Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.sao.ru/cats/~satr/JS/plugin/pgix.htm
Дата изменения: Wed Jan 15 23:18:14 1997
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 05:38:53 2012

Поисковые слова: lmc
Index [Previous] [Contents]



About Plug-ins page 8
allocating memory 90
API organization 100


building plug-ins 32


communicating with Java 31
function group (Netscape) 108
function group (Plug-in) 106
Communicator, restarting 97
conventions, document xvi
creating a stream 75
creating an instance of a plug-in 41
creating dialog boxes 61
creating pop-up menus 61
current version
finding a feature 96
getting 95


deleting the stream 76
destroying a plug-in instance 43
developer information xix
displaying messages on the status line 30
displaying status line message 94
displaying URL 83
document conventions xvi
drawing and events
function group (Netscape) 107
function group (Plug-in) 105
drawing methods, reference 122
drawing plug-ins 26
functions 50
methods 50


EMBED tag 14, 15
embedded plug-in 13
entry point, NPP_GetMIMEDescription 26
error codes 192
event handling
windowed plug-ins 56
windowless plug-ins 62


file mode 73
finding installed plug-ins 3
finding maximum number of bytes 70
flushing memory 91
forcing a paint message 59
freeing memory 90
full-page plug-in 14
NPN_DestroyStream 143
NPN_ForceRedraw 128
NPN_GetJavaEnv 168
NPN_GetJavaPeer 169
NPN_GetURL 150
NPN_GetURLNotify 153
NPN_GetValue 131
NPN_InvalidateRect 130
NPN_InvalidateRegion 131
NPN_MemAlloc 159
NPN_MemFlush 160
NPN_MemFree 161
NPN_NewStream 144
NPN_PostURL 154
NPN_PostURLNotify 157
NPN_ReloadPlugins 97, 162
NPN_RequestRead 145
NPN_SetValue 133
NPN_Status 163
NPN_UserAgent 164
NPN_Version 165
NPN_Write 147
NPP_Destroy 117
NPP_DestroyStream 135
NPP_GetJavaClass 167
NPP_GetValue 122
NPP_HandleEvent 123
NPP_Initialize 116
NPP_New 119
NPP_NewStream 136
NPP_Print 125
NPP_SetValue 126
NPP_SetWindow 127
NPP_Shutdown 120
NPP_StreamAsFile 139
NPP_URLNotify 149
NPP_Write 140
NPP_WriteReady 141
functions by API group 100
functions by functional group 111


getting agent information 94
getting current Plug-in API version 95
getting UI information 30
getting URLs 81
getting version information 30


handling memory 27
hidden plug-in 13
how Communicator finds plug-ins 8
HTML tags 14


initialization 40
initialization and destruction
function group (Plug-in) 105
function methods, reference 116
Installed Plug-ins page 3
installing plug-ins
automatic installation 35
JAR Installation Manager 34
manual installation 34


JAR Installation Manager, using 35
calling from plug-ins 31
Java access methods, reference 167
Java Runtime Interface (JRI) 2


layers. See sections.
LiveConnect 4
LiveConnecting Plug-ins with Java 2, 5


mailto URL 80
sending 87
making a plug-in opaque 60
allocating 90
flushing 91
freeing 90
methods for handling 27
memory group (Netscape) 108
Memory methods, reference 159
MIME types 23


