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Compendium of radio observations of normal galaxies [ CATS home ] [ Back to CATS list ] [ ftp ]


Compendium of radio observations of normal galaxies

Haynes,R.F., Huchtmeier,W.K.H., Siegman,B.C., Wright,A.E.


This compendium contains all radio measurements of optically bright 'normal' galaxies available to date. It considerably simlifies the statistical analysis of the radio properties of normal galaxies and indicates where improvements in the available radio data are needed. Statistical analysis is to be published elsewhere.

2.Table of Results

Each line in the table lists information from one specific reference.
 SOURCE           POSITION(1950)             RADIO DATA                            OPTICAL DATA                REFERENCE
--------     -------------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------------------------------  ------ 
            R.A.    ERR.     DEC.  ERR.   FREQ. FLUX  ERR. DIAMETER(D)   TYPE  (B-V)O (U-B)O    M      MTC  VEL  OPT RAD
                                                             RA X DEC          
          (H  M  S)( " ) ( O  '  ")( " )  (MHZ) (F.U.)(F.U.) (MIN ARC)          
 (1)        (2)     (3)     (4)    (5)     (6)   (7)   (8)     ( 9)      (10)   (11)  (12)    (13)    (14) (15)    (16) 
IC 5381   00 00 37.6   4  +15 41 14   2                                                                          GH     
IC 5381   00 00 36        +15 40 00       1400 < 0.15                                                                PFL
NGC7814   00 00 42        +15 51                              D  3.55  .SAS2*.  0.97         11.71    9.31 1245  RC     

The Compendium of radio observations of normal galaxies was received in 1991 from W.Huchtmeier on diskette. The following corrections were applied: H.Andernach, Febr. 1992
During a further check of the compendium (Apr 1994) the following problems were found:

Apart from these corrections, several bugs were found in the reference file of the EOLS/ADS documentation (as of Oct. 1992):

References finding list for Table 1.

