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Александр Тимофеев (@) - 27.02.2005 13:36
  › › ›   в ответ на: Re: "КВАНТОВАЯ ГРАВИТАЦИЯ" – AK
: : : Разработка квантовой теории гравитации в современной
: : : физике в настоящее время (2005 г.) движется в неверном
: : : направлении. Я имею в виду теорию струн и ее обобщение -
: : : М-теорию.
: :
: : [snip]
: :  
: : Глубокоуважаемый Климец А.П.!
: :  
: :  Мне хотелось бы, перед детальным обсуждением рассматриваемых Вами проблем КВАНТОВОЙ ГРАВИТАЦИИ прояснить для себя Вашу физическую и любые другие мотивации при выборе Вами в качестве объекта исследований очень трудоемкой и, возможно, экспериментально слабо обоснованной проблемы, КВАНТОВОЙ ГРАВИТАЦИИ.
: :  
: :   С уважением,
: :   ---
: :   Александр
: :   PS В частности, как вы относитесь к шаматной игре?
: Мотивация одна - построение квантовой теории гравитации. У физиков, по моему, во всем мире съехала крыша - все считают, что квантовая теория гравитации связана с теорией струн. Я так не считаю.

Jack Sarfatti и Brian Josephson согласны с Вашей точкой зрения:


From: Jack Sarfatti <sarfa...@pacbell.net>
Newsgroups: sci.physics,sci.skeptic,sci.military,alt.consciousness,alt.paranormal

Subject: Nature publishes Brian Josephson on  Cornell's Gulag of Repression

Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2005 05:09:09 GMT

'Vital resource should be open to all physicists: Putting control in the
hands of a few can enforce orthodoxy and stifle innovative ideas.'
Nature, Feb. 24, 2005

Brian Josephson wrote

'To whom it may concern

The following is written in response to a request by Dr. J. Sarfatti to
describe my experiences with the physics preprint server arxiv.org
administered by Cornell University. As I understand it, a number of
other physicists have had similar experiences.

My own problems with the archive began when, in an attempt to promote
proper discussion of the cold fusion issue, I tried in 2002 to upload a
survey by Edmund Storms to the preprint server, the natural place for
facilitating such discussion, but the moderators frustrated this intent
by deleting the review, declaring it "inappropriate". Correspondence
contesting this ruling resulted in an absurd and uninformed exchange,
suggesting an inability of the moderators to treat a serious subject
with seriousness it deserved. All of this correspondence is carried out
anonymously, and reasonable queries are very often not responded to at all.

When I next attempted to upload a paper of my own to the archive I
discovered that, apparently in retaliation for havjng contested the
decision, I had been barred from posting to the archive at all. On
appeal, this restriction was removed, but I was still barred from
cross-posting my paper to any archive area other than the general
physics area it had been located in, normally a routine process.

An 'endorsement system' has now been introduced. Some people are allowed
to post to the archive automatically, but the criteria for permitting
this do not include being a full professor of physics at a major
university. I am allowed to ask others to endorse me, but the threats
against improper endorsement posted on the archive's web pages are such
that those who know of the archive's past record have admitted being
afraid to endorse me in case they get their own privileges removed as a

B.D. Josephson'

Nobel Physics Laureate Brian Josephson speaks out on censorship in
Nature Magazine 24 Feb. 2005

Jack Sarfatti (Cornell Class of 1960) wrote:

"The internet is a quick cheap valid way to communicate instantly.
Peer-review in theoretical physics today is more and more a sham and
everyone knows it. String theory, with really no evidence to back it,
dominates the theory sections of the Cornell archive. This Balkanization
of theoretical physics into little popularity cults and claques, like
opera in the 19th Century, is epidemic. In the meantime, good ideas that
might work are not allowed to be published and many bad and bogus ideas
now on the Cornell archive are not allowed to be properly challenged.
This is a scandal of immense proportions that reflects badly on my Alma
Mater, Cornell and on the rise of fascist and Stalinist suppression in
American Academia in the name of liberal 'respectability.' Brian
Josephson, Nobel Prize physicist commented on the general deplorable
situation in theoretical physics in 2004 in an e-mail to President
Lehman at Cornell about the way Cornell professor of physics is handling
this blacklist issue."

On Apr 29, 2004, at 2:35 AM, Brian Josephson wrote to the President of

'Dear Prof. Lehman,

I might just add to the letter referred to by Dr. Perelman, which I
believe Dr. Sarfatti gave you at the gathering last night, the fact that
I have just been invited to contribute to a volume entitled "Progress in
String Theory Research" on the strength of the preprint which those who
currently run the archive blocked from most areas, including hep-th and
quant-ph, as 'inappropriate'! Clearly, then, some people think the paper
worth bringing to the attention to a wider audience and the archive,
which should be in harmony with such a purpose and indeed claims that it
is so, is very much out of step with it.

I am told that the archive currently operates on the negative principle
that if anyone complains about a paper then not only the paper but also
the author are blocked. One cannot find out who exactly is responsible
for this kind of decision since all correspondence is answered
anonymously and the people higher up, whose names one does know, all
declare when challenged that they are 'not responsible for day to day
decisions'. As an example of the lucid thinking of these people, during
correspondence on a certain matter a moderator asserted that a person
from MIT's electrical engineering dept. could not submit to the archive
because the archive did not have a section on electrical engineering
(the person concerned works mainly on quantum information processing)!

Yours sincerely,

Brian Josephson'

Prof. Brian D. Josephson, b...@cam.ac.uk

Mind-Matter * Cavendish Lab., Madingley Rd, Cambridge CB3 0HE, U.K.

Unification *  voice: +44(0)1223 337260 fax: +44(0)1223 337356

Project  *      WWW: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bdj10

Nature has had two articles on this (25 Nov, 2004, p. 428, Vol 432, no.
7016 and 24 Feb. 2005, p. 800 'Vital resource should be open to all
physicists: Putting control in the hands of a few can enforce orthodoxy
and stifle innovative ideas.' (A letter by Nobel Physics Laureate, Brian

: Трехмерие пространства я считаю экспериментальным подтверждением той концепции квантовой гравитации, которую пропагандирую я.
: В шахматы я играю только с компьютером и так как программа на уровне гросмейстера, обыграть ее невозможно без ее же подсказки.

Я считаю принципиально, что игры  не только пустое времяпровождение но и средство ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЯ СОЗНАНИЯ на виртуализацию и шизофренизацию. Шизофрения есть систематизированный бред, который и реализуется концептуально в играх С ЧУЖИМИ НАВЯЗАННЫМИ ИЗВНЕ ПРАВИЛАМИ.

  • [вернуться на форум]
  • Вопрос по существу (с О-форума) – АК, 19.02.2005 16:42
  • Re: Предупреждение! – Игорь Старк A, 19.02.2005 17:38
  • Re: Предупреждение! – Горбачев, 20.02.2005 18:39
  • Re: Предупреждение! – Александр Тимофеев, 19.02.2005 18:10
  • Re: – Игорь Старк A, 19.02.2005 20:07
  • Re: Quantum Paradox of a Self-Interference of a Photon in VLBI – Александр Тимофеев, 20.02.2005 17:38


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