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THE 1.4 GHZ NORTHERN SKY CATALOG [ CATS home ] Back to CATS list [ ftp ]


A new catalog of 30,239 1.4 GHz sources

White, R. L. and Becker, R. H.


Using the Green Bank 1.4 GHz Northern Sky Survey, we have generated a catalog of 30239 sources over the declinatios range of -5^o to 82^o to a flux density limit of 100 mJy. Spectral indices were found for over 90% of these sources based on flux densities at 0.365 and 4.85 GHz taken from other catalogs. Flux densities at all three frequencies are available for 20000 sources. The spectral properties of 1.4 GHz sources are discussed along with the selection effects induced by the idiosyncracies of the various catalogs.
Distribution version, 4 December 1991 

This is a brief description of the format of the distribution version of
the 20 cm Northern Sky Catalog of White, R. L. and Becker, R. H. (1992,
Ap.J.Supp., 79, 331).  For more details see the paper.

The catalog is in an ascii file with 69 characters per record.  It can
be read with the following Fortran statements:

      character name*10, conflg, decsgn*1, extflg, cextflg
      integer rahh, ramm, decdd, decmm, decss, flux, cflux, pflux
      real rass, sihi, silo
      read(10,1) name, conflg, rahh, ramm, rass,
     &   decsgn, decdd, decmm, decss,
     &   flux, extflg, cflux, cextflg, pflux, sihi, silo
1     format(a10, 1x, a1, 1x, i2, 1x, i2, 1x, f4.1, 1x,
     &   a1, i2, 1x, i2, 1x, i2, 1x,
     &   i7, a1, 1x, i7, a1, 1x, i7, 1x, f4.1, 1x, f4.1)

Note that several of the columns may be blank, so in an actual application
one would have to be careful about zero values for a number of items.

Column Variable Format  Description
------ -------- ------  -----------
 (1)     NAME    A10    20cm Name, constructed from RA, Dec HHMM+DDMM with
                          A or B added at end if needed to make name unique.
                          When a 20cm source matches a sources in the 6cm
                          catalog of Becker, White, & Edwards (1991,
                          ApJSupp 75, 1) the 6cm name and position (good to
                          40" at the 90% confidence level) are used.
                          Sources without a 6cm counterpart have names ending
                          in L; their positions are only accurate to 160"
                          at the 90% confidence level).
 (2)     CONFLG  A1     A ? indicates that a 20cm source matched more than
                          one 6cm or 80cm source, so confusion is likely.
                          In that case the additional matches are listed in
                          following lines.
 (3)     RAHH    I2     Hours of right ascension (1950)
 (4)     RAMM    I2     Minutes of RA
 (5)     RASS    F4.1   Seconds of RA
 (6)     DECSGN  I2     Sign of declination
 (7)     DECDD   I2     Degrees of declination
 (8)     DECMM   I2     Minutes of declination
 (9)     DECSS   I2     Seconds of declination
(10)     FLUX    I7     1.4 GHz flux (mJy)
(11)     EXTFLG  A1     "*" if source is extended at 20cm, else blank
(12)     CFLUX   I7     4.85 GHz flux (mJy) from Becker et al (1991)
(13)     CEXTFLG A1     "*" if source is extended at 6cm, else blank
(14)     PFLUX   I7     0.365 GHz flux (mJy) from Texas survey, Douglas
                         et al., private comm.
(15)     SIHI    F4.1   Spectral index between 6 and 20 cm; blank if not
                         detected at 6 cm.  F(nu) = C nu**alpha.
(16)     SILO    F4.1   Spectral index between 20 and 80 cm; blank if not
                         detected at 80cm 

Here are a few sample lines from the catalog:

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 
0000-0041    00 00 24.0 -00 41 17     167      139      432 -0.1 -0.7
0000+6849L   00 00 26.4 +68 49 39     721*                           
0000+1821    00 00 27.9 +18 21 39     123      177      299  0.3 -0.7
0000+5457  ? 00 00 28.6 +54 57 33     140       45      351 -0.9 -0.7
2359+5453  ? 23 59 25.3 +54 53 57     140      128          -0.1     
0000+4600    00 00 31.6 +46 00 06     123       27      181 -1.2 -0.3
0000+5814    00 00 31.9 +58 14 56     329      104     1137 -0.9 -0.9
up to begining