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Дата изменения: Wed Mar 2 03:57:07 2011
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 20:40:00 2012

Поисковые слова: supernova
The Official Publication of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton
Director Ludy D'Angelo (609) 882-9336 ludy@princetonastronomy.org Assistant Director Jeff Bernardis (609) 466-4238 jbernardis@comcast.net Treasurer Michael Mitrano (609)-737-6518 michael.mitrano@att.net Program Chairman John Church (609) 799-0723 j.church@mindspring.com

Secretary Editors Larry Kane Bryan Hubbard. Ira Polans, & Michael Wright (609) 273-1456 (908) 859-1670 and (848) 248-0424 kane@princetonastronomy.org editors@princetonastronomy.org

Volume 40 From the Director

March 2011

Number 3

This month we hope to have our regular meeting at Peyton Hall. I was just informed by email that there is a possibility that the hall may be needed for midterm exams. Although we have never had this problem before, we will keep everyone informed if there is a change in meeting place. If everything works out, our meeting will be on March 8th at 8 PM at Peyton Hall. This last month seemed to be very busy for me. One thing I did do was to give a star party at my church as a fundraiser. So I set up my binoculars, my small Meade ETX-90, and my Celestron 9.25 SCT. I used the binoculars for general viewing. The small scope set to the Moon (it was Ѕ full). The large scope was set to Jupiter in the early evening, then to the Orion Nebula, the Double Cluster, and a few double stars and other objects. It was a very clear night, cold, and everyone enjoyed the views I was able to provide. And it amazes me that everyone experiencing viewing the night sky was so blown away by it. I had young children to older adults, about 25 in all. The big reaction was the view of the Moon, as the viewers came to understand the surface in great detail, the more excited they got. Especially the children, the cries of joy, I can only hope that they will continue to look up and have an interest in one of the most basic natural sciences there is: Astronomy. At our last meeting, we determined that the club picnic would be June 4th. So mark your calendars, we will send information about where as we approach the date. We open the observatory to the public again starting in April. I will be sending out some emails inviting other members to be part of the process of nominating chair. The nominations committee is responsible for finding nominees for Director, Assistant Director, Program Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Nominations can be made by anyone; you can also nominate yourself for one of the positions. If you are interested in helping your club's management and growth, please be generous with your interest and time. Drop me an email if you have questions. See you all on March 8th! Ludovico D'Angelo, Director

Sidereal Times Now Available as a Blog!
Sidereal Times is available as an online blog at http://princeton astronomy.wordpress.com. Articles will be posted to the blog monthly at the same time Sidereal Times is mailed to members. Members are encouraged to subscribe to the online version via the RSS feed by clicking on the red icon on the upper right side of the home page under the words "Subscribe". All articles will be automatically sent to the RSS feed reader of your choice when they are posted. For additional information on RSS feed readers, see RSS Explained The online version allows members to comment on the articles. To maintain cordial and family-friendly discourse, members are asked to abide by the comment rules posted on the site. Violators will be banned from the blog. We hope members enjoy this alternative way to get club news and meeting announcements.

The deadline for the April issue is: Friday, April 1, 2010 Send your submissions to: editors@princetonastronomy.org

Membership Meeting Minutes February 8, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Director Ludy D'Angelo. Secretary's Report: There was no Secretary's report Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer was not in attendance but the Treasurer's report appears in another section of Sidereal Times.

March 2011 Web site: The Director will contact webmaster John Miller and David Zoller about updating the AAAP website. Program Chair Report: John Church provided the line-up of speakers for the remainder of the 2011 season. John announced that he will not be running for Program Chair next season and he called for members to step up and volunteer for the position. Outreach Report: David Letcher reported on the Lawrenceville Elementary School. The next event will be at the Hopewell Elementary School Science night on March 25. He will send out an email and ask for volunteers. Member Bill Murray announced that the original date for the State Museum's Super Science Saturday has been changed from April 16 to May 7. It was announced that an elementary school in Summit wants to hold a star party on March 24. Larry Kane announced that a local paper in Bucks County, PA had a descriptive article on the AAAP. Other Outreach: Ludy was contacted by the Grounds for Sculpture. They want to do a large community event in November and invited the AAAP. Picnic: Ludy announced that we will have one this Spring or early Summer. He asked for some dates. Member Dee Bosch volunteered to help coordinate it. A consensus date of June 4 was agreed to, by those in attendance. Observatory Report: John Giles reported that he got our refractor mount back from Losmandy. It required a new hand controller that cost $20. He is waiting for some decent weather to put the mount together and test it. Gene Ramsey said that the Park personnel are not plowing the snow. He and Jeff Bernardis are still investigating the upgrading of the alarm system. The goal is to keep the cost under $300. Rex Parker said that a former member, Bob Wolf, will donate a G11 GOTO model Losmandy mount that we may be able to use with the refractor. Ludy raised the issue of adding a third telescope at the observatory. We might set up a dome next to the observatory. John Church reported on the physics of measuring whether a mount will work with our refractor, and how efficiently it will do it. He needs more information about the G11. It was agreed that we should accept the gift and that we will use it. We could add a permanent pad outside the observatory. Sidereal Times: The next deadline for articles is February 23. Editor Ira Polans announced that co-editor Bryan Hubbard can no longer serve. Larry Kane, Secretary

Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton a few AAAP members, with or without scopes to come and share their knowledge and enthusiasm. Victor has participated in a program called Project Astro Nova, in which he visited Brayton Elementary School (89 Tulip Street, Summit, NJ) a half-dozen or so times during the school year to teach topics in astronomy. Victor teaches 4 fourth-grade classes totaling about 80 children. The Star Party will have indoor activities led by the school's teachers which will include building a comet out of dry ice, constructing an alien out of cardboard, making scale-model planets out of Play-Doh, and other astronomy-related activities. Outside, Victor and whatever volunteers he can scare up will conduct a constellation tour, an exercise in learning to use star maps, and observing with telescopes and binoculars. Victor admits that Summit, NJ is a bit far afield from Princeton­it's not far from Newark­but I hope a few adventurous souls will make the trek to my neck of the woods. Please let me, Dave Letcher, Outreach Coordinator, know if you are willing and able to participate in one or both of these events. (letcher@tcnj.edu; home phone (609) 883-1064) Dave Letcher, Outreach Coordinator

Interested in keyholder training? Contact: kane@princetonastronomy.org or by cell phone (609-273-1456)

Treasurer's Report
Membership has now risen to 70 members. Routine expenses for the year have been in line with expectation and no major unexpected expenses have been incurred. For these reasons, our surplus for the fiscal year to date is about $2,000. On a cumulative basis, it is about $20,500. Michael Mitrano, Treasurer

From the Program Chair
On March 8th we will be having Tim Brandt, a third-year graduate student in Princeton's Department of Astrophysics. speaking on Type Ia supernovae and the search for their progenitors. Type Ia supernovae are believed to be the thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. They are also "standardizable candles"­objects whose luminosity can be calculated from detailed light curve observations. This has made them useful distance indicators out to redshifts of ~1, and led to the discovery of the accelerating universe. However, we still do not know how the white dwarf is destabilized. The two leading hypotheses are that it accretes mass from a companion main sequence

Community Outreach
I have received two requests for our association to participate in two events in March. One is for us to bring our telescopes and do a viewing of the skies as part of Hopewell Elementary School's Science Night on Friday evening, March 25. Their program, which is an indoor event, starts at 5:30 pm and finishes at 8:30 pm. However, it has been our experience that as parents and children leave to go home at 8:30, they often come to our telescopes for a view of the sky. So, let me know if you would like to help out. I'll be sending out an announcement to our membership with additional details plus the location's address. Our second request comes from Victor Davis who is leading a Star Party in Summit, NJ on Thursday, March 24th, about 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. no matter what the weather is. Victor would like to recruit

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Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton Newsletter or giant star, increasing the central temperature and pressure, or that it merges with another white dwarf. Tim will also discuss his more recent work as part of the Strategic exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru (SEEDS) collaboration using the 8.2-meter Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. He is currently trying to characterize the instrument and understand the data, with the ultimate goal of doing statistical analyses on the entire data set. He will provide an overview of the telescope and instrument, and of the challenges in the search for companions of nearby stars. Tim was born in rural Ohio and grew up outside of Boston. His undergraduate work was at Yale, where he majored in math and physics. He did undergraduate research with Meg Urry and collaborators on blazars and active galactic nuclei. After graduating, he spent two years teaching high school physics at the American School of Kuwait. At Princeton, he has worked on Type Ia supernova hosts and progenitors, simulations of core-collapse supernovae, scattering by diffuse interstellar dust, and most recently, directimaging exoplanets survey. He is also very interested in teaching and is volunteering in a program to teach algebra at local prisons. There will be a "Meet the Speaker" dinner at 6:00 pm before the meeting. Please email j.church@mindspring.com by noon on Tuesday, March 8th for a reservation. I will respond with the dinner location, which has yet to be determined; it will be at either the Sports Bar (old Sotto) or the Triumph Brewing Company, close to one another on Nassau Street in Princeton. To insure a place or places at the table, it will be very important to make all reservations by noon on the 8th. On April 12th we will have Michael Molnar speaking on "The Star of Bethlehem," a topic he has extensively researched. Michael will be signing copies of his book on this subject during the intermission. We will be hearing Ken Kremer's talk (postponed from January due to the meeting cancellation) on the future of NASA on May 10th. To round out our current session, on June 14th we will be treated to another presentation by Bill Murray in the New Jersey State Museum Planetarium in Trenton. On a personal note, it has been my distinct pleasure to serve as your Program Chair for the 2010-11 season. It is now time for me to move on to new subjects and to give other members the chance to serve on the Board of Directors and set ongoing goals for the AAAP. For whoever is selected to be the next Program Chair, I have several possible speakers to suggest for the next session. I wish my successor, who will be elected at the May meeting, all the best as he or she discovers the rewards and pleasures of serving in this highly fulfilling position. John Church, Program Chair

March 2011 a good one, I have found that the star charting aspects of some of these programs leave much to be desired (e.g., DeepSky, an otherwise interesting and useful program which I have used for years). Many of us are using Software Bisque's excellent The Sky6 at the AAAP Observatory and/or at home. The Sky6 is a high-powered, very well-designed planetarium and charting program, especially for deep-sky objects that are hard to find visually. I recently reviewed the currently available observation planning programs and was pleasantly surprised to learn of Deep-Sky Planner 5 (by Knightware), which runs on all Windows systems, Vista upwards, including Windows 7 64-bit. More importantly, it has been developed to interface seamlessly with the Sky 6 and several other popular planetarium/charting software programs out there. You can set and modify all of the relevant search filters quickly (magnitude, RA/declin, size, object type, etc). When the database search is conducted and an NGC object of interest is selected, for example, the program automatically flips to Sky 6 with the appropriate NGC object now centered in a field of view which the user specifies. This is a really neat trick and greatly improves the usefulness of the planner software approach. Deep-Sky Planner 5 is available as a free trial (with reduced database) and as downloadable full program for $65 (CD disk version slightly more), in my opinion a good deal for what it can do for observation sessions. It can also do ASCOM-based telescope control and has other interesting features which I haven't yet had a chance to try out. Rex Parker P.S. I am not in any way affiliated with Knightware, but I can recognize a good program when I see one!

