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Дата изменения: Thu Mar 10 21:12:48 2011
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 22:04:21 2012
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Поисковые слова: x-ray background
Таблица основных физических величин

The Royal Society

The Institute of Physics   The Royal Society of Chemistry


The values are derived from the consistent set of constants which were produced by E.R. Cohen & B.N. Taylor (CODATA Bull. no. 63 (1986)) in collaboration with the CODATA Task Group on Fundamental Physical Constants and were subsequently recommended for general adoption by CODATA. This reference must be included when these constants are used in a context where their full accuracy is important. The number in parenthesis after each value is the estimated standard-deviation uncertainty of the last digit quoted.

Quantity Symbol Value (with s.d. uncertainty)
speed of light in vacuum c 2.99792458 x 108 m.s-1 (exact)
permeability of a vacuum m0 4p x 10-7 H.m-1
permittivity of a vacuum, 1/m0c2 e0 8.854187817... x 10-12 F.m-1
elementary charge (of proton) e 1.60217733(49) x 10-19 C
gravitational constant G 6.67259(85) x 10-11 N.m2.kg-2
unified atomic mass constant mu 1.6605402(10) x 10-27 kg
rest mass:    
- of electron me 9.1093897(54) x 10-31 kg
  me/mu 5.48579903(13) x 10-4
- of proton mp 1.6726231(10) x 10-27 kg
  mp/mu 1.007276 470(12)
  mp/me 1836.152701(37)
- of neutron mn 1.6749286(10) x 10-27 kg
  mn/mu 1.008664904(14)
energy equivalence of rest mass:    
- of electron, mec2/(e/C)   0.51099906(15) MeV
- of proton, mpc2/(e/C)   938.27231(28) MeV
- of neutron, mnc2/(e/C)   939.56563(28) MeV
Planck constant h 6.6260755(40) x 10-34 J.s
   h/2p h 1.054572 66(63) x 10-34 J.s
Rydberg constant, m02mee4c3/8h3 R? 1.0973731534(13) x 107 m-1
fine structure constant, m0e2c/2h a 7.29735308(33) x 10-3
   (m0e2c/2h)-1 a-1 137.0359895(61)
Hartree energy, 2R?hc Eh 4.3597482(26) x 10-18 J
Bohr radius, h2(pm0c2mee2) a0 5.291772 49(24) x 10-11 m
electron radius, m0e2/(4pme) re 2.81794092(38) x 10-15 m
Compton wavelength:    
- of electron, h/mec lC 2.42631058(22) x 10-12 m
- of proton, h/mpc lC,p 1.32141002(12) x 10-15 m
- of neutron, h/mnc lC,n 1.31959110(12) x 10-15 m
Avogadro constant L, NA 6.0221367(36) x 1023 mol-1
Faraday constant F 9.6485309(29) x 104 C.mol-1
molar gas constant R 8.314510(70) J.K-1.mol-1
Boltzmann constant, R/L k 1.380658(12) x 10-23 J.K-1
Stefan-Boltzmann constant s 5.67051(19) x 10-8 W.m-2.K-4
first radiation constant, 2phc2 c1 3.7417749(22) x 10-16 J.m2.s-1
second radiation constant, hc/k c2 1.438769(12) x 10-2 m.K
Bohr magneton, eh/2me mB 9.2740154(31) x 10-24 J.T-1
nuclear magneton, eh/2mp mN 5.0507866(17) x 10-27 J.T-1
gyromagnetic ratio of proton gp 2.67522128(81) x 108 s-1.T-1
  gp/2p 4.2577469(13) x 107 Hz.T-1
(proton in pure H2O)* g'p 2.67515255(81) x 108 s-1.T-1
  g'p/2p 4.2576375(13) x 107 Hz.T-1
magnetic flux quantum, h/2e F0 2.06783461(61) x 10-15 V.s
magnetic moment of electron me 9.2847701(31) x 10-24 J.T-1
in terms of Bohr magneton me/mB 1.001159652193(10)
magneton magnetic moment of proton mp 1.41060761(47) x 10-26 J.T-1
in terms of Bohr magneton mp/mB 1.521032202(15) x 10-3
  (proton in pure H2O)* mp'/mB 1.520993129(17) x 10-3
in terms of nuclear magneton mp/mN 2.792847386(63)

*As measured in a spherical sample of pure water at 25 њC with the diamagnetic shielding effect of (1- mp'/mp) of 25.689(15) x 10-6.

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