AH Allen, R.J. & Hartsuiker, J.W. 1972, Nature, 239, 324
AEB Allen, R.J., Ekers, R.D., Burke, B.F. & Miley, G.K. 1973, Nature 241, 260
A72 Arp, H. 1972, ApJ 174, L111
A73 Arp, H. 1973, ApJ 183, 791
AVD Artyukh, V.S., Vitkevich, V.V., Dagkesamanskii, R.D. 1968, SvA 11, 792
BMW Baars, J.W.M., Mezger, P.G. & Wendker, H. 1965, Nature, 205, 488
BP Baldwin, J.E. & Pooley, G.G. 1973, MNRAS 161, 127
BKS de la Beaujardiere, O., Kazes, I., Le Squeren, A.M. & Nguyen-Quang-Rieu 1968, Ann.Astrophys., 31, 387
B62 Bennett, A.S. 1962, MmRAS 68, 163
BW Berkhuijsen, E.M. & Wielebinski, R. 1973, ApLett 13, 169
BLY Blythe, J.H. 1957, MNRAS 121, 413
BFG Braccesi, A., Fanti-Giovannini, C., Fanti, R., Formiggini, L., Vespignani, G 1967, Nuovo Cimiento, B 52, 352
BDM Bridle, A.H., Davis, M.M., Fomalont, E.B. & Lequeux, J. 1972, AJ 77, 405
BH9 Brown, R.H. & Hazard, C. 1959, MNRAS 119, 297
BH0 Brown, R.H. & Hazard, C. 1961a, MNRAS 122, 479
BH1 Brown, R.H. & Hazard, C. 1961b, MNRAS 123, 279
BM Burke, B.F. & Miley, G.K. 1973, A&A 28, 379
C71 Cameron, M.J. 1971, MNRAS 152, 403
CG Cameron, M.J. & Glanfield, J.R. 1968, MNRAS 141, 145
CW7 Caswell, J.L. & Wills, D. 1967, MNRAS 135, 231
C72 Cohen, M.H. 1972, ApLett 12, 81
CCP Cohen, M.H., Cannon, W., Purcell, G.H., Shaffer, D.B., Broderick, J.J., Kellermann, K.I. & Jauncey, D.L. 1971, ApJ 170, 207
RC Corwin, H.G. 1972, PASP 84, 462
RC de Vaucouleurs, G. & de Vaucouleurs, A. 1964, "Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies" (Univ. Texas Press).
RC de Vaucouleurs, G. & de Vaucouleurs, A. 1966, PASP 78, 262
RC de Vaucouleurs, G. & de Vaucouleurs, A. 1972, PASP 84, 461
NGC Dreyer, J.L.E. 1878, Trans.Roy.Irish.Acad., 26, 381
NGC Dreyer, J.L.E. 1888, MmRAS 49, pt.1
NGC Dreyer, J.L.E. 1895, MNRAS 51, 185
NGC Dreyer, J.L.E. 1908, MNRAS 59, 105
DT Durdin, J.M. & Terzian, Y. 1972, AJ 77, 637
E72 Ekers, R.D. 1972, IAU Symp. 44 (ed. D.S. Evans), p.222 (Reidel: Dordrecht)
EE Ekers, R.D. & Ekers, J.A. 1973, A&A 24, 247
FGL Fanti, R., Gioia, J., Lari, C., Lequeux, J. & Lucas, R. 1973, A&A 24, 69; also personal communication
FEM Fogarty, W.G., Epstein, E.E., Montgomery, J.W. & Dworetsky, M.M. 1971, AJ 76, 537
F71 Fomalont, E.B., 1971, AJ 76, 513
FM Fomalont, E.B. & Moffet, A.T. 1971, AJ 76, 5
GH Gallouet, L. & Heidmann, N. 1971, A&AS 3, 325
GLC Glanfield, J.R. & Cameron, M.J. 1967, AuJP 20, 613
G62 Goldstein, S.J. 1962, AJ 67, 171
GSW Gower, J.F.R., Scott, P.F. & Wills, D. 1967, MmRAS 71, 49
GR Graham, I. 1970, MNRAS 149, 319
HAR Harris, D.E. 1973, AJ 78, 369
HR Harris, D.E. & Roberts, J.A. 1960, PASP 72, 237
HJB Hazard, C., Jauncey, D.L. & Backer, D.C. 1970, AJ 75, 1039
H61 Heeschen, D.S. 1961, PASP 72, 237
H68 Heeschen, D.S. 1968, ApJ 151, L135
H70 Heeschen, D.S. 1970, AJ 75, 523
HM1 Heeschen, D.S. & Meredith, B.L. 1961, Publ.Nat.Radio Astron.Obs. 1, 121
HW Heeschen, D.S. & Wade, C.M. 1964, AJ 69, 277
H63 Heidmann, J. 1963, Ann.Astrophys., 26, 343
H69 Heidmann, N. 1969, Thesis Sci.Phys.Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique No. 2716
HU2 Huchtmeier, W. 1972a, A&A 17, 207
HU5 Huchtmeier, W. 1972b, A&AS 7, 397
HU3 Huchtmeier, W. 1973a, A&A 22, 27
HU4 Huchtmeier, W. 1973b, A&A 23, 93
HU6 Huchtmeier, W.K. 1975, A&A 44, 101
HU7 Huchtmeier, W.K. & Slee, O.B. 1976, Mitt.Astron.Ges. Nr.38, 87
HMS Humason, M.L., Mayall, N.U. & Sandage, A. 1956, AJ 61, 97
HU Hunstead, R.W. 1972, MNRAS 157, 367
HJ0 Hunstead, R.W. & Jauncey, D.L. 1970, MNRAS 149, 91
J68 Jackson, P.D. 1968, M.Sc.Thesis, University of Toronto
J65 de Jong, M.L. 1965, ApJ 142, 1333
J66 de Jong, M.L. 1966, ApJ 144, 553
J67 de Jong, M.L. 1967, ApJ 150, 1
KSN Kazes, I., Le Squeren, A.M. & Nguyen-Quang-Rieu 1970, ApLett 6, 193
KCJ Kellermann, K.I., Clark, B.G., Jauncey, D.L., Cohen, M.H., Shaffer, D.B., Moffet, A.T. & Gulkis, S. 1970, ApJ 161, 803
KPT Kellermann, K.I. & Pauliny-Toth, I.I.K. 1973, AJ 78, 828
K71 Kintner, E.C. 1971, AJ 76, 409
KJD Kraus, J.D. 1963, Nature 198, 844
KDF Kraus, J.D., Dixon, R.S. & Fisher, R.O. 1966, ApJ 144, 559
KFR [ unknown ref for NGC2683, maybe Ford, W.K.Jr., Rubin, V.C., & Roberts, M.S. 1971, AJ 76, 22 ]
KPS Kronberg, P.P., Pritchet, C.J. & van den Bergh, S. 1972, ApJ 173, L47
K66 Kuril'chik, V.N. 1966, Sov.Astron.AJ., 10, 1
KAI Kuril'chik, V.N., Andrievskii, A.E., Ivanov, V.N. & Spangenberg, E.E. 1970, SvA 13, 881
KOT Kuril'chik, V.N., Onishchenko, L.V. & Turgvskii, V.M. 1967, SvA 11, 528
KS Kuril'chik, V.N. & Sytsko, G.A. 1965, SvA 9, 421
LTN Lang, K.R. & Terzian, Y. 1968, ApJ 152, L63
LTZ Lang, K.R. & Terzian, Y. 1969, ApLett 3, 29
LMH Large, M.I., Mathewson, D.S. & Haslam, C.G. 1959, Nature 183, 1250
L62 Leibacher, J.W. 1962, AJ 67, 580
LEI Leibacher, J.W. 1964, AJ 69, 374
L71 Lequeux, J. 1971, A&A 15, 30
L60 Leslie, P.R.R. 1960, Observatory 80, 216
LSS Long, R.J., Smith, P., Stewart, P. & Williams, P.J.S. 1966, MNRAS 134, 371
LU [ unknown ref. used only for NGC1052 ]
LUF Lu, P.K. & Frederick, L.W. 1968, ApJ 151, L23
L73 Lucas, R., personal communication
MCC McCutcheon, W.H. 1973, AJ 78, 18
MCD McCutcheon, W.H. & Davies, R.D. 1970, MNRAS 150, 337
MAC MacLeod, J.M. 1964, Science 145, 389
MKB Mathewson, D.S., van der Kruit, P.C. & Brouw, W.N. 1972, A&A 17, 468
MR Mathewson, D.S. & Rome, J.M. 1963a, AuJP 16, 360
MRO Mathewson, D.S. & Rome, J.M. 1963b, Observatory, 83, 20
ML Miley, G.K. & van der Laan, H. 1973, A&A 28, 359
MBY Mills, B.Y. 1959, Handbuch der Physik 53, 239
M60 Mills, B.Y. 1960, AuJP 13, 550
MS1 Mills, B.Y., Slee, O.B. & Hill, E.R. 1958, AuJP 11, 360
MS2 Mills, B.Y., Slee, O.B. & Hill, E.R. 1960, AuJP 13, 676
MS3 Mills, B.Y., Slee, O.B. & Hill, E.R. 1961, AuJP 14, 497
MBD Moseley, G.F., Brooks, C.C. & Douglas, J.N. 1970, AJ 75, 1015
O70 Olsen, E.T. 1970, AJ 75, 764
PKS Shimmins, A.J. & Day, G.A. 1968, AuJP 21, 377
PKS Ekers, Jennifer A. (Ed.) 1969, AuJPApSup No. 7
PKS Wall, J.V., Shimmins, AJ Merkelihn, Jeannette K. 1971, AuJPApSup No. 19
PKS Shimmins, A.J. 1971, AuJPApSup No. 21
PKS Shimmins, A.J. & Bolton, J.G. 1972, AuJPApSup No. 26
PKS Bolton, J.G. & Shimmins, A.J. 1973, AuJPApSup No. 30
PKS Shimmins, A.J. & Bolton, J.G. 1974, AuJPApSup No. 32
PKS Bolton, J.G., Shimmins, A.J. & Wall, J.V. 1975, AuJPApSup No. 34, 1
PKS Bolton, J.G. & Butler, P.W. 1975, AuJPApSup No. 34, 33
PKS Wall, J.V., Shimmins, A.J. & Bolton, J.G. 1975, AuJPApSup No. 34, 55
PKS Shimmins, AJ Bolton, J.G. & Wall, J.V. 1975, AuJPApSup No. 34, 63
PWH Pauliny-Toth, I.I.K., Wade, C.M. & Heeschen, D.S. 1966, ApJS 13, 65
PE Peterson, S.D. 1973, AJ 78, 811
PFL Pfleiderer, J., personal communication
PS Pilkington, J.D.H. & Scott, P.F. 1964-65, MmRAS 69, 183
PG9 Pooley, G.G. 1969a, MNRAS 144, 101
PGG Pooley, G.G. 1969b, MNRAS 144, 143
PR Price, K.M., personal communication
PRS Price, K.M. & Stull, M.A. 1973, Nature Phys.Sci., 245, 83
PW Purton, C.R. & Wright, A.E. 1972, MNRAS 159, 15P
R72 Riley, J.M. 1972, MNRAS 157, 349
RE Rogstad, D.H. & Ekers, R.D. 1969, MNRAS 157, 481
RRW Rogstad, D.H., Roogoor, G.W. & Whiteoak, J.B. 1967, ApJ 150, 9
RSR Rogstad, D.H., Shostak, G.S. & Rots, A.H. 1973, A&A 22, 111
RW Ryle, M. & Windram, M.D. 1968, MNRAS 138, 1
SLW Schilizzi, R.T., Lockhart, I.A. & Wall, J.V. 1972, AuJP 25, 545
SWC Seeger, C.L., Westerhout, G. & Conway, R.G. 1957, ApJ 126, 585
SW Shimmins, A.J. & Wall, J.V. 1973, AuJP 26, 93
S72 Slee, O.B. 1972, ApLett 12, 75
SH Slee, O.B. & Higgins, C.S. 1973, AuJPApSup No. 27
SR Sramek, R., priv.comm. (later publ. in corrected form in AJ 80,771)
STL Stull, M.A. 1971, AJ 76, 1
T67 Terzian, Y. 1967, ApJ 150, 413
TP Terzian, Y. & Pankonin, V. 1972, ApJ 174, 293
TO1 Tovmassian, H.M. 1966a, AuJP 19, 565
TO2 Tovmassian, H.M. 1966b, AuJP 19, 883
T68 Tovmassian, H.M. 1968, AuJP 21, 193
TTZ Tovmassian, H.M. & Terzian, Y. 1973, ApLett 15, 97
KR0 van der Kruit, P.C. 1971, A&A 15, 110
KR1 van der Kruit, P.C. 1973a, A&A 29, 231
KR2 van der Kruit, P.C. 1973b, A&A 29, 249
KOM van der Kruit, P.C., Oort, J.H. & Mathewson, D.S. 1972, A&A 21, 169
V63 Venugopal, V.R. 1963, PASP 75, 404
WAD Wade, C. 1968, AJ 73, 876
WHK Wade, C.M., Hjellming, R.M., Kellermann, K.I. & Wardle, J.F.C. 1971, ApJ 170, L11
WCA Wall, J.V. & Cannon, R.D. 1973, AuJPApSup No. 31
WC1 Wall, J.V. & Cole, D.J. 1973, AuJP 26, 881
WD Wall, J.V., Disney, M.J., personal communication [not used in data file !?]
WAR Warner, J.W. 1972, ApLett 11, 83
W70 Whiteoak, J.B. 1970, ApLett 5, 29
W72 Whiteoak, J.B., 1972, personal communication
W73 Whiteoak, J.B., 1973, personal communication
WLK Wilkinson, P.N. 1971, MNRAS 154, 1P
W68 Wills, D. 1968, ApLett 2, 187
WIL Wilson, M.A.G. 1970, MNRAS 151, 1
WVV Witzel, A., Veron, P. & Veron, M.P. 1971, A&A 11, 117
WR Wright, A.E. 1974, MNRAS 167, 273