Netscape developer information xix
Netscape methods 9
communicating with Java 108
drawing and events 107
functional subgroups 107
memory 108
receiving data streams 109
sending data streams 109
summary 103
utility 109
working with URLs 107
Netscape ONE 2, 4
netscape_minor version number 96
notifying plug-in
stream creation 67
stream destruction 69
NP_Port structure 181
NP_Rect structure 184
NPAnyCallbackStruct structure 172
NPByteRange structure 173
NPEmbedPrint structure 174
NPEvent structure 174
NPFullPrint structure 179
NPN_DestroyStream function 143
NPN_ForceRedraw function 128
NPN_GetJavaEnv function 168
NPN_GetJavaPeer function 169
NPN_GetURL function 81, 150
NPN_GetURLNotify function 82, 153
NPN_GetValue function 52, 61, 131
NPN_InvalidateRect function 130
NPN_InvalidateRegion function 131
NPN_MemAlloc function 91, 159
NPN_MemFlush function 91, 160
NPN_MemFree function 91, 161
NPN_NewStream function 75, 144
NPN_PostURL function 84, 154
NPN_PostURLNotify function 85, 157
NPN_ReloadPlugins function 97, 162
NPN_RequestRead function 73, 145
NPN_SetValue function 133
NPN_Status function 94, 163
NPN_UserAgent function 95, 164
NPN_Version function 95, 96, 165
NPN_Write function 76, 147
NPP structure 180
NPP_Destroy function 43, 117
NPP_DestroyStream function 69, 135
NPP_GetJavaClass function 167
NPP_GetMIMEDescription entry point 26
NPP_GetValue function 122
NPP_HandleEvent function 62, 123
NPP_Initialize function 116
using 40
NPP_New function 41, 119
NPP_NewStream function 67, 72, 136
NPP_Print function 125
NPP_SetValue function 126
NPP_SetWindow function 51, 127, 128
NPP_Shutdown function 44, 120
NPP_StreamAsFile function 139
NPP_URLNotify function 149
NPP_Write function 71, 140
NPP_WriteReady function 70, 71, 141
NPPrint structure 182
NPPrintCallbackStruct structure 183
NPSavedData structure 186
NPSetWindowCallbackStruct structure 187
npstream structure 188
NPVERS constants 96, 166
NPWindow function 48
NPWindow structure 189


OBJECT tag 14, 18


platform independence 11
Plug-in methods 9
communicating with Java 106
drawing and events 105
functional subgroups 105
initialization and destruction 105
receiving data streams 106
summary 102
working with URLs 106
Plug-in SDK xvii
plug-in version constants 194
and web page 6
building 32
building on Mac OS 33
building on Unix 32
building on Win32 32
creating an instance 41
defined 1
destroying 43
drawing 26, 50
embedded 13
finding installed plug-ins 3, 8
full-page 14
groups 9
hidden 13
how plug-ins work 6
how to use 3
HTML tags 14
initialization 40
lifespan 7
LiveConnect 4
naming functions 9
Netscape methods 9
Netscape ONE 2, 4
opaque 60
platform independence 11
Plug-in methods 9
plug-ins directory 8
registering 23
reloading 97
shutdown 44
syntax 10
threads 7
transparent 60
when to use 4
windowed 11, 53
windowless 11
working with URLs 29
writing 22
posting data to HTTP server 86
posting URLs 84
pushing data into the stream 76


random-access mode 72
reason codes 193
receiving data streams group (Netscape) 109
receiving data streams group (Plug-in) 106
registering plug-ins 23
Mac OS 24
MS Windows 25
Unix 26
reloading plug-ins 97
restarting Communicator 97
RFC 1738
Uniform Resource Locators (URL) 80
runtime model, plug-ins 7


sections 14
LAYER tag 14
security 36, 37
sending data streams group (Netscape) 109
sending mail 87
sending stream in file mode 73
sending stream in random-access mode 72
sending the stream 74
shutdown 44
specifying that a plug-in is windowless 57
status line, displaying messages 30
stream methods, reference 135
streams 28, 65
receiving 66
NP_Port 181
NP_Rect 184
NP_Region 185
NPAnyCallbackStruct 172
NPByteRange 173
NPEmbedPrint 174
NPEvent 174
NPFullPrint 179
NPP 180
NPPrint 182
NPPrintCallbackStruct 183
NPSavedData 186
NPSetWindowCallbackStruct 187
NPStream 188
NPWindow 189
summary 171
supported URL schemes 79


text conventions xvi
thread-handling 7
type definitions 192


uploading files to FTP server 86
URL methods, reference 148
URLs 29
supported by Navigator 79
supported schemes 79
utility group (Netscape) 109
Utility methods, reference 162


version constants 166


windowed plug-ins 47, 53
drawing 50
handling events 56
windowless plug-ins 47
creating dialog boxes 61
creating menus 61
drawing 50
forcing paint message 59
handling events 62
invalidate 58
opaque 60
specifying 57
transparent 60
working with URLs
function group (Netscape) 107
function group (Plug-in) 106
writing plug-ins 22
writing the stream 71

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Last Updated: 01/15/97 16:38:18

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation