connected? w sev S comps -- IG 28) two rings tangent to each other at B centre -- IG 30) interacting? w G 29

* 206- IG 09) in cl -- IG 12) 4 or 5 radial filaments? ext 1' southw

* 207- IG 04) in cl -- IG 12) interacting w S comp 0.5 s

* 208-G 15) L in group, S comp 1.3 s

* 211- SC 03) B star 16m -- SC 07) cf. SC 08 -- SC 08) cf. SC 07 -- SC 09) B star 18m, in field 212

* 212-SC 05) nominal value of Dec off 4'

* 213-SC 04) nominal value of Dec off 12' -- SC 05) nominal value of Dec off 4'

* 214-IG? 09) in group

* 215- PN? 04) B star at centre -- IG 33) in cl -- G 34) in cl -- PN 35) star 13m at centre

* 216-* 06) no neb on QBS plate 816

* 217-G 04) p w G 05

* 218-G 08) star superimp? --SC) obscured by interstellar matter -- 15) mB = 9 ; 1 m fainter on QBS plate 798

* 219-G 04) RA of NGC off 1.8 min -- G 08) S comp 0.7 s -- G 22) S comp 0.3 s -- G 25) star superimp, or 2 nuclei? -- G 27) in G 24 group

* 220-G 06) star superimp, s of 2 -- IG 20) interacting? w G 21, in G 23 group -- G 22) in G 23 group -- G 30) in G 33 group -- G 33) like Cen A

* 221-IG 10)in cl -- G 34) S comp 2.5 np

* 222-G 08) in group of 3 -- G 15) pos of B star

* 223-G 02) 3 stars superimposed

* 226-SC 16) pos on conc of stars = s part of L complex -- EN 19) incl wavy ionization front

* 229- G 07) dwarf comp 0.7 sf -- G 08) S comp 1.0 sf -- IG 11) S comp nf, in group

* 230-IG 04) in group

* 232-G 12) sev S comps involved -- IG 13) connexion w sev S comps -- IG 15) + compact, or imp star? -- IG 18) sev S comps; in cluster -- IG 20) comp 0.6 s ; in cluster -- G 23) nf of 2 -- IG 25) compact 0.5 np ; in cl

* 233- G 02) L in group, S comp 0.4 nf -- IG 12) 2 stars superimp -- G 28) IC RA only 4 s off -- G 52) in group

* 234-G 09) S comp 1.2 np, in G 11 group -- G 22) in cl -- IG 33) in G 32 group -- IG 48) in cl -- IG 49) connected? w compact E nf -- IG 63) con w compact n

* 235-IG 04) interact w S comp 0.8 p -- G 08) S comp 1.9 n -- IG 29) interact w S comp 0.3 n --IG 36) 2 S comp attached -- G 32) in cluster -- IG 48) B comp 0.7 np -- G 58) in G 55 group -- IG 62) bridge? to S comp attached, in cluster -- IG 71) in chaotic region, in cluster

* 236-IG 02) eruptive? -- G 03) interacting? w S comp 0.8 np -- IG 15) 2 S comps attached -- IG 22) also interact? w S comp 0.5s -- G 30) interact? w S comp 1.0 sp -- G 34) ext? to dif comp 2.7 f -- IG 38) in cl -- G 42) interacting? w S comp 0.6 s -- IG 23) 1 or 2 S comp attached; star(s)? superimp

* 237- G 05) many S comps -- G 18) nominal value of RA off 0.9 min -- IG 23) star superimp? -- G 27) a great number of S conds -- G 28) nom value of RA off 0.7 min -- G 36) compact E 1.1 nf -- G? 45) 3 ** forming equilateral triangle superimp -- G 50) in cl

* 238-G 02) L in group -- G 03) disturbed? by S comp 1.1 nf -- G 05) in G 04 group -- G 10) in foreground -- G 16) in cluster -- IG 27) arm ext? to starlike object 0.8 s

* 239-IG 03) filaments? ext 0.7 n, eruptive? -- IG 10) in cl -- IG 12) sev S comps attached

* 240- G 07) contact w S comp sp -- G 10) in G 11 group -- IG 16) eruptive? In cl

* 241- G 01 to 11) also in field 292 -- G 13) connected w S comp 0.6 sf -- G 15) L in group

* 242- G 12) contact w S comp s

* 243- G 08) Dec of IC off 10' -- G 15) S comp 0.2 sp -- IG 19) "cigar" through ring -- G 34) Dec of IC off 10'

* 244- G 12) Dec of Ag off 13' -- G? 46) p w G 47

* 245- IG 02) streamer tow star? 0.8 n -- G 05) ass? w G 07) -- G 07) associated? w G 05 -- G 10) sev S comps

* 246-IG 06) interacting w S comp 0.4 sf

* 247-G? 16) in field 248

* 248-IG 07) in cl

* 249- *? 03) vF bridges? to 3 S objects 1.2 n -- G 14) S E 16' nf -- IG 23) eF bridges? to 2S comp 1.5 sf, 2.0 sf -- IG 25) B, or star superimp? -- IG 28) streamers or v narrow spiral arms

* 250- G 03) 2 eF arms; p w G 04 -- G 04) p w G 09) interacting w S comps 0.9 nf; poor vis due to pos v near edge of plate 1735; descr refers to same object found on plate 642 -- G 17) NGC RA off 1 min -- G 19) Dec of NGC 1570 off 10 min

* 251- G 11) G 10 group -- IG 25) in cl -- G 39) in cl -- IG 40) in cl

* 253-IG 26) strongly interacting

* 254- G 31) 2 S comps 0.9 nf, 2.0 nf -- G 40) p w G 39

* 256-G 16) incl sev S comps

* 257-G 12) in cl

* 259-PN? 10) star alm at centre

* 260- SC 06) nominal position off 1.6 min, 6'; in field 210 -- SC 07) nominal position off 1.1 min, 12'

* 261-* 10) Dec of NGC off 7'

* 262-SC 11) nominal RA of OCl off 0.8 min -- G 14) in group

* 263-IG 01) in IG 03 group -- G02) in IG 03 group -- IG 03) bridge, tails, L in group -- G 06) in cl -- G07) in cl -- IG 16) outer arms form ecc ring -- IG 38) 2 long arms disturbed, star superimp -- G 40) in cl -- IG 42) star superimp, in cl --IG 43) distorted ext eastw, star superimp, in cl -- G 47) in G 48 group -- G 48) L in group -- IG 49) bar joining two knots, in G 48 group

* 264-G 07) RA of NGC off 10 min -- G 33) in G 29 group

* 266-G 11) S comp 0.4 s -- G 16) Dec of IC off 6' -- G 24) in G 22 group

* 267-IG 17) interacting w S comp 0.2 sf -- G 29) in G 30 group -- G 31) nominal coordinates offer by 0.6 min, 5' -- IG 41) S E 1.3 f

* 268-G 13) sev S comps -- G 34) sev S comps

* 269-G 15) S comp 3.0 np -- G 19) disturbed by S comp 1.2 np, S comp 1.7 sp -- IG 56) sev S comps -- G 70) contact w S comp 0.5 f, nominal value of Dec off 5'

* 270-IG 04) L in group -- IG 09) abs lane incl 80 deg to major axis -- G 12) cond at tip of f arm -- IG 16) in group -- G 26) interacting w S comp 0.3 nf

* 271-G 08) S comp 3.6 nf -- G 09) S comp 2.3 nf -- IG 25) interacting w IG 24, S comp 2.8 sf

* 272-G 11) RA of IC off 1.1 min

* 273-G 15) L in group * 276-SC 05) position of 5.1 mV star SAO 226900

* 277-SC 14) OCl-989 -- SC 20) nominal value of Dec off 9'

* 278-N* 11) mB = 8, F star only on QBS plate 606

* 283-IG 10) eF bridge? to S comp 1.9 s -- IG 18) vF bridge to S comp 0.9 s

* 284-G 01)interact? w S comp 1.0 n -- IG 08) open spir strongly interact w Irr 1.4 nf and w SO 0.8 sp; S comp 1.9 sp -- G 16) compact 0.6 nf, S comp 1.9 np -- G 18) nom value of RA off 0.8 -- G 20) 2 S comps 2.5 sp, 1.6 nf -- G 23) nominal value of RA off 2.2 min -- G 28) interact w S comp 1.1 f; 2 more comps sp, sf -- G 29) sp part bent northw, S comp(one of sev) 3.2 np -- ? 34) reg apparently devoid of galaxies w diams

greater than 1'. Obscuration by intergalactic dark matter or accidental only? -- IG 41) tail, in cl -- G 44) connected? w S comp 1.5 n, S ring galaxy 5.9 nf -- IG 4 5) connected: w 2 S comps 2' sp

* 285- G 03) Dec of Se off 5' -- G 04) S comp 1.6 p -- IG 14) long streamer to *like obj 1.1 sp -- IG 15) L 2 of 4 -- IG 47) S comp 0.2 sp

* 286-IG 08) in cl -- IG 15) fan westw -- IG 19) spir w multiple nuclei (superimp stars?), or compact group w spir streamers? -- IG 20) in cl -- G 35) compact comp 0.6 p -- IG

* 288-IG 01) contact w IG 02 -- IG 02) contact w IG 01, connecting arm to S comp 0.6 nf -- IG 18) in G 15 group -- G 20) in G 21 group -- G 25) in G 27 group -- G 30) interacting? w G 32 -- IG 39) eF bridge to S comp 0.7 n -- IG 47) connected w S comp 0.3 sp -- G 49) 4 S comps within 16'; in G 46 group?

* 289-IG 07) in G 01 group, in Se 151/2 group -- IG 08) in G 01 group, in Se 151/2 group -- G 09) in Se 151/2 group -- G 18) B knot 1.4 sf -- G 31) RA of IC off 1.0 min -- IG 38) in

* 288-IG 01) contact w IG 02 -- IG 02) contact w IG 01, connecting arm to S comp 0.6 nf -- IG 18) in G 15 group -- G 20) in G 21 group -- G 25) in G 27 group -- G 30) interacting? w G 32 -- IG 39) eF bridge to S comp 0.7 n -- IG 47) connected w S comp 0.3 sp -- G 49) 4 S comps within 16'; in G 46 group?

* 289-IG 07) in G 01 group, in Se 151/2 group -- IG 08) in G 01 group, in Se 151/2 group -- G 09) in Se 151/2 group -- G 18) B knot 1.4 sf -- G 31) RA of IC off 1.0 min -- IG 38) in * 288-IG 01) contact w IG 02 -- IG 02) contact w IG 01, connecting arm to S comp 0.6 nf -- IG 18) in G 15 group -- G 20) in G 21 group -- G 25) in G 27 group -- G 30) interacting? w G 32 -- IG 39) eF bridge to S comp 0.7 n -- IG 47) connected w S comp 0.3 sp -- G 49) 4 S comps within 16'; in G 46 group?

* 293-IG 08) in cl; Dec of RC2 off 6' -- IG 14) in cl -- IG 19) in cl -- IG 32) incl 2 S comp, in group -- IG 33) in group -- IG 34) incl 2 vS comps sp, nf; in group w IG 37, S comp 1.2 f -- IG 37) star imp, sev S comps; in group w IG 34 -- IG 48) arms term in 2 S comps n, s ; in group

* 294-G 05) in group w G 04 -- IG 11) in group -- IG 13) L in group -- IG 14) in cl -- G 19) starlike object nf on tip of arm * 295- IG 04) eF streamer? terminating in S comp nf -- G 29) 2 S comps 1.0 s, 0.5 sf * 296- G 03) S comp 0.7 sp -- IG 11) sev B conds; in G 3 group -- IG 17) in cl -- G 25) in cl -- G 29) in cl * 297-IG 01) in group * 298- G 17) pos on B member

* 299- IG 01) long spiral arm -- IG 02) connected? w starlike obj 0.7 sf -- G 16) associated? w compact 0.5 sf * 300-? 21) RA of N 1291 off 2.5 min * 301- IG 11) dif env, in cl -- IG 22) incl B comp 0.7 p ; in G 23 group * 302-G 01) in field 301 -- IG 13) in cl -- G 29) in cl * 303- G 05) sev compacts near -- IG 11) in cl -- IG 13) L in group -- IG 25) in field 304

* 304-G 27) S comp f at tip of long arm * 305-G 08) dif outer arms, L of 3 * 306-G 12) contact? w S comp n * 307- IG 02) dumbell shape, contact w elong comp n -- IG 03) S comp 0.3s, in IG 02 group -- IG 25) broad ext southw; L in group * 308-G 26) disturbed, contact w S comp np, in cl * 309- G 13) in cl -- G? 20) or star? * 311-G 13) F comp 0.7 np * 313-SC 07) nominal value of Dec off 5'

* 316-IG 05) one-armed or comp np? -- G 26) interacting w compact s, in cl -- IG 32) disturbed ring, interacting w G 33, in cl -- G 44) S comp 3.5 sp * 317-IG 07) L in group -- G 38) S comp 0.6 np, in cl * 318-IG 10) in cl -- G 22) S comp f on tip of arm * 320- G 08) p w G 06 -- IG 27) disturbed, in G 26 group --PN? 28) star at centre of ring neb

* 321-G 14) connected? w S comp 2.0 n -- G 18) in G 16 group -- G? 20) L in group

* 322-G 67) interact w S comp 1.8 f -- IG 9) two filaments from centre in opposite directions perpendicular to major axis -- G 71) Dec of NGC off by 6' -- G 77) nominal value of RA off 0.8 m -- G 81) nominal value of RA off 0.9 m -- G 87,88,90) see G 81 : note * 323- G 17) RA of NGC off 1.2 min -- G 19) S comp 2.5 f -- G 41) in cl -- G 42) in cl -- G 51) 1 deg error in NGC Dec -- G 54)in cl * 324- G 17) S comp 0.2 np -- G 26) vF dif env,minal value of RA off 1.0 min * 327-IG 02) in group -- G 03) nominal value of RA off 1.0 m -- IG 18) interacting w IG 19 -- IG 19) interacting w IG 18 -- IG 26) in cl -- G 34) in cl * 328- G? 27) in cl-- PN? 40minal value of RA off 1.0 min * 327-IG 02) in group -- G 03) nominal value of RA off 1.0 m -- IG 18) interacting w IG 19 -- IG 19) interacting w IG 18 -- IG 26) in cl -- G 34) in cl * 328- G? 27) in cl-- PN? 40minal value of RA off 1.0 min * 327-IG 02) in group -- G 03) nominal value of RA off 1.0 m -- IG 18) interacting w IG 19 -- IG 19) interacting w IG 18 -- IG 26) in cl -- G 34) in cl * 328- G? 27) in cl-- PN? 40minal value of RA off 1.0 min * 327-IG 02) in group -- G 03) n minal value of RA off 1.0 m -- IG 18) interacting w IG 19 -- IG 19) interacting w IG 18 -- IG 26) in cl -- G 34) in cl * 328- G? 27) in cl-- PN? 40minal value of RA off 1.0 min * 327-IG 02) in group -- G 03) n

* 340- G 11) IC position off 0.6 min, 33' -- IG 17) distorted F arms, L in group, RA of Ag off 2.6 min -- G 18) in cl -- G 29) B spir arms + sev conds between -- IG 30) contact w sev S comps -- G? 34) in cl

* 341-IG 03) in cl -- G? 10) dif ext env -- G 11) in G 15 cl -- IG 12) dif ext env, in G 15 cl -- IG 16) S comp on tip of n arm -- G 17) in cl -- G? 20) dif ext env -- G 30) S comp near tip of s arm -- IG 31) in cluster * 342-G 07) interacting w 2 S comps nf, np -- IG 10) incl compact E sf -- IG 49) in G 50 group? * 343-IG 05) F knotty env, in cl -- G 09) S comp 0.9 s, in G 08 group -- IG 13) in cl

* 344-G 13) p w G 14 * 345-G 04) contact w S comp? sf -- G 06) S comp 1.1 nf -- IG 20) incl S comp nf on tip of arm -- IG 22) incl 2 S comp n, s on tip of arms -- G 26) sev S comps

* 347- G 01) in field 407 -- G 22) in cl -- G 30) nominal value of Dec off by 6' -- G 33-35) in field 291 but not visible on displaced plate 1108

* 348- G 01) in field 347 * 349- G 011) IC RA 0.4 min off * 350-IG 03) in cl -- G 07) B comp 2.0 sp -- G 24) in foreground of dist galaxy cluster -- G 29) in cl -- G 36) incl S comp f -- G 40) vF spir arms inside knotty r ing; 2 S comps 1.0 nf

* 351-G 30) discovered by Harlow Shapley, using plates from Boyden Observatory, South Africa, in 1937.

* 352-G 33) NGC Dec 28' off -- IG 42) sf of 2, in cl -- * 353-G 04) Dec of IC off 5' -- G 37) vF bridge to S comp 0.5 f * 354- IG 08) interacting w IG 07 -- G 25) p w G 26 * 356-A) objects found on QBS plate 1673, in addition to those found on QBS plate 420 -- IG24) jet ext tow vS object 0.7 s * 357-IG 28) in G 22 group -- IG 29) in G 22 group

* 358-IG 07) one-armed-- IG 03) Ka-8 -- G 29) in cl --G 40) Dec of NGC off 1 deg -- IG 47) star superimposed-- G 49) in cl, nominal value of RA off 0.5 min -- G 67) spiral arm terminating in starlike object nf -- G 01) IC RA 0.6 min off * 359- G 15) asym F env -- IG 26) interacting w G 27 -- G 27) interacting w IG 26, sev S comps -- G 30) in G 27 group; IC RA 0.7min off * 360-IG 11) vF spiral arm to S comp 1.3 sp * 361- IG 04) in cl -- IG 25) strongly interact w S comp n; S interacting pair 3' f

* 362- G 01) in group -- G 15) in cl * 363-G 07) or sev S comps -- G 09) in cl -- ** 16) NGC position 1.2 min, 3' off -- G 31) in cl -- G 32) in field 364 -- G 07) 10 deg err in IC 2136* 364- G 07) disturbed, incl S comp f, in cl -- G 19) spiral arm ext to N 0.7 sf, in cl -- G 33) in cl

* 366- G 01) in field 365 * 370-*N 08) = No-238, planetary? -- SC 11) nominal position 0.9 min, 10' off

* 371- G? 19) in field 432 -- G 05) DB Dec 16' off * 373-G 20) B star 0.3 s * 374-IG 18) in cl -- G 27) in cl -- IG 32) NGC RA 0.5 min off -- G 42) in cl -- G 48-50) in field 373 but not visible on displaced plate 1815

* 376-IG 27) incl starlike objects nf, np * 378- G 14) Tololo 1136-374 * 382- G 35) S comp 1.2 np -- G 38) S comp 0.8 sf -- G 62) nominal value of Dec off 5' -- PN 63) nominal value of Dec off 9' -- G 05) 5 min error in IC RA * 383-IG 28) in cl -- IG 29) in cl -- G 33) in cl -- G 35) X-ray source, in cl -- IG 43) in cl -- G 44) Tololo 1334-327 -- G 55) in cl -- * 384-G 32) Tololo 1358-328 -- G 58) NGC position 2.6 m, 19' off * 385-G 18) IC position 1.6 m, 5' off -- G 30) IC Dec 9' off -- G 45) S comp 0.8 sf

* 387-SC 01) also NGC 5834 -- IG 09) arms terminating in 2 S comps n, s * 389- G 01) vis only on QBS plate 971 (X=-139.0, Y=+126.9) -- G 02) L in group; vis only on QBS plate 971 (X=-110.3, Y=+128.4) * 398- G 30) in field 460 * 400- G 29) in cluster * 401- G 29) S comp on tip of s arm * 402-IG 09) connected w) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 min NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 mi NGC Dec off 7' -- IG 26) star superimp) IC RA off 1.9 mi

* 418-G 05) N 1340 Dec 10' off, N 1344 RA 0.4 m off -- G 07) in cl * 419- G 01) in field 418 * 420-IG 10) in cl -- IG 14) sev B knots -- G 17) IC Dec 16' off * 421-IG 02) sev B conds off centre * 422-G 02) S comp 0.2 np * 424- G 13) IC RA 4.3 min off * 427- G 06) in cl-- G 23) ) PK RA 0.7 m off -- ** 09) nominal position 0.5 m, 11' off * 434- G 16) NGC position 3.5 m, 6' off -- G 31) p w G 33 * 435- G 03) in cl -- G 30) RA of NGC 3103 off 0.8 min -- G 51) fits description of NGC but Dec off 30' ) PK RA 0.7 m off -- ** 09) nominal position 0.5 m, 11' off * 434- G 16) NGC position 3.5 m, 6' off -- G 31) p w G 33 * 435- G 03) in cl -- G 30) RA of NGC 3103 off 0.8 min -- G 51) fits description of NGC but Dec off 30' ) PK RA 0.7 m off -- ** 09) nominal position 0.5 m, 11' off * 434- G 16) NGC position 3.5 m, 6' off -- G 31) p w G 33 * 435- G 03) in cl -- G 30) RA of NGC 3103 off 0.8 min -- G 51) fits description of NGC but Dec off 30' ) PK RA 0.7 m off -- ** 09) nominal position 0.5 m, 11' off * 434- G 16) NGC position 3.5 m, 6' off -- G 31) p w G 33 * 435- G 03) in cl -- G 30) RA of NGC 3103 off 0.8 min -- G 51) fits description of NGC but Dec off 30' ) PK RA 0.7 m off -- ** 09) nominal position 0.5 m, 11' off * 434- G 16) NGC position

* 444- G 05) IC RA 1.0 m off -- G 06) IC RA 0.8 m off -- G 27) IC RA m off -- G 39) Tololo 1324-276 * 445- G 03) in cl -- G 16) in cl -- G 27) I 4330 RA off 2 min -- G 53) in cl -- G 78) I 953 RA off 1 min, I 955 and I 957 position off 6', probably stars all three

* 446- ? 22) triple star -- G 28) in group -- IG 56) B in dist cluster * 448- G 10) S comp 0.5 np * 449- **? 02) in field 387

* 451- G 02) CG: planetary * 452- PN 12) not vis on finding chart * 453- G 01) in field 452 * 455- PN 43) PK RA 0.6 m off * 460- G 10) also denoted as PN PK 9-21 1 -- G 30) NGC Dec 9' off * 462- ? 18) IC 5007 Dec 10' off -- IG 34) streamers * 463- G 01) in field 462 -- G 20) IC 46 RA 0.5 min off -- G 21) IC 5047 RA 1.3 min off -- G 30) fits IC description, but RA 1.5 min off * 464- G 16) in cl -- IG 28) irr arm connecting object w starlike centre and F ring

* 466- G 18) in cl -- G 24) cf. G 27 -- G 27) cf. G 24 -- IG 40) in cl

* 467- G 03) in cl --IG 08) B in group -- G 10) in cl -- G 12) inv S comp 0.6 nf, p w G 13, in cl -- G 19) in cl -- G 47) IC pos 1.0 m, 7' off -- G 50) p w G 51 -- IG 56) in group -- IG 57) NGC RA 1.0 m off -- G 04, 07) N 7202 may be the star at 22 03 50 -31 27.8

* 468- G 23) IC RA 2.4 min off * 469- G 07) S comp n at tip of arm -- IG 14) F irr env * 471-IG 37) in cluster * 472- G01) image distorted by calibration spots -- G02) see G01 --G 17) see G 01 -- G19) see G 01 -- G20) see G 01; diameters measured on adj plate -- IG21) B starlike centre in 1st obj * 473- G 03) image distorted by calibration spots -- G 10) S comp 3.6 np = NGC 65 * 474-G 43) in G 42 group * 475-G 05) S bar-like comp attached to s arm -- G 06) NGC RA 0.7 min off -- * 07) NGC RA 0.8 min off * 478-C08) dimensions refer to trail of nucleus -- G18) NGC Dec 7' off -- G19) streamers from starlike centre

* 479- G02) in cl -- G04) MCG-4-6-41 * 480-G 07) NGC RA 0.8 min off -- G 31) NGC RA 1.0 min off -- IG 36) Arp 334; S comp 1.2 np, in cl * 482- G 36) star superimp sf; in cl -- G 40) in cl * 483- ? 10) not vis on PSS but is seen on two QBS plates * 484-IG? 12) in cluster -- G 13) in cluster * 485- G 02) vis on PSS

* 491-G 19) starlike centre or star? * 493-G? 05) fuzzy env -- SC 07) M 93 -- G 10) nominal value of Dec off 14' -- PN? 13) in F circular env -- G 21) nominal value of Dec off 16' -- N*? 23) F neb env * 494- G 24) Fi position off 1.1 min, 10' -- G 26) F dif arms -- G 41, 42) in field 495

* 495-G 21) MCG-4-21-5 ? * 497- G01) in field 496 -- G14) 2 S comps 0.7, 0.6s * 499- G 23) S double system 2.6 n -- G 26) B star 3' np -- G 29) IC Dec 4' off

* 500- G 01) in field 499 -- G 02) in field 499 -- IG 11) double star 0.4 n- G 24) NGC RA 1.0 min

* 491-G 19) starlike centre or star? * 493-G? 05) fuzzy env -- SC 07) M 93 -- G 10) nominal value of Dec off 14' -- PN? 13) in F circular env -- G 21) nominal value of Dec off 16' -- N*? 23) F neb env * 494- G 24) Fi position off 1.1 min, 10' -- G 26) F dif arms -- G 41, 42) in field 495

* 495-G 21) MCG-4-21-5 ? * 497- G01) in field 496 -- G14) 2 S comps 0.7, 0.6s * 499- G 23) S double system 2.6 n -- G 26) B star 3' np -- G 29) IC Dec 4' off

* 500- G 01) in field 499 -- G 02) in field 499 -- IG 11) double star 0.4 n- G 24) NGC RA 1.0 min

* 503- G 14) also vis on PSS * 504- G 12) in cluster * 505- IG 30) interacting w IG 31 * 506-SC 30) GCl-20 -- IG 35) in group of 5 * 507- G 26) v blue on PSS -- G 35) in cl -- G 39) in cl -- PN 40) pos on vF star between two filaments; 3 stars 9- 10 mag forming triangle -- G 55) MCG-4-31-10 * 508- G 18) 50' error in NGC 4994 Dec -- G 47) IC 4222 is probably the double star at the IC place

* 509-G 32) in cl -- ? 41) at this pos a starlike elong obj surr by eF spir arms? at 13 28 17, -25 42.0 a uniform disk, not vis on PSS -- IG 64) in cl -- G?105) like a planetary nebula w a B central star, also vis on PSS, in cl

* 510-G 11) VV 351a -- G 12) VV 351b -- G 30) in field 445 -- IG 36) S comp 0.8 sp -- G 68) in cl

* 511-G 01,02) in field 510 -- G 05) prob inv irr comp n * 512-G 20) CG: planetary * 513-G? 05) vF disclike env, vis on PSS --; in cl -- G? 19) vis on PSS -- ? 20) CG: planetary; only faint galaxies near this pos * 514-G 01) in cluster * 515-G? 11) starlike centre in vF asym ring, vis on blue PSS -- G? 16) vis on PSS; near galaxy cl -- G? 17) vis on PSS * 516- G 10) more likely a small group of F stars at the IC position 16 15.3 -22 40 -- SC 11) GCl-39 * 520- PN 12) nominal position off 20' -- SC 20) nominal RA off 0.4 min * 521-*N 01) vis on PSS -- SC16) not vis on QBS plate; detected on IR plate by Terzan -- ** 18) sep from L complex by dust lane -- N* 26) IC pos 1.4m, 5' off -- SC 29) OCl Dec 1 deg off -- ? 31) pos not descr corresponds to an absorption region of elliptical shape -- N* 33) IC 4681 RA 0.8m off -- ? 35) MCo: PN of diameter 10" -- * 522- ? 09) MCo: planetary -- PN? 29) prob vis on PSS -- N 34) clearly vis on PSS * 523- PN 01) in field 522 * 524-G? 06) this star? appears very red on PSS, like a double-shell planetary * 525 - G 05) in field 460 -- G? 06) vis on PSS * 526-PN 03) MCG-4-46-1 * 527- G 18) in field 462 * 528- G 13) p w G 14 -- IG 33) two B bodies w oppositely directed tails * 529- G 20) S comp 0.4 sf, in cl -- G 22) NGC RA 0.8 m off * 531-SC 21) GC1-122 * 532-G? 02) vis on PSS -- G 22) * 542- G 11) NGC Dec 16' off -- G 12) NGC RA 1.8 min off -- G 13) NGC Dec 28' off * 545- G 10) in G 11 group -- G? 15) vis on PSS -- G 28) B in cl -- G 31) in field 614 -- G 38) S comp 1.2 np; in field 615 * 546- G 19) cf. G 20 * 547-G 02) VV 346 b = Arp 108 -- G 03) VV 346 a = Arp 108 -- G 16) Arp 41 = N 1232 A -- G 32) NGC position 0.5 min, 10' off * 548- ? 37) not vis on PSS -- G 81) B star 0.7 np * 542- G 11) NGC Dec 16' off -- G 12) NGC RA 1.8 min off -- G 13) NGC Dec 28' off * 545- G 10) in G 11 group -- G? 15) vis on PSS -- G 28 B in cl -- G 31) in field 614 -- G 38) S comp 1.2 np; in field 615 * 546- G 19) cf. G 20 * 547-G 02) VV 346 b = Arp 108 -- G 03) VV 346 a = Arp 108 -- G 16) Arp 41 = N 1232 A -- G 32) NGC position 0.5 min, 10' off

* 548- ? 37) not vis on PSS -- G 81) B star 0.7 np * 542- G 11) NGC Dec 16' off -- G 12) NGC RA 1.8 min off -- G 13) NGC Dec 28' off * 545- G 10) in G 11 group -- G? 15) vis on PSS -- G 28

* 551- G 32) vF arms, in cl -- G 33) in field 552 * 552- G 05) star? superimp n, in cl -- G 21) NGC RA 1.6 min off -- G 60) in cl

* 554-G 14) not IC 2139 = triple star at 053304-1757.9 * 555- G 14) 2 F arms ext far outside 2 S inner arms * 556-IG 08) F surrounding env * 557- G 12) IC pos 0.8 min, 16' off; cf. G 13 -- G 13) IC pos 0.7 min, 31' off; cf. G12 --SC 14) OC1-597 * 559-PN 12) Sa position 11s, 0.9' off * 561-SC 05) in field 494 -- G IG? 02) star superimposed? * 570- G 03) NGC pos 0.7 min, 19' off -- G 06) I 2624 Dec 5' off; N 3497 RA 5.9 min off; N 3525 RA 0.9 min off -- G 11) N 3544 RA 2.0 min off -- G 08) NGC RA off 2 min IG? 02) star superimposed? * 570- G 03) NGC pos 0.7 min, 19' off -- G 06) I 2624 Dec 5' off; N 3497 RA 5.9 min off; N 3525 RA 0.9 min off -- G 11) N 3544 RA 2.0 min off -- G 08) NGC RA off 2 min IG? 02) star superimposed? * 570- G 03) NGC pos 0.7 min, 19' off -- G 06) I 2624 Dec 5' off; N 3497 RA 5.9 min off; N 3525 RA 0.9 min off -- G 11) N 3544 RA 2.0 min off -- G 08) NGC RA off 2 min IG? 02) star superimposed? * 570- G 03) NGC pos 0.7 in, 19' off -- G 06) I 2624 Dec 5' off; N 3497 RA 5.9 min off; N 3525 RA 0.9 min off -- G 11) N 3544 RA 2.0 min off -- G 08) NGC RA off 2 min IG? 02) star superimposed? * 570- G 03) NGC pos 0.7 7) cf. G 16; NGC RA 1.1 m off -- IG 23) in field 675 -- G 04) 1 deg error in NGC Dec * 604-** 05) NGC RA 0.5 m off * 605-IG 05) in cluster * 606- G 02) NGC position 0.6m, 17' off, in cl -- G 17, 18) in field 538 (overlapping region 23h49.5m to 23h59.5m), L in group 1-G 08) sev S comps -- IG 18) Arp 325 * 602- G 19) in field 674 -- G 23) NGC RA 1.4m off -- G 30) image blurred by halo around calibration marks * 603- G 06) p w G 07 -- G 16) cf. G 17 -- G

The main data of importance for the users of the ESO(B) Atlas are listed in Table 4 in the paper by West and Schuster (1982). For convenience it is reproduced here with the omission of original column 3 (galactic coordinates of the nominal field centre) and column 10 (Julian Date at the middle of the exposure). The table contains observational data for the Quick Blue Survey (QBS) plates which were finally accepted for the Atlas. Note that some copies of early QBS plates were withdrawn and replaced with copies of plates of higher quality (see end of this table). The columns are: