: : : Споры могут иметь место. Как быть с упрямым фактом? Скорость света не зависит от скорости источника. Есть другие теории?
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: : Довожу до Вашего сведения, что Есть другие теории в которых
: : Скорость света зависит от скорости источника:
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: : the Newtonian particle c+v model for light
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: : http://surf.de.uu.net/bookland/sci/farce/farce_6.html#SEC6
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: : "Although not apparent from inspection of Fig. 4, the residuals of the U.S.S.R. time-delay are systematically negative relative to the Arecibo and Lincoln Laboratory residuals during the time period (June 1964) when all three groups were observing Venus. This incompatibility cannot be removed by assuming simply that different units of time were used by the different observatories.
: : In his chapter of the book [63] "Radar Astronomy", Shapiro states:
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: : If the theory is wrong, the values of the parameters will selected from the data in a manner that tends to cover up the inadequacies of the theory (for example, if least-mean-square fitting is employed).
: : I told Shapiro that my analysis of the published 1961 Venus radar data [18] showed a much better fit to the Newtonian particle c+v model for light than for the Einstein wave c model. I stated that my analysis would have been far more impressive if I had more than the sparse set of data that was published. Shapiro made no effort to challenge any of my arguments, and promised to send me any data I would require to make a more in depth analysis of the relative velocity of light in space. Thornton Page was furious over the corrosive nature of my arguments and the tone of voice that I had used, and let me know about it in no uncertain terms! "
: И они поддаются проверке опытом?
Вот здесь как раз и описаны мучения бедолаги из США, который ущучил ортодоксов в систематической и умышленной подтасовке интерпретации/(или не интерпретации) экспериментальных данных из США и СССР в пользу СТО по межпланетным радиолокационным измерениям |