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3. Fermion Interactions and Mass Generation in the Nilpotent Formalism
Peter Rowlands Department of Physics. University of Liverpool, Oliver Lodge Laboratory. Oxford St. Liverpool. L69 7ZE, UK. @ (invited speaker)
Keywords: nilpotent, mass gap, baryon, Higgs mechanism, vacuum
Abstract The relative signs associated with the energy and momentum operators used in representing the nilpotent Dirac state vectors of fermions and anti-fermions are a direct indication of the interactions to which these particles are subject, and also of the processes by which mass is generated from the vacuum. Strong, weak and electric interactions and the acquisition of nonzero mass by fermions and bosons can all be related to the nilpotent structure. Of special significance is the baryon state vector, whose particular structure suggests the actual mechanism by which the strong interaction between the component quarks takes place. The baryon state vector and those for the gluons are structured in such a way that the interaction requires a change of sign of the momentum operator. The necessary existence of two signs for this operator is a direct indication of the presence of mass. This will be presented as a direct and analytic solution of the mass gap problem. A similar analysis leads to an elucidation of the structure of the sign-changing and mass generation involved in the electro-weak SU(2)LU(1). In addition, the structures of spin 1 and spin 0 bosons show how the nilpotent structure of their component parts leads directly to the Higgs mechanism.
4. D: the infinite square roots of -1
Bernard M Diaz1 & Peter Rowlands2
1Department a/Computer Science, 2Science Communication Unit, Department of Physics, The University of Liverpool, Peach Street, Liverpool, UK. L69 7ZF
@, @
Keywords: Quaternion, complex number, rewrite system, universal alphabet, nilpotent Dirac equation.
Abstract We present D, a symbol that can be used in the universal alphabet that provides a computational path to the nilpotent Dirac equation (Diaz & Rowlands, 2004) and which results in a tractable computer representation of the infinite square roots of -1, We outline how the representation is derived, the properties of the representation, and how the form can be used. Think of D as an infinite table of 1's in any representation e.g. binary or hexadecimal. Any specified column Di of the table has the property that when multiplied with a row Di, the result is a representation of -1. Di multiplied with Dj anti-commutes as - (Dj*Di) and produces Dk in a way identical to Hamilton's quaternion i, j, and k. With an infinite and uniquely identifiable set of such triad forms D can be considered both a symbol and because of this behaviour, an alphabet.
Именно эти доклады я не слышал и о физической значимости судить не могу.
Но месяц назад я слышал выступление Peter Rowlands (помимо всего прочего) и с "симметричноэстетической" мотивацией.
Он правда работал в технике "комплексных кватернионов", но, по моему опыту решения других задач, кватернионная структура не очень по существу.
Вероятно, что можно обойтись и С+С+С+С.
Это не R+R+R+R, но все же...
А концепция Peter Rowlands чем-то отдаленно созвучна... |