Miss Mitchell's Telescope

Credit: Michael Wright On a recent trip to National Museum of American History in Washington, DC, I was pleasantly surprised to find the interesting telescope pictured above as the landmark object for museum's science and technology wing. The description merely stated that the telescope was used by Maria Mitchell, America's first female professional astronomer, at Vassar College. The wood and brass refractor aroused my curiosity so I decided to find out why it has such prominent position in the museum. The Vassar Telescope was donated to the Smithsonian in 1963 by Vassar College, the prestigious NY women's college. The instrument was previously installed in the "old" observatory, which was the first building completed on campus. (They had their priorities

Deep-Sky Planner
If you've been thinking about ways to improve your observing skills and get more out of the precious hours you spend under the stars, here's something you might want to try. A few astronomy computer programs have appeared over the years which fit the niche of observation session planners. These programs generally combine databases of deep sky objects and stars along with a search engine and spreadsheet/report generator function, user-selectable search filters, and a star chart/planetarium program. However, while the concept is

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March 2011 straight back then!) The historic observatory is now named after its first director, Maria Mitchell. When Matthew Vassar recruited Maria Mitchell to teach astronomy at Vassar, she already had a reputation as a skilled astronomer. Born on Nantucket in 1818 and raised in the Quaker tradition, she learned astronomical calculations from her father. At age 12, she helped her father observe a solar eclipse and calculate the position of their home. By age 14, sailors trusted her with celestial navigation calculations for their whaling voyages. In 1847 at the age of 29, she gained international fame for discovering Comet Mitchell 1847VI (C/1847 T1). For this discovery made with a telescope from the roof of the Pacific National Bank in Nantucket, she received a gold medal from the new King of Denmark, Frederick VII. Prior to Maria's discovery, Caroline Herschel was the only woman to have discovered a comet. "We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry." ­Maria Mitchell Maria became the first woman member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1848 and the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1850. For a short period, she calculated tables of Venus' position at the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office. Despite resistance from Vassar College board members who objected to a female instructor, Maria was the first person appointed to the faculty of Vassar College in 1865, where she taught until shortly before her death in 1888. In addition to her scientific achievements, she was an advocate for women's rights and founded the American Association for the Advancement of Women in 1873. She encouraged her female charges by saying "When [women] come to truth through their investigations... the truth which they get will be theirs, and their minds will work on and on unfettered."

Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton

Space Shuttle Discovery Blasts off On Final Flight
In a truly dramatic finale to her very last launch, Space Shuttle Discovery blasted off to space at 4:53 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 24, with just two seconds to spare after an unexpected last minute computer glitch with Air Force tracking computers threatened to delay the liftoff yet again despite otherwise perfect launch conditions. Air Force officials suddenly reported a "NO GO" for launch just 20 minutes before the planned liftoff at 4:50 PM. Critical range safety computers that track the shuttle after launch and ensure the safety of the public abruptly malfunctioned, forcing the Air Force to scramble for a quick solution to fix the mysterious problems. Meanwhile NASA's Shuttle Launch Director Mike Leinbach ordered the insertion of an unplanned hold at T minus 5 minutes into the countdown to try and buy some time. With the clock ticking down relentlessly to the very end of the narrow 10 minute launch window and no word of a rapid resolution from the Air Force, it seemed as though everyone's hopes would be dashed and the launch would again be scrubbed. The shuttle cannot launch without a fully functional range safety tracking system and approval from the Air Force. All systems on board Discovery, the payloads and the weather had at last coalesced perfectly to support a blast off following numerous technical delays over the past three and one half months. Large crowds of excited spectators had gathered along the beaches, parks and roadways of Florida's Space Coast in expectation of a fabulous viewing experience for this historic final launch of Discovery. The Kennedy Space Center (KSC) alone was packed with more than 40,000 onlookers from all across the globe. The crowds have been increasing in size as the remaining shuttle launches dwindle to a few. It was a nail biter to the last second as the Air Force worked on the computer issues in the few minutes remaining and no information was forthcoming. Finally, the Shuttle integration manager Mike Moses received a verbal OK from Air Force officials that the computer problems were fixed and NASA could resume the countdown just seconds before the launch window would have expired. In all the history of the Space Shuttle program, this type of problem with the Air Force range safety system had never occurred so close to the final moments of a shuttle launch. "Well, it was kind of an exciting last few minutes of this countdown," Leinbach told reporters at the post launch news briefing. "Several this was (launch), but it's a his crew of us have been around for many, many one for the record books. ... This was a great way to go out. She gave us a little great way to get [Shuttle Commander] S on orbit." countdowns Discovery's bit of a fit to teve Lindsey and last day, and

Maria Mitchell (seated) and Mary Whitney, her assistant and successor, with the Vassar Telescope. Credit: public domain image The association with this remarkable astronomer and activist partly explains the telescope's historical significance. Next month I'll tell more about the scope and it maker, Henry Fitz. Michael Wright

"I'm very, very proud of my launch team and all the rest of the people who worked so hard on Discovery." After the months long wait, Discovery's final liftoff was absolutely spectacular. The solid rocket boosters and shuttle main engines ig-

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Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton Newsletter nited and thrust Discovery on a thunderous ascent off the launch pad into a gorgeous clear blue sky. The near deafening sounds were even louder than usual. The blazing orange flames from the rocket engines were astonishingly bright like a giant blow torch burning right through the heavens. The all veteran astronaut crew of five men and one woman aboard Discovery achieved orbit after the eight and one half minute climb to space on the orbiters 39th mission. Also aboard was the R2 Robonaut which is the first humanoid robot in space. R2 will become an official member of the crew. The primary goal of "Leonardo" Permanent will be attached to the I that will provide extra ISS crew. the STS-133 mission is to deliver the Multipurpose Module to the ISS. Leonardo SS as a new and permanent habitable module storage and living space for the six person

March 2011

Discovery is set to dock at the ISS at 2:16 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 26. The mission's two spacewalks will focus on outfitting the station and storing spare components outside the complex. The 11 day flight is due to conclude with a landing back at KSC on Monday, March 7.

Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on Feb. 24 at 4:53 p.m. from launch pad 39 A at the Kennedy Space Center. Credit: Ken Kremer

The six person crew of Space Shuttle Discovery in their orange launch and entry flight suits wave to spectators before heading to the launch pad in the Astrovan. From left are Mission Specialists Nicole Stott, Michael Barratt, Alvin Drew and Steve Bowen; Pilot Eric Boe; and Commander Steve Lindsey. Discovery will deliver the Permanent Multipurpose Module, packed with supplies and critical spare parts, as well as Robonaut 2 to the ISS. Credit: Ken Kremer

Discovery streaks skyward on Feb. 24 on 39th and final flight to space. Credit: Ken Kremer Ken Kremer

Astronomy Outreach
My AAAP talk on the Space Shuttle and the Future of NASA has been rescheduled to May 2011. Rittenhouse Astronomical Society (RAS) at the Franklin Institute: Philadelphia, PA, Apr 13, Wed, 7 PM. "Opportunity Mars Rover Update", "NASA Flybys of Comets Hartley 2 & Temple 1" Website: http://www.rittenhouseastronomicalsociety.org Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton: Princeton, NJ, May 10 8 PM "Whats Beyond for NASA: Shuttle, Station, Orion, SpaceX & Robots". Website: http://www.princetonastronomy.org/ International Astronomy Day at the Franklin Institute: Philadelphia, PA, May 7, Sat, "The Search for Life on Mars" Please contact me for more info or science outreach presentations: Email: kremerken@yahoo.com website: www.kenkremer.com Ken Kremer

The twin brother of the R2 Robonaut awaits launch of Space Shuttle Discovery on the STS-133 mission, its 39th and final flight to space. Credit: Ken Kremer

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March 2011

Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton

20 Years Ago In Sidereal Times...

Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton Newsletter

March 2011

March 2011

Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton