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J/A+AS/135/133    First DENIS I-band extragalactic catalog     (Vauglin+ 1999)
First DENIS I-band extragalactic catalog
       Vauglin I., Paturel G., Borsenberger J., Fouque P., Epchtein N.,
       Kimeswenger S., Tiphene D., Lanoix P., Di Nella-Courtois H.
      =1999A&AS..135..133V      (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)
ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs ; Surveys ; Photometry, infrared ; Galaxies, IR
Keywords: galaxies: general - catalogs - galaxies: photometry - surveys

    REDCAT is the release of the provisional extragalactic catalogue
    constructed from the "Deep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey" (DENIS).
    This catalogue contains 20260 galaxies with coordinates and I-band
    photometry (magnitude, diameter, axis ratio, position angle and a
    parameter related to the morphological type). In this new version
    photometric parameters are homogeneized to I-band measurements by
    Mathewson and Ford (1997, Cat. J/ApJS/107/97).

    Additional information on galaxies cross-identified with known objects
    can be obtained through the LEDA database at:

    This catalogue is the result of a tremendous work done along the chain
    Chile-Paris-Lyon. Many people are involved in this programm conducted
    by the P.I. N. Epchtein. We will not take the risk to mention them
    all. Their names will appear in forthcoming papers.

    The distribution on the sky is made of strips of 30 degrees in
    declination (180 frames per strip) south of +02{deg}.

    If you are satisfied with this catalogue, try to push the Community to
    support the DENIS project. Your suggestions are welcome for any
    improvement of this first release.

File Summary:
  FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe             80        .   This file
redcat.dat        128    20260   DENIS I-band extragalactic catalog

See also:
         B/denis : The DENIS database (DENIS Consortium, 1998)
   J/ApJS/107/97 : Parameters of 2447 southern spirals (Mathewson+ 1996)

Byte-by-byte Description of file: redcat.dat
   Bytes Format Units        Label    Explanations
   1- 24  A24   ----         DENIS    Provisional DENIS identifier
  26- 34  A9    ---          PGC      PGC (Cat. VII/119 number (for retrieving
                                       a galaxy in the LEDA database)
  36- 49  A14   ---          Name     Alternate name (according to LEDA)
  51- 52  I2    h            RAh      Right ascension (2000.0)
  53- 54  I2    min          RAm      Right ascension (2000.0)
  55- 58  F4.1  s            RAs      Right ascension (2000.0)
      59  A1    ---          DE-      Declination sign
  60- 61  I2    deg          DEd      Declination (2000.0)
  62- 63  I2    arcmin       DEm      Declination (2000.0)
  64- 65  I2    arcsec       DEs      Declination (2000.0)
  67- 71  F5.2  mag          Imag     I-band total magnitude
  73- 77  F5.3 [0.1arcmin]   logD     log10 of apparent diameter
  79- 83  F5.3  ---          log(a/b) log10 of axis ratio (major/minor axis)
  85- 89  F5.1  deg          PA       Position angle (from North towards East)
  91- 94  F4.1  ---          MType    Parameter connected to the morphological
                                       type (1)
  96- 99  I4    ---          Nmeas    ? Number of measurements
 101-102  I2    arcsec     e_Pos      Mean error on position
 104-107  F4.2  mag        e_Imag     Mean error on Imag
 109-113  F5.3 [0.1arcmin] e_logD     Mean error on logD
 115-119  F5.3  ---        e_log(a/b) Mean error on log(a/b)
 121-125  F5.1  deg        e_PA       Mean error on PA (2)
 127-128  I2    ---        e_MType    Mean error on MType
Note (1): Roughly: MType <0.1 for early (E), MType>0.1 for late (Sm)
Note (2): Note that the position angle is given even for nearly face-on
           galaxies. It is thus important to consider the associated mean error

Acknowledgements: Isabelle Vauglin isa@altair.univ-lyon1.fr
(End)                 Isabelle Vauglin [CRAL], Patricia Bauer [CDS]  04-Feb